Spelling suggestions: "subject:"Energi-, prosesse og reguleringsteknikk"" "subject:"Energi-, prosess og reguleringsteknikk""
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Curved Boundary Conditions for the Lattice Boltzmann MethodMossige, Endre Joachim January 2011 (has links)
The lattice Boltzmann method is a modern method in computational fluid dynamics. Its primary use is the simulation of incompressible flows. It has computational advantages over conventional methods like the finite volume method. However, the implementation of boundary conditions is still an unsolved topic for this method. The method is defined on a Cartesian grid such that curved walls need special treatment as they are generally not aligned with the grid lines. We investigated a number of straight and curved boundary conditions and performed four different benchmark tests to verify these. Based on a formulation for curved walls with no-slip from the literature, we showed that this method could be extended to simulate flows with arbitrary velocity boundary conditions. Our scheme conserved the second order accuracy of the lattice Boltzmann method in time and space.
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Energy Analysis of Evaporator System in Fertilizer ProductionIngebrigtsen, Vegard Byre January 2012 (has links)
Yara Glomfjord is the north most production facility of compound fertilizer in the world and produces annually about 500 000 tons NPK and 200 000 tons CN. The general energy system of the process plant utilizes steam as the main energy carrier for the entire production site. Yara Glomfjord has today a general lack of steam, and steam is produced in EGA boilers approximately 75% of operational time to cover all heating tasks. The main objective of this Master thesis is to analyze energy flow in in the factory to identify energy saving potential, and later to suggest improvements for the CN-evaporator system in order to retire the use of EGA boilers and supply excess heat for other heating tasks in the factory.First off analysis was made on general energy flows in the factory. This was done in order to reveal potential for energy savings and to clarify which paths to choose for further heat integration. The result of the analysis shows that latent heat flows are of far greater importance than sensible heat flows to the general steam balance at Yara Glomfjord. It was also identified that the large potential for latent heat recovery lies within the evaporator equipment.Next up this text suggests investment in evaporator equipment in order to integrate latent heat, so that the overall steam consumption goes down. Three different suggestions were presented and analyzed in detail in the document: CN-Evaporator System Design. The most proving suggestions are new equipment coupled in cascade with old evaporators or a new independent MVR evaporator in front of old solution. Both suggestions are found to retire EGA boilers completely and also supply excess heat for other heating tasks. This text recommends one of these two suggestions.To suggest new improvements in the CN-evaporator system Epcon Evaporation Technology AS were involved. Testing at Epcon’s facilities in Trondheim indicate a new possibility. For the suggested retrofit cascade evaporation system, submergence of boiling pressure is possible. These findings supports the recommendations from this text to invest in a new evaporator coupled in cascade with the old solution with submergence of boiling pressure. In this way the energy savings in question can be implemented with only a small investment and almost no energy cost in a vacuum pump.As a huge potential for energy savings was found possible at reasonable cost and at a manageable technical level, the findings of this Master thesis hopefully settles the steam issues of the Yara Glomfjord compound fertilizer plant once and for all.In light of the late findings of this project, with the possibility of submergence of boiling pressure a hint is also sent to Yara Porsgrunn. As a great role model for Yara Glomfjord they utilize latent heat, but at the cost of expensive compressor work and not with submergence of boiling pressure which this text clearly states to be the superior technology.
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An experimental investigation of wind turbine wakesBlomhoff, Hedda Paulsen January 2012 (has links)
In the present study the wake behind a scaled; Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine (HAWT) has been investigated. The experiments were performed at the Department of Energy and Process Engineering, at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU. The turbine was installed in the wind tunnel at the department and measurements were performed at several distances behind the turbine to examine the development of the flow. A five-hole pitot probe was applied as measurement instrument. The instrument made it possible to calculate both size and direction of the velocity components.Through the experiments, characteristic curves of the turbine and grid measurements over the cross-section of the wind tunnel, were obtained. The power and thrust coefficients were measured against the local velocity ratio at the tip of the blade, the 'Tip Speed Ratio' (TSR). The power coefficient had a peak at TSR=5,5. The maximum value at this point was 0,45. The highest measured thrust coefficient was 1,15, achieved at TSR=10,3. During the experiments the turbine operated at optimal conditions, at the highest obtained power coefficient.Measurements behind the turbine found that the axial velocity distribution developed as expected. A significant velocity deficit was measured in the wake behind the turbine, which gradually decreased with increased distance to the turbine. Due to the presence of the hub and tower, the middle of the wake was characterized by disturbances. Moving down the wake the profile got more symmetric. The tangential profile was almost symmetric about the origin, right behind the turbine, but drifted to the left at increased distance downstream. Contribution from the tangential components were gradually reduced further down the wake.The tower shadow moved with the rotation of the wake, in clockwise direction, as a region of lower velocities than the prevailing wake. Further downstream the tower shadow merged with the surrounding wake.The rotational axis relocated in the wake behind the turbine. Downstream, measurements showed that the center of rotation moved to the left of the origin. To investigate if the tower was responsible for the experienced downshift, an additional tower was mounted to the tunnel roof, above the turbine. The additional tower created symmetry about the hub and gave a symmetric development of the flow field. Thus, it was concluded that the tower was responsible for the relocation of the rotational axis.
