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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A perman?ncia na universidade analisada sob a perspectiva bioecol?gica : integra??o entre teorias, vari?veis e percep??es estudantis

Schmitt, Rafael Eduardo 14 January 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS (tede2@pucrs.br) on 2016-05-23T18:04:06Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_RAFAEL_EDUARDO_SCHMITT_COMPLETO.pdf: 2703033 bytes, checksum: 68a9f18b26f09256581d17ab51af9ad4 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-05-23T18:04:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_RAFAEL_EDUARDO_SCHMITT_COMPLETO.pdf: 2703033 bytes, checksum: 68a9f18b26f09256581d17ab51af9ad4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-01-14 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / The thesis focuses on the subject of student retention on Higher Education, from an integrated look, oriented by the Bioecological Theory of Human Development, from Urie Bronfenbrenner. The research is characterized by a naturalistic-constructivist study, exploratory and of qualitative approach, which primary objective sought to integrate different theoretical perspectives, variables and perceptions of students associated with the persistence at the university. The methodological path involved the realization of a metatheoretical study that analyzed six explanatory models of student persistence/retention, having as object the identification of common elements between them. It was also conducted a systematic literature review in the national and Latin American literature, identifying variables associated with dropout and persistence. And, as a way to signify the results on the students? view, a case study was carried through 24 academics? perceptions, of different courses and with different profiles, of a private institution, situated in the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre/RS. The analysis process was based on the bioecological perspective, as well as on the Content Analysis? technical, from Laurence Bardin. The results were organized in four blocks, according to the specific objectives. On the first block, 33 convergent aspects, associated to the student persistence, are evidenced. They are presented on the models designed by Vincent Tinto, John Bean, Alexander Astin, Ernest Pascarella and Alberto Cabrera and collaborators. The theories demonstrated, between them, a high potential of integration, so that the association between sociological and psychological perspectives proved to be favorable in a way of opening the view over the theoretical field. To the second objective, by the light of Latin American contemporary production on the subject, 102 variables related to students? dropout/persistence on higher education, were found. Both results were categorized from the constructs person - process - context - time, which proved to be coherent and with high integrative capability. On the third objective, related to the case study, the students emphasized that the certainty about course and profession?s choices, are fundamental aspects to the student persistence. They also emphasized the familiar support, as well as internal features like will, dedication, and commitment, engagement and motivation as main aspects to academic success. Students also realize the influence of different social and environmental levels, so that the student persistence can be affected by several multi-contextual forces, according to the immediate and distant environment in which they are inserted, directly and indirectly. Among the influences perceived in the institutional context, the interviewees underline the important role of teachers as key actors capable of promoting support and encouragement at the institutional level. The overall results also resulted in the development of an integrative diagram, built under the bioecological perspective, as a way to synthesize the results and contribute to the scientific field. Thus, through the development of the methodology, it was possible to build the following thesis: The Bioecological Theory of Human Development has the potential to advance on the understanding of the student?s persistence phenomenon in higher education, being its main virtue the ability to integrate different theoretical approaches, and its main strength, the ability to show multiple environmental influences, as well as the role of time as change and development inductor, necessary for academic and personal progress of students. / A tese focaliza o tema da perman?ncia estudantil na Educa??o Superior a partir de um olhar integrativo, orientado pela Teoria Bioecol?gica do Desenvolvimento Humano, de Urie Bronfenbrenner. A pesquisa caracterizou-se com um estudo natural?stico-construtivista, de abordagem qualitativa e car?ter explorat?rio, cujo objetivo prim?rio buscou integrar diferentes perspectivas te?ricas, vari?veis e percep??es dos estudantes associadas ao fen?meno da perman?ncia na universidade. A condu??o metodol?gica envolveu a realiza??o de um estudo metate?rico que analisou seis modelos explicativos sobre persist?ncia/reten??o estudantil, tendo como objeto a identifica??o de elementos comuns entre os mesmos. Tamb?m foi conduzida uma revis?o bibliogr?fica sistem?tica na literatura nacional e latino-americana, com foco na identifica??o de