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Porovnání úrovně motorických dovedností u dětí plavajících závodně a kondičně / Comparison of level of motor skills in competition and fitness swimming childrenNovotná, Anna January 2021 (has links)
Bibliographic identification NOVOTNÁ, Anna. Comparison of level of motor skills in competition and fitness swimming children. Prague: Charles University, 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Department of Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine, 2021. 92 p. Supervisor MUDr. Josef Kraus, CSc. Abstract The theoretical part of this thesis provides an overview of the knowledge about the developmental coordination disease (DCD), its relationship to physical activities and findings concerning swimming styles with emphasis on the freestyle stroke. The practical part summarizes and evaluates the results of the MABC-2 test, the d2 attention test as well as the survey that have all been performed on a group of swimmers from the TJ Slovan Karlovy Vary swimming club. The aim of the thesis was to assess the level of the motor skills of competitive swimmers and leisure swimmers along with examining differences between the results of both groups. Another aim was to compare adherence to physical activity as well as participation in such activities between the groups. The last goal was to compare the correlation between the observed level of motor skills and the current level of attention. The level of motor skills differed between the competitive swimmers and the leisure swimmers groups. Both groups of swimming children demonstrated worse...
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Évaluation écosystémique des besoins des enfants au primaire ayant un trouble de l'acquisition de la coordination (ou une dyspraxie) pour favoriser leur participation socialeJasmin, Emmanuelle January 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse par articles en éducation vise à identifier, d'un point de vue écosystémique, les besoins des enfants ayant un trouble de l'acquisition de la coordination (TAC), afin de favoriser leur participation sociale lors de la scolarisation au primaire. Trois objectifs spécifiques en découlent, soit : 1) proposer un modèle d'évaluation pour identifier d'un point de vue écosystémique les besoins de ces enfants; 2) mettre à l'essai le modèle d'évaluation des besoins; 3) décrire les besoins des enfants au primaire ayant un TAC. Le premier article de la thèse consiste en une recension systématique des études portant sur les interventions neuromaturationnelles (ou bottom up) destinées aux enfants ayant un TAC. Le second présente l'élaboration et la mise à l'essai d'un modèle dévaluation écosystémique des besoins des enfants ayant un TAC. Quant au troisième article, il examine les besoins des enfants ayant un TAC d'un point de vue écosystémique. Il s'agit d'une étude de cas multiples, incluant dix enfants au primaire ayant un TAC et leurs parents (n = 12), enseignants (n = 9) et intervenants significatifs (n = 6). La collecte de données comprend des questionnaires validés, des entrevues semi-structurées et une analyse documentaire. Des analyses intra et inter-cas ont été réalisées. Les résultats décrivent, d'un point de vue écosystémique, les besoins des enfants au primaire ayan un TAC. Ils mettent en évidence le besoin d'offrir de l'information et de la formation sur le TAC, ainsi que des services additionnels à l'école, principalement d'ergothérapie et d'éducation spécialisée. Les résultats servent à identifier les variables pertinentes à inclure dans un programme d'intervantion s'inscrivant dans une démarche fondée sur la théorie du programme. Cette étude offr une compréhension holistique, cohérente et intégrée des besoins des enfants ayant un TAC, ce qui contribuera à favoriser la collaboration entre la famille, l'école et la communauté. Les divers constats en termes de besoins permettent de dégager des pistes pour bonifier l'organisation des services destinés à ces enfants. Afin de bien comprendre leurs besoins et de leur offrir les meilleurs services possibles, il importe de renforcer le partenariat entre la recherche, la formation et la pratique.
