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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An investigation into the synergistic association between the major Clostridium cellulovorans cellulosomal endoglucanase and two hemicellulases on plant cell wall degradation

Beukes, Natasha January 2008 (has links)
The cellulosome is a multimeric enzyme complex that has the ability to metabolise a wide variety of carbonaceous compounds. Cellulosomal composition may vary according to the microbe’s nutritional requirement and allows for the anaerobic degradation of complex substrates. The complex substrates of interest in this research study were sugarcane bagasse and pineapple fibre waste, as they represent two important lignocellulosic, South African agricultural crops. The effective degradation of complex plant biomass wastes may present a valuable source of renewable compounds for the production of a variety of biofuels, for example bioethanol, and a variety of biocomposites of industrial importance. The identification of renewable energy sources for the production of biofuels is becoming increasingly important, as a result of the rapid depletion of the fossil fuels that are traditionally used as energy sources. An effective means of completely degrading lignocellulose biomass still remains elusive due to the complex heterogeneity of the substrate structure, and the fact that the effective degradation of the substrate requires a consortium of enzymes. The cellulosome not only provides a variety of enzymes with varying specificities, but also promote a close proximity between the catalytic components (enzymes). The close proximity between the enzymes promotes the synergistic degradation of complex plant biomass for the production of valuable energy products. Previous synergy studies have focused predominantly on the synergistic associations between cellulases; however, the synergy between hemicellulases has occasionally been documented. This research project established the synergistic associations between two Clostridium cellulovorans hemicellulases that may be incorporated into the cellulosome and a cellulosomal endoglucanase that is conserved in all cellulosomes. This research study indicated that there was indeed a synergistic degradation of the complex plant biomass (sugarcane bagasse and pineapple fibre). The degrees of synergy and the ratio of the enzymes varied between the two complex substrates. The initial degradation of the bagasse required the presence of all the enzymes and proceeded at an enhanced rate under sulphidogenic conditions; however, there was a low production of fermentable sugars. The low quantity of fermentable sugars produced by the degradation of the bagasse may be related to the chemical composition of the substrate. The sugarcane contains a high percentage of lignin forming a protective layer around the holocellulose, thus the glycosidic bonds are shielded extensively from enzymatic attack. In comparison, the initial degradation of the pineapple fibre required the action of hemicellulases, and proceeded at an enhanced rate under sulphidogenic conditions. The initial degradation of the pineapple fibre produced a substantially larger quantity of fermentable sugars in comparison to the bagasse. The higher production of fermentable sugars from the degradation of the pineapple fibre may be explained by the fact that this substrate may have a lower percentage of lignin than the bagasse, thus allowing a larger percentage of the glycosidic bonds to be exposed to enzymatic attack. The data obtained also indicated that the glycosidic bonds from the hemicellulosic components of the pineapple fibre shielded the glycosidic bonds of the cellulose component. The identification of the chemical components of the different substrates may allow for the initial development of an ideal enzyme complex (designer cellulosome) with enzymes in an ideal ratio with optimal synergy that will effectively degrade the complex plant biomass substrate.

Biomass production, yield and quality response of spring wheat to soil tillage, crop rotation and nitrogen fertilisation in the Swartland wheat producing area of South Africa

Maali, Safiah Hasan 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD(Agric) (Agronomy))--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / 108 leaves printed on single pages, preliminary pages i-vi and numbered pages 1-1 to 1-5 to 9-1 to 9-3. Includes bibliography, list of abbreviations and 22 figures in color. Digitized at 300 dpi grayscale and 300 dpi 24-bit Color to pdf format (OCR), using an HP Scanjet 8250 Scanner. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A long term experiment was conducted at the Langgewens Experimental Farm, near Malmesbury in the Western Cape province of the Republic of South Africa. The effect of soil tillage, crop rotation and nitrogen fertiliser rates on mineral-N levels in the soil, nitrogen levels in plants, wheat growth and yield components, grain yield as well as quality parameters of spring wheat were determined. Although the tillage treatments tested were initiated in 1976, present crop rotations and nitrogen application rates were only applied since 1990. Most of the data that are discussed however was recorded during the 1997 to 2001 period. The trial was designed as a randomised complete block with a split-plot arrangement and four replicates. Main plots were tillage methods namely conventional tillage (CT), tine tillage (TT), minimum tillage (MT) and no tillage (NT). Crop rotations used were continuous wheat (WW) and wheatl lupin/wheat/canola (WLWC). Both soil and crop data were recorded. The results of this study showed the differences in total mineral-N content of the soil. N-contents of wheat, wheat growth and yield components as well as wheat quality parameters were found between tillage treatments, crop rotations used as well as N- fertiliser rates applied. Response however, varied largely between years due to annual variation in especially total precipitation and distribution of rainfall. The inclusion of a legume crop (lupin) and canola in the rotation with wheat was found to have only a small effect probably due to the fact that lupins were grown once in a four year cycle only. Application of different nitrogen rates did increase the mineral-N in the soil, but the effect did not last very long in most years due to either N-leaching or plant uptake. To ensure sufficient mineral-N levels, late application of N-fertiliser will therefore be needed. Minimum tillage or reduced tillage performs better than conventional tillage in low rainfall years. In general these tillage systems should be combined with crop rotation to ensure that yields are comparable to that obtained with conventional tillage. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die ontwikkeling, graanopbrengs en bakkwaliteit van koring (Tritium aestivum L.) in reaksie teenoor gewasratasie, metode van grondbewerking en N-bemestingspeil is in 'n lang tennyn sllldie op Langgewens Proefplaas, naby Malmesbury in die Weskaap provinsie van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika, bepaal. Hoewel die verskillende grand bewcrkingsmetodes sedert 1976, en gewasrotasies en slikstofpeile sedert 1990 toegepas is, is daar in hierdie studie gekonsentreer op data wal gcdurcnde die periode 1997-2001 ingesamel is. Die eksperiment is as 'n randomiseerde blok ontwerp met vier bewerkingsmetodes nl. konvcnsionele bewerking (CT), tand bewerking (TT). minimum bewerking (MT) en geen bewerking (NT), twee gewasratasies nl. monokuhuur koring (WW) en koring/lupienelkoringiCanola (WLWC) en drie N-peie (60 kg N ha- ', 100 kg N ha- 1 , 140 kg N ha- I uitgevoer. Aile stikstof is in die vorm van kalksteen-ammoniumnitraat toegedien. Die reaksie van beide grondfaktore soos die minerale N inhoud en gewaskomponente 5005 biomassa produksie, opbrengs en kwaliteit teenoor bogenoemde faktore het '0 goeie korrelasie getoon met die heersende klimaatstoestande. Lae reenval jare (gebiede) sal volgens hierdie stlldie die grootste voordeel verkry met minder intensiewe grand bewerkingstelsels. terwyl 'n frekwensie van meer as een peulgewas per siklus van 4 jaar nodig sal wees om grondvrllgbaarhcidsvlakke betekenisvol te verhoog. Stelsels van rninder intensiewe grondbewerking is ook tot 'n grater mate deur gewaswisseling bevoordeel as konvensionele melOdes van grondbewerking. Hocwel minerale-N vlakke in grond deur verskillende N-peile be'lnvloed is, was die efTektiwiteit van toedienings laag en het verdeelde tocdienings groat voordele ingehou.

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