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Frigörelse eller Övergrepp? : En diskursanalys av BDSMs representation inom populärlitteraturen med utgångspunkt i Sally Rooneys Normal People & E L James Fifty ShadesPhillips, Julia January 2020 (has links)
Denna undersökning handlar om representationen av BDSM i den samtida populärlitteraturen och gör detta med hjälp av en diskursanalys. Undersökningen använder Fifty Shades, Normal People och i några fall, artiklar ur den svenska dagspressen för att göra detta. Frågorna som är vägledande för uppsatsen berör samtycke, patologisering och kön. Syftet med undersökningen är att avkoda vilka föreställningar som litteraturen å ena sidan konstituerar och å andra sidan bryter emot. Undersökningen görs kvalitativt, och utgår ifrån främst Normal People men även Fifty Shades-trilogin. Att studera hur BDSM representeras i litteraturen är intressant eftersom socialstyrelsen i Sverige ansåg Sadomasochsim vara en sjukdom fram tills 2009. Friskförklarandet till trots så går det att tala om en kulturell eftersläpning, vilket bibehåller föreställningar om BDSM som en sjukdom. Undersökningen berör patologiseringen, men även frågor om kön. Från radikalfeministiskt håll så har BDSM ansetts vara ett ultimat tecken på ett förtryckande och patriarkalt samhälle. Undersökningen vill såväl undersöka som spräcka några av de myter kring BDSM, med fokus på litteraturen.
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History of the Observer, 1905-1910Gollin, Alfred January 1957 (has links)
No description available.
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Porovnání erotiky v porevoluční tvorbě Vladimíra Párala s Padesáti odstíny šedi / A comparison of eroticism in post-revolution era of Vladimír Páral's prose with Fifti Shades of GreyBuchtová, Michaela January 2020 (has links)
This thesis compares eroticism in the post-revolutionary work of the Czech prose writer Vladimír Páral with the bestseller Fifty Shades of Grey by the British writer E. L. James. From Páral's work, the works of Dekameron 2000 or Love in Prague, Playgirls, Book of pleasure, laughter and joy, and the Book about the whip are discussed. Also included is The Professional: Vladimír Páral about himself and other interesting things, which came out in the 1990s, but it is an autobiography. Therefore, this book will be included in the chapter on autobiographical connotations. The thesis is divided into three main parts. The first one is mainly terminological, it explains the terms sex, eroticsm, pornography, erotic and pornographic literature and love. The second part deals with the authors themselves and their body of work. It is organised into sub-chapters in which specific pieces are analysed. In the case of Páral, the parallel between the Book of pleasure, laughter and joy and Kundera's Book of laughter and forgetting is also taken into account. In the case of Fifty Shades of Grey, some similarities with the erotism in Milan Kundera's work are found. In the summary, the texts are compared in terms of the role of eroticism, sex tools, plot characters as well as author's intention and style. The subjective...
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Selfpublishing v českém prostředí a změny na knižním trhu s ním spojené / Self-publishing v českém prostředí a změny na knižním trhu s ním spojenéBlažek, Radek January 2016 (has links)
One of the first Czech research papers on self-publishing. Even though unsuccessful and forbidden authors could publish a book on their own in the past, the current phenomenon of self-publishing can be arranged on-line in just a few clicks and for much cheaper. Self- publishing began to spread since circa 2005 - in the Czech Republic and abroad simultaneously. This thesis shows how the development has unfolded differently in the Czech Republic and in the USA, which is considered the cradle of this technology. The first chapter of this thesis analyzes the history of book publishing and many different ways to publish a book, and defines self-publishing. The second chapter shows how the new technologies and media influenced the expansion of self-publishing. The third chapter analyzes and puts into context some of the Czech and the American self-publishing portals, and compares the providers of these services. Many professionals - editors, authors, and literary critics - criticize self-publishing for its amateurism and low quality content, which this work takes into account as well. This paper also documents some of the rare cases of self-published authors, who managed to succeed despite the tough competition from traditional publishing houses. In the last chapter the whole process of self-publishing...
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