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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Time domain ptychography

Spangenberg, Dirk-Mathys 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this work we investigate a new method to measure the electric field of ultrafast laser pulses by extending a known measurement technique, ptychography, in the spatial domain to the time domain which we call time domain ptychography. The technique requires the measurement of intensity spectra at different time delays of an unknown temporal object and a known probe pulse. We show for the first time by measurement and calculation that this technique can be applied with excellent results to recover both the amplitude and phase of a temporal object. This technique has several advantages, such as fast convergence, the resolution is limited by the usable measured spectral bandwidth and the recovered phase has no sign ambiguity. We then extend the technique to pulse characterization where the probe is derived form the temporal object by filtering meaning the probe pulse is also unknown, but the spectrum of the probe pulse must be the same as the spectrum of the temporal object before filtering. We modify the reconstruction algorithm, now called ptychographic iterative reconstruction algorithm for time domain pulses (PIRANA), in order to also reconstruct the probe and we show for the first time that temporal objects, a.k.a laser pulses, can be reconstructed with this new modality. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie werk het ons ’n nuwe metode ondersoek om die elektriese veld van ’n ultravinnige laser puls te meet deur ’n bekende meettegniek wat gebruik word in die ruimtelike gebied, tigografie, aan te pas vir gebruik in die tyd gebied genaamd tyd gebied tigografie. Die tegniek vereis die meting van ’n reeks intensiteit spektra by verskillende tyd intervalle van ’n onbekende ‘tyd voorwerp’ en ’n bekende monster puls. Ons wys vir die eerste keer deur meting en numeriese berekening dat hierdie tegniek toegepas kan word met uitstekende resultate, om die amplitude en fase van ’n ‘tyd voorwerp’ te meet. Hierdie tegniek het verskeie voordele, die iteratiewe proses is vinnig, die resolusie van die tegniek word bepaal deur die spektrale bandwydte gemeet en die fase van die ‘tyd voorwerp’ word met die korrekte teken gerekonstrueer. Ons het hierdie tegniek uitgebrei na puls karakterisering waar die monster pulse afgelei word, deur ’n bekende filter te gebruik, van die onbekende ‘tyd voorwerp’ nl. die inset puls. Ons het die iteratiewe algoritme wat die ‘tyd voorwerp’ rekonstrueer aangepas om ook die monster puls te vind en ons wys dat ons hierdie metode suksesvol kan gebruik om laser pulse te karakteriseer

An electro-optic measurement system for electric fields near RF and microwave radiators and scatterers

Tait, Jan 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: An electro-optic sensor system was developed which uses the modulated scatterer technique [1] to measure the fine structure-amplitude and phase-of electric fields with the minimum of perturbation. The theory for the technique is discussed in detail, with the Lorentz Reciprocity theorem as foundation. The system is also treated as a general two port and solved in terms of the impedances present. This comprises self impedances and mutual impedances. The signals scattered by the dipole scatterer are modeled as amplitude modulated signals and a detailed detection scheme is presented. The detection of the signals is done by a digital correlation process. This is quite similar to synchronous detection. A detailed sensitivity analysis is presented that was used to determine the quality of the system. This analysis is backed by a practical sensitivity measurement. A few antennas and scatterers are measured in the X-band using the system, and results are compared with theory. These systems include a pyramidal horn, an E-plane sectoral horn and a simple waveguide. Half plane diffraction by a metal sheet is also presented. The practical implementation of the theory is emphasized. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Elektro-optiese meetsisteem is ontwikkel wat die gemoduleerde strooier tegniek [11 gebruik om die fyn struktuur-amplitude en fase-van elektriese velde te meet. Hierdie tegniek versteur die velde minimaal. 'n Volledige ondersoek word gedoen na die teorie van die stelsel. Die basis van die metode Ie in die Lorentz Resiprook teorie. Alhoewcl daar gekonsentreer word op hierdie teorie, is die stelsel ook beskou as 'n tweepoort. Die wedersydse en ei impedansies van die verskillende komponente word gebruik om die velde op te los. Die gestrooide seine, as gevolg van die dipool strooier, word gemodelleer met b hulp van amplitude modulasie. Die deteksie van hierdie seine word deeglik bespreek. In plaas van 'n analoogstelsel, word 'n digitale korrellasie proses gebruik om die velde te meet. Di sensitiwiteit van die stelsel word geanaliseer. Verder word metings met di stelsel gen em om die teoretiese analise te staaf. 'n Paar X-band sisteme word gebruik om metings te neem. Hicrdi metings word ook vergelyk met teor ti se resultate. Stelsels wat gemeet is sluit die volgencle in: 'n piramidale horing antenna, 'n E-vlak sektorale horing antenna, 'n X-band golfgeleier en die diffraksi op die rand van 'n plaat. Die praktiese implemcntering van die teorie word beklemtoon.

