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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ecology and behaviour of the Seychelles giant millipede.

Lawrence, James M. 20 December 2013 (has links)
On certain islands in the Seychelles archipelago a large and abundant animal is the Seychelles giant millipede, Seychelleptus seychellamm (Desjardins, 1834). This study quantifies the ecological role of this species in litter breakdown on Cousine Island, Seychelles. Observations on various ecological aspects and surface behaviour of this millipede were also made. The population of the Seychelles giant millipede on Cousine Island consists mostly of mature females, with few mature males and immatures. Apparent millipede density was higher at night (i.e. 4.44 ind.m⁻²) than during the day (i.e. 0.19 ind.m⁻²). Millipede biomass was 1.95 tons.ha¯¹. Millipedes were observed feeding on eight food types, with the most common food types being leaf litter and fallen fruit. Predation and scavenging on the Seychelles giant millipede was rarely seen, with only a total of 18 observations being made. The giant ghost crab was the only predator observed killing a millipede. The most common scavenger on dead millipedes was the Seychelles magpie robin. Mean litter ingested by the Seychelles giant millipede was 157 ± 28.1 mg.day¯¹ (n = 45) and mean faecal production was 111 ± 12.8 mg.day¯¹ (n = 45). On Cousine Island, the Seychelles giant millipede consumed daily, approximately 4.6 % of the total litter standing crop and approximately 17.2 % of the daily litter fall. Daily faecal production by the Seychelles giant millipede on Cousine Island was equivalent to approximately 2.9 % of the litter standing crop and to approximately 11.0 % of the daily litter fall. The implications of these results for nutrient dynamics and soil fertility on Cousine Island are discussed. Seven types of surface behaviour were observed being performed by the millipede. More behavioural types were observed at night than during the day, with burrowing and grooming being exclusively nocturnal behaviours. The most commonly observed behaviours were walking and feeding. Movement was more evident in the males and immatures, whilst feeding was more apparent in the females. Less behavioural types were observed in areas of low vegetational heterogeneity and complexity. Vegetation disturbance also had an inhibitory effect on millipede behaviour. Possible explanations for these differences in behaviour are discussed. The implications of these results for the conservation of the Seychelles giant millipede and Cousine Island are also discussed. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 1999.

Arthropod diversity associated with fallen logs and woody litter on the forest floor on a small Seychelles island.

Kelly, J. A. 11 December 2013 (has links)
Cousine Island, Seychelles, is of major conservation significance as it is relatively pristine, and apparently the only tropical island over 20 ha with no alien invasive mammals. Such mammals, especially rodents, can impact substantially on arthropod faunas. This study focuses on the arthropods of the island that live in fallen logs and litter. The dominant log species are Pisonia grandis (Summerhayes, 1932), Ficus spp. and Cocos nucifera (Linnaeus, 1952). Stage of decomposition and forest type in which the logs occurred significantly influenced the composition and structure of the assemblages. Young logs were significantly richer in species than older logs, possibly due to the greater resources and more varied microhabitats in the younger logs. Log type was also important for arthropod species richness and abundance. Although P. grandis and Ficus spp. logs did not differ significantly, these two log types did differ greatly from C. nucifera which had a higher arthropod species richness, composition and abundance. However, these differences were only significant for recently fallen logs. As the logs decayed, their arthropod assemblages converged. Nevertheless, each log type had some arthropod species not present in another log type. This is important in terms of conservation, especially in the case of C. nucifera, which, according to one school of thought, should be removed from some Seychelles islands as it is considered an alien invasive. Arthropod assemblages in woody litter differed in composition depending on forest type in which they occurred. These woody litter assemblages were generally dissimilar to those in logs in the same forest type. Leaf litter was extremely poor in arthropod species. Species richness, both in logs and litter, was comparable to figures from temperate lands, possibly because the rich, topical fauna was ameliorated by small island size. As the logs are home to several Seychelles endemic species, their conservation is essential. Furthermore, as they are also the food base of certain threatened Seychelles vertebrates, their conservation is about conservation of a food chain on this unique tropical island. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2001.

