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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The structure of the crust, the uppermost mantle, and the mantle transition zone beneath Madagascar

Andriampenomanana Ny Ony, Elamahalala Fenitra Sy Tanjona January 2017 (has links)
A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Science, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. October 2017. / Since the arc assembly and continental collision of the East African Orogen some 640 million years ago, Madagascar has gone through several geodynamic and tectonic episodes that have formed and subsequently modified its lithosphere. This thesis aims to investigate the structure of the crust, the uppermost mantle, and the mantle transition zone beneath Madagascar to gain insights into the relationship between present-day lithosphere structure and tectonic evolution, and to evaluate candidate models for the origin of the Cenozoic intraplate volcanism. To address these issues, local, regional, and teleseismic events recorded by several temporary seismic networks; the MAdagascar-COmoros-MOzambique (MACOMO), the SEismological signatures in the Lithosphere/Asthenosphere system of SOuthern MAdagascar (SELASOMA), and the Réunion Hotspot and Upper Mantle – Réunions Unterer Mantel (RHUM-RUM) were used to complement the seismic events recorded by the permanent seismic stations in Madagascar. The different methods used and the primary results of this study are explained in each section of this thesis. In the first part of this thesis, crustal and uppermost mantle structure beneath Madagascar was studied by analyzing receiver functions using an H-κ stacking technique and a joint inversion with Rayleigh-wave phase-velocity measurements. Results reflect the eastward and northward progressive development of the western sedimentary basins of Madagascar. The thickness of the Malagasy crust ranges between 18 km and 46 km. The thinnest crust (18-36 km thick) is located beneath the western basins and it is due to the Mesozoic rifting of Madagascar from eastern Africa. The slight thinning of the crust (31-36 km thick) along the east coast may have been caused by crustal uplift and erosion when Madagascar moved over the Marion hotspot and India broke away from it. The parameters describing the crustal structure of Archean and Proterozoic terranes, including thickness, Poisson’s ratio, average shear-wave velocity, thickness of mafic lower crust, show little evidence of secular variation. Slow shear-wave velocity of the uppermost mantle (4.2-4.3 km/s) are observed beneath the northern tip, central part and southwestern region of the island, which encompass major Cenozoic volcanic provinces in Madagascar. The second part of the thesis describes a seismic tomography study that determines the lateral variation of Pn-wave velocity and anisotropy within the uppermost mantle beneath Madagascar. Results show an average uppermost mantle Pn-velocity of 8.1 km/s. However, zones of relatively low-Pn-velocity (~7.9 km/s) are found beneath the Cenozoic volcanic provinces in the northern, central, and southwestern region of the island. These low-Pn-velocity zones are attributed to thermal anomalies that are associated with upwelling of hot mantle materials that gave rise to the Cenozoic volcanism. The direction of Pn anisotropy shows a dominant NW-SE direction of fast-polarization in the northern region and around the Ranostara shear zone, in the south-central Madagascar. The anisotropy in the uppermost mantle beneath these regions aligns with the existing geological framework, e.g. volcanic complex and shear zones, and can be attributed to a fossil anisotropy. The Pn anisotropy in the southwestern region, around the Morondava basin, is E-W to NE-SW-oriented. It can be attributed either to the mantle flow from plate motion, the African superplume, or the Mesozoic rifting from Africa. Results from this study do not show any substantial evidence of the formation of a diffuse boundary of the Lwandle plate, cutting through the central region of Madagascar. Station static delays reflect the significant variation in the Moho depth beneath the island. In the third part of the thesis, the thickness of the mantle transition zone beneath Madagascar, which is sensitive to the surrounding temperature variation, has been estimated by stacking receiver functions. Single-station and common-conversionpoint stacking procedures show no detectable thinning of the mantle transition zone and thus no evidence for a thermal anomaly in the mantle under Madagascar that extends as deep as the mantle transition zone. Therefore, this study supports an upper mantle origin for the Cenozoic volcanism. However, the resolution of the study is not sufficient to rule out the presence of a narrow thermal anomaly as might arise from a plume tail. Overall, the findings in this research are broadly consistent with the crustal and upper mantle structure of Madagascar determined by previous studies, but provides significantly greater detail with regard to the crustal and uppermost mantle structure as more seismic stations were used. / LG2018