Intensidades de campos elétricos em centros cirúrgicos: um estudo in situ

Moura, Marcos Antonio Muniz de 11 December 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo de medições de intensidades de campos elétrico em um centro cirúrgico, oriundos de fontes de radiofreqüência comerciais operando na cidade de Curitiba, no Paraná. Com o aumento da telefonia celular e, por conseguinte, de suas torres somando-se às antenas de televisões, rádios, rádios chamadas, redes de dados sem fio, internet por ondas de rádio, microondas, serviço de rádio da polícia, dos bombeiros, de rádio táxi, rádio amador, GPS, etc., o que acaba provocando um tipo de poluição eletromagnética “no ar”. Tal poluição pode trazer problemas tanto para o meio ambiente como para a saúde e, entre as tecnologias, possíveis interferências entre as mesmas podendo, por vezes, levar equipamentos a executarem funções imprevisíveis. Conhecer os valores de intensidade desses campos torna-se relevante, principalmente em um hospital onde vidas humanas podem estar a perigo quando conectadas a equipamentos susceptíveis a falhar em suas funções devido à presença desses campos. Os resultados obtidos neste trabalho são comparados com os recomendados pelas principais agências regulamentadoras. Após definido um hospital com o maior número de antenas em seu contorno, montou-se um setup de ensaios em seu centro cirúrgico, observando as distâncias mínimas possíveis entre paredes, teto, chão, luminária e entre as antenas. O setup encontra-se a 1920 cm na direção frontal e a 900 cm na direção lateral direita, posição essas que serviram como referência para o posicionamento do GPS no terraço para a obtenção das coordenadas geográficas. Os equipamentos utilizados foram: um receptor de sinais seletivos, um notebook com um software utilizado na operação do receptor e na aquisição dos dados, uma antena seletiva e um medidor de campo elétrico isotrópico. Foram selecionados 11 canais de televisões, 16 de rádios FM e 13 estações de rádio base (telefonia celular). Nos resultados das medições seletivas, os valores encontrados de 0,005 V/m comparados com as recomendações mais rigorosas (ONIR/Suíça) que é de 4,0 V/m ficando então os valores medidos 0,13% desse valor. Na faixa especifica da ONIR (900 & 1900), ou seja, GSM, este trabalho encontrou 0,0068 V/m ou 0,14% em relação aos valores preconizados por ela para as exposições ocupacionais e de 0,17% para o público em geral.Em questão dos equipamentos médicos obteve-se 1,75 V/m medido contra 3 V/m da norma NBR/IEC60601-1-2, ou seja, um campo medido de 58,33% menor do valor aconselhado. Este trabalho recomenda principalmente: adotar o Princípio da Precaução, que prevê medidas protetoras antecipadas perante as incertezas e/ou riscos desconhecidos, na operação dos transmissores; exigir que todas as instalações de transmissores tenham EIA/RIMA-EIV e; realizar periodicamente medições no contorno desses transmissores para verificar o incremento dos campos elétricos de outras fontes, que se somaram aos dos mesmos. / The aim of this paper is to present a study of measurement of the intensity of electric fields in a surgery room coming from radio frequency broadcasting sources located in Curitiba, Paraná. This is a result of an increase in cellular telephony and, consequently, of its transmission towers which, along with radio and TV antennas, radio service calls, wireless networks, internet connections by means of radio waves, microwave ovens, police and firefighters radio calls, radio taxi service calls, amateur radio service, GPS, and so on, produce a kind of electromagnetic pollution “in the air”. Such pollution might cause problems for the environment as well as for people’s health and there might even be some interference concerning the technologies themselves, which might cause equipment to perform unpredictable functions. Thus, it is important to become aware of the level of the intensity of these fields, especially concerning hospitals where human lives might be in danger when they depend on equipment that is likely to fail due to the presence of these magnetic fields. The results obtained in our study are compared to those recommended by the main regulating agencies. After selecting a hospital with the greatest number of antennas around, we built an experimental setup inside a surgery room, observing the minimum distance required between the walls, between the ceiling and the floor, light equipment, and among the antennas. The set up was located 1920 cm to the front and 900 cm to the right lateral position, which served as reference for placing the GPS equipment in order to obtain geographical coordinates. The equipment used involved a selective signal receiver, a notebook with a software used to receive signals and collect data, a selective antenna and isotropic electric field measurement equipment. Eleven TV channels, 16 FM radio stations and 13 radio-based stations (cellular telephony stations) have been selected. Concerning selective measurement, the result obtained was 0,005 V/m and, when compared to the most rigorous recommendation (ONIR/Switzerland) which is 4,0 V/m, the result was 0,13% distant from the one suggested. Concerning ONIR specific band (900 & 1900), that is, GSM, our study has found 0,0068 V/m or 0,14% when compared to the results recommended by ONIR for occupational exposure and 0,17% for people’s exposure in general. Concerning medical equipment, our study has found 1,75 V/m, compared to 3 V/m, expected according to NBR/IEC60601-1-2, that is, the measured field was 58,33% lower than the one recommended. Therefore, we recommend that some actions be taken such as: adopting the Precautionary Principle, which proposes anticipated protective measures in relation to uncertainties and/or unknown risks, for using broadcasting equipment; demanding that all broadcasting facilities observe Environmental Impact Assessment Studies/EIRs – Neighboring Community Environmental Impact Studies; and, finally, performing periodical measurement of the surroundings in order to check the increase in magnetic fields from other sources which produce magnetic field pollution.

