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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La retraite anticipée : facteurs décisionnels et perceptions des enseignants francophones de l'Ontario face à l'offre de retraite anticipée printemps - 1998.

Racine, Ilafond. January 2000 (has links)
Parmi les moyens privilégiée pour résoudre le mal de l'État, on retrouve la mise à la retraite des salariés plus âgés: ceux ayant 50 ans et plus. La retraite anticipée devient un enjeux. Suivant l'exemple du gouvernement fédéral et celui du Québec, le gouvernement de l'Ontario, dans le cadre de sa politique du «gros bon sens» (Common sens), s'est entendu, au printemps 1998, avec la Fédération des enseignants pour offrir à ces derniers la possibilité d'une retraite anticipée. Pour la première fois, dans l'histoire de la province, un nombre important d'enseignants contemple la possibilité de quitter la profession. Le principal critère d'admissilité est le «facteur 85» (âge + années de services = 85). Devant ce constat, nous avons jugé bon de proposer cette recherche dont l'objectif est d'identifier et de dyne les facteurs qui portent les enseignants franco-ontariens admissibles au « facteur 85 » à opter pour une retraite anticipée plutôt qu'une retrace normale à l'âge dé 65 ans. L'étude nous permet également de décrire les perceptions des enseignants de leur emploi, de la retraite, de l'entente et de la vie de retraité. L'étude est une enquête de type exploratoire. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)

L'importance de l'évaluation des habiletés de gestion pour le processus de sélection de gestionnaires.

Moreau, Sylvie. January 2000 (has links)
Ce travail s'interroge sur la question de sélection du personnel au niveau managérial. Les hypothèses ont tenté de ressortir les habiletés de gestion précises qui sont reliées au succès managérial, c'est à dire un rendement supérieur, un taux d'absentéisme bas et une progression de carrière rapide. L'organisation où les données ont été recueillies compte 2200 employés dont 650 cadres et 1550 employés de diverses catégories de métiers. Un total de 503 cadres de l'entreprise (n = 503) dont 320 hommes et 76 femmes ont été sélectionnés. Les données ont été recueillies entre 1980 et 1989 (mais 51.2% ont été recueillies en 1980). Cinq cent (500) formulaires d'évaluation de rendement complétés obtenus du service des ressources humaines ont été compilés. Les commentaires au sujet de la performance ainsi que des échelles d'évaluation ont permis de discerner quatre cent trois (403) comportements spécifiques positifs ou négatifs. La deuxième étape visait à identifier de ces 403 comportements, ceux ayant le plus d'importance pour le succès général en gestion. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)

The changing nature of the relationship between First Nations and museums.

Robertson, Céline. January 2000 (has links)
This research paper is elaborated around the hypothesis that there is a subtle resistance by non-aboriginal museum professionals, primarily within the disciplines of anthropology, in accepting First Nations taking complete control of their identities and cultures. This new changing situation minimizes the museum professionals' power as interpreters of First Nations' cultures and no longer corresponds to the mission and purpose of the disciplines of anthropology. The author develops the argument by examining Eilean Hooper-Greenill's study of Michel Foucault's three epistemes on how museums influenced the shaping of knowledge in the transition from one epistemic period to the next. Hooper-Greenhill's analysis is further used to illustrate the impact the present social changes are having on museums and First Nations. The Canadian Museum of Civilization is used as an example and is analyzed in part using Patricia Pitcher's study of leaders in organizations and the author's own personal observations.

A wider road: A case study of a chief education officer.

Fedrau-Ens, Carol. January 1997 (has links)
Chief Education Officers must understand and work within and beyond the complexities of their school systems. They must balance public policy functions with the administration of system business with the advancement of educational programs. They have responsibilities for forging and communicating shared values, goals, and meanings. CEOs work in dynamic, interactive contexts. The purpose of this study was to explore, through the investigation of a CEO in action, political and cultural aspects of leadership, their interconnections, and the personal lens through which a CEO filtered these aspects. The study undertook the investigation of two critical incidents. One explored the development, among four school districts, of the shared delivery of special education services. A second examined the establishment of an alternate, church-affiliated school within a public education system. CEO leadership in these incidents revealed interrelated themes of practice. One was the development of shared vision, out of the CEO's personal vision in one case and out of a CEO group vision in the other. Also important was the CEO's knowledge of the contexts in which he worked, that is, groups, events, and relationships among groups and events, and his use of this contextual knowledge. In both incidents, the CEO used similar interpersonal processes to bring about satisfactory resolutions. Interwoven through these themes was the CEO's attention to political and cultural aspects of leadership. Findings suggested that CEO leadership occurred within interactive contexts of internal and external forces which, at any given point, operated in supportive or constraintive ways. The study concluded that the concept of a personal aspect of leadership underlies a CEO's choices and ways in which political and cultural aspects were processed. The study supported the importance of context as part of what enabled the CEO to exercise leadership in the way he did during the incidents of the study.