Tomographic images of the crust and upper mantle beneath the Tibetan Plateau : using body waves, surface waves and a joint inversion

Nunn, Ceri January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Imaging the structure of the crust and upper mantle in central Asia

Gilligan, Amy Rebecca January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

A geophysical study of the earth's crust in central Virginia with implications for lower crustal reflections and Appalachian crustal structure

Pratt, Thomas L. January 1986 (has links)
Reprocessing of the United States Geological Survey's seismic reflection profile along Interstate 64 (I64) across Virginia with a data extension to 14-sec two-way travel time has provided a stacked section suitable for an integrated interpretation of refraction, earthquake, and blast analyses done by previous workers as well as gravity modelling done in this study. The seismic reflection profile shows a highly reflective upper crust which is consistent with an allochthonous Blue Ridge Province, possibly with underlying thrust sheets, and a basal decollement at about 9 km (3 sec) depth. Immediately east of the Blue Ridge province, the Appalachian structures plunge to up to 12 km (4 sec) depth where their interpretation on the section becomes ambiguous. The Evington Group, Hardware Terrane, and Chopawamsic metavolcanic rocks exposed in the Piedmont Province correspond to numerous reflections which appear to overlie a shallowly (10° to 15°) west-dipping, highly reflective zone dipping from 1.5 sec beneath the Goochland Terrane to 5 sec beneath the Evington Group rocks. Some of the overlying reflections apparently root in this zone which is therefore interpreted to include decollement surfaces along which the overlying rocks were transported. Grenville basement rocks are interpreted to underlie this zone and form autochthonous basement beneath the entire western portion of the profile because relatively few reflections originate from within this region. The Goochland granulite terrane is interpreted as a nappe structure which has overridden a portion of the Chopawamsic metavolcanic rocks. The Goochland terrane is bounded on the east' on the section by a broad zone of east-dipping (20° to 45°) reflections which may penetrate to Moho depths and are possibly correlative with similar events seen on other Appalachian lines. The 164 section contains a layered sequence of reflections at about 9 to 12 sec extending about 70 km west from Richmond, Virginia whose base coincides almost exactly with the Mohorovicic Discontinuity (Moho) interpreted from earlier refraction work. The deep reflections are thus believed to be lower crustal layering forming a 5 to 10 km thick Moho transition zone which is believed to persist across the state. The density contrast of 0.25 gm/cm³ between the lower crust and upper mantle derived from gravity modelling, the seismic transition zone, and the presence of intrusive rocks of lower crust-upper mantle origin at the surface are consistent with partial melting and contamination of the lower crust with upper mantle material. The refraction data and gravity modelling are consistent with a crust which thins from about 52 km beneath the Appalachian mountains to about 35 km beneath Richmond, Virginia, and rethickens by up to 10 km beneath the zone of east-dipping events east of Richmond. The pervasiveness of the zone of east-dipping events on other seismic reflection lines and the continuity of the adjacent Piedmont gravity high suggest that a similar crustal profile occurs along the length of the Appalachians. / Ph. D.

The formation of Earth’s early felsic continental crust by water-present eclogite melting

