Spelling suggestions: "subject:"elektroteknik"" "subject:"elektroteknikk""
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Modelling of Ice Storms and their Impact on a part of the Swedish Transmission NetworkAhlberg, Jesper January 2006 (has links)
In this master thesis a weather model to simulate an ice storm is developed. Precipitation, wind and movement are modelled by mathematical functions to create a realistic model. The weather model is used to calculate wind and ice loads on power lines. Two dierent models for the ice accretion on the power lines are used and compared. Data from two storms in Sweden in 1995 and 1999 are studied. In the simulations, the precipitation is assumed to fall as freezing rain instead of snow. The ice and wind loads are calculated in detail for two power lines in southern Sweden. The calculated loads are compared to what is assumed to be the critical loads for the poles, and the risks of power outages in connection with these storms are discussed.
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An investigation of the Cost of Primary RegulationFranzen, Susanne January 2007 (has links)
Primary regulation is essential to compensate for unplanned variations in production and consumption plans. The responsible for the availability of primary regulation is the system operator in each country. In Sweden contracted balance providers offer their accessible primary regulation weekly and hourly, to the system operator, to a price that will compensate the costs that derive from the primary regulation. This master thesis investigates the costs and the profitability of the primary regulation in a balance provider's perspective. The project was initiated by Fortum. The production plan is the result of an optimization based on spot price forecasts where the income is maximized. Primary regulation implies further constraints for the optimization model which give a different result. The difference in the result is due to the primary regulation and thereby an obvious cost caused by the same. Given the costs the bid and profit could be calculated. The thesis is based on optimization results for some small hydropower systems. These results gave the costs that have been evaluated and compared with the model recommended by the Swedish system operator Svenska Kraftnät. The results show the importance of the spot price, especially the difference in the spot price within the planning period. The inflow to the power plants is also an important parameter in a small reservoir, but it cannot be compared to the impact of the price. The optimal bid is hard to find, as the model does not count with the uncertainties in price and weather forecasts. It considers though the same parameters as the existing model, but with more exact values. To be sure that the primary regulation is profitable, using this model, a risk factor and investment costs need to be added.
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Komponentuppdelning av elnätetpå lokalnivåAndersson, Karl-Johan January 2008 (has links)
Sweden will, in accordance with the EU-directive 2003/54/EC, move from post-regulating the electricity power grid-tariffs by using a fictitious grid, to a regulation in advance which uses the actual power grid as a starting point. For this purpose a component breakdown of the grid needs to be made to determine the value of the network and by that the tariff price that is reasonable for the network business in question to charge. The primary breakdown criteria is the voltage-level and type of region. Voltage-level is crucial for the cost and complexity of a grid-part, because the higher the voltagelevel is, there are more and stricter laws and rules to follow. This work is limited to the distributionpart of the grid, in other words voltage levels from 20 kV and below. The type of region is crucial to the type of components you can and want to use. In city environments both overhead-wires and independent substations are undesirable for both practical, safety and aesthetic reasons. Overhead-wires is more common in rural areas, where it´s not economically justifiable to use ground-cable, so the cheaper air-alternative is chosen. An interference in a city environment is also much more costly than one in a urban or rural setting, which is crucial for a component's value. The value of an existing substation in a city environment is much higher than a station of similar nature in the countryside. The components that are taken into account are overhead-wires, ground-cables and substations. These come in a variety of aberrations that are used as preconditions for the grouping of components. Based on the components actual presence in the network and their electrical properties they are divided into groups, which together with type of region and voltage-level can determine the component's actual value and thus be able to give a value to the power-grid in question.
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Customer Outage Reduction Using AMR DataBergström, Mats January 2008 (has links)
Due to a new law that enforces distribution companies to install AMR (Automatic Meter Reading) meters, new possibilities are opened. Not only the primary purpose of AMR meters, i.e. measure the consumption at the customer side, can be beneficial but also outage management which can help reduce the unavailability of a grid. These meters have been further developed lately and new areas of use are under investigation. Distribution automation is a term that normally connects to middle voltage level substations. This technology is used to monitor and remotely control power distribution, where for example outage management is an important part. Historically, implementation of distribution automation at low voltage level has never been interested since investments have been given priority to middle voltage level which covers more customers. This thesis investigates the possibilities to use AMR meters in order to reduce customer outages, identify limits in present construction and suggest necessary modifications to improve the performance of the system. A reliability analysis of the different proposed solutions and a sensitivity analysis of the most attractive solution are also included. An investment analysis is performed, to get an idea how much the investment would cost on an implementation The result from the thesis has shown, that one of the proposed solutions which consists of a number of breakers implemented strategically in a grid, not contribute to any major improvements. The investment cost is relatively high, and the reliability analysis has shown that the amount of outages increase, while the average repair time of interrupted customers decrease. If the breakers are less expensive and their fault rate reduced, a new investigation may be of interest in the future.
