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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The development of a knowledge management model to improve the effectiveness of project management organisations

Liebenberg, Vanwyk 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The new economy of the world has shifted the emphasis of organisations away from the traditional view that land, labour and capital is needed for competitive advantage, to a view that the knowledge inherent in people is the greatest driver for economic success. This shift from the industrial economy to the information or knowledge economy has prompted an increase in the study of the role knowledge plays in determining organisational success. The management of this knowledge is of great importance to all organisations competing in the knowledge economy. An organisation that uses the managementby- projects approach is presented with additional challenges. The people who create and use knowledge in project management organisations move from project to project, and project teams are formed temporarily for the duration of the project. In global project management organisations, the impact of the diverse cultures, values and ideals of people is an even greater challenge than in non-project management organisations. People need to co-operate on projects without much time to adjust to these differences. This has lead to this research study on the management of knowledge in organisations that use the management-by-projects approach. The first aim of the study was to review the relevant literature on knowledge management and project management. A model was developed from the literature that comprises the most important components needed to ensure that all organisational knowledge is used to establish a competitive advantage. This general model was refined to satisfy the needs of a project management organisation. As mentioned in a previous paragraph the greatest challenge for a project management organisation is harnessing the diversity in project teams and using it to the advantage of the organisation. The diversity in project teams stems from the diversity in value systems of team members and groups within project teams. This also leads to diversity in the cultures within the organisation. These cultures can be racial or national cultures, professional cultures, or functional cultures that are developed when individuals interact within groups. This thesis aims to emphasise the importance of people, as individuals and groups, and the organisational culture that is formed through the shared values and ideals of such groups. People will be motivated to change their way of work by focussing the implementation of an initiative such as knowledge management on the culture of the organisation. This is because the change is then rooted in their shared values. The purpose of this study is therefore not only to develop a model, but also to stress the relative importance of the components of the model. The model consists of three enablers: culture, people and technology. These enablers will prepare the organisation to adopt and use the process of knowledge management effectively. The knowledge management process will not be very effective, if the enablers are not implemented successfully. Implementers of a knowledge management initiative must understand that the organisational culture is of primary importance. The other enablers and the knowledge management process should be supported by the organisational culture. The model for knowledge management that is developed in this thesis is compared to the implementation plan of a South African technology company that uses the management-by-projects approach. The model that is being implemented at Sasol Technology is critically compared to the model proposed in this thesis. Conclusions are reached on the gap between the model that is being implemented at Sasol Technology and the model that is developed in this thesis. From this it will be evident that the proposed model could be used as a frame of reference for the implementation of knowledge management in project management organisations. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar is tans 'n klemverskuiwing in die wêreldekonomie, weg van die tradisionele idee dat grond, arbeid en kapitaal benodig word vir kompeterende voordeel. Die nuwe fokus is op mense se kennis as drywer vir ekonomiese sukses. Hierdie verskuiwing vanaf die industriële ekonomie na die inligting- of kennisekonomie het tot gevolg dat die rol van kennis in die sukses van maatskappye ondersoek word. Die bestuur van kennis is baie belangrik vir alle organisasies wat kompeteer in die kennisekonomie. Vir 'n organisasie wat die bestuur-deur-projekte bestuursbenadering volg, is daar egter nog meer uitdagings. Mense wat binne hierdie omgewing werk word gereeld tussen projekspanne rondgeskuif, dié spanne word ook net gevorm vir die leeftyd van die projek. In internasionale organisasies moet mense van verskillende kulture, met verskillende waardes en ideale, saamwerk op projekte, sonder dat hulle baie tyd het om gewoond te raak aan hierdie verskille. Dit het gelei tot hierdie navorsingstudie van die bestuur van kennis binne organisasies wat die bestuur-deur-projekte bestuursbenadering gebruik. Hierdie navorsing is begin deur 'n oorsig te neem van die relevante literatuur oor kennisbestuur en projekbestuur. Uit die literatuur is 'n modelontwikkel wat bestaan uit al die belangrikste komponente wat bestuur moet word om te verseker dat al die kennis in 'n organisasie gebruik word. Die kennis binne die organisasie moet gebruik word om nuwe waarde te skep wat 'n kompeterende voordeel kan bewerkstellig. Hierdie algemene model is verfyn om die behoeftes van 'n projekbestuursorganisasie te bevredig. Soos reeds genoem is die grootste uitdaging vir projekbestuursorganisasies om die diversiteit in projekspanne in te span tot die voordeel van die organisasie. Hierdie diversiteit is afkomstig van die diverse waardestelsels van spanlede en groeperings binne projekspanne, en daarom ook die diverse kulture in organisasies. Dit kan etniese of nasionale kulture, professionele kulture of funksionele kulture wees, wat ontstaan uit die interaksie van individue wat in groepe werk. Hierdie tesis beklemtoon die belangrikheid van mense, beide as individue en groepe, en ook die organisasiekultuur wat ontstaan as gevolg van die gemeenskaplike waardes en ideale van sulke groepe. Mense kan gemotiveer word om hul manier van werk te verander deur tydens die implementering van 'n inisiatief soos kennisbestuur te fokus op die kultuur van die organisasie. Dit is moontlik omdat die verandering geanker is in die waardes van die mense. Die doel van hierdie studie is daarom nie net die ontwikkeling van 'n model vir kennisbestuur nie, maar ook om die relatiewe belangrikheid van die komponente van die model uit te lig. Die model bestaan uit drie bemagtigers (engels: "enablers"): organisasiekultuur, mense en tegnologie. Hierdie bemagtigers berei die organisasie voor sodat die kennisbestuur proses aanvaar en effektief gebruik kan word. Die kennisbestuur proses sal egter nie baie effektief wees as die bemagtigers nie suksesvol geimplementeer is nie. Die persone wat gemoeid is met die implementering van kennisbestuur moet verstaan dat die organisasiekultuur van primere belang is. Die organisasiekultuur moet ook ondersteun word deur die ander bemagtigers en die kennisbestuur proses. Die model vir kennisbestuur wat in die tesis ontwikkel is word vergelyk met die implementeringsplan van 'n Suid-Afrikaanse tegnologie maatskappy. Sasol Tegnologie gebruik die bestuur-deur-projekte benadering en daarom kan die model wat in hierdie tesis voorgestel word krities met die maatskappy se model vergelyk word. Gevolgtrekkings word gemaak oor die gapings tussen die model wat by Sasol Tegnologie gebruik word en die model wat in hierdie tesis ontwikkel is. Hieruit is dit duidelik dat die voorgestelde model gebruik kan word as 'n verwysingsraamwerk vir die implementering van kennisbestuur in projekbestuursorganisasies.