Laurie, Angelique 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The sodic and leucocratic Tonalite, Trondhjemite and Granodiorite (TTG) granitoid series of rocks characterise Paleo- to Meso- Archaean felsic continental crust, yet are uncommon in the post-Archaean rock record. Consequently, petrogenetic studies on these rocks provide valuable insight into the creation and evolution of Earth’s early continental crust. The highpressure (HP)-type of Archaean TTG magmas are particularly important in this regard as their geochemistry requires that they are formed by high-pressure melting of a garnet-rich eclogitic source. This has been interpreted as evidence for the formation of these magmas by anatexis of the upper portions of slabs within Archaean subduction zones. In general, TTG magmas have been assumed to arise through fluid-absent partial melting of metamafic source rocks. Therefore, very little experimental data on fluid-present eclogite melting to produce Archaean TTG exist, despite the fact that water drives magmatism in modern arcs. Consequently, this study experimentally investigates the role of fluid-present partial melting of eclogite-facies metabasaltic rock in the production of Paleo- to Meso-Archaean HP-type TTG melts. Experiments are conducted between 1.6 GPa and 3.0 GPa and 700 ºC and 900 ºC using natural and synthetic eclogite, and gel starting materials of low-K2O basaltic composition. Partial melting of the natural and synthetic eclogite occurred between 850 ºC and 870 ºC at pressures above 1.8 GPa, and the melting reaction is characterised by the breakdown of sodic clinopyroxene, quartz and water: Qtz + Cpx1 + H2O ± Grt1 = Melt + Cpx2 ± Grt2. The experimental melts have the compositions of sodic peraluminous trondhjemites and have compositions that are similar to the major, trace and rare earth element composition of HPtype Archaean TTG. This study suggests that fluid-present eclogite melting is a viable petrogenetic model for this component of Paleo- to Meso-Archaean TTG crust. The nature of the wet low-K2O eclogite-facies metamafic rock solidus has been experimentally defined and inflects towards higher temperatures at the position of the plagioclase-out reaction. Therefore, the results indicate that a crystalline starting material is necessary to define this solidus to avoid metastable melting beyond temperatures of the Pl + H2O + Qtz solidus at pressures above plagioclase stability. Furthermore, this study uses numerical and metamorphic models to demonstrate that for reasonable Archaean mantle wedge temperatures within a potential Archaean subduction zone, the bulk of the water produced by metamorphic reactions within the slabs is captured by an anatectic zone near the slab surface. Therefore, this geodynamic model may account for HP-type Archaean TTG production and additionally provides constraints for likely Archaean subduction. The shape of the relevant fluid-present solidus is similar to the shape of the pressure-temperature paths followed by upper levels of the proposed Archaean subducting slab, which makes water-fluxed slab anatexis is very dependant on the temperature in the mantle wedge. I propose that cooling of the upper mantle by only a small amount during the late Archaean ended fluid-present melting of the slab. This allowed slab water to migrate into the wedge and produce intermediate composition magmatism which has since been associated with subduction zones. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die reeks natruimhoudende en leukokraties Tonaliet, Trondhjemiet en Granodioriet (TTG) felsiese stollingsgesteentes is kenmerkend in die Paleo- tot Meso-Argeïkum felsiese kontinentale kors, maar is ongewoon in die post-Argeïese rots rekord. Gevolglik, petrogenetiese studies op hierdie rotse verskaf waardevolle insig in die skepping en evolusie van die aarde se vroeë kontinentale kors. Die hoë-druk (HD)-tipe van die Argeïkum TTG magmas is veral belangrik in hierdie verband as hulle geochemie vereis dat hulle gevorm word deur hoë druk smelting van 'n granaat-ryk eklogitiese bron. Dit word interpreteer as bewys vir die vorming van hierdie magmas deur smelting van die boonste gedeeltes van die blaaie in Argeïese subduksie sones. TTG magmas in die algemeen, is veronderstel om op te staan deur middel van water-afwesig gedeeltelike smelting van metamafiese bron rotse. Daarom bestaan baie min eksperimentele data op water-teenwoordig eklogiet smelting om Argeïkum TTG te produseer, ten spyte van die feit dat water magmatisme dryf in moderne boë. Gevolglik is hierdie studie ‘n eksperimentele ondersoek in die rol van water-teenwoordig gedeeltelike smelting van eklogiet-fasies metamafiese rots in die produksie van Paleo- tot Meso-Argeïkum HD-tipe TTG smelte. Eksperimente word uitgevoer tussen 1.6 GPa en 3.0 GPa en 700 ºC en 900 ºC met behulp van natuurlike en sintetiese eklogiet, en gel begin materiaal van lae-K2O basaltiese samestelling. Gedeeltelike smelting van die natuurlike en sintetiese eklogiet het plaasgevind tussen 850 ºC en 870 ºC te druk bo 1.8 GPa, en die smeltings reaksie is gekenmerk deur die afbreek van natruimhoudende klinopirokseen, kwarts en water: Qtz + Cpx1 + H2O ± Grt1 = Smelt + Cpx2 ± Grt2. Die eksperimentele smelte het die komposisies van natruimhoudende trondhjemites en is soortgelyk aan die hoof-, spoor- en seldsame aard element samestelling van HD-tipe Argeïkum TTG. Hierdie studie dui daarop dat water-teenwoordig eklogiet smelting 'n lewensvatbare petrogenetiese model is vir hierdie komponent van Paleo- tot Meso-Argeïkum TTG kors. Die aard van die nat lae-K2O eklogietfasies metamafiese rock solidus is eksperimenteel gedefinieër en beweeg na hoër temperature by die posisie van die plagioklaas-out reaksie. Daarom dui die resultate daarop dat 'n kristallyne materiaal nodig is om hierdie solidus te definieër en metastabiele smelting buite temperature van die Pl + H2O + Qtz solidus druk bo plagioklaas stabiliteit te vermy. Verder maak hierdie studie gebruik van numeriese en metamorfiese modelle om aan te dui dat die grootste deel van die water geproduseer deur metamorfiese reaksies binne die blaaie bestaan vir redelike Argeïkum mantel wig temperature binne 'n potensiële Argeïkum subduksie sone, en word opgevang deur 'n smelting sone naby die blad oppervlak. Daarom kan hierdie geodinamies model rekenskap gee vir HD-tipe Argeïkum TTG produksie en dit bied ook die beperkinge vir waarskynlik Argeïese subduksie. Die vorm van die betrokke waterteenwoordig solidus is soortgelyk aan die vorm van die druk-temperatuur paaie gevolg deur die boonste vlakke van die voorgestelde Argeïkum subderende blad, wat water-vloeiing blad smeltingbaie afhanklik maak van die temperatuur in die mantel wig. Ons stel voor dat afkoeling van die boonste mantel met slegs 'n klein hoeveelheid gedurende die laat Argeïese, die water-vloeiing smelting van die blad beëindig. Dit het toegelaat dat die blad water in die wig migreer en intermediêre samestelling magmatisme produseer wat sedert geassosieer word met subduksie sones.

