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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

the Concept of Psychological Maturity in the Light of the Christian Estimate of Man.

Kerr, John Winston. January 1960 (has links)
It is the purpose of this thesis to examine the concept of psychological maturity in the light of the Christian estimate of man. Over the past thirty years the term maturity has become part of the idiom of the day. In the strictly biological sense maturity means the teaching of a terminal point on a scale of growth. An animal is mature when it has reached the point of growth at which it can fulfil the fundamental functions of maintaining itself, and reproducing its species. [...]

The doctrine of atonement in the theology of Pail Tillich.

Thompson, Arthington. F. January 1960 (has links)
The doctrine of atonement attempts to elaborate the statement of the Creed that it was "for us men and for our salvation" that Jesus Christ was born, lived, died and rose again. It has tried to show how these facts are central for the establishment of a new community between God and man. The fact that this doctrine has never been defined as dogma may derive partly from uncertainty about the use of language; but most certain it derives from the fact that what is here spoken of is the mystery of an ‘act of God’. Atonement bas been made and is established from beyond the human world.

the Development of the Doctrine of Christ in the Light of Missionary Experience in India.

Koshy, K.I. January 1955 (has links)
It is in the main with our present situation in India that l shall concern myself in this introductory chapter. With the coming of independence in the year 1947, India has embarked upon a new era in its history and is a democratic nation, growing in a sense of responsibility and leadership. There is a great future before the country, on account of its own ancient culture, its learning, and its natural resources. If India receives the right help and leadership, it will be one of the countries of the world to uphold all that is best in the interests of peace and the welfare of mankind.

Origins of the Constitution of the Church of England in Canada, Being a Study from the Beginning of the Church in Canada Down to the First Provincial Synod.

Kingsford, Maurice R. January 1953 (has links)
The subject which we have attempted to discuss and analyse in this Thesis is an extensive one and covers a very wide field. The Church of England in Canada traces its origins partly to England, partly to the United States, partly to England by way of the pre-revolutionary Colonies, partly from the undivided church, prior to the Reformation, and partly to developments of a unique nature within the Canadian Church itself. The first chapter shows how much we owe to England and the American Colonies and attempts to explain how these elements in the Canadian Church have come to be absorbed. [...]

Law, Freedom and Casuistry in the Ethics of Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

Gualtieri, Antonio Roberto. January 1963 (has links)
In this thesis I do not intend to give a comprehensive survey of Bonhoeffer's ethical thought. Many of the terms and ideas which are central to his exposition of Christian ethics, are here only touched upon incidentally. My preoccupation, rather, is with this question: How should a Christian set about making an ethical decision? [...]

Mysticism and prophetism.

Adamson, James. T. January 1962 (has links)
The techniques and principles of mysticism are described, and illustrated from the life of a Hindu mystic and from the teaching of St. John of the Cross. The problem is then stated -- what is the relation between mysticism and Hebrew prophetism? Can the latter be described as mystical, or is the Hebrew mind alien to mysticism? We then look at the Hebrew religion as it makes contact with Baalistic prophetism, an early form of mysticism. In the struggle that ensued between the two, we discover the religion of Israel absorbing something from Baalism but asserting its own peculiar genius. Some of the great prophetical books are then examined. The conclusion we reach is that, although there are mystical elements in the prophets, mysticism and prophetism are two distinct systems, with deep differences in their conception of God’s nature, in their idea or the relationahip between God and man, and in their attitude to life and the world.

Le mysticism de Martin Luther dans la tradition chrétienne.

Gerard, F. R. January 1957 (has links)
Nous croyons pouvoir définir le mysticisme comme étant l'expérience d'un contact personnel avec Dieu; et nous voyons dans cette expérience immédiate du divin la quintessence de la religion. Toute expérience religieuse vraie serait de nature mystique. Dans une première partie nous essayons d'établir cette définition très large du mysticisme. Après avoir distingué rapidement entre mysticisme philosophique et mysticisme chrétien, nous donnons les caractères marquant de ce dernier.

The realm of miracle.

Rogers, Allison. A. January 1957 (has links)
What can we believe about miracles? It is a question to which very divergent answers have been made by a great variety of people. Not infrequently untutored individuals have held views at wide variance with men of vast learning; of men of erudition themselves it would seem true to say that there has never been unanimity of belief; and, if of bygone centuries it be true that no common point of view regarding miracles received assent, it is equally true to affirm that in our own time there is a like disparity of opinion.

The Ukrainian protestant missions in Canada.

Zuk, Michael. January 1957 (has links)
The Ukrainians, numbering about four hundred thousand in Canada, belong to the Slavonic family of the Aryan group whose birthplace is to be found in the Pripet River basin. Some archeologists would trace their origin to the area between the Elbe, the Vistula, and the Oder and Bug Rivers. Pressure from the neighbouring tribes forced the Slavs to migrate as early as 500 B.C. from the land of their birth into the basin of the Dniester and the Dnieper Rivers which is known today as the territory of the modern Ukraine.

the Philosophical Theology of William Temple.

Poole, A.J. January 1955 (has links)
We are living in a world of perplexity. Professor E.G.Conklin in Man, Real and Ideal says "mankind is now in the midst of one of the greatest crises in its long history". Dr. F.S.C.Northrop in the Meaning of East and West tells us that "ideological conflicts are present everywhere. Ours is a paradoxical world. The achievements which are its glory threaten to destroy it. It would seem that the more civilized we become the more incapable of maintaining civilization we are". [...]

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