Enterprise wide business management using EDEN TM as a platform

Louw, Ian 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Rapid Product Development Division (RPD) of the Global Competitiveness Centre (GCC) identified the need to automate and integrate their organisational business processes a nd to share common data and practices a cross the entire enterprise in a real-time environment. Different software applications such as Microsoft" Excel, Microsoft" Access, the University's Financial System and others, are used to complete a single project. A system was therefore needed to provide the capabilities to integrate all of these applications into one workable system. The most perceived technology to create such an environment, namely Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), was found to be too sophisticated and expensive. The Knowledge Management Software Solution, called EDEN™, was identified as the most appropriate technology that could fulfil the needs of the RPD. Different modern management approaches, such as Theory of Constraints (TOC) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM), and process modelling tools were combined to build three roadmaps on the EDEN™ (Enterprise Design Navigator) platform to provide an enterprise wide business solution. A roadmap will aid as a guide that leads the user through a series of steps in order to create an understanding of the methods to be used when starting a new project or product design. The three roadmaps developed are Project Management, Product Development and Business Functions. The Project Management Roadmap was developed because all the RPD's work for clients is managed in the form of a project. This Roadmap should provide the necessary guidance and support to manage any project. The most important processes of the RPD are without doubt the product development processes. The Product Development Roadmap was developed with detailed procedures to assist with any product design. The business functions of the RPD are functions, such as finance and management information, that support the organisation's operations and the project management processes. The Business Functions identified for the RPD was combined into the Business Functions Roadmap. The main 0 bjective 0ft he thesis was toi ntegrate the business p rocesses a nd a II the software applications into one workable system and to share common data in a real-time environment. This was successfully accomplished by making use of the roadmaps and of the EDEN™ Environment. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Rapid Product Development Division (RPD) van die Global Competitiveness Centre (GCC) het die nood om hul besigheid prosesse te outomatiseer en te integreer geïdentifiseer asook om hul data en beste praktyke met die hele besigheid te deel in 'n "real-time" omgewing. Verskillende sagteware toepassings soos Microsoft" Excel, Microsoft" Access, die Universiteit se Finansiële Sisteem en ander, word gebruik om een projek uit te voer. 'n Sisteem was dus benodig om al hierdie verskillende sagteware toepassings in een werkbare sisteem te integreer. Die mees toepasbare tegnologie om so 'n omgewing te skep, genaamd "Enterprise Resource Planning" (ERP), was gevind as te duur en te kompleks. Die "Knowledge Management Software Solution", genaamd EDEN™, was geïdentifiseer as die mees toepasbare tegnologie. Verskillende moderne bestuur benaderings, soos ''Theory of Constraints" (TOC) en "Customer Relationship Management" (CRM), asook proses modelleer tegnieke was gesamentlik gebruik 0m drie" road maps" te b ou op te EDEN™ platform. A" roadmap" dien as 'n riglyn wat die gebruikers sal ly deur 'n reeks van stappe met die doelom 'n beter verstaanbaarheid te kry van die tegnieke wat gebruik word wanneer 'n nuwe projek begin word. Die drie "Road maps" is Projekbestuur, Produk Ontwikkeling en Besigheid Funksies. Die Projekbestuur "Road map" was ontwikkelomdat alle werk wat gedoen word deur die RPD bestuur word in die vorm van 'n projek. Hierdie "Roadmap" sal die nodige leiding en ondersteuning bied vir die bestuur van enige projek. Die belangrikste prosesse van die RPD is sonder twyfel die produk ontwikkeling prosesse. Die Produk Ontwikkelings "Roadmap" is ontwikkel met gedetailleerde prosedures om bystand te bied met enige nuwe produk ontwikkeling. Die besigheid funksies van die RPD is funksies, soos finansies en informasie bestuur, wat ondersteuning bied aan die besigheid se operasionele en projekbestuur prosesse. Die geïdentifiseerde besigheid prosesse van die RPD was gekombineer om die Besigheid Funksies "Road map" te ontwikel. Die hoof doel van die tesis was om die besigheid prosesse en al die sagteware toepassing te integreer in een werkbare sisteem asook om data te deel in 'n "real-time" omgewing. Dit was suksesvol bereik deur gebruik te maak van die "roadrnaps" en die EDEN™ omgewing.

Protective capacity and time buffer design in theory of constraints controlled discrete flow production systems