The Venezuelan environmental education teacher training programme: An analysis of professional and environmental competencies.

Saud Saud, Saide. January 1995 (has links)
The purpose of this research is to describe and analyze the environmental education teacher training competencies model in Venezuela. More specifically, the study concentrates on the Universidad Pedagogica Experimental Libertador (UPEL). This university is the leading institution of teacher training in Venezuela. The UPEL environmental education teacher training model consists of twenty-one competencies associated with five environmental education areas. This model is examined using the UNESCO model as an international standard, the latter of which consists of twenty-eight competencies associated with professional and environmental education areas. Examination of the UPEL model also involves an assessment of the perceptions of Venezuelans concerned with environmental education with regard to the relevance of the UPEL model to Venezuelan environmental reality. The methodology applied in this study is set in the context of a content analysis of major UNESCO and UPEL model documents, and a survey of key Venezuelan individuals, UPEL environmental education professors and UPEL teacher candidates who have already taken environmental education. In this analysis a literature review also serves as an important source of information. Themes included in this review are associated with environmental education concepts and principles, the state of environmental education, the training of teachers in environmental education, competency based teacher training, the Venezuelan experience, and the UNESCO and Venezuelan teacher training models. The research stresses the description, analysis and interpretation of relevant aspects related to the UPEL competencies model and its relevance to Venezuelan reality. In light of major conclusions and implications of these aspects a set of recommendations is drawn. For example, this study reveals a critical need for research and evaluation of environmental education teacher training competency models. In the context of the comparison between the UNESCO and UPEL models, significant differences in their structure and content have been found. The UPEL model lacks a set of basic professional and environmental education competencies required for training effective environmental educators who are able to contribute to the prevention and solution of environmental problems. In the context of the assessment of perceptions it has been found that key individuals, as well as professors and students of environmental education, believe that the UPEL model is not relevant to the country's problems and needs. It appears that in addition to the deficiency in competencies, a lack of logistical support in the implementation of the model is also a serious weakness. Results of this study reveal an immediate and critical need for necessary adjustments to the UPEL environmental education teacher training model. Finally, it is expected that this research, concerned as it is with the quality of environmental education teacher training, will provide the necessary incentives and information for Venezuelan decision makers to improve the UPEL environmental education teacher training model.

La relation entre la performance, la stratégie et l'environnement : le cas des études avancées (en administration et en éducation) de l'Université du Québec.

