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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Spatiotemporal earthquake patterns : [Poster]

Hainzl, Sebastian, Scherbaum, Frank, Zöller, Gert January 2006 (has links)
Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Musterdynamik und Angewandte Fernerkundung<br> Workshop vom 9. - 10. Februar 2006

Musterdynamik und Fernerkundung in der Döberitzer Heide : [Poster]

Kühling, Matthias, Märker, Michael, Zehe, Erwin January 2006 (has links)
Mit der politischen Wende in den Staaten des ehemaligen Ostblockes wurde für viele militärisch genutzte Flächen ein tiefgreifender Nutzungswandel eingeleitet. Truppenübungsplätze als stark gestörte Bestandteile unserer Kulturlandschaft weisen auf großen Flächen naturschutzfachlich wertvolle Habitatmosaike mit speziellen Lebensgemeinschaften auf. Der Nutzungswandel ist mit einer Veränderung der Vegetationsstrukturen (Sukzession) und weiteren landschaftsökologischen Prozessen verbunden. <br><br> Der ehemalige Truppenübungsplatz Döberitz im Norden der Landeshauptstadt Potsdam kann auf eine lange militärische Nutzungsgeschichte verweisen (erste Manöver des Soldatenkönigs im Jahr 1713). Nach 1992 wurden das NSG Döberitzer Heide (3.415 ha) und das NSG Ferbitzer Bruch (1.155 ha) ausgewiesen. Als Schutzgebiete nach der Vogelschutzrichtlinie sind sie Bestandteile des kohärenten Schutzgebietssystems Natura 2000 der europäischen Gemeinschaft. Trotz des Schutzstatus und der militärischen Altlasten unterliegt das Gebiet als größte zusammenhängende Naturfläche im engeren Verflechtungsraum des Landes Brandenburg einem hohen Nutzungsdruck. <br><br> <hr> <br> Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Musterdynamik und Angewandte Fernerkundung<br> Workshop vom 9. - 10. Februar 2006

Geomorphological and pedological processes in badland areas of Southern Italy and their interaction with Mediterranean vegetation : [Poster]

Märker, Michael, Schröder, Boris, Capolongo, Domenico, Bentivenga, Mario January 2006 (has links)
Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Musterdynamik und Angewandte Fernerkundung<br> Workshop vom 9. - 10. Februar 2006

Automatic detection and classification of seismic signals for monitoring purposes : [Poster]

Ohrnberger, Matthias, Wassermann, Joachim, Richter, Gudrun January 2006 (has links)
Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Musterdynamik und Angewandte Fernerkundung<br> Workshop vom 9. - 10. Februar 2006

Pattern dynamics applied to the kinetics of mineral phase transformations : [Poster]

Riedel, Michael R., Ziemann, Martin A., Oberhänsli, Roland January 2006 (has links)
Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Musterdynamik und Angewandte Fernerkundung<br> Workshop vom 9. - 10. Februar 2006

Hydrologic pathways and stormflow hydrochemistry at South Creek, northeast Queensland

Elsenbeer, Helmut, West, Adam, Bonell, Mike January 1994 (has links)
Earlier investigations at South Creek in northeastern Queensland established the importance of overland flow as a hydrologic pathway in this tropical rainforest environment. Since this pathway is ‘fast’, transmitting presumably ‘new’ water, its importance should be reflected in the stormflow chemistry of South Creek: the greater the volumentric contribution to the stormflow hydrograph, the more similarity between the chemical composition of streamwater and of overland flow is to be expected. Water samples were taken during two storm events in an ephemeral gully (gully A), an intermittent gully (gully B) and at the South Creek catchment outlet; additional spot checks were made in several poorly defined rills. The chemical composition of ‘old’ water was determined from 45 baseflow samples collected throughout February. The two events differed considerably in their magnitudes, intensities and antecedent moisture conditions. In both events, the stormflow chemistry in South Creek was characterized by a sharp decrease in Ca, Mg, Na, Si, Cl, EC, ANC, alkalinity and total inorganic carbon. pH remained nearly constant with discharge, whereas K increased sharply, as did sulfate in an ill-defined manner. In event 1, this South Creek stormflow pattern was closely matched by the pattern in gully A, implying a dominant contribution of ‘new’ water. This match was confirmed by the spot samples from rills. Gully B behaved like South Creek itself, but with a dampened ‘new’ water signal, indicating less overland flow generation in its subcatchment. In event 2, which occurred five days later, the initial ‘new’ water signal in gully A was rapidly overwhelmed by a different signal which is attributed to rapid drainage from a perched water table. This study shows that stormflow in this rainforest catchment consists predominantly of ‘new’ water which reaches the stream channel via ‘fast’ pathways. Where the ephemeral gullies delivering overland flow are incised deeply enough to intersect a perched water table, a delayed, ‘old’ water-like signal may be transmitted.