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CFD Analysis of Wave Induced Loads on Tidal Turbine BladesHolst, Martin Aasved January 2012 (has links)
Abstract— The object of this paper is to investigate the influence of wave-current interaction on a tidal turbine. An experiment at Norwegian Marine Technology Research Institute (MARINTEK) has been carried out, and a CFD analysis has been performed in order to enhance the understanding of the wave induced loads on the tidal turbine. These loads are known to be the governing forces and it is therefore of great importance to predict them accurately. The CFD results are found to be trustworthy with calculated values close to experimental data. In addition to the wave-induced forces, the wake characteristics and wave influence on the wake are investigated. Results from Blade Element Moment Theory (BEM) are also compared to validate the accuracy of this method. CFD is a powerful tool if used properly, but it is computationally expensive, especially when dealing with complex geometry like a tidal turbine. A high performance computer (HPC) has been used to carry out the transient CFD wave-current simulations in order to obtain reliable results within reasonable time.
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Wet Gas Compressor Performance : A Numerical Investigation of Thermal-Equilibrium in a Centrifugal Compressor Exposed to Wet GasMele, Erik January 2012 (has links)
Wet gas compression and subsea compression technology has gained increased focus in the recent years. With aging fields on the Norwegian continental shelf and new discoveries in arctic regions, subsea compression could boost aging gas fields and make remote fields profitable where extraction is difficult. Wet-gas compression could reduce the need for expensive scrubbers and separators and this would be a major economic enhancement to subsea processing. There is currently no standard for wet gas compression as the ASME PTC 10 [1] offers no guidance on this. The complex phenomena encountered in wet-gas compression is not yet fully understood. The present work is concerned with the thermal discharge equilibrium of a wet-gas compressor, as this will strongly influence the performance calculations of the compressor. If there is thermodynamic equilibrium at the discharge, then measurements and calculations become relatively simple. If not, then everything becomes more complex.A numerical simulation model was established, both for dry and wet gas. An open loop test rig at NTNU was used to compare calculations with experiments to validate the model. This was done with great success for dry gas. For wet gas accurate measurements were not obtained. The working fluid was an air-water mixture, where water was injected into almost saturated air.To calculate the possible gas discharge temperature under heavily wet conditions, a power balance was also set up. The uncertainties in the frequency converter and the torque meter were too great for reliable power calculations. A new measurement technique has been proposed to be able to measure the gas temperature, utilizing a cyclone to separate the gas prior to the measurements. This technique has not been tested.The numerical model showed small signs of non-equilibrium conditions at GMF 0,8. The discharge temperature proved as large as 0,16°C or 0,15°C depending on the droplet diameter. These differences are still significant when calculating the polytropic efficiency. Evaporation proved to be virtually non-existent in the calculations, due to almost saturated conditions at the inlet. Still, validation against wet-gas experiments is needed to confirm the findings.