The ecology of foraging hawksbill turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata) at D'Arros Island and St. Joseph Atoll in the Seychelles, Western Indian Ocean

Von Brandis, Rainer Georg. January 2010 (has links)
Thesis (DTech. degree in Nature Conservation.)--Tshwane University of Technology, 2010. / Hawksbill sea turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata) have been reduced by more than 80% worldwide in the last century and are considered critically endangered. Although nesting populations have been subject to numerous studies, there is a considerable lack of knowledge pertaining to the in-water behaviour and ecological functions of wild foraging hawksbill populations. This is especially true for the Western Indian Ocean as important topics such as habitat use and dietary items have scarcely been explored. Between 2006 and present, more than 178 hours of in-water observations of foraging hawksbill activity was recorded on a small insular reef at D'Arros Island, Seychelles. Most of the 827 sightings were of known, resident turtles (> 90%), facilitating analyses on both a population and individual level. Habitat types were identified and described, turtle densities estimated, population dynamics established, home ranges calculated, food items identified, food intake quantified, feeding behavior described, food resources quantified, diet selectivity indices calculated, intra/interspecific competition quantified and activity and dive patterns were described.

The invasive ant Pheidole megacephala on an oceanic island : impact, control and community-level response to management

Gaigher, Rene 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Invasive species are among the most important global conservation threats. Their management is one of the key conservation challenges that will have to be addressed in the next few decades. The study of real invasions and their management in natural ecosystems provides an opportunity to gain important information on theoretical and applied aspects of biological invasions. This project focuses on the broader ecological context of invasive ant management in an ecologically sensitive island habitat. The thesis has three main components: 1) assessing the role of the invasive ant Pheidole megacephala in the ecosystem and evaluating its threat to the system, 2) evaluating a low-impact management program for the ant, and 3) using a community-level approach to assess ecosystem response to ant removal. The ant occupied almost 30% of the island‘s total land area and reached extremely high densities in some areas. The ant was associated with exotic hemipteran scale insects through trophobiotic mutualisms that facilitated high ant and hemipteran abundances. The highly destructive scale insect Pulvinaria urbicola was among the hemipterans that benefited from ant attendance. High levels of hemipteran feeding resulted in dieback of functionally important and threatened native Pisonia trees, which represented a significant threat to the forest ecosystem. A management program was initiated in response to this threat, consisting of baiting with selective hydramethylnon-based bait delivered in bait stations, accompanied by detailed pre-and post-baiting monitoring. The method was highly effective at suppressing the ants, whilst preventing bait uptake by non-target organisms. It was also cost-effective and adaptable to ant density in the field, but was only effective over short distances. The method may be applicable to other sensitive environments with similar challenges. After ant control, the ant-scale mutualism was decoupled and the Pu. urbicola population collapsed. There were variable responses in different taxa to the removal of these highly abundant exotic species, the most important of which was the recovery in Pisonia trees. Shoot condition and foliage density improved and there was a decrease in sooty mold. Herbivory on Pisonia increased due to recovery of native canopy herbivores, but the overall impact was far less than that of the exotic hemipterans. Soil surface arthropods, a group that may have been vulnerable to the treatment method, were unaffected by baiting. Instead, they increased significantly after ant removal, confirming the ant‘s impact on other arthropods. Other ant diversity and non-ant arthropod abundance increased post-baiting, including the endemic ant Pheidole flavens farquharensis and some functionally important insects such as the Indian cockroach. Natural enemies that interacted predictably with the mutualists were