Louw, Louis 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: To maximise the throughput of a production system the capacity constrained resource needs to be protected from variation and uncertainty. In the Theory of Constraints philosophy such protection is provided by means of time buffers and protective capacity. Time buffers are protective time that is allowed in the production schedule to buffer against disruptions, whereas protective capacity is defined as a given amount of extra capacity at non-constraints above the system constraint's capacity. In this research an analytical procedure was developed to more accurately determine the required time buffer lengths. This procedure uses an open queuing network modelling approach where workstations are modelled as GIIG/m queues. A simulation experiment was performed to evaluate the time buffer estimation procedure on the operations of an actual fifteen station flow shop. The results from the study suggest that the analytical procedure is sufficiently accurate to provide an initial quick estimate of the needed time buffer lengths at the design stage of the line. This dissertation also investigated the effect of protective capacity levels at a secondary constraint resource as well as at the other non-constraint resources on the mean flow time, the bottleneck probability of the primary constraint resource, as well as the output of flow production systems using simulation models and ANOV A. Two different types of flow production systems were investigated: (1) a flow shop with a fixed number of stations and unlimited queue or buffer space between stations, and (2) an assembly line where a total work content is distributed among stations in a certain fashion and the number of stations are not fixed. The experimental studies show that flow shop performance in the form of flow time and line output is not that much influenced by low protective capacity levels at the secondary constraint resource. Low protective capacity levels at a single station however can significantly reduce the bottleneck probability for the primary constraint resource when it is located before and relatively close or near to the primary constraint in the process flow, or after but relatively far from the primary constraint. An after-far secondary constraint location also causes slightly longer job flow times, and should therefore be avoided if possible. The research further shows that quite high protective capacity levels at the nonconstraint resources are needed to ensure a more stable and therefore manageable primary constraint. However low average levels of protective capacity at non-constraint resources are sufficient to ensure that the maximum designed output level as determined by the utilisation of the primary constraint resource is obtained. The results for the assembly line experiment showed that an unbalanced line configuration where less work is assigned to the non-constraint stations than to the primary constraint station (but nonconstraint stations have an equal work content) can lead to significant reductions in the mean flow time while maintaining the same line output, without resulting in too many additional stations. Low protective capacity levels in the range of 2% to 5% are sufficient to cause substantial improvements in flow time without resulting in too many additional stations in the line. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Om die finale uitset van 'n produksiestelsel te maksimeer is dit noodsaaklik dat die bottelnek beskerm word teen fluktuasies en onderbrekings. In die "Theory of Constraints" filosofie word van twee soorte beskermingsmeganismes gebruik gemaak: tydbuffers en beskermende kapasiteit. Tydbuffers is beskermende tyd wat in die produksieskedule gevoeg word om sodoende die bottelnek teen onderbrekings te beskerm, terwyl beskermende kapasiteit ekstra produksiekapasiteit relatief tot die bottelnek se kapasiteit is wat by nie-bottelnekke gevoeg word. In hierdie navorsing IS 'n analitiese prosedure ontwikkel om meer akkurate berekenings van tydbuffergroottes te verkry in produksiestelsels wat volgens 'n "Theory of Constraints" filosofie bestuur word. Die prosedure maak gebruik van oop toustaan netwerk modellering waar werkstasies gemodelleer word as GIIG/m toue. Die analitiese prosedure is ge-evalueer met 'n simulasie eksperiment op 'n werklike vyftien stasie vloeiwinkel. Die resultate dui aan dat die analitiese prosedure akkuraat genoeg is om vinnig aanvanklike beramings vir die benodigde tydbuffergroottes tydens die ontwerpsfase van die produksiestelsel te verskaf. Verder is ook ondersoek ingestel na die effek van beskermende kapasiteitsvlakke by die sekondêre bottelnek asook die ander nie-bottelnekke op die gemiddelde deurvloeityd, die totale uitset, asook die bottelnek waarskynlikheid vir die primêre bottelnek in vloei produksiestelsels deur gebruik te maak van simulasie modelle en ANOVA. Twee verskillende tipes vloei produksiestelsels is ondersoek: (1) 'n vloeiwinkel met 'n vaste aantal stasies en 'n onbeperkte buffer spasie tussen stasies, en (2) 'n monteerlyn waar 'n totale werksinhoud op 'n bepaalde wyse onder stasies verdeel moet word en die aantal stasies nie vas is nie. Die eksperimentele studies dui aan dat die deurvloeitye en totale uitset van 'n vloeiwinkel me noemenswaardig beïnvloed word deur lae beskermende kapasiteitsvlakke by die sekondêre bottelnek nie. Hierdie maatstawwe word meer beïnvloed word deur die gemiddelde beskermende kapasiteitsvlakke by al die nie-bottelnekke. Lae beskermende kapasiteit by 'n enkele werkstasie kan egter die bottelnek waarskynlikheid vir die primêre bottelnek aansienlik verlaag indien dit voor en relatief na aan die primêre bottelnek in die prosesvloei geleë is, of na, maar relatief ver, vanaf die primêre bottelnek. 'n Sekondêre bottelnek ligging na maar relatief ver vanaf die primêre bottelnek in die prosesvloei veroorsaak ook langer deurvloeitye, en moet dus vermy word. Verder dui die navorsing aan dat redelike hoë gemiddelde beskermende kapasiteit by nie-bottelnekke benodig word om 'n meer stabiele primêre bottelnek te verseker. In vloeiwinkels met lae vlakke van variasie en onderbrekings is egter lae gemiddelde vlakke van beskermende kapasiteit by nie-bottelnekke voldoende om te verseker dat die maksimum ontwerpte uitset soos bepaal deur die benutting van die primêre bottelnek behaal word. Die resultate vir die monteerlyn eksperiment dui aan dat 'n ongebalanseerde lynkonfigurasie waar minder werk aan die nie-bottelnek stasies as aan die primêre bottelnek stasie toegeken word (maar niebottelnek stasies het 'n gelyke werksinhoud), aansienlike verlagings in deurvloeityd teweeg kan bring terwyl dieselfde lyn uitset behou word. Dit is moontlik sonder te veel addisionele stasies in die lyn. Die eksperimentele resultate dui aan dat lae beskermende kapasiteitsvlakke van tussen 2% tot 5% voldoende is om beduidende verlagings in deurvloeityd teweeg te bring sonder te veel addisionele stasies.