Chaput, Luc. January 1997 (has links)
Cette recherche est une analyse de la perception de la direction de l'Universite du Quebec eu egard a la complexite de l'environnement et a la strategie adaptive, en relation avec la performance. Les mesures perceptuelles proviennent des vingt neuf cadres superieurs en fonction a l'Universite du Quebec a Trois-Rivieres, l'Universite du Quebec a Hull, l'Universite du Quebec en Abitibi-Temiscamingue, l'Universite du Quebec a Chicoutimi et l'Universite du Quebec a Rimouski. Les mesures objectives sont issues des fichiers de la Conference des recteurs et des principaux des universites du Quebec. Ces dernieres mesures sont centrales aux ressources professorales. La methode des indicateurs unidimensionnels risque de mener a toutes sortes d'abus d'interpretation tout en ecartant les deux variables cles que serait censee comporter toute etude de la performance, soit l'environnement et les strategies des etablissements (Ball et Wilkinson, 1992). Selon Chaffee (1985), les etudes incluant la strategie adaptative dans l'enseignement superieur devraient inclure l'analyse de cas particuliers et des series longitudinales. Selon Hearn (1988), les administrateurs doivent detector les changements qui se produisent dans l'environnement et joindre cette information a la gestion strategique. Le modele utilise releve de l'analyse statistique multidimensionnelle car la performance est composee de plusieurs dimensions. Il est normatif car les variables a partir desquelles on mesure la performance sont d'abord choisies, puis ensuite elles sont integrees au modele. La methode de recherche est de type "expost facto" puisque les variables servant a mesurer la performance sont observees durant la periode 1985 a 1989, tandis que les mesure relatives a la perception de la complexite de l'environnement (E) et de la strategie (S) sont prises a l'automne 1995. La performance (selon les congruences de type I) est etudiee a l'aide des matrices representant l'appartenance, l'identification et la rationalite. L'analyse en composantes principales est appliquee a l'etude des combinaisons lineaires des congruences de type II, lesquelles permettent une mesure unidimensionnelle de la performance. Les principales conclusions sont les suivantes: (1) Selon les congruences de type I, et en ce qui concerne les influences significatives, la tres grande majorite de celles de E (en education et en administration), de celles de S (en administration), de celles de (E+S) (en administration), la grande majorite de celles de (E+S) (en education) et toutes celles de S (en education) augmentent (en valeur absolue) la valeur des composantes de la performance. (2) Selon les congruences de type II, la liste des performances qui sont superieures a leur valeur initiale s'etablit comme suit: s'agit de la tres grande majorite de celles de E (en education), de celles de (E+S) (en education et en administration), de toutes celles de S (en education) et de la minorite de celles de E (en administration) et celles de S (en administration). (3) En rapport au debat entourant les propositions du groupe des deterministes et du groupe des defenseurs de l'action strategique, les resultats montrent que les influences significatives (en education et en administration) de la strategie adaptative (S) sont plus nombreuses que celles associees 'a la complexite de l'environnement (E). (4) Cette nouvelle facon d'operationnaliser la vigie environnementale contribue a une meilleure evaluation et planification des programmes et a une meilleur comprehension du role de la direction en ces matieres.

An examination of the relationships among the variables: Organizational size, complexity, and the administrative component of Ontario school boards.

Trask, Maxwell. January 1978 (has links)
The problem was to determine the relationships among the variables, organizational size, organizational complexity and administrative components of school boards. The problem presented two questions: First, were mean administrative ratios of small-sized school boards larger than that of either average or large-sized school boards? Secondly, are the differences between mean administrative ratios of small-sized, low complexity and large-sized low complexity school boards different than that of small-sized, high complexity and large-sized, high complexity school boards? The Aston conceptualization of organizational structure and Blau's formal theory of differentiation in organizations provided the analytical and theoretical frameworks in which to examine the questions pertaining to the variances of economies of scale in the school board administrative units. The specific hypotheses derived from the theoretical framework and stated in the direction consistent with the theory were as follows: (1) The mean administrative ratios of small sized school boards are larger than that of either average or large sized school boards. (2) The differences between mean administrative ratios of small sized, low complexity and large sized, low complexity school boards are different than that between small sized, high complexity and large sized, high complexity school boards. The sample of school boards was chosen from the Province of Ontario. The measuring instrument was the School Board Questionnaire developed for use in this study. The data were analyzed by the Full Rank Univariate Linear Model which provided critical F-values for 3x1 and 3x3 analysis of variance testing. The following conclusions were drawn from the results: (1) The mean administrative ratios of small sized school boards are significantly larger than that of either average or large sized school boards. (2) The difference between mean administrative ratios of small size, low complexity and large sized, low complexity school boards are significantly different than that of small sized, high complexity and large sized, high complexity school boards. Following from these two main findings, it was concluded that various administrative components reflect different economies of scale, and that the relationship between size and administrative ratios is curvilinear. Suggestions for further research included: (1) Replicative studies to determine whether or not such variables as expertise and the existence of two-way channels of communication affect administrative economies of scale in organizational structures. (2) Replicative studies using different samples from other types of organizations to determine if the findings of this study apply beyond the scope of this study. (3) An investigation should be conducted to determine the exact nature of the negative feedback associated with more differentiated organizations that is theorized to be the reason for the reduced productivity of the organizational size variable.

A comparison of supervisors' ratings of most effective and least effective industrial arts teachers on three competency dimensions.