Decrypting the crustal evolution of the Mozambique Belt in Malawi

Manda, Blackwell Chawala January 2016 (has links)
Global paleogeography exerts a first order control on both the deep and surficial components of the Earth system. Temporal and spatial constraints on the Mozambique Belt of Eastern Africa are needed to understand its crustal evolution and its role in assembly of Gondwana. This thesis provides detailed data on the timing, sources and nature of tectono-thermal events responsible for magmatism in the Mozambique Belt in southern Malawi. An integrated approach of petrography, geochemistry, radiogenic isotopes, and single zircon geochronology has been used to determine spatial and temporal constraints and to better constrain models of the assembly of East and West Gondwana, which occurred along the Mozambique Belt. In particular the thesis attempts to address key unresolved questions about the number and timing of accretionary pulses within the orogen. LA-ICP-MS single zircon U-Pb results show tectono-thermal events in four periods: Mesoproterozoic from 1128 ± 30 Ma to 1033 ± 20 Ma; Neoproterozoic (956 ± 12 Ma – 594 ± 65 Ma); Cambrian (530 ± 3 Ma – 515 ± 12 Ma); and Cretaceous (118 ± 2 Ma). Metamorphism is dated from a charnockitic gneiss that yielded a lower intercept age of 515 ± 18 Ma. The granitoids are intermediate to acidic with relative enrichment in LILEs and depletion in HFSEs with moderately negative anomalies in Th, Nb, P, Zr and Ti. REE spider plots show enrichment in LREEs and depleted HREEs with negative Eu anomalies. The meta-granites are largely metaluminous with a few peraluminous, I-type granites belonging to the calc-alkaline series. Radiogenic isotope data reveals slight differences with older, Mesoproterozoic rocks showing positive ɛNd and ɛHf values signifying derivation from depleted mantle material, whilst the younger rocks display negative epsilon values suggestive of crustal material recycling and mixing for their source and origins. Granitoids of southern Malawi display characteristics consistent with derivation in a continental Andean type arc with some aspects of the chemistry resembling tonalite-trondhjemite-granite (TTG) suites mapped in the Mozambique Belt in Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique, and Antarctica although the data are not sufficiently compelling to assign the Malawi rocks to classic TTGs.

