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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The knowledge and perceptions of the risks of contracting HIV/AIDS and the sexual behavior of high school learners in Port St Johns Municipality, South Africa

Kibirige, Simon Namukonge 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study attempts to identify HIV/AIDS knowledge gaps and the factors which influence the perceptions of the risks of contracting of HIV/AIDS, in relation to the sexual behavior of high school learners in Port St Johns Municipality. In order to do this, a close ended questionnaire was administered to 116 learners from three senior secondary schools in Port St Johns Municipality. Frequency table counts and percentages were used to describe HIV/AIDS knowledge, the perceptions of the risks of contracting of HIV/AIDS and the risky sexual behaviors by learners. The Pearson Product Moment Correlation was used in the inferential analysis. From the data, it was clear that a significant proportion of learners had gaps in their knowledge of HIV/AIDS. Female senior secondary school learners were slightly more knowledgeable than their male counterparts, in that 60% of the female learners were correct in their knowledge of HIV/AIDS, compared to 57 % of males. According to the data, 58 % of male high school learners correctly interpreted the perceptions of the risks of contracting HIV/AIDS, compared to 56% of their female counterparts. These low percentages suggest that the high school learners have inadequate skills in interpreting the perceptions of the risks of contracting of HIV/AIDS. Another finding was that 74 % of female learners do not engage in risky sexual behaviors which might lead to a contraction of HIV/AIDS, compared to 67 % of male learners. Male learners, as well as the female learners, had a Pearson Product Moment Correlation coefficient: r=0.522 for males and r= -0.268 for females, in terms of perceptions of risks of contracting of HIV/AIDS and engaging in risky sexual behavior. In other words, the results indicate that if males perceive the risks more acutely, they will not take such risks, whereas females are not easily influenced by the perceptions of risks and the way in which they behave. The study recommends that stakeholders of the schools craft HIV/AIDS programmes and policies that bridge the knowledge gaps and reduce or eliminate inaccurate perceptions of the risks of contracting HIV/AIDS, so as to enable learners to adopt safer sexual behaviors. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie poog om gapings in MIV/Vigs kennis te identifiseer en die faktore wat die persepsies van die risiko's van die kontraktering van MIV, met betrekking tot die seksuele gedrag van hoërskoolleerders in Port St Johns Munisipaliteit beïnvloed. Ten einde dit te doen, is 'n vraelys geadministreer onder 116 leerders van drie senior sekondêre skole in Port St Johns Munisipaliteit. Frekwensietabel-tellings en persentasies is gebruik om MIV/Vigs kennis te beskryf, die persepsies van die risiko's van die kontraktering van MIV en die riskante seksuele gedrag deur leerders. Die Pearson Produk Oomblik korrelasie is gebruik in die inferensiële analise. Die data toon dat ‘n aansienlike persentasie van die leerders ‘n tekort aan kennis het rakende MIV/Vigs. Vroulike senior sekondêre leerders toon effens meer kennis as hul manlike eweknieë, 60% van die vroulike leerders korrek was in hul kennis van MIV/Vigs, in vergelyking met 57% van die mans. 58% van die manlike hoërskoolleerders het die persepsies van die risiko's van MIV/Vigs korrek geïnterpreteer, in vergelyking met 56% van hul vroulike eweknieë. Hierdie lae persentasies dui daarop dat die hoërskoolleerders onvoldoende vaardighede het in die interpretasie van die persepsies van die risiko's van die kontraktering van MIV. Nog 'n bevinding was dat 74% van vroulike leerders nie betrokke is in riskante seksuele gedrag wat kan lei tot MIV-infeksie nie, in vergelyking met 67% van die manlike leerders. Manlike leerders, sowel as die vroulike leerders, het 'n Pearson Produk korrelasiekoëffisiënt: r = 0,522 vir mans en r = -0,268 vir vroue, in terme van die persepsies van risiko's van kontraktering van MIV/Vigs en betrokke te raak in riskante seksuele gedrag. Die studie beveel aan dat belanghebbendes van skole MIV/Vigs-programme en beleide ontwikkel wat die kennisgapings oorbrug en onakkurate persepsies verminder rakende die risiko van MIV-infeksie, met die doel dat leerder veiliger seksuele gerag sal toon.