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Dynamisk Analyse av vannkraftverk / Dynamic analysis of Hydropower plantsStople, Remi Andre January 2012 (has links)
Det er i denne rapporten gjennomført dynamisk analyse av to kraftverk under prosjektering av BKK, Aldal Kraftverk og Nye Frøland Kraftverk. Analysen omfatter elastisk simulering av opp- og nedsving i svingesjakter og retardasjonstrykk ved avslag eller pådrag, samt frekvensanalyse for reguleringsstabilitet. For simulering er det utviklet et generelt program som benytter karakteristikkmetoden for å beregne retardasjonstrykk og massesvingninger i systemet, mens et program utviklet av en annen masterstudent er brukt under frekvensanalysen. Mye av fokuset i dette arbeidet er å utvikle et simuleringsprogram for beregning av massesvingninger og retardasjonstrykk som er så generelt som mulig og dermed kan benyttes for andre kraftverk enn de to som er analysert her. Kildekoden til dette programmet er å betrakte som åpen, og kan fritt benyttes av andre for egne simuleringer eller videreutvikling.Simuleringer for Nye Frøland kraftverk har vist at foreslått svingesjakt er underdimensjonert, og overflom vil inntreffe ved pådrag med etterfølgende avslag i mest ugunstige fase. I tillegg skaper et trangt tverrsnitt opp til svingesjakten problemer med trykkstøt og regulering. Videre simuleringer viser at om dette tverrsnittet utvides med en meter i diameter resulterer det i akseptable trykkstøt og en rask regulering. Det konkluderes derfor at svingekammer må utvides, samt flyttes lengre opp i terrenget for å unngå overflom. Svingesjakt i Aldal Kraftverk er foreslått plassert i forbindelse med svingesjakt til Aldalselva, som er det nederste av to bekkeinntak i dette kraftverket. Simuleringer viser at svingesjakten er dimensjonert tilstrekkelig for å unngå overflom, men nedsvinget vil nå ned til tilføringstunnelen for bekkeinntaket. Dette er ikke kritisk for kraftverket, men vil føre til økt sedimenttransport. Det er også konkludert med at antagelsen om at bekkeinntak mot Kvernelva kan neglisjeres ikke stemmer. Bekkeinntakets lengde er i den størrelsesorden at oppsving til bekkeinntaket vil finne sted, med mindre det installeres en enveis ventil i nevnte bekkeinntak. Det konkluderes derfor med at svingesjakten bør flyttes opp til knutepunkt mellom øvre bekkeinntak og driftstunnel. Forslag om et nytt svingesjaktprinsipp er lagt frem, da opprinnelig prinsipp får en lengde på sjakt i størrelsesorden med tilføringstunnelens lengde. Det har i alternativet nevnt ovenfor vist seg at en god regulering ikke kan oppnås. Det anbefales derfor å vurdere å innføre en ekstra svingesjakt nærmere turbinen for å bedre reguleringen.
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Konfigurasjon av end-flash system for LNG-prosessanlegg / Configuration of end-flash systems for LNG process plantHaugum, Mathea Korssjøen January 2012 (has links)
Formålet med masteravhandlingen er å gjennomføre en systematisk evaluering av ulike end-flash løsninger i forhold til kraft- og brenselbalanse, produksjonskapasitet, LNG-produktspesifikasjoner, spesifikt kraftforbruk og samlet kraftforbruk i forhold til LNG-produksjon. For å begrense analysen fokuserer studiet seg om følgende typer end-flash konfigurasjoner; i) ingen spesifikt end-flash system (avdampning inn i LNG-lagringstank), ii) enkelt end-flash system med flashgasseparator, iii) systemer med mer separasjon mellom C1 og N2 og økt metangjenvinning (strippekolonne), og iv) resirkulering av end-flash gass til oppstrøms kondenseringsprosessen. Bruk av flashgass for brensel og gjenvinning av kald energi fra flashgassen vurderes når slike alternativer er mulige. For system i) og ii) vurderes kaldgasskompresjon av EFG og BOG mot kuldegjenvinning og varmere kompresjon av EFG og BOG til fyrgass.For å oppnå en metodisk sammenligning og analyse implementeres de ulike end-flash systemene inn i en C3MR-kjøleprosess. Sammenligning for systemene baseres på tilgjengelig kraft fra to Frame-7 gassturbiner med tilhørende hjelpemotorer. Det elektriske kraftgenereringssystemet drives av gassturbingeneratorer. Fyrgass fås fra NG oppstrøms kjøleprosessen, fra EFG og BOG, eller fra en kombinasjon av disse. Simuleringene gjennomføres med to ulike gassammensetninger med henholdsvis høyt og lavt N2-innhold. Lav-N2 har et N2-innhold på 0,5 mol%, som er lavere enn LNG-krav. Alle end-flash konfigurasjonene vurderes derfor med lav-N2. Høy-N2 innholder 3 mol% nitrogen. Evaluering av høy-N2 og system i) gjennomføres ikke grunnet uoppnåelig tilfredsstillelse av LNG-krav. System med lav-N2 og avdampning inn i LNG-lagringstank oppnår et høyt spesifikt kraftforbruk og dårligst parameter for samlet kraftforbruk i forhold til LNG-produksjon, sammenlignet med de andre systemene. Systemløsning med kolonne oppnår et LNG-produkt med et veldig lavt N2-innhold, som kan bety større gevinst ved salg. Med tanke på produktrate og kraftforbruk, er system med separator en optimal løsning med lav-N2. End-flash system med høy-N2 og separator medfører at noe av EFG og BOG må resirkuleres oppstrøms kjøleprosessen for at systemet ikke skal levere for mye fyrgass og samtidig tilfredsstille LNG-krav. Med strippekolonne og høy-N2 kan EFG og BOG dekke nødvendig fyrgassmengde og tilfredsstille LNG-krav uten resirkulering. Samlet krever prosessen et mindre kraftforbruk enn system med separator. Resirkulering oppstrøms kjøleprosessen bør unngås dersom mulig. Dersom N2-innholdet i EFG og BOG er for høyt og ikke kan benyttes til fyrgass, må nitrogenet tas ut av systemet med en dobbeltkolonne, som medfører mer kompleks drift. Et mer komplekst system gir ikke nødvendigvis økt LNG-produksjon for et bestemt kraftforbruk. Termodynamisk sett kan et LNG-anlegg tjene på å benytte kaldgasskomprimering framfor kuldegjenvinning og varmere kompresjon av EFG og BOG.
