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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Socio-economic factors that influence farmer participation in agroforestry in Ainabkoi and Moiben Divisions, Kenya

Kurgat, Alfred Kipchumba 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScFor)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Kenya's economy depends largely on agriculture for growth and development and yet only 20% of the total land area lies in high potential farming areas that support 80% of the total population and 50% of the total livestock in the country. Intensified cropping as a result of the high population concentration on high potential areas has put pressure on land and other resources to an extent that potential productivity of these areas has been degraded. Loss of soil nutrients through soil erosion has caused decreased food production, deterioration of croplands and, siltation and eutrophication of water bodies. Over reliance on forest resources by the communities in the study area has led to deforestation as well as the general disturbance of watershed areas and its functions. There is need therefore to find alternative ways of retaining and/or restoring lost fertility through community participation so as to increase food production. The aim of this study was to investigate the socio-economic factors that influence farmer participation in agroforestry activities in Moiben and Ainabkoi Divisions of Uasin-Gishu District. Data was collected using participatory methods. One set of data was collected using a questionnaire that had both open and closed ended questions. Through random sampling, a total of 300 farmers were interviewed. Additionally, key informants from various government departments were interviewed. The other set' of data was obtained through resource assessment in a forest adjacent to the communities in the study area. This study found that the majority of the farmers had not practised agroforestry despite many being aware of it. Socio-economic problems that hindered them from adopting and practising agroforestry technologies included lack of forest extension services as a reliable source of information about suitable tree species, and how to plant and best locate them within the farm, gender-related issues hindered vulnerable groups, particularly women and children and lack of secure land tenure was a disincentive to those farmers who live on trust land and the married sons who have not been allocated land by their parents. Farm labour during peak farming period was found to scarce due to farmer prioritisation of farm activities. Farmers mentioned that trees occupy land that is already becoming scarce and only give returns in the long term yet farmers need immediate benefits. Forest extension services were ineffective due to scarcity of resources that would enable officers to discharge their duties efficiently. Resources within the gazetted forests were being over exploited since that was the only source with cheaply available wood and non-wood products. It was also found in this study that the majority of the farmers faced environmental problems that included soil erosion, decreased crop yields as well as shortage of wood products. In the future, affordable extension techniques need to be employed in order to reach the farmers. The current regulations that govern private land ownership should be streamlined so as to enable all family members participate in decision-making on utilisation of land. There is need to incorporate agroforestry adult literacy classes as well as in local school curricula. Being multi disciplinary, agroforestry can be spread to the farmers by involving stakeholders at every stage. The current crop of extension agents should be re-trained or should be attending in-service courses regularly. This could transform them into facilitators. Further research should be done on farmers' attitude towards trees, cheaper techniques of disseminating information on agroforestry should be investigated while the current extension techniques should be evaluated for their strengths and weaknesses. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Kenia se ekonomie is grootliks afhanklik van landbou vir groei en vooruitgang. Slegs 20% van die totale beskikbare landbougrond in hoe-potensiele landbou areas ondersteun 80% van die totale bevolking en 50% van die totale lewende hawe. Hoë bevolkingsdigtheid vereis intensiewe oesverbouing wat weer hoë druk op landbougrond en ander bronne plaas. Dit het tot gevolg dat die moontlike produktiwiteit van hierdie areas agteruit gaan. Die verlies van voedingstowwe as gevolg van gronderosie het verlaagde voedselproduksie, agteruitgang van landbougrond en toeslikking van waterbronne tot gevolg. Die algehele afhanklikheid van gemeenskappe op bosprodukte het tot ontbossing en algemene versteuring van opvanggebiede gelei. Dit is dus noodsaaklik om alternatiewe maniere te kry om die grondvrugbaarheid te behou en/of te herstel deur gemeenskapsamewerking en om sodoende voedselverbouing te verhoog. Die doel van die studie is om ondersoek in te stel na die sosio-ekonomiese faktor wat die landbouer se samewerking in Moiben en Ainabkoi gebiede van Uasin-Gishu distrik beïnvloed. Die inligting is ingesamel deur deelnemende metodes te gebruik. 