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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The cable bolt-grout displacement meter : an innovation in cable bolt monitoring

Anwyll, Drew. January 1996 (has links)
Cable bolting is a critical aspect of underground mining operation. While the cable bolt has effectively been used for many years now, still, failures occur in stopes which could have been limited with an alternate cable bolting design. The design of a cable bolt support system requires the understanding of the principles behind the cable bolting. This understanding comes both from experience and monitoring. / This report investigates the general principles and aspects of cable bolting and monitoring systems and further presents an innovation for cable bolt monitoring. The Cable Bolt Grout Displacement Meter or Cable-GDM is presented and laboratory testing confirms its effectiveness for the monitoring of the axially loaded cable bolts.

The development of a coal mine portable microseismic monitoring system for the study of rock gas outbursts in the Sydney coal field, Nova Scotia /

Corbett, Gary Robert. January 1996 (has links)
Rock gas outbursts are a coal mine dynamic phenomena similar to rock bursts, however, they involve the active participation of large quantities of asphyxious and explosive gases under pressure. These events have occurred in the Sydney coal field, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, where they have resulted in injury and economic hardship. / Because these phenomena are life threatening and not well understood and because geophysical methods have been identified as a means of studying these phenomena, an intrinsically safe microseismic monitoring system and method suitable for underground coal mines has been developed to gather information about these events. / This thesis documents research encompassing the design and development of the intrinsically safe coal mine portable microseismic system (CPMS), and its application to outburst research in coal mine development headings advanced in virgin ground, where the phenomena have occurred. / The CPMS has provided an increased understanding of the rock gas outburst phenomena in the Sydney coal field by recording various mining activity related seismicity and by partially recording the first rock gas outburst in an advance development headings driven by machine. / Monitoring is continuing in a development heading driven by the drill and blast method in an attempt to capture rock gas outburst precursory information and more rock gas outbursts events which are required to more clearly define the mechanisms involved.

Numerical modelling of underground openings in bedded rock

Vicenzi, Ivan Flaviano. January 2000 (has links)
Finite element analysis of tunnel excavations has been widely used by geotechnical engineers for assessing the deformations and stress conditions. Discontinuities in the rock mass play a major role when simulating the behaviour of the rock mass around an opening. A crucial point in such analyses is the choice of the constitutive model. Although numerical modelling of jointed rock mass has been suggested by several authors in the last three decades and different modelling codes have been developed, the simulation of discontinuities is still a complex task. After reviewing the various constitutive models, the author of this thesis presents the simulation of bedded rock mass based on the concept of an equivalent media proposed by Amadei and Goodman. The model has been implemented in a two-dimensional finite element code. In addition to the properties of the bedding planes, the spacing between them is considered. The performance of the model is shown by a parametric study focusing on the influence brought by the scale effect. For the latter control, a comparison with the results from the design of the Piora exploratory tunnel in the Swiss Alps has been carried out.

Use of silica sol in selective sulphide mineral flotation

Nanthakumar, Balakrishnan. January 2001 (has links)
Micro- and batch flotation tests were conducted to explore the use of silica sol to control metal ions to reduce accidental activation and misplacement of minerals. As a comparison other 'metal control reagents', ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and polyphosphate were also tested. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was used to probe the silica sol-mineral interaction mechanism. / Micro flotation was performed on single mineral samples over a pH range 7 to 11. It was found that silica sol depressed all Cu minerals, Cu and Pb activated pyrite and Pb activated sphalerite but did not depress Cu activated sphalerite. XPS analysis revealed that silica sol adsorbed on all Cu minerals and Cu and Pb activated pyrite. Silica sol partially removed Pb from Pb activated sphalerite and had no apparent interaction with Cu activated sphalerite. The depressant action, therefore, appeared to be primarily adsorption of silica sol to form hydrophilic sites. / In the batch tests, generally, silica sol, polyphosphate and EDTA increased the rate of flotation in the Cu stage and in the Zn stage. This is attributed to removal of hydrophilic metal hydroxy species, i.e., surface 'cleaning'. Polyphosphate, and to a lesser extent EDTA, improved selectivity in the Zn stage for Les Mines Selbaie and Mine Louvicourt and arguably for Hudson Bay Mining and Smelting. This selectivity was not identified in the trials at Brunswick Mine directly on Zn stage flotation feed. The varying effect of polyphosphate on selectivity is attributed to the level of 'excess Cu' used in Zn activation: the higher the excess, the greater the effect of polyphosphate. In conclusion, silica sol has some metal ion control capability but seems less attractive in this role than say polyphosphate.