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Aeroelastic analysis of an offshore wind turbine : Design and Fatigue Performance of Large Utility-Scale Wind Turbine BladesFossum, Peter Kalsaas January 2012 (has links)
Aeroelastic design and fatigue analysis of large utility-scale wind turbine blades are performed. The applied fatigue model is based on established methods and is incorporated in an iterative numerical design tool for realistic wind turbine blades. All aerodynamic and structural design properties are available in literature. The software tool FAST is used for advanced aero-servo-elastic load calculations and stress-histories are calculated with elementary beam theory.According to wind energy design standards, a turbulent wind load case is implemented. Fatigue loads are estimated based on 100% availability and a site-specific annual wind distribution. Rainflow cycle counting and Miner’s sum for cumulative damage prediction is used together with constant life diagrams tailored to actual material S-N data. Material properties are based on 95% survival probability, 95% confidence level, and additional material safety factors to maintain conservative results. Fatigue performance is first evaluated for the baseline blade design of the 10MW NOWITECH reference wind turbine. Results show that blade damage is dominated by tensile stresses due to poorer tensile fatigue characteristics of the shell glass fiber material. The interaction between turbulent wind and gravitational fluctuations is demonstrated to greatly influence the damage. The need for relevant S-N data to closely predict such blade stress cycle events is investigated to avoid non-conservative conclusions. State-of-art wind turbine blade trends are discussed and different designs of the NOWITECH baseline blade are analyzed in a parametric study focusing on fatigue performance and material costs.
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Frictional pressure-drop models for steady-state and transient two-phase flow of carbon dioxideAakenes, Frøydis January 2012 (has links)
Related to the technology of CO2 capture, transport, and storage (CCS), an accurate transport model which predicts the behaviour of carbon-dioxide mixtures during steady-state and transient situations, is needed. A correct estimation of the frictional pressure-drop is an important part of such a model.A homogenous friction-model, the Friedel model, and the Cheng et al. model have been compared with six steady-state experiments using pure CO2. The experiments were nearly adiabatic and within the following range: mass velocities from 1058 to 1663 kg/m2s, saturated temperatures from 3.8 to 17 C (reduced pressures from 0.52 to 0.72), vapor fractions from 0.099 to 0.742, and pipe diameter of 10 mm.The Friedel model was found to be the most accurate model with a standard deviation of 9.7 % versus 55.74 % for the Cheng et al. model and 29.18 % for the homogenous model.The selected friction models were implemented into a numerical model for pipe flow of multiphase CO2, and one of the mentioned experiments was reproduced. The result illustrates how the accuracy of the friction model is even more important when used as a part of the complete transport-model. This is mainly because the friction model and other sub-models, such as the equation of state, are coupled. During the implementation of the Cheng et al. model, certain errors in the original paper were found and corrected.In the case of a transient flow, the influence of the friction model and the associated slip relation, were explored. It was shown that wave speeds strongly depends on the slip relation used. The friction model itself will indirectly affect the wave speed. This is mainly because of the reducedfluid velocity arising when the driving force across the wave is reduced. However, the main effect of the friction model is the pressure gradient arising in regions where the velocity is non-zero.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis of a Pneumatic Resonating DevicePedersen, Per-Kristian January 2012 (has links)
Resonator AS is developing a hammer drilling system suitable for oil and geothermal drilling. The nature of the device involves high speed linear motion at high frequencies. As a result of this, the gas springs used in their device are subject to high pressures and temperatures. To prevent pressure leakage from the device, seals are installed.The seals used in the device are fit for use in a limited range of temperatures and pressures. This pose a challenge since a high amount of heat is generated as a result of the friction between the seal and and the gas spring walls.The main objective of this thesis has been to develop a model to investigate the effects of the frictional heat. Control volume techniques have been used to model the effects on the gas pressure and temperature. A detailed heat transfer formulation comprising convection and conduction has been developed. To model the conduction it was necessary to derive two-dimensional heat transfer equations for cylindrical coordinates. A MATLAB-code has been written in order to simulate the behavior of the system.Test results have been compared with the simulations to validate the model. The comparison showed that the model described the thermal inertia of the system appropriately. It also showed that the present friction model is not able to describe the friction in a satisfactory manner.
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