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Strategi för utvecklande av reglerbudataHallia, Sofi January 2008 (has links)
This Master Thesis discusses the development of bids for regulation power with consideration of change of discharge. The study was initiated by Vattenfall PD and is a limited part of a substantial development project at the same division. The background of the project is the new demands from SvK, which among other things includes more detailed regulation bids. As from the 1st of November 2008, the regulation bids are supposed to be calculated regarding each specific regulation object, something that is defined by SvK. These new demands changes Vattenfall�s conditions and will increase the need for detailed knowledge about available regulation power and costs for regulation. In this study a strategy for regulation bids was developed. Proper quantities for bids have been defined and costs for regulation power have been calculated. The pricebids are calculated with regard to change of efficiency as a function of the discharge and the water value. The strategy has been developed with consideration to hydrological couplings, physical and technical parameters and market constrains. In order to provide background information for the reader, the first chapters of the report describes the Nordic power market, production planning of hydropower plants and regulation power. A case study has been performed with the purpose to understand how the new demands and the strategy developed in this report might influence the regulation bids. The results from the study indicates the developed strategy increases the quantity of regulation power thought the market and will lead to more competitive bids since they will be more detailed and have more advantageous pricebids.
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Representativa testnät försvenska eldistributionsnätJakobsson Ueda, Mari January 2008 (has links)
This project was started within the Market-Design programme of Elforsk, with the aim of developing representative test systems of Swedish distribution networks. Using such test systems as a basis for reliability and customer interruption cost calculations makes it feasible to analyse the network tariff regulation of Swedish power istribution companies. In particular, it enables studies of the incentives for companies to invest in system reliability. Until now, the available test systems are either not representative of Swedish conditions, or too small in scale and limited in function. Within this project we have created two test systems. In order to represent the diversity of actual Swedish distribution networks, we have created one test system for urban environments and another for rural environments. The test systems contain information about structure, customer composition, load data, component failure statistics and cost of power interruptions. To enable reliability and customer interruption cost calculations, the test systems have been implemented in Matlab. In this project power distribution company representatives and responsible authorities have been valuable as primary information sources. The resemblance of actual systems to the test systems has been confirmed for several individual aspects, including their overall performance. Reliability in terms of frequency and duration of power interruptions is consistent with data found in annual reports submitted to the Swedish Energy Markets Inspectorate. Improvements of the test systems can be made through in-depth studies of both the total system-load distribution among the different customer categories, and the cost incurred by customers from power interruptions. Data for failure statistics and time-dependent load-profiles will be more accurate in the near future, and can be used for updating the test systems.
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Analys av elkvalitetsproblemlokalt nät ForsbackaLinnanheimo, Krister January 2008 (has links)
I Forsbacka har det uppstått klagomål angående elkvalitén. Elkvalitetsproblemet är aven typ som kallas flicker eller flimmer på svenska. Ljusutbytet från glödlampor ärspeciellt känsliga för vissa spänningsvariationer som får ljuset att uppfattas somflimrande. Ett sådant ljus kan vara mycket störande och påverkakoncentrationsförmågan hos människor som vistas i ljuset och kan även undermedvetetpåverka individer som inte är medvetna om problemet.Forsbacka är ett mindre samhälle med ca 1800 inv. och har en elintensiv stålindustri.Tidigare mätningar visar på stort flicker i området och tyder på att störningarna kankomma från subtransmissionsnätet som Forsbacka är inkopplat till. I Stackbo söder omGävle är subtransmissionsnätet till Forsbacka inkopplat till det nationella stamnätet.Transmissionsledningen mellan Stackbo och Forsbacka är kort ca 5 km. Om störningenskapas på subtransmissionsnätet nedströms om Forsbacka och redan är stor i Forsbackahur stor är då störningen längre ut på transmissionsnätet? Skulle då inte problemenlängre ut på transmissionsnätet vara så stora att de vore åtgärdade pga. klagomål?Nedströms om Forsbacka på subtransmissionsnätet finns kända flickerkällor somljusbågsugnar. Den mest vedertagna standarden för flickermätning ger ett mått påstörningen i en mätpunkt men erbjuder ingen möjlighet att mäta i riktning tillflickerkällor eller hur mycket flicker en källa producerar. Det utgör ett hinder för attpeka ut vilka förbrukare som försämrar elkvalitén på nätet och framförallt hur mycket.Uppstår flickret lokalt i Forsbacka eller levereras flickret till Forsbacka från detovanförliggande subtransmissionsnätet? Om flickret inte genereras i Forsbacka kan detdå finnas någon lösning för att dämpa problemet till rimliga nivåer lokalt i Forsbacka?Levereras problemet till Forsbacka via subtransmissionsnätet så att det enda rimligaalternativet för förbättrad elkvalitet i Forsbacka är att begära bättre elkvalitet påsubtransmissionsnätet som förser Forsbacka med el?För undersöka de olika frågeställningarna analyseras flickret i Forsbacka teoretiskt medmodeller av elsystemet kring Forsbacka.Under examensarbetets gång har det framkommit att problemet med flicker är starktkopplat till glödlampor och ljusutbytet från dessa. Genom att välja alternativa ljuskällorsom energilampor eller lysrör kan problemet kraftigt minskas.Det har också framkommit att problemet troligen inte skapas i Forsbacka samt att desstekniska karaktär är så svår att det inte finns någon lösning till rimlig kostnad för attdämpa problemet endast lokalt i Forsbacka.Med en ny storhet som kallas Flicker Power som Peter Axelberg beskriver i sinavhandling [1] kan dock riktningen till en flickerkälla mätas samt dess bidrag till flickerpå nätet. Med sådana mätningar skulle kanske i framtiden krav kunna ställas påförbrukare som genererar flicker, så att det dämpas redan vid källan.