'n Vraelys met keuse- en ander soortige vrae is gebruik om die inligting in te samel. 'n Totaal van 300 landbouers is deur toevallige keuring ondervra asook segsmanne van verskeie regeringsdepartemente is vir inligting genader. Nog inligting is verkry deur hulpbronopnames in die gebied aangrensend tot die gemeenskappe van die studiegebied. Hierdie studie het gewys dat die meerderheid van die landbouers nie agrobosbou toepas nie alhoewel hulle wel daarvan bewus is. Sosio-ekonomiese faktore wat hulle verhinder om agrobosbou toe te pas sluit die gebrek aan lanboudienste as betroubare bron van inligting oor geskikte boomspesies en boomaanplantingmetodes in. Ook het geslagverwante probleme, kwesbare groepe veral vroue en kinders, gehinder. 'n Tekort aan gewaarborgde grondbesit vir landbouers wat op trustgrond werk en die getroude seuns aan wie nog nie grond deur hulle ouers toegeken is nie, was terughoudende faktore. Plaasarbeid was ook nie standhoudend nie. Landbouers het ook gevoel dat bome waardevolle en skaars grond gebruik en slegs voordele op die lange duur gee terwyl die landbouers die voordele dringend moet kan benut. Landbouvoorligtingsdienste was nie effektief nie as gevolg van die skaarsheid van hulpbronne wat personeel kan help in hulle verpligtinge. Voedsel- en ander bronne uit die bosreservate word uitgeput aangesien dit die enigste goedkoop bron is. Die studie het ook bevind dat die meerderheid landbouers omgewingsverwante probleme soos erosie en swak oeste asook 'n tekort aan houtprodukte ondervind. Voortaan behoort bekostigbare landbouvoorligtingstegnieke gebruik te word om landbouers te bereik. Die huidige bepalings wat privaatbesit reguleer behoort vereenvoudig te word sodat al die lede van een gesin 'n aandeel kan hê in die besluitnemingsproses oor die gebruik van die grond. Daar is ook 'n behoefte aan volwasse-geletterdheidsonderrig vir landbouers as deel van die skoolprogram. Aangesien agrobosbou verskeie gebiede raak, kan landbouers in enige stadium betrek word. Die huidige groep personeel behoort heropgelei te word of behoort gereeld indiensopleiding te ontvang. Dit kan hulle tot fasiliteerders bevorder. Verdere navorsing is nodig om landbouers se houding teenoor bome te verander en om goedkoper landbouvoorligtingstegnieke vir agrobosbou te vind. Huidige landbouvoorligtingstegnieke behoort ook ondersoek te word om die sterk - en swakpunte te bepaal.

Camelthorn (Acacia erioloba) firewood industry in Western Cape, South Africa

Raliselo, 'Muso Andreas 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MFor)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The reliance of firewood demand on indigenous trees such as Acacia erioloba is a continuing phenomena despite the concern that over-exploitation of these resources will degrade the environment. This study tested the hypothesis that the cutting of A. erioloba in the Northern Cape is driven by (a) market demand in the Western Cape, (b) ignorance of the long-term ecological consequences and/or (c) ignorance of legislation along the chain of custody of this product. The assumption is that whoever is involved in the A. erioloba firewood industry (resource owner, trader or user) is neither aware of the protected status of the resource nor the negative consequences associated with the over-exploitation of the resource or they are driven by short term monetary gains. Therefore, there is a need to understand the needs of every participant in the chain and to further find out if there may be substitutes for A. erioloba firewood. The results of this study show that there is a market for firewood in the study area and that this demand is driven mainly by the availability rather than the quality of firewood. It will also be shown that Acacia mearnsii which is available in the study area is a better product than A. erioloba and therefore it can be a suitable replacement but consumers were found to bum almost everything that would give them embers. The most preferred firewood in the study area is A. cyclops. The concept of indigenous trees is not clearly understood by retailers and consumers. The major role players in the supply chain were found to be the retailers and the transport owners who may be targeted when firewood trade is to be stopped in the short-term. The results further highlighted the fact that the majority of consumers were aware that indigenous trees were protected in South Africa but the majority of retailers were not aware. The study recommends that firewood trade should be stopped completely by strict enforcement of the law or by the involvement of every role-player and/or that the trade should be regulated. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die fenomeen dat die aanvraag vir vuurmaakhout staatmaak op inheemse bome soos Acacia erioloba duur steeds voort ten spyte van die kommer dat oorbenutting van hierdie hulpbronne, ter versadiging van die behoeftes van 'n steeds toenemende populasie, die omgewing sal degradeer. Hierdie studie het die hipotese getoets dat die afsny van A. erioloba in die Noord- Kaap aangedryf word deur (a) die mark aanvraag in die Wes-Kaap, (b) onkunde oor die langtermyn ekologiese gevolge en/of (c) onkunde oor die wetgewing van hierdie produk by die skakels in die verskaffersketting. Die aanname is dat wie ook al betrokke is by die A. erioloba vuurmaakhout-industrie (hulpbron eienaar, handelaar of gebruiker) is beide onbewus van die beskermde status van die hulpbron asook van die negatiewe gevolge geassosieer met die oorbenutting van die hulpbron of hulle is aangedryf deur korttermyn monetêre gewin. Daarom is dit nodig om die behoefte van elke deelnemer in die ketting te verstaan en om verder uit te vind of daar plaasvervangers vir A. erioloba vuurmaakhout is. Die resultate van hierdie studie toon dat daar 'n aanvraag is vir vuurmaakhout in die studie-area en dat hierdie aanvraag hoofsaaklik gedryf word deur die beskikbaarheid, eerder as die kwaliteit van die hout. Daar salook aangetoon word dat Acacia mearnsii, wat in die studie-area beskikbaar is, 'n beter produk is as A. erioloba en dus 'n geskikte plaasvervanger kan wees, maar dit wil voorkom of die verbruikers omtrent enigiets sal brand wat kole sal verskaf. A. cyclops is die vuurmaakhout van voorkeur in die studie-area. Handelaars en verbruikers verstaan nie die konsep van inheemse bome duidelik nie. Die vernaamste rolspelers in die verskaffersketting is die handelaars en die eienaars van die vervoer en hulle kan die teikengroep wees as die handel in vuurmaakhout in die korttermyn stopgesit word. Die resultate het verder na vore gebring dat die meerderheid verbruikers daarvan bewus is dat inheemse bome beskermd is in Suid-Afrika, maar die meerderheid handelaars is nie hiervan bewus me. Hierdie studie maak die aanbeveling dat handel in vuurmaakhout totaal gestaak moet word deur strenger wette of deur die betrokkenheid van elke rolspeler en/of dat handel gereguleer moet word.

Policy impact on stakeholder benefits and resource use and conservation in Mozambique : the case study of Moflor Forest Concession Area and Pindanganga Community Area

Falcao, Mario Paulo Pereira da Silva 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / Some digitised pages may appear illegible due to the condition of the hard copy. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A case study in miombo woodlands was carried out in Pindanganga and MOFLOR forest concession, Gondola and Dondo Districts respectively, in the centre of Mozambique, to analyse the impact of alternative forest management regimes and sectoral and extra sectoral policies on the well being of stakeholders and conservation of the woodlands. A system dynamics model, MIOMBOSIM, based on game theory and implemented in POWERSIM was developed. The analysis is based on a simulation model of the fluctuation over time of the human population, forest dynamics, harvesting costs of the private sector, household consumption, commercial outputs and prices (timber, charcoal, non timber forest products and domestic animals), using data from field surveys and the literature. It also simulated the effects over time of changes in charcoal production efficiency, sales amount and marketing prices of NTFPs, agricultural output prices, off-miombo greater employment availability and a combination between the changes (simultaneous increase in marketing prices ofNTFPs and agricultural output prices, simultaneous increase in charcoal production efficiency and agricultural output prices, and simultaneous increase in off-miombo greater employment availability and agricultural output prices). The modelling approach chosen allows to evaluate management regimes taking into account the different stakeholder interests, which are often conflicting. This study shows that improvement in the well being of stakeholders and resource conservation can be achieved with sound forest management practices. There is no management regime capable of fully satisfying the goals of the stakeholders. The cooperative management option is potentially