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Hodnocení vývojové dyspraxie a efektů její léčby u dětí / Evaluation of developmental dyspraxia and effects of its therapy in childrenSmržová, Jitka January 2010 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Evaluation of developmental dyspraxia and effects of its therapy in children" summarizes the knowledge of developmental dyspraxia or developmental coordination disorder (DCD) in the theoretical part. The practical part deals with the usage of new diagnostic method for identification of motor difficulties in children, Movement Assessment Battery for Children, second edition. The presence of motor difficulties in some children with ADHD and some children with neurofibromatosis type 1 was confirmed. The significant difference between motor skills in gymnasts and in children attending to all-round sport activities was not detected. No significant correlation between BMI and the level of motor skills in children was found. The evaluation of the effect of therapy confirmed that intervention is useful for children with developmental dyspraxia. The best improvement was found in activities which were specifically trained. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Développement atypique des praxies chez l’enfant : une approche neuropsychologique / Atypical development of praxis in children : a neuropsychological approachCostini, Orianne 12 December 2014 (has links)
Les troubles spécifiques du développement praxique (ou gestuel) sont diagnostiqués comme Dyspraxie ou Trouble de l’Acquisition de la Coordination (TAC). Leur compréhension se heurte à de nombreuses impasses, et dans la définition des concepts de praxies et de coordination motrice et dans l’analyse théorique des déficits qu’ils recouvrent. En l’absence de théorie spécifique à l’enfant, les connaissances concernant le développement atypique des praxies se sont élaborées sur une transposition des modèles « adulte » mais sans en appréhender la pertinence. L’objectif principal ici est de dégager les arguments qui étayeraient l’hypothèse d’un trouble spécifique du développement praxique. Le parti est pris de proposer un examen fondé sur les théories du geste chez l’adulte, et qui cible les différents niveaux cognitifs engagés dans son développement: fonctions perceptives (visuelles, spatiales), exécutives (planification, flexibilité, inhibition) et compréhension orale. Les performances d’enfants diagnostiqués dyspraxiques ou TAC et au développement typique sont comparées dans deux études, de groupes puis de cas multiples. Nos résultats montrent des troubles divers « dans » la production du geste, inconstants dans les profils individuels, et associés avec des déficits non spécifiquement gestuels (perceptifs, exécutifs ou de compréhension). Face à cette hétérogénéité, la thèse propose de déconstruire la conception des troubles spécifiques du développement praxique, au profit d’une analyse qui ne confonde pas un trouble « du » geste avec tout déficit se manifestant « dans » le geste. / Specific deficit in praxic (or gestural) development are diagnosed as Dyspraxia or Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD). Understanding them proves problematic, both when defining the concepts of praxis/motor coordination and when providing a theoretical analysis of the deficits they cover. In the absence of theory specifically related to children, knowledge about atypical development of praxis is gleaned by applying « adult » models, without really understanding whether this is appropriate. The aim of this thesis is to explore the arguments underlying the hypothesis of a specific deficit in praxis development. Tasks were selected based on adult cognitive models of praxis processing in order to enable a comprehensive and theoretically analysis of gestures. We also examined different cognitive functions involved in the praxis development: perception (both visual and spatial), executive functions (planning, flexibility, inhibition) and oral comprehension. The performance of children diagnosed as dyspraxic or DCD is compared to those considered to show typical development in two studies: on groups and multiple case studies. Our results show various difficulties in producing gestures, mostly inconstant in case studies, and related to deficits that are not specifically gestural. Given the heterogeneity of the disorders that we found, this thesis is aimed at deconstructing the concept of specific deficit in praxis development in favour of an analysis that does not confuse gestural problems with other deficits made apparent through gesture.
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Testování vývojové dyspraxie u dětí a adolescentů bojových umění - judo a taekwondo / Testing of Developmental Dyspraxia in Children and Adolescents in Martial Arts - Judo and TaekwondoHrbková, Lucie January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the level of motor skills in children and adolescents dealing with judo and taekwondo and to determine whether the level of motor skills differs between children with a suspected risk of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) compared to children without this risk. Another aim of this study is to evaluate the level of attention and find out whether it correlates with the level of motor skills. A total of 65 probands aged 9-13 years participated in the study. The experimental groups consisted of children competing in judo (n = 35), children practicing taekwondo (n = 19) and children attending taekwondo classes in physical education and hobby groups (n = 11). The Movement Assessment Battery for Children 2 test was chosen to test motor skills. To detect a suspected risk of ADHD was used the Test Go / NoGo and the level of attention was tested by theTest of attention d2. A significant difference in favour of judists was found between the results of motor skills of children and adolescents in comparison with the racing group of taekwondists (p = 0.045) and also in the results of individual components, namely in the balance component (p = 0.051). A significant difference was found in motor skills among children with a suspected risk of ADHD compared to...
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Testování dyspraxie u dětí a adolescentů tancujících akrobatický rokenrol a u dětí a adolescentů se specifickými abnormitami / Testing dyspraxia of children and adolescents dancing acrobatic rock'n'roll and of children and adolescents with specific abnormalities.Metlická, Martina January 2015 (has links)
Bibliographic identification METLICKÁ, Martina. Testing dyspraxia of children and adolescents dancing acrobatic rock'n'roll and of children and adolescents with specific abnormalities. Prague: Charles University, 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Department of rehabilitation and sports medicine, 2015. 91p. Supervisor MUDr. Josef Kraus, CSc. Abstract The theoretical part of this thesis briefly summarizes the findings of developmental dyspraxia and briefly characterizes different diseases encountered by tested subjects from a test sample of children with specific abnormalities, neurofibromatosis type 1 and Asperger's syndrome, and explores their relationship with developmental dyspraxia. The possibility of using dance therapy is also mentioned. The practical part is focused on evaluating the level of motor skills of children with specific abnormalities and children's rock and roll dancers using the Movement Assessment Battery for Children 2. Another objective is to determine whether the level of motor skills correlates with the level of attention tested by the Test of attention d2. The final goal is to assess the degree of physical activity of rock and roll dancers using the accelerometer ActiGraph GT3X. We confirm the presence of motor difficulties of children with specific abnormalities, however we did not confirm...