Throughfall in the terra firme forest of Western Amazonia

Elsenbeer, Helmut, Cassel, Keith, Zuñiga, L. January 1994 (has links)
Throughfall measurements were made under primary terra firme rainforest in the Rio Pichis valley, in the Upper Amazon Basin of Peru. Based on 214 precipitation events over nearly 18 months, throughfall was estimated to be 83.1±8.8% of gross precipitation. Regression analysis of all events revealed that gross precipitation is the only significant explanatory variable; the use of one-burst events does not significantly improve the regression relationship. Gross precipitation is, however, a poor predictor of throughfall for small rainfall events. The two forest structure parameters, canopy capacity, S, and free throughfall coefficient, p, were determined to be 1.3±0.2 mm and 0.32±0.18 mm. Rainfall intensity was found to influence these parameters. New methods which attempt to minimize the influence of meteorologic variables are used to estimate the potential values of these canopy parameters.

Spatial analysis of soil hydraulic conductivity in a tropical rain forest catchment

Elsenbeer, Helmut, Cassel, Keith, Castro, Jorge January 1992 (has links)
The topography of first-order catchments in a region of western Amazonia was found to exhibit distinctive, recurrent features: a steep, straight lower side slope, a flat or nearly flat terrace at an intermediate elevation between valley floor and interfluve, and an upper side slope connecting interfluve and intermediate terrace. A detailed survey of soil-saturated hydraulic conductivity (K sat)-depth relationships, involving 740 undisturbed soil cores, was conducted in a 0.75-ha first-order catchment. The sampling approach was stratified with respect to the above slope units. Exploratory data analysis suggested fourth-root transformation of batches from the 0–0.1 m depth interval, log transformation of batches from the subsequent 0.1 m depth increments, and the use of robust estimators of location and scale. The K sat of the steep lower side slope decreased from 46 to 0.1 mm/h over the overall sampling depth of 0.4 m. The corresponding decrease was from 46 to 0.1 mm/h on the intermediate terrace, from 335 to 0.01 mm/h on the upper side slope, and from 550 to 0.015 mm/h on the interfluve. A depthwise comparison of these slope units led to the formulation of several hypotheses concerning the link between K sat and topography.

Stress-induced natural transformation of ortho- to clinohypersthene in metagabbros of the Ivrea Zone, Northern Italy

Altenberger, Uwe January 1992 (has links)
Orthopyroxenes of a high temperature protomylonite of the Ivrea Zone, Northern Italy show twin like polysynthetic lamellae parallel to {210} of the hypersthene host. The transformation is caused by plastic deformation under high metamorphic conditions which has resulted in dynamic recrystallization of pyroxene and plagioclase. The lamellae consist of clinohypersthene. The twin plane and the lamellar clino-orthoinversion of hypersthene due to natural deformation have not been described hitherto. / Orthopyroxene aus hoch temperierten Protomyloniten der Ivrea-Zone, Nord Italien zeigen polysynthetische Lamellen parallel {210} des Wirtes. Ihr Erscheinungsbild entspricht Deformationszwillingen. Die Lamellen sind invertiert zu Klinohypersthen. Die Ortho-Klino-Transformation ist auf eine Hochtemperaturdeformation zurückzuführen, wie dies anhand der dynamischen Rekristallisation der Pyroxene und Plagioklase bewiesen werden kann. Weder die speziellen Verwachsungsflächen noch die Ortho-Klino-Inversion durch natürliche Deformation wurden bisher beschrieben.

Process identification at a slow-moving landslide in the Vorarlberg Alps

Lindenmaier, Falk, Zehe, Erwin, Dittfurth, Angela, Ihringer, Jürgen January 2004 (has links)
A fine-grained slope that exhibits slow movement rates was investigated to understand how geohydrological processes contribute to a consecutive development of mass movements in the Vorarlberg Alps, Austria. For that purpose intensive hydrometeorological, hydrogeological and geotechnical observations as well as surveying of surface movement rates were conducted during 1998–2001. Subsurface water dynamics at the creeping slope turned out to be dominated by a three-dimensional pressure system. The pressure reaction is triggered by fast infiltration of surface water and subsequent lateral water flow in the south-western part of the hillslope. The related pressure signal was shown to propagate further downhill, causing fast reactions of the piezometric head at 5Ð5 m depth on a daily time scale. The observed pressure reactions might belong to a temporary hillslope water body that extends further downhill. The related buoyancy forces could be one of the driving forces for the mass movement. A physically based hydrological model was adopted to model simultaneously surface and subsurface water dynamics including evapotranspiration and runoff production. It was possible to reproduce surface runoff and observed pressure reactions in principle. However, as soil hydraulic functions were only estimated on pedotransfer functions, a quantitative comparison between observed and simulated subsurface dynamics is not feasible. Nevertheless, the results suggest that it is possible to reconstruct important spatial structures based on sparse observations in the field which allow reasonable simulations with a physically based hydrological model. Copyright  2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. KEY WORDS rainfall-induced landslides; soil creep; hydrological modelling; Vorarlberg; Austria; pressure propagation

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