Melting in the Mantle Wedge: Quantifying the Effects of Crustal Morphology and Viscous Decoupling on Melt Production with Application to the Cascadia Subduction Zone

Yang, Jiaming 07 September 2017 (has links)
Arc magmatism is sustained by the complex interactions between the subducting slab, the overriding plate, and the mantle wedge. Partial melting of mantle peridotite is achieved by fluid-induced flux melting and decompression melting due to upward flow. The distribution of melting is sensitive to temperature, the pattern of flow, and the pressure in the mantle wedge. The arc front is the surface manifestation of partial melting in the mantle wedge and is characterized by a narrow chain of active volcanoes that migrate in time. The conventional interpretation is that changes in slab dip angle lead to changes in the arc front position relative to the trench. We explore an alternative hypothesis: evolution of the overlying plate, specifically thickening of the arc root, causes arc front migration. We investigate the effects of varying crustal morphology and viscous decoupling of the shallow slab-mantle interface on melt production using 2D numerical models involving a stationary overriding plate, a subducting plate with prescribed motion, and a dynamic mantle wedge. Melt production is quantified using a hydrous melting parameterization. We conclude: 1) Localized lithospheric thickening shifts the locus of melt production trenchward while thinning shifts melting landward. 2) Inclined LAB topography modulates the asthenospheric flow field, producing a narrow, well-defined arc front. 3) Thickening of the overriding plate exerts increased torque on the slab, favoring shallowing of the dip angle. 4) Viscous decoupling produces a cold, stagnant forearc mantle but promotes arc front melting due to reduction in the radius of corner flow, leading to higher temperatures at the coupling/decoupling transition.

Mechanical spectroscopy of quartz and Fe₁-ₓNiₓ : anelasticity in crust and core

Peng, Zhenwei January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Modulation of crustal magmatic systems by external tectonic forcing

Karakas, Ozge 16 November 2011 (has links)
We develop a two dimensional model that simulates the response of the crust to prolonged mantle-derived intrusions in arc environments. The domain includes the entire crustal section and upper mantle and focuses on the evolving thermal structure due to intrusions and external tectonic forcing. We monitor the thermal response, melt fraction and volume for different environments after a definite time by considering geologically relevant melt flux and extensional tectonic rates. The amount of crustal melt versus fractionated primary mantle melts present in the crustal column helps determine crustal structure and growth through time. We observe that with a geophysically estimated flux and tectonic rate, the mantle-derived magma bodies can melt the surrounding volume of crust. We express the amount of crustal melting in terms of an efficiency; therefore we define the melting efficiency as the ratio of the melted volume of crustal material to the volume of melt expected from a strict enthalpy balance as explained by Dufek and Bergantz (2005). Melting efficiencies are less than 1.0 in real systems because heat diffuses to sections of the crust that never melt. The maximum calculated efficiency is 0.05 in our model while most of our simulations show zero efficiency. Additionally, maximum total melt amount is observed in relatively greater extensional environments (0.02 m/yr) and high intrusion rates (10⁻² m³/m²/yr) and in long time periods (2 x 10⁶ years). However, maximum crustal melting in the same environment is reached in 1.2 x 10⁶ years. The relative amounts of mantle-derived and crustal melts in the total volume of magma suggest that the majority of magma composition in crustal column is derived from the mantle material.

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