vari?veis associadas ? evas?o e perman?ncia. E, como forma de significar os resultados na vis?o dos estudantes, foi realizado um estudo de caso a partir das percep??es de 24 acad?micos, de diferentes cursos e perfis, de uma institui??o privada, localizada na regi?o metropolitana de Porto Alegre/RS. O processo de an?lise esteve pautado na perspectiva bioecol?gica, bem como, na t?cnica de An?lise de conte?do, de Laurence Bardin. Os resultados foram organizados em quatro blocos, de acordo com os objetivos espec?ficos. No primeiro, s?o evidenciados 33 aspectos convergentes associados ? perman?ncia estudantil, presentes nos modelos delineados por Vincent Tinto, John Bean, Alexander Astin, Ernest Pascarella e Alberto Cabrera e colaboradores. As teorias demonstraram, entre si, um consider?vel potencial para integra??o, de forma que a associa??o entre perspectivas sociol?gicas e psicol?gicas se mostrou favor?vel no sentido de ampliar a vis?o sobre o campo te?rico. Para o segundo objetivo foram encontradas 102 vari?veis relacionadas com a evas?o/perman?ncia estudantil na educa??o superior, a partir da produ??o latino-americana contempor?nea sobre o tema. Ambos resultados, foram categorizados a partir dos construtos pessoa ? processo ? contexto ? tempo, os quais se mostraram coerentes e com elevada capacidade integrativa. No terceiro objetivo, relacionado ao estudo de casos, os estudantes participantes destacam a certeza da escolha pelo curso e pela profiss?o como aspectos fundamentais para a perman?ncia estudantil. Ressaltam o apoio familiar, bem como, as caracter?sticas internas como a vontade, a dedica??o, o empenho, o envolvimento e a motiva??o como aspectos primordiais para o sucesso acad?mico. Os estudantes tamb?m percebem as influ?ncias de distintos n?veis socioambientais, de forma que a perman?ncia estudantil pode ser afetada por diversas for?as multi-contextuais, de acordo com os ambientes imediatos e distantes nos quais est?o inseridos direta e indiretamente. Entre as influ?ncias percebidas no contexto institucional, os entrevistados destacam o importante papel dos docentes como principais atores capazes de promover suporte, apoio e incentivo no ?mbito institucional. O conjunto dos resultados possibilitou, ainda, a elabora??o de um diagrama integrativo, constru?do sob a ?tica bioecol?gica, como meio de sintetizar os resultados e contribuir para o campo cient?fico, a partir da explora??o te?rica realizada. Dessa forma, a partir da condu??o metodol?gica, foi poss?vel construir a seguinte tese: A Teoria Bioecol?gica do Desenvolvimento Humano apresenta potencial para avan?ar na compreens?o do fen?meno da perman?ncia estudantil na educa??o superior, sendo sua principal virtude a capacidade de integrar diferentes abordagens te?ricas e, suas principais for?as, a possibilidade de evidenciar as m?ltiplas influ?ncias socioambientais, bem como, o papel do tempo como indutor de mudan?a e desenvolvimento, necess?rios para o progresso acad?mico e pessoal dos estudantes.

Pol?ticas de perman?ncia de estudantes na educa??o superior : em exame as universidades comunit?rias catarinenses

Voos, Jordelina Beatriz Anacleto 29 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS (tede2@pucrs.br) on 2016-05-30T17:10:31Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_JORDELINA_BEATRIZ_ANACLETO_VOOS_COMPLETO.pdf: 2184822 bytes, checksum: cdb86fc50817dcba6770cad311b4d757 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-05-30T17:10:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_JORDELINA_BEATRIZ_ANACLETO_VOOS_COMPLETO.pdf: 2184822 bytes, checksum: cdb86fc50817dcba6770cad311b4d757 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-29 / The thesis present is situated in the field of education, specifically, it relates to higher education undergraduate and political of education. The pertinence of the research is also coated, scientific and socially, of relevance through the lack of information, or publicly available information, in the system Santa Catarina. It was considered also that undergraduate education has demonstrated great importance in the Brazilian context and Santa Catarina, materialized in government policies regarding the financing, expansion and inclusion. However, according to the census of higher education, the so-called phenomenon of evasion and or abandonment of the students is a problem for the institutions of higher education. Unlike the Brazilian context, in the international context there are specific institutional policies for the management of the abandonment and of the permanence of students, especially in the North American and European continent, given the large volume of research socialized in II? and III? Latin American Conference on Abandonment in Higher education as well as the relevant theoretical framework of publication, according to the criteria of reliability of sources and representativeness of official bodies in the production and dissemination of data. The research is characterized as a documentary research, and the backcloth of the survey are the documents produced by 10 community universities, of Santa Catarina, affiliates to the Santa Catarina Association of Educational Foundations and by area researchers, with regard to the problem of the policies of permanence of the student in undergraduate courses. The techniques for data collection were those