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Electricity Markets:Balancing Mechanisms and Congestion ManagementDupuy, Mathilde Laure January 2008 (has links)
During the last few years, several European countries have opened their electricity markets. Power exchanges have been created, and market based rules have been settled to handle most of the existing mechanisms. The main goal is to improve the competition by increasing the number of actors. More and more coordination between the different European markets is now needed, and the trend is to go from juxtaposed regional markets to a unique European market. Indeed, in February 2006 was launched the Electricity Regional Initiative, where directives were given in order to foster market integration within several European countries. In this context, two main points have to be focused on: the settlement of market based rules for each mechanism and the integration of the different existing markets. This master thesis is a part of a Research and Development project, and has been done at EDF Research & Development, in the department “Economie, Fonctionnement et Etudes des Systèmes Electriques”. It is divided in two parts. The first part explains the main principles of the balancing mechanisms in Great- Britain and Germany, in order to see to which extend these mechanisms are “markets”. The study is a part of a larger project at EDF, resulting in a benchmark of the different European Balancing Markets. The second part deals with a key to the integration of electricity markets: the congestion management methods. Indeed, cross border congestions are a main hindrance to the elaboration of a European market, and new mechanisms are developed to allocate the cross border capacities. One of them is the Market Coupling, which is a way to maximize the market value. This thesis aims at giving a basic understanding of the method as it is carried out today between France, Belgium and the Netherlands through the Trilateral Market Coupling. In the frame of an Open Market Coupling including more countries, this thesis gives an introduction to two different approaches: the “commercial” approach and the “flowbased” approach. Simulations aim at stressing the main differences between the two methods.
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As part of the KTH civil engineer degree, this final degree project was done at RTE, the company responsible for operating, maintaining and developing the French electricity grid, within the group responsible for the 400 kV grid and interconnection studies. After studying how adding production influences flows in a neighboring area, in order to get familiar with simulation tools, the next step was to work on RTE’s grid model, aiming at updating it with reactive data. Moreover, another task has been to analyze, understand and solve problems with the group’s active-reactive simulation tool. During these months, methodologies were developed to construct more accurate reactive data assumptions for 2015. Then, some methods proved being solid enough to quickly obtain valid and useful data, some others have not. Finally, a solution was also developed, allowing the group’s engineer to overcome errors in how power balance is treated within the active-reactive simulation tool. The method should be implemented in an upcoming release of the tool. Of course, considerable knowledge on how a grid works and is operated was acquired by working at RTE, and furthermore it also helped to understand a company’s daily organization and all what it implies.
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Study on the development of the public Study on the development of the public transmission network around Goéland until 2030Guyot, Emilie Solange Lucienne January 2008 (has links)
The project was performed in RTE (“Réseau de Transport d’Electricité”), the French Transmission System Operator (TSO) within the Network Optimisation and Development Service (SDOP) that has to plan and direct the development of the regional transmission network (225 and 63 kV). The goal was to carry out a study on the development of the power transmission network until 2030 in a context of increasing demand, in order to match power need in the future. Thus, it consists into the determination of the different constraints (transmission capacity constraints, short-circuit current limitations, voltage stability constraints, environmental constraints…) that might appear in the area of study in the medium-term (2020) and longterm (2030). These constraints were analyzed with the determination of the causes and the calculation of the seriousness (for example power cut and not distributed energy) of the aforementioned constraints. The next step consists in the analysis of several technical and economical solutions to satisfy these constraints. Then, the study results in an investment plan from 2007 to 2030 including the solutions, their costs and their years of investment. Finally, this work was presented, explained and approved by the regional management of RTE. This master thesis report is divided into four parts: a brief presentation of RTE is given, then the context of study and a prediction of the long-term behaviour of the electrical market are presented, followed by the technical issues and the general tools of the study and finally the consistent results related to the study are explained. A chart of confidentiality was signed not to transmit the results outside of the company. This report is based on an existing grid, even though the names of the substations have been changed for the sake ofconfidentiality.
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