Using population-based incremental learning to optimize feasible distribution logistic solutions

Lourens, Tobie 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Industrial Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / This thesis introduces an adaptation of the Population-Based Incremental Learning (PBIL) meta-heuristic implemented on a variant of the General Pickup and Delivery Problem. The mapping of the customers in the problem and the vehicle routes on a time grid enables the utilization of the powerful genetic search that the PBIL algorithm provides in liaison with competitive learning. The problem consists of a number of customers who may at any time of the day place an order on another customer for some package. The fleet of vehicles travelling between the customers must then combine powers to pickup and deliver the package as fast as possible without ever leaving their assigned routes. The solution to this problem then, is a set of routes for the fleet that will minimize some percentile of the delivery times between customers. The PBIL meta-heuristic provides the blueprint of the final algorithm, where the final algorithm is actually just a normal PBIL algorithm with some external solution generation and evaluation techniques employed. The final algorithm can easily solve an instance of the problem in polynomial time, given that the resolution of the time grid used is not too small.

The optimisation of Daimlerchrysler's SAP-MRP system through systems analysis, design, and simulation

Kirby, Hugh Christopher 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This report presents the findings of a study that started as an evaluation of the possible implementation of the Options Inventory Management Model (OIMM), developed by van Wijck and Bekker [4], at DaimlerChrysler South Africa (DCSA). The OIMM System was developed as a possible alternative to the SAP-MRP System to ensure a high Customer Service Level, with the lowest possible inventory level, under the 10 Day Option Freeze Environment. DCSA indicated that although the OIMM System may be an ideal solution, in terms of optimising Plant Inventory levels whilst maximising Customer Service Levels, the practical problems associated with the possible implementation of this system would outweigh the associated benefits. This being the case, a directive was given to investigate the SAP-MRP System’s ability to provide a high Customer Service Level under the 10 Day Option Freeze Environment and not to pursue the OIMM implementation option. The objectives of this directive were to evaluate and establish the performance capabilities of the SAPMRP System under the 10 Day Option Freeze Environment as well as develop a system to aid in the customisation of the system. Design of Experiments (DOE) was utilised to plan the evaluation procedure and to ensure that a consistent approach was followed. The DOE generated huge amounts of output data that represented the Usage Category Behaviour Characteristics of the SAP-MRP System. Regression Analysis was utilised to investigate this data. A part-by-part analysis was avoided and the analysis approach followed presented results that could be applied to almost the entire range of parts, excluding bulk parts, at DCSA. The results showed that Coverage Profile alone could be used as a proactive inventory management tool to ensure maximum Customer Service Level. The Regression Analysis revealed that various combinations of Safety Time, Minimum, and Target Coverage resulted in similar or equal Avg. Plant Inventories, Avg. Number of Orders, and Avg. Order Sizes. These findings were used to develop a Decision Support Tool that could be used by DCSA when evaluating the resultant changes caused by the proposed changes in the aforementioned Input Parameters. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie verslag stel die bevindinge van ‘n studie voor wat begin het met die evaluering van die moontlike implementering van die “Options Inventory Management Model” (OIMM), ontwikkel vir DaimlerChrysler (DCSA) deur van Wijck en Bekker [4]. Die OIMM sisteem was ontwikkel as ‘n moontlike alternatief vir die SAP-MRP sisteem om ‘n hoë verbruikersdiensvlak tesame met die laagste moontlike voorraadvlak in ‘n 10-dag opsie-vries omgewing te verseker. DCSA het aangedui dat, hoewel die OIMM sisteem ‘n ideale oplossing bleik te wees in terme van die optimisering van fabriek-voorraadvlakke tesame met die verbruikersdiensvlakke, die praktiese probleme wat met die moontlike implimentering daarvan geassosieer word, die geassosieerde voordele oorskry. Daar is dus opdrag gegee om die SAP-MRP sisteem se vermoë om hoë verbruikersdiensvlakke in die 10-dag opsie-vries omgewing te lewer te ondersoek en sodoende nie die implimentering van die OIMM sisteem te vervolg nie. Die doelwitte van hierdie opdrag was die evaluering en vestiging van die prestasievermoëns van die SAP-MRP sisteem in die 10-dag opsie-vries omgewing, asook om ‘n sisteem te ontwikkel wat as hulpmiddel kan dien in die geïndividualiseerde aanpassingsoptimisering daarvan. ‘n Eksperimentele Ontwerp (DOE) is gebruik in die beplanning van die evalueringsprosedure en ook om te verseker dat ‘n konstante benadering gevolg is. Die DOE het ‘n groot hoeveelheid uitsetdata genereer wat die prestasie van die SAP-MRP sisteem se gedragseienskappe voorgestel het. Regressie-analise is uitgevoer om die data te ondersoek. Onderdeel-by-onderdeel analise is vermy en die analise-benadering wat gevolg is het resultate gelewer wat toegepas kon word vir omtrent die hele reeks onderdele by DCSA, uitsluitende onderdele wat in grootmaat aangekoop word. Die resultate het gewys dat die “Coverage Profile” alleen gebruik kan word as ‘n pro-aktiewe voorraadbestuur hulpmiddel om maksimum verbruikersdiensvlakke te verseker. Die regressie-analise het getoon dat verskeie kombinasies van “Safety Time,” “Minimum” en “Target Coverage” gelei het tot dieselfde hoeveelheid fabrieks-voorraad, bestellingsvrystellings en bestellingsgroottes. Hierdie tendense is toegepas in die ontwikkeling van ‘n ondersteunende besluitnemingshulpmiddel wat deur DCSA gebruik sou kon word in die evaluering van die veranderinge wat onstaan vanweë die voorgestelde verandering in die voorafgenoemde insetparameters.

The integration of project management processes with a methodology to manage a radical innovation project

Katz, Bernard 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Industrial Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / In today’s business environment it is widely accepted that innovation is key to improving the economic performance of companies (Van der Panna et al. 2003) and for achieving and sustaining a competitive advantage in the market place. Based on the definition of radical innovation, a radical innovation project involves a high level of “newness” (Damanpour 1996), which in turn leads to high levels of complexity and uncertainty. However, it is difficult to manage these high levels of complexity and uncertainty within the structured framework of the traditional project management bodies of knowledge (Williams 2005). The following problem was thus formulated: Project management concepts alone, captured in the various bodies of knowledge, are not sufficient enough to successfully manage radical innovation projects. Companies therefore struggle to gain a competitive advantage through innovation, as the implementation of the radical innovation is seldom successful. The thesis presents a methodology termed the “Innovation Implementation Methodology” (IIM), which combines a range of components and concepts that support radical innovation projects. The IIM combines concepts such as knowledge management, project and team integration, project principles, design objectives, prototypes and risk and change management into four main components. Each component provides a different view of the radical innovation project. These views include: • A view of the different levels of detail required, • A view of the roles and responsibilities, • A view of the project structure and team integration, and • A scientific and experimental view.