The faith based organization response to HIV/AIDS : a case study of the JL Zwane Memorial Church in Guguletu, Cape Town

Xapile, Nobis Bridget Zethu 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: It is very common to talk about or refer to people as “People Living with HIV/AIDS” but never “A Church with Aids”. Responding to HIV/AIDS has earned the JL Zwane Memorial Church this name or rather this label. Members of the congregation, many of them young, were dying and remaining silent, not doing anything, would have meant contributing to the disaster that had struck. Something drastic had to be done to respond to the pandemic or else the whole community would have perished. This was not easy as it meant risking losing those already in the church. To many people, HIV/AIDS was seen as a punishment from God to those who have sinned. For this reason many did not want to have anything to do with People Living with HIV/AIDS. The whole response is driven by the needs of the community i.e. those infected and those affected. This means listening to people tell their stories and then respond accordingly. Listening is the key in the response as the whole response revolves around people and their experiences. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die kerk, of geloofsgebaseerde organisasies , is dikwels die eerste om te weet dat iemand MIV positief is. Dit is ook die eerste persoon of organisasie wat deur die geïnfekteerde in vertroue geneem word. Die Kerk, as organisasie, kan dus 'n deurslaggewende rol vervul in die voorkoming, maar ook by die versorging van diegene wat MIV positief is of aan Vigsverwante siektes ly. Hierdie studie beskryf, in die vorm van 'n gevallestudie, die rol wat die Presbiteriaanse Kerk in Guguleto in die voorkoming van MIV/Vigs vervul. Die gevallestudie bespreek die probleem; die ontleding van die probleem en die uiteindelike program(me) wat daargestel is. Riglyne vir die betrokkenheid van Kerke (en geloofsgebasserde organisasies) word uitgespel en voorstelle vir verdere studie word gemaak.

Psychosocial characteristics of AIDS patients with unsuppressed viral load after six months of antiretroviral therapy

Okoli, Emmanuel Ikechukwu 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: STUDY AIM The aim of the study is to explore the psychosocial characteristics of HIV positive clients who are yet to achieve viral load suppression after six months of commencing ARV at Sundumbili CHC in order to plan positive intervention strategies. RESEARCH DESIGN Non-experimental quantitative design was used in carrying out the study. The data was collected through retrieval of information from clinic records and completion of questionnaires to clients on ARV who met the inclusion criteria and consented to participating in the study. A total of 51 adults aged more than 18 years that were initiated in 2010/2011 and still access their treatment at Sundumbili CHC were enrolled into the study. They were selected through convenience sampling. FINDINGS Psychosocial challenges still exist among research participants whose viral load results were not suppressed after six months on ARV. This affected the adherence of some of them to their antiretroviral treatment. CONCLUSION Given the rural nature of Sundumbili and surroundings where the bulk of the patients reside, there are several psychosocial challenges affecting the patients. No known previous study has been undertaken to ascertain the psychosocial characteristics of this group of patients and the impact they may have on viral load suppression after six months of treatment. The study is therefore significant as the findings have provided more insight into the plight of the patients. It is envisaged that the recommendations from the study will assist the relevant management staff in the department in planning and subsequently implementing more positive intervention strategies. The strategies should be targeted at improving the quality of care of the HIV positive clients and attending to their psychosocial needs. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: STUDIEDOELWIT Die doel van die studie was om ondersoek in te stel na die psigososiale kenmerke van MIV-positiewe kliënte wie se virustellings ná ses maande van antiretrovirale (ARV) behandeling by die gemeenskapsgesondheidsentrum op Sundumbili steeds nie onder beheer was nie, ten einde positiewe intervensiestrategieë te beplan. NAVORSINGSONTWERP ’n Nie-eksperimentele kwantitatiewe ontwerp is gebruik om die studie te onderneem. Die data is ingesamel deur die herwinning van inligting uit klinieklêers sowel as die afneem van vraelyste onder kliënte op ARV’s wat aan die insluitingsmaatstawwe voldoen en tot deelname aan die studie toegestem het. Altesaam 51 volwassenes bo die ouderdom van 18 wat in 2010/2011 met ARV behandeling begin het en dit steeds by Sundumbili-gemeenskapsgesondheidsentrum ontvang, is in die studie opgeneem. Dié groep is deur middel van geriefsteekproefneming gekies. BEVINDINGE Psigososiale uitdagings was steeds te bespeur by navorsingsdeelnemers wie se virustellings nog nie ná ses maande op ARV’s onder beheer was nie. Dit het sommige se behandelingsgetrouheid beïnvloed. GEVOLGTREKKING In die lig van die landelike aard van Sundumbili en omgewing, waar die meeste van die pasiënte woon, kom pasiënte voor verskeie psigososiale uitdagings te staan. Daar is klaarblyklik nog nooit vantevore ’n studie onderneem om die psigososiale kenmerke van hierdie groep pasiënte, en die moontlike impak daarvan op die onderdrukking van virustellings ná ses maande van behandeling, te bepaal nie. Hierdie studie is dus waardevol, aangesien die bevindinge groter insig in die lot van die pasiënte bied. Daar word beoog dat die aanbevelings uit die studie tersaaklike bestuurspersoneel in die Departement van Gesondheid sal help om meer positiewe intervensiestrategieë te beplan en gevolglik in werking te stel. Die strategieë behoort daarop afgestem te wees om die gehalte van sorglewering aan MIV-positiewe kliënte te verbeter en in hul psigososiale behoeftes te voorsien.

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