beneficial to local communities if properly implemented and can improve the rural livelihoods and the woodland resources condition. It also shows that regulated forest management regimes incorporating social concerns or incorporating social and environmental concerns are potentially more beneficial to the household sector than the open access regime. Results found in the study show that an increase by 10% and 30% on charcoal production efficiency can lead to an increase in the per capita benefits of the household sector by 3.0 to more than 100%, but can not reach the poverty line (one dollar per day per person). An increase by 100% in the sales amount or 100% increase in market selling prices of NTFPs can lead to an increase in the per capita benefits of the household sector. An increase in agricultural output selling prices by 25% without any other incentive leads to agricultural expansion. An increase by 100% in off-miembo employment opportunities in the study areas has an insignificant impact on resource use and conservation for the local communities due to the very low employment opportunities currently in place (0.008% in Pindanganga and 0.005% in MOFLOR area). A combination of these two policies instruments under ceteris paribus condition can improve the well being of the rural communities depending on the management regime option, but can not reach the poverty line (one dollar per day per person). The ranking of the management regime can change depending on the policy instrument applied. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Gevalle-studie is in Miombo boomveld in Pindanganga en MOFLOR, onderskeidelik in die Gondola en Dondo Distrikte in die sentrale deel van Mosambiek, uitgevoer om die impak van alternatiewe bosbestuursisteme en sektorale en ekstra-sektorale beleide op die welstand van belanghebbendes (stakeholders) en bewaring van die boomveld te ontleed. 'n Sisteem-dinamika model, MIOMBOSIM, gebaseer op spel teorie (game theory) en ge-implementeer in POWERSIM, was ontwikkel. Die analise is gebaseer op 'n simulasie-model van die fluktuasie oor tyd van die plaaslike bevolking, bosdinamika, oestingskostes van die private sektor, huishoudelike verbruik, kommersiële uitsette en pryse (hout, houtskool, nie-hout produkte en huishoudelike diere), deur data van veldopnames en uit die literatuur te gebruik. Die invloede oor tyd in veranderinge in effektiwiteit van houtskoolproduksie, verkoopsvlakke en markpryse van nie-hout produkte, landbou uitsetpryse, beskikbare indiensneming buite die Miombo boomveldgebiede, en 'n kombinasie tussen die veranderinge, is ook gesimuleer. Die gekose modelleringsbenadering het dit moontlik gemaak om die bosbestuursisteme te evalueer met inagneming van die verskillende en dikwels teenstrydige behoeftes van die belanghebbendes. Die studie het getoon dat verbetering In die welstand van die belanghebbendes en hulpbronbewaring bereik kan word met gesonde bosbestuurspraktyke. Geeneen van die bosbestuursisteme kan die doelwitte van die belanghebbendes ten volle bevredig nie. Die kooperatiewe bestuursopsie is potensieel voordelig vir die plaaslike gemeeskappe indien behoorlik ge-implementeer, en kan die landelike lewensbestaan sowel as die toestand van die boomveld as hulpbron verbeter. Gereguleerde bosbestuursisteme wat sosiale belange of sosialeomgewingsbelange insluit, is potensieel meer voordelig vir die huishoudelike sektor as die vrye toegangsisteem (open access regime). Resultate van die studie het getoon dat 'n toename van onderskeidelik 10% and 30% in effektiwiteit van houtskoolproduksie kan lei tot 'n toename in per kapita voordele van die huishoudelike sektor van 3.0% tot meer as 100%, maar kan nie lei tot 'n vebetering bokant die armoedevlak nie (een VSA doller per dag per persoon). 'n Toename van 100% in die hoeveelheid verkope of 'n 100% toename in die markverkoopsprys van nie-hout produkte kan lei tot 'n toename in die per kapita voordele van die huishoudelike sektor. 'n Toename in die landbou uitsetverkoopspryse met 25% sonder enige ander insentiewe lei tot landbou-uitbreiding. 'n 100% Toename in indiensnemingsgeleenthede buite die Miombo boomveldgebiede in die studiegebiede het onbeduidende impakte op hulpbrongebruik en bewaring vir die plaaslike gemeenskappe as gevolg van baie lae huidige indiensnemingsgeleenthede (0.008% in Pindanganga en 0.005% in MOFLOR). 'n Kombinasie van die twee beleidsinstrumente onder toestande van ceteris paribus kan die welstand van die landelike gemeenskappe verbeter afhangende van die bestuursisteemopsie, maar kan nie die armoedsvlak oorskry nie (een VSA doller per dag per persoon). Die rangorde van die bestuursisteem kan verander afhangende van watter beleidsinstrument toegepas word.

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