Margules, Morton. January 1968 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between industrial arts supervisors' judgments of teacher effectiveness and their judgments of teacher competency on the dimensions of interpersonal relations, teaching techniques, and technical proficiency. The specific hypotheses were: (1) when the three competency dimensions are considered cumulatively, teachers rated most effective will receive significantly higher overall ratings of competency than teachers rated least effective, and (2) all three competency dimensions will not prove equally significant in discriminating between most and least effective industrial arts teacher. The sample population was limited to randomly selected industrial arts supervisors in the State of New Jersey. A rating schedule was developed and used to obtain the supervisor's perceptions of his most and least effective teacher. The Schedule contained sixteen behavioral items for each of the competency dimensions. The data obtained were used to determine the relationship of the supervisors' judgments of effectiveness to the scores on each of the three dimensions. A previous rating given by an administrator was used to provide an additional criterion to the overall score obtained from the supervisors. Analysis of variance and the Scheffe S-method of mean comparisons were used to analyze the data concerning the relationships between effectiveness and the competency dimensions. Pearson product-moment correlations were calculated to examine the relationship between supervisors' scores and administrators' ratings. The following conclusions were drawn from the results: (1) Interpersonal relations, teaching techniques, and technical proficiency are factors which are considered when industrial arts supervisors evaluated their teachers. (2) The three stated competency dimensions taken cumulatively do differentiate between the most effective and least effective industrial arts teacher. (3) Overall, teachers are judged more competent in technical proficiency than in the other two dimensions. (4) The three dimensions do not equally discriminate between most and least effective industrial arts teacher. (5) The least effective teacher has deficiencies in all three dimensions but greater deficiencies in both interpersonal relations and teaching techniques. (6) The teaching techniques dimension to the greatest degree differentiates the most from the least effective teacher. (7) Supervisors and administrators show greatest agreement on the dimension of technical proficiency when rating an effective teacher. On the other hand, their agreement is greatest for teaching techniques when rating the less effective teacher. (8) The statistical data supported the hypotheses and the theoretical perspective of the study. It was recommended that: (1) further exploration, using the broad dimensional approach, should be undertaken; (2) any new study undertaken should include teachers covering a full range of effectiveness; (3) greater emphasis should be placed upon teaching techniques in industrial arts education; and (4) graduate level programs concerned with teacher evaluation should be developed for present and future supervisors of industrial arts.

The relationship of teacher satisfaction to school bureaucratic level and teacher personality traits.

St. John, Ivan. January 1978 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to test the assumption of Getzels and Guba that satisfaction occurs when there is congruence between the institutional and individual dimensions in a social system of administration. Both dimensions were examined with reference to bureaucracy and teacher personality traits; satisfaction referred to the job, co-workers, and supervision. This study is an extension of Gosine's research with the same three variables. However different instruments were used to measure personality and satisfaction. The specific hypotheses of this study were: (1) there would be interaction between the level of bureaucracy in a school and the level of teacher surgency (F) with the dependent variable being teacher satisfaction; (2) there would be interaction between the level of bureaucracy in a school and the level of teacher tenseness (Q4) with the dependent variable being teacher satisfaction; (3) there would be interaction between the level of bureaucracy in a school and the level of teacher self-reliance (I) with the dependent variable being teacher satisfaction; (4) there would be interaction between the level of bureaucracy in a school and the level of teacher radicalism (Q1) with the dependent variable being teacher satisfaction. The sample of schools consisted of thirty-three of the forty-one public schools of the Stormont, Dundas, and Glengarry County Board of Education. These schools were tested for bureaucratic level with the middle third eliminated for the follow-up investigation of personality traits of teachers and their satisfaction. The measuring instruments included the Organizational Index, Form A of the 16PF, and a modified form of the Job Description Index. Four multi-variate analyses of variance were used. Each analysis had bureaucracy and a personality trait as an independent variable and three measures of teacher satisfaction as dependent variables. The level of significance was set at .05. In the testing of the main hypotheses for interaction, none of the results proved significant. The related hypotheses were concerned with the test of main effects of personality variables and of bureaucracy. Only for trait Q1 were the differences for teachers high and low in a personality trait significant. In addition, significant differences were found between teachers from high and low bureaucratic schools. However, when .95 Scheffe confidence intervals were constructed, it was concluded that none of the variables contributed sufficiently to serve as a sole discriminator between groups. The lack of support for the interaction hypotheses was explained because of two things. School principals tend to be non-bureaucratic. School teachers differed significantly from the general population on each of the four personality traits.

The influence of organizational climate and dogmatism on pupil control ideology

Lunenburg, Frederick C January 1972 (has links)
Abstract not available.

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