pertaining to the methodology: selection of documents with key informants, analysis, interpretation and contextualization of data. In light of the above, in the horizon of the interpretive paradigm, searching for coherence the methodological approach three basic assumptions, as initial categories were chosen to anchor the process, serving as wires conductors for the formation of the theoretical framework, for the tessitura analysis and interpretation of data, were configured three dimensions: organizational models, training and social quality and polices assistance to students. The dimensions, by evidence emerged the analysis categories. So, the relationships between the state of knowledge and the empiricism, became, possible to describe the results. It was found that, despite the efforts of managers of universities studied, the planning and the execution of actions to respond to the pressures of the demands in compliance with the regulatory mark; the emphasis on assistance to the students, caused the distance between the formulation base and policy delivery base focused on retention of students in undergraduate courses. In this sense, it is evident the need of creating another agenda for community universities, reshaping the institutional actions of ACAFE system of. And in accordance with the commitment of researcher, to the know and reveal the reality, build an intelligibility framework that can, in the context of higher education policies contribute, although in a limited way, for the production of knowledge about a subject that produces a reflective effect, recreating, renewing or provocative of continuity, it presents indicative for the construction of permanency policy of undergraduate students of the community universities of the Santa Catarina affiliated to ACAFE. / A tese que se apresenta situa-se no campo da educa??o, especificamente, ao que se refere ao ensino superior de gradua??o e ?s pol?ticas em educa??o. A pertin?ncia da investiga??o ? tamb?m revestida, cientifica e socialmente, de relev?ncia pela aus?ncia de informa??es, ou de informa??es acess?veis, no sistema catarinense de educa??o superior. Considerou-se, ainda, que o ensino de gradua??o tem se mostrado de grande import?ncia, no contexto brasileiro e catarinense, materializado nas pol?ticas governamentais, no que tange ao financiamento, ? expans?o e ? inclus?o. Entretanto, de acordo com os censos da educa??o superior, o fen?meno denominado de evas?o e ou de abandono dos estudantes constitui um problema para as Institui??es de ensino superior. Ao contr?rio do contexto brasileiro, no contexto internacional h? pol?ticas institucionais espec?ficas para a gest?o do abandono e da perman?ncia de estudantes, especialmente no continente norte americano e europeu, haja vista o grande volume de pesquisas socializadas na II? e III? Confer?ncia Latinoamericana sobre o Abandono no Ensino Superior, bem como a publica??o de referencial te?rico pertinente, segundo os crit?rios de confiabilidade das fontes e de representatividade dos ?rg?os oficiais na produ??o e divulga??o de dados. A investiga??o caracteriza-se como uma pesquisa documental, tendo como pano de fundo o levantamento de documentos produzidos por 10 universidades comunit?rias, catarinenses, filiadas ? Associa??o Catarinense das Funda??es Educacionais e pelos pesquisadores da ?rea, com rela??o ? problem?tica, sobre as pol?ticas de perman?ncia dos estudantes nos cursos de gradua??o. As t?cnicas para coleta de dados foram ?quelas pertinentes ? metodologia: sele??o de documentos com informantes-chave, an?lise, interpreta??o e contextualiza??o dos dados. ? luz do exposto, no horizonte do paradigma interpretativo, buscando-se coer?ncia ? abordagem metodol?gica declarada, tr?s pressupostos b?sicos, como categorias iniciais, foram eleitos para ancorar o processo, servindo de fios condutores, para a constitui??o do quadro te?rico, para a tessitura da an?lise e da interpreta??o dos dados, configurando-se tr?s dimens?es: modelos organizacionais, forma??o e qualidade social e pol?ticas de atendimento aos discentes. Das dimens?es, pelas evid?ncias, emergiram as categorias de an?lise. Estabelecendo-se, ent?o, as rela??es poss?veis entre o estado de conhecimento e a empiria, tornou-se poss?vel descrever os resultados. Constatou-se que, apesar dos esfor?os dos gestores, das IES pesquisadas, o planejamento e execu??o de a??es para responder ?s press?es das demandas em atendimento aos marcos regulat?rios; a ?nfase nas necessidades assistenciais dos estudantes, tem provocado o distanciamento entre a base de formula??o e a base de execu??o de pol?ticas voltadas ? perman?ncia dos estudantes nos cursos de gradua??o. Nesse sentido, ficou evidente a necessidade de constitui??o de outra agenda para as universidades comunit?rias, redimensionando as a??es institucionais do sistema ACAFE. E, em conformidade com compromisso de pesquisadora de, ao conhecer e revelar a realidade, construir um referencial de inteligibilidade que possa, no contexto das pol?ticas de ensino superior contribuir, embora de modo limitado, para a produ??o de conhecimento sobre uma tem?tica que produza um efeito reflexivo, recriador, renovador ou provocador de sua continuidade, apresenta-se indicativos para a constru??o de uma pol?tica de perman?ncia dos estudantes de gradua??o das IES comunit?rias catarinenses, filiadas ? ACAFE.