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Vývojová porucha koordinace/vývojová dyspraxie u pacientů s idiopatickou skoliózou - pilotní studie / The developmental coordination disorder/developmental dyspraxia in patients with the idiopathic scoliosis - A Pilot StudyMašíková, Darina January 2016 (has links)
The thesis is foccused on the problematics of the developmental coordination disorder and its presence within the patiens with the idiopathic scoliosis. The theoretical part deals with the explanation of the terms of developmental coordination disorder, sensory integration and idiopathic scoliosis. The experimental part looks for the connection among the idiopathic scoliosis and the dvelopmental dyspraxia. Thirty patients took part in it. Eighteen of them were patiens with the idiopathic scoliosis, these were divided into two groups according to the age. The first group at the age of 7 to 10 years counted four patiens, the other group from 11 to 16 years contained fourteen patiens. The controll group involved twelve children from the fifth class of the common primary school. The children were tested by the standardized Movement Assessment Battery for Children 2 (MABC-2). Furthermore the measurement was completed by two questionnaires for parents. In the DCDQ'07 they assessed the motor abilities of their child compared to children of the same age and gender. The other questionnaire was aimed at closer information obout the pregnancy, development of the child, presence of any disease or impairment, etc. The difference between motor skills of children with the idiopathic scoliosis and the controll group in...
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Vzájemné ovlivňování řeči a pohybu u žákyně s těžkou vývojovou disfázií / Interaciton between speech and motion of a schoolgirl with developmental dysphasiaMielniková, Renáta January 2011 (has links)
Final work "Interaction between speech and motion of a schoolgirl with developmental dysphasia" is focusing on finding in which way are speech and movement skill interacting specifically in the case of a school-girl with serious developmental dysphasia. In its theoretical part I'm focusing at first on the term disturbed communication ability, development dysphasia, its symptomatology and then at the term verbal development dyspraxia. Important information concerning this dilemma are also listed in second chapter which focuses on the problem of reading, process of mastering of reading and writing with understanding. The third chapter of the theoretical part is focusing on characteristics of terms as movement, motoric acts, coordination and also dyspraxia. I based the practical part on testing of children of the third grade at usual basic school as well as at the basic logopaedia school, which is attended also by the school-girl with serious development dysphasia I've been observing and monitoring. I created two different tests. First about reading with understanding and then second one about movement abilities. Their goal was to find in which way are reading and movement abilities interacting. In the end of my work I'm summarizing all the gathered findings, I'm also comparing results of testing...
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Speciálně pedagogická diagnostika a intervence u osob s vývojovou dyspraxií/vývojovou poruchou koordinace / Special educational diagnosis and intervention for people with developmental dyspraxia/development coordination disorderSmékalová, Barbora January 2013 (has links)
The thesis "Special educational diagnosis and intervention for people with developmental dyspraxia, developmlent coordination disorder" summarizes in it's theoretical part the current findings about developmental dyspraxia. It focuses especially on the informations of diagnostics and intervention, which are used or can be usable in special pedagogy. The practical part of the thesis pursues the current state of developmental dyspraxia diagnostics in the Czech republic and by the help of questionaries, which were addressed to pedagogical-psychological clinic workers, tries to describe the current situation. The accent is put on Movement Assessment Battery for Children 2, which is currently one of the most widespread standardized methods used to development dyspraxia diagnostics.
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Vliv skupinového cvičení jógy na děti s dyspraxií / Influence of yoga group excercising on children diagnosed with dyspraxia.Hojková, Lýdie January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis researches the effect of yoga group exercising on children diagnosed with developmental coordination disorder. The theoretical part provides an overview of knowledge about the developmental coordination disorder, it mentions the issue with nomenclature and summarizes the options of treatment. It also deals with yoga, especially it's use as a form of therapy for wide range of diagnosis in adults as well as in children population. The aim of the practical part was to find out if there is any improvement in motor and other abilities after group exercising of yoga. Children were examined by Movement Assessment Battery for Children 2 and by selected subtests from Sensory Integration and Praxis test, specifically Postural Praxis, Bilateral Motor Coordination, Postrotary Nystagmus, Manual Form Perception and Localization of Tactile Stimuli. Parents of children filled Short Sensory Profile and Developmental Coordination Disorder Questionnaire. The study demonstrated improvement in MABC-2 test results, specifically in Aiming and Catching and Balance subtests. There was also significant improvement in these subtests of Sensory Integration and Praxis test: Postural Praxis, Bilateral Motor Coordination and Localization of Tactile Stimuli. Both questionnaires did not show any improvement.
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