influenced by management. Predators of hemipterans increased significantly after ant removal and were instrumental in the scale population collapse, whereas parasitoids of hemipterans that benefited from the mutualism declined. Additionally, groups that were unrelated to the mutualism were indirectly influenced by management. The natural enemy assemblage as a whole showed recovery to pre-invasion conditions. The study shows how widely interconnected and influential the ant was in the ecosystem. It highlights the threat of the species in natural systems as well as the complex responses following invasive ant removal. Yet, it also demonstrates the potential to safely and effectively manage the species, thereby raising the opportunity for ecosystem recovery. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Indringerspesies is van die belangrikste globale bedreigings vir natuurbewaring. Hulle bestuur is van die grootste bewaringsuitdagings wat in die volgende paar dekades aangespreek moet word. Die studie van werklike invalle en hul bestuur in natuurlike ekosisteme bied 'n geleentheid om belangrike inligting te verkry oor teoretiese en toegepaste aspekte van biologiese indringing. Hierdie projek fokus op die breër ekologiese konteks van uitheemse mier bestuur in 'n ekologies sensitiewe eiland habitat. Die tesis het drie hoofkomponente: 1) die beoordeling van die rol van die indringer mier Pheidole megacephala in die ekosisteem en evaluering van sy bedreiging vir die sisteem, 2) die evaluering van 'n lae-impak bestuursprogram vir die mier, en 3) die gebruik van 'n gemeenskaps-vlak benadering om ekosisteem reaksie op mierverwydering te assesseer. Die mier het byna 30% van die totale landoppervlak van die eiland beslaan en het in party areas baie hoë digthede bereik. Die mier was geassosieer met uitheemse dopluis spesies in mutualismes wat hoë mier en dopluis getalle gefasiliteer het. Die hoogs beskadigende dopluis Pulvinaria urbicola was een van die spesies wat bevoordeel is deur die mutualisme. Hoë vlakke van dopluis voeding het die terugsterwe van funksioneel belangrike, bedreidge inheemse Pisonia bome veroorsaak, wat ʼn groot bedreiging vir die ekosisteem verteenwoordig het. ‗n Bestuursprogram is geïmplimenteer as gevolg van hierdie bedreiging, wat bestaan het uit selektiewe hidrametielnoon-gebaseerde lokaas wat in die veld geplaas is in lokaashouers, vergesel deur intensiewe monitering voor en na lokaasplasing. Die metode was hoogs effektief in die onderdrukking van die miere en het lokaasinname deur nie-teiken organismes verhoed. Dit was ook koste-effektief en aanpasbaar volgens mierdigtheid in die veld, maar was slegs effektief oor kort afstande. Die metode mag van toepassing wees in ander sensitiewe omgewings met soortgelyke uitdagings. Na mierbeheer is die mier-dopluis mutualisme ontkoppel en die Pu. urbicola bevolking het drasties verminder. Daar was verskillende reaksies in verskillende taxa tot die verwydering van die oorvloedryke eksotiese spesies, maar die belangrikste reaksie was die herstel van Pisonia bome. Spruittoestand en blaardigtheid het verbeter en daar was ʼn afname in roetskimmel. Herbivorie op Pisonia het toegeneem as gevolg van ʼn herstel in inheemse herbivore, maar die algehele impak was veel minder as dié van die eksotiese dopluis. Grondoppervlak gelidpotiges, 'n groep wat kwesbaar kon wees vir die behandelingsmetode, was onaangeraak deur die lokaas, maar het beduidend na mierverwydering vermeerder. Mierdiversiteit het vermeerder en die Seychelles endemiese mier Pheidole flavens farquharensis is hervestig. Ander gelidpotiges het ook vermeerder, insluitend funksioneel belangrike spesies soos die Indiese kakkerlak. Natuurlike vyande wat geassosieer was met die mutualiste is beïnvloed deur die mierbestuur. Predatore van dopluis het beduidend toegeneem na mierverwydering en was hoogs betrokke by die vermindering van dopluis, terwyl parasiete van dopluis, wat voordeel getrek het uit die mutualisme, gedaal het. Daarbenewens is groepe wat onverwant was aan die mutualisme indirek beïnvloed deur mierbestuur. Die algehele natuurlike vyand gemeenskap het herstel na pre-indringing toestand. Die studie toon hoe wydverbind en invloedryk die mier was in die ekosisteem. Dit beklemtoon die bedreiging van die spesies in natuurlike stelsels asook die komplekse reaksies wat uitheemse mierverwydering volg. Tog demonstreer dit die potensiaal om die spesies veilig en doeltreffend te bestuur, en sodoende die geleentheid vir ekosisteemherstel te skep.

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