Simulation-based online scheduling of a make-to-order job shop

Krige, David 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Industrial Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / Scheduling is a core activity in the manufacturing business. It assists with efficient and effective utilization of capital-intensive resources and increased throughput, thus increasing profitability. The focus in this thesis is on scheduling of manufacturing orders in a make-to-order job-shop enterprise. It is widely accepted that manufacturing of large volumes and production with as few as possible product variants is the most cost-effective business approach, but the need for low volume, once-off engineering parts will always exist. Many approaches to scheduling exist, including translation of a scheduling problem to a Travelling Salesman analogue, while Discrete-event computer simulation is well established as a means to assist with scheduling. Simulation is appealing in the manufacturing environment, as it can realistically imitate dynamic, stochastic processes while being descriptive in forecasting the future. In this thesis, the development and testing of a simulation-based scheduler is described. The scheduler was developed for, and in collaboration with a South African make-to-order job-shop enterprise. A supporting information system was also developed and it is required that the enterprise changes some of its business processes if this scheduler is implemented. The scheduler considers the status of the enterprise each time a new order is received, and the current schedule is reviewed and may be revised at such a point in time, making it a real-time scheduler. Several classic scheduling dispatching rules and –measures were incorporated in the scheduler. These include First-in First-out, Earliest Due Date, Longest Processing Time, Shortest Processing Time, Smallest Slack and Critical Ratio (dispatching rules), while the performance measures are Makespan, Earliness, Lateness, Average Flow Time and Machine Usage. The proposed scheduler has been verified and validated using test data and designed confidence building tests, and its performance was also compared to an actual, historical schedule. The functioning of the scheduler is finally demonstrated using a stochastic test environment. The scheduler has generally performed satisfactorily and should be implemented as the final phase of this project.

Development and implementation of a design and manufacture approach for mould performance improvement in the packaging industry

Bester, A. G. J. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEng (Industrial Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / This thesis represents the results of a study for the use of conformal cooling in blow mould design. As a part of this, design case studies and comparative experiments were conducted to determine the difference in performance of blow moulds incorporating conventional cooling and those with conformal cooling. The cooling configurations are compared using simulation to identify the shortcomings of conventional cooling. In addition modern manufacturing methods able to manufacture complex conformal cooling designs, are evaluated. The relevant cooling principles are explained using mould designing handbooks as well as heat flow handbooks. The tie between them is made and the differences explained. The moulding cycles of injection as well as blow moulding process are explained and the applicable simulation software used in these fields is described.

A case study in project management

Boezaart, T. C. (Theodoor Christiaan) January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (MEng)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Project Management has already moved beyond the realms of an "orderwinning"- criteria to a "necessary-to-survive"-criteria. Increasingly people are drawn into project management without the correct qualifications or sufficient education in project management, especially in the area of project risk management. This project details the development of a case study in project management to facilitate this educational infilling in the services industry. This case study is based on a fictitious SPR project at an IT development company. The developed case study is an alternative project for the post-graduate course in Project Management at the University of Stellenbosch's Department of Industrial Engineering. Additionally, a tutorial in Microsoft" Project 2000® was also developed as supplementary material to this course. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Projek bestuur het alreeds verby die stadium beweeg waar dit gesien word as 'n voorsprong bo ander mededingende maatskappye. AI meer word mense in die dienste sektor met onvoldoende opleiding in projekbestuur, veral in die area van projek risiko bestuur, daarby betrek. Hierdie projek bespreek die ontwikkeling van 'n gevallestudie om hierdie leemte aan te spreek, en is gebaseer op 'n besigheidsproses verbeteringsprojek by 'n IT ontwikkelingsmaatskappy. Die ontwikkelde gevallestudie dien as 'n alternatiewe projek vir die nagraadse kursus in Projekbestuur wat aangebied word deur die Universiteit van Stellenbosch se Departement Bedryfsingenieurswese. 'n Addisionele tutoriaal in Microsoft" Project 2000® is ook ontwikkel om hierdie opleidingsproses te fasiliteer.