Escolha de curso e evas?o universit?ria: an?lises a partir do Sistema de Sele??o Unificada

Melo, Kesia Cristine 24 August 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-11-06T20:56:31Z No. of bitstreams: 1 KesiaCristineMelo_DISSERT.pdf: 923622 bytes, checksum: 507c48f739c7f6e14ab79e3018dc68fa (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-11-20T22:31:08Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 KesiaCristineMelo_DISSERT.pdf: 923622 bytes, checksum: 507c48f739c7f6e14ab79e3018dc68fa (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-11-20T22:31:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 KesiaCristineMelo_DISSERT.pdf: 923622 bytes, checksum: 507c48f739c7f6e14ab79e3018dc68fa (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-08-24 / A evas?o universit?ria ? considerada um fen?meno complexo, que sofre influ?ncia de diversos fatores e tem causado interesse em pesquisadores dos diversos campos do saber nos ?ltimos anos, a exemplo da educa??o e da administra??o p?blica. Com a implanta??o do Sistema de Sele??o Unificada, paulatinamente implantado pelo Minist?rio da Educa??o nas Institui??es de Ensino Superior, a partir de 2012, as poss?veis causas e as modalidades da evas?o vem sendo discutidas, gradativamente, no meio acad?mico. Partiu-se do princ?pio de que esse novo modelo de sele??o permite a mobilidade, sendo essa uma das formas de evas?o que, nesse estudo, foi compreendida como a mudan?a de curso de gradua??o sem conclu?-lo. Este trabalho se prop?s a identificar os fatores apresentados pelos estudantes do Centro de Ci?ncias Sociais Aplicadas da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, que os fazem querer mudar de curso de gradua??o. Essa investiga??o ajudou a compreender uma das modalidades da evas?o, sua real incid?ncia, a influ?ncia na escolha profissional e como o Sistema de Sele??o Unificada se relaciona com a poss?vel mudan?a de curso. A pesquisa caracterizou-se como um estudo de caso qualitativo e explorat?rio, tendo como participantes os estudantes do Centro de Ci?ncias Sociais Aplicadas. Por meio de um question?rio online, identificou-se estudantes que tendiam a mudar de curso e, em seguida, foi realizada uma entrevista com os que se disponibilizaram, tendo os dados sido analisados a partir da an?lise de conte?do. Os resultados apontam a nota obtida no ENEM, como determinante para a escolha do curso de gradua??o pelo SISU. A integra??o universit?ria, chamada de integra??o social, foi considerada negativa e, portanto, propulsora da evas?o juntamente com a insatisfa??o das metodologias utilizadas em sala de aula pelos professores. / University dropout is a complex phenomenon that is influenced by numerous factors. In the last few years, this subject has aroused the interest of many researchers from various different fields, e.g. education and public administration. Since the implementation of the Unified Selection System (SISU), created by the Ministry of Education in 2012, the discussion around the possible causes and types of dropouts has been gradually increasing in the academic environment. It is assumed that this new model of higher education selection allows the mobility between undergraduate courses, which is a peculiarity to be understood and investigated in the contemporary dropout phenomenon, which, in this study, will be understood as the change of undergraduate course without completing it. The aim of this study is to identify the factors presented by the students from the Centre of Applied Social Sciences of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) regarding their intention to change to another undergraduate course. This research is a useful tool to understand this phenomenon, its real impact and its influence on the process of selecting a career path, as well as how the Unified Selection System relates to the students? choice of changing their undergraduate majors. This research has a qualitative and exploratory approach. The students of the Centre for Applied Social Sciences who presented the intentionality to change their undergraduate majors where identified by the means of an online questionnaire. After that, those who agreed to participate where interviewed and their information was analysed based on content analysis technique. The results showed that the marks obtained from the High School National Exam (ENEM) are decisive to their undergraduate course choice via SISU. Social integration was deemed to be negative and, therefore, a driving force behind the dropout phenomenon. together with the unsatisfactory teaching methodology adopted by the lecturers.

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