Intensidades de campos elétricos em centros cirúrgicos: um estudo in situ

Moura, Marcos Antonio Muniz de 11 December 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo de medições de intensidades de campos elétrico em um centro cirúrgico, oriundos de fontes de radiofreqüência comerciais operando na cidade de Curitiba, no Paraná. Com o aumento da telefonia celular e, por conseguinte, de suas torres somando-se às antenas de televisões, rádios, rádios chamadas, redes de dados sem fio, internet por ondas de rádio, microondas, serviço de rádio da polícia, dos bombeiros, de rádio táxi, rádio amador, GPS, etc., o que acaba provocando um tipo de poluição eletromagnética “no ar”. Tal poluição pode trazer problemas tanto para o meio ambiente como para a saúde e, entre as tecnologias, possíveis interferências entre as mesmas podendo, por vezes, levar equipamentos a executarem funções imprevisíveis. Conhecer os valores de intensidade desses campos torna-se relevante, principalmente em um hospital onde vidas humanas podem estar a perigo quando conectadas a equipamentos susceptíveis a falhar em suas funções devido à presença desses campos. Os resultados obtidos neste trabalho são comparados com os recomendados pelas principais agências regulamentadoras. Após definido um hospital com o maior número de antenas em seu contorno, montou-se um setup de ensaios em seu centro cirúrgico, observando as distâncias mínimas possíveis entre paredes, teto, chão, luminária e entre as antenas. O setup encontra-se a 1920 cm na direção frontal e a 900 cm na direção lateral direita, posição essas que serviram como referência para o posicionamento do GPS no terraço para a obtenção das coordenadas geográficas. Os equipamentos utilizados foram: um receptor de sinais seletivos, um notebook com um software utilizado na operação do receptor e na aquisição dos dados, uma antena seletiva e um medidor de campo elétrico isotrópico. Foram selecionados 11 canais de televisões, 16 de rádios FM e 13 estações de rádio base (telefonia celular). Nos resultados das medições seletivas, os valores encontrados de 0,005 V/m comparados com as recomendações mais rigorosas (ONIR/Suíça) que é de 4,0 V/m ficando então os valores medidos 0,13% desse valor. Na faixa especifica da ONIR (900 & 1900), ou seja, GSM, este trabalho encontrou 0,0068 V/m ou 0,14% em relação aos valores preconizados por ela para as exposições ocupacionais e de 0,17% para o público em geral.Em questão dos equipamentos médicos obteve-se 1,75 V/m medido contra 3 V/m da norma NBR/IEC60601-1-2, ou seja, um campo medido de 58,33% menor do valor aconselhado. Este trabalho recomenda principalmente: adotar o Princípio da Precaução, que prevê medidas protetoras antecipadas perante as incertezas e/ou riscos desconhecidos, na operação dos transmissores; exigir que todas as instalações de transmissores tenham EIA/RIMA-EIV e; realizar periodicamente medições no contorno desses transmissores para verificar o incremento dos campos elétricos de outras fontes, que se somaram aos dos mesmos. / The aim of this paper is to present a study of measurement of the