Computer control of a metal bar bending press

Van der Merwe, Dirk (Dirk Jacobus) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEng)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Mechatronics is an exciting research area that stemmed from huge progress in computer technology from the 1970s onwards. In such systems, computer controlled electronic and mechanical devices interact so intimately that it is impossible to tell where the one ends and the other begins. A mechatronic project aimed at automated manufacturing was undertaken by the Department of Industrial Engineering at the University of Stellenbosch as part of their programme in mechatronics. ROYIC was the industrial partner in the joint venture. ROYIC manufactures a front loader that is used on tractors. The front loader fits on a tractor by means of a kit that has to be manufactured specially for each type of tractor. The design of the kit needed many welding joints, which lead to a difficult and expensive manufacturing process. A bending press that was capable of bending pre-cut steel into a predefined shape was identified as a viable solution. The mechanical design for the project was done by ROYIC, while the University was responsible for the electronic control. Bending is carried out by pushing a flat bar over a Y-block into the bending position which can be read from a position encoder. The bending blade then bends the metal until the appropriate angle is reached. It is impossible to predict the resulting angle by means of analytical techniques. This is due to non-linear behaviour caused by spring-back. The position of the bending blade is read with an incremental encoder. An empirical equation is used to convert the distance read by the sensor into the appropriate angle. The parameters are deduced by means of non-linear regression methods. A mean square error of 0.069 was obtained for the equation when operating in the linear area of the plastic region of bending. A software application was written to enable ROYIC to deduce the needed parameters of the equation for all types of steel. Pulse control was used to control the bending blade. The blade moves continuously until a pulse band is reached. The blade is pulsed from there into a dead band. Consequently the accuracy of the machine is determined by the width of the dead band. The control program is capable of executing bend sequence files to enable the operator to perform a sequence of bends on a metal bar. Safety was of great importance in the design. The control system was designed to give priority to safety signals over other control signals. Dangerous situations owing to computer failure are thus prevented. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Megatronika is 'n opwindende navorsingsarea wat ontstaan het uit groot vooruitgang in rekenaartegnologie vanaf 1970. In megatroniese sisteme werk rekenaar beheerde elektroniese en meganiese toestelle so nou saam dat dit onmoontlik is om agter te kom waar die een begin en die ander eindig. 'n Megatronika projek gerig op vervaardigings outomatisasie is onlangs onderneem deur die Departement van Bedryfsingenieurswese van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch as deel van hul program in megatronika. ROVle was die industriële vennoot in die projek. ROVle vervaardig implemente vir gebruik op plase. Een van hul produkte is 'n laaigraaf wat met 'n hegstuk op 'n trekker pas. Die hegstuk moet spesifiek vir elke tipe trekker ontwerp word wat gelei het tot 'n ontwerp met baie sweislaste wat 'n tydrowende vervaardigingsproses vereis. 'n Staal buigmasjien wat vooraf gesnyde staal in 'n spesifieke vorm kan buig sou hierdie probleem kon oorbrug. Die meganiese ontwerp vir die masjien is gedoen deur ROVle terwyl die Universiteit verantwoordelik was vir die elektroniese beheer. Staal word gebruik deur 'n staalbalk te skuif oor die buigbed tot in die buigposisie wat afgelees word vanaf' n posisie enkodeerder. Die buiglem buig dan die staal in die benodigde hoek. Geen analitiese metodes bestaan om die buighoek te voorspel nie weens terugspringing. Die posisie van die buiglem word ingelees met behulp van 'n inkrementeie enkodeerder. 'n Empiriese vergelyking word gebruik om die afstand beweeg om te skakel in 'n buighoek. Die verskillende parameters word afgelei deur middel van regressie metodes. Die gemiddelde foute kwadraat was 0.069 wat getoets is vir slegs die lineêre area van die plastiese gebied. 'n Program is geskryf wat ROVle instaat stelom die benodigde parameters self af te lei. Puls beheer is gebruik op die beheer van die buiglem. Die lem beweeg kontinu tot binne die puls band en word daarvandaan gepuls tot by die stopband. Die grootte van die stopband bepaal dus die akkuraatheid van die masjien. Die beheerprogram kan ook buig sekwensie lêers uitvoer wat die operateur instaat stelom 'n reeks van buigings op 'n staal balk uit te voer. Veiligheid het deurgaans 'n belangrike rol gespeel in die ontwerp van die masjien. Die stelsel is ontwerp om prioriteit te gee aan veiligheidseine bo enige ander beheersein. Gevaarlike situasies wat mag ontstaan as die rekenaar sou faal, word dus voorkom.

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