intensity of electric fields in a surgery room coming from radio frequency broadcasting sources located in Curitiba, Paraná. This is a result of an increase in cellular telephony and, consequently, of its transmission towers which, along with radio and TV antennas, radio service calls, wireless networks, internet connections by means of radio waves, microwave ovens, police and firefighters radio calls, radio taxi service calls, amateur radio service, GPS, and so on, produce a kind of electromagnetic pollution “in the air”. Such pollution might cause problems for the environment as well as for people’s health and there might even be some interference concerning the technologies themselves, which might cause equipment to perform unpredictable functions. Thus, it is important to become aware of the level of the intensity of these fields, especially concerning hospitals where human lives might be in danger when they depend on equipment that is likely to fail due to the presence of these magnetic fields. The results obtained in our study are compared to those recommended by the main regulating agencies. After selecting a hospital with the greatest number of antennas around, we built an experimental setup inside a surgery room, observing the minimum distance required between the walls, between the ceiling and the floor, light equipment, and among the antennas. The set up was located 1920 cm to the front and 900 cm to the right lateral position, which served as reference for placing the GPS equipment in order to obtain geographical coordinates. The equipment used involved a selective signal receiver, a notebook with a software used to receive signals and collect data, a selective antenna and isotropic electric field measurement equipment. Eleven TV channels, 16 FM radio stations and 13 radio-based stations (cellular telephony stations) have been selected. Concerning selective measurement, the result obtained was 0,005 V/m and, when compared to the most rigorous recommendation (ONIR/Switzerland) which is 4,0 V/m, the result was 0,13% distant from the one suggested. Concerning ONIR specific band (900 & 1900), that is, GSM, our study has found 0,0068 V/m or 0,14% when compared to the results recommended by ONIR for occupational exposure and 0,17% for people’s exposure in general. Concerning medical equipment, our study has found 1,75 V/m, compared to 3 V/m, expected according to NBR/IEC60601-1-2, that is, the measured field was 58,33% lower than the one recommended. Therefore, we recommend that some actions be taken such as: adopting the Precautionary Principle, which proposes anticipated protective measures in relation to uncertainties and/or unknown risks, for using broadcasting equipment; demanding that all broadcasting facilities observe Environmental Impact Assessment Studies/EIRs – Neighboring Community Environmental Impact Studies; and, finally, performing periodical measurement of the surroundings in order to check the increase in magnetic fields from other sources which produce magnetic field pollution.

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