Determination des parametres mecaniques des remblais miniers faits de residus cimentes

Servant, Stéphane. January 2001 (has links)
A field trial was conducted to demonstrate the applicability of a self-boring pressuremeter probe for in situ testing of cemented paste backfill. This technology proved to be efficient in evaluating behaviour of in situ conditions of mine backfill underground. Effectively, laboratory experience shows that it is not possible to insure that all physical and mechanical conditions prevailing underground are respected when samples are prepared and tested in the lab. Moreover, sampling by coring backfill underground proved to be sometimes not very efficient and the question of sample disturbance is a major concern. / This thesis aims at presenting the considerations leading to the probe selection and the technical aspects related to conducting pressuremeter tests in an underground mine. A preliminary analysis of the experimental pressuremeter curves is presented with the derived in situ properties obtained from a paste backfill in a Canadian mine. It is shown that the selected instrument fulfilled the main objective of the project, which was the in situ characterization of a paste backfill. Recommendations are given for future applications of this testing technique for mine backfill and improve the efficiency of the work underground. Also, recommendations are given to improve test analysis and consequently the quality of the results obtained with the self-boring pressuremeter technique.

Technoeconomic analysis of plant grinding operations

McIvor, Robert E. (Robert Emmett) January 1988 (has links)
This study presents methodology for technical and economic performance analysis of conventional grinding circuits supported by two industrial cases. A review of the strengths and weaknesses of Bond work index and population balance modelling approaches to plant circuit analysis discloses the need to refine work index determinations, and to establish a system of more meaningful ball mill circuit performance parameters. / The statistical reliability of carefully determined rod mill work index efficiency ratings is presented. Technical and economic performance improvements through rod mill speed and feed water rate adjustments are presented. / Parameters which separately characterize overall ball mill circuit classification and breakage efficiency are presented. Their relationships with circuit design and operating variables and overall circuit efficiency and economy are discussed. The particle size dependence of flotation is used to estimate the value of the grinding circuit product, and thus to integrate grinding into the overall economics of a flotation concentrator.

Performance monitoring of rotary blasthole drills

Peck, Jonathan Philip January 1989 (has links)
Rotary blasthole drills operating in a western Canadian surface coal mine were instrumented with microprocessor-based monitoring equipment. During routine production drilling, the performance parameters of penetration rate, torque, rotary speed, pulldown and bailing air pressure were monitored at sampling intervals of 10 centimeters (4 inches). The acquired digital data were subsequently correlated with both geological and geomechanical rock properties permitting a detailed examination of machine-rock interaction. The results from a statistical analysis of the drill data identified unique ranges of performance parameters for the sandstone, siltstone, mudstone and coal units encountered at the mine. Correlation of these ranges with geophysical logs in the monitored boreholes, enabled a further calibration of drilling parameter variation to rock type. A relationship between drill performance parameter responses and rock compressive and shear strength was established. This correlation demonstrated the possibility of estimating rock strength properties based on drill performance data. Trend analysis techniques applied to the monitored drill data permitted a further understanding of the nature of tricone bit wear for the particular study environment. The applications of drill monitoring techniques are illustrated in terms of geological exploration, mine planning, tricone bit selection and wear evaluation, and drill automation and control.

Rheological yield stress measurements of mine paste fill material

Saebimoghaddam, Abdolreza January 2005 (has links)
This thesis addresses rheological characterization of mine tailings and paste materials as saturated solid-liquid or homogenous mixtures. Thickened tailings and paste fill can be classified as viscoplastic or time-independent non-Newtonian fluid material. Viscoplastic fluids deform plastically when the applied shear stress is less than a critical stress, which is known as "yield stress". When the shear stress exceeds the yield stress this type of fluid flows like a viscous material with finite viscosity. / In terms of pipeline design for transportation of mine tailings or paste material, one of the most important rheological parameters that must be measured would be yield stress. There are numerous techniques and equipment that can be used for rheological characterization and specifically for yield stress measurements. Literature review shows that the vane method is one of the best rheometery techniques for determining the yield stress of homogeneous fluids directly. / There is also a method for calculating the yield stress from slump height. Any geometry of slump moulds, cone or cylinder, with different dimensions can be applied in this method. The standard conical slump test is basically used for controlling the workability of fresh concrete. This method was then modified for yield stress and viscosity calculation of cemented mixtures. These slump tests can be categorized as in-situ methods of yield stress measurements. / Several rheometery and in-situ experiments were carried out to measure the yield stress of two mine tailings samples in this study. A rheometer was used in controlled shear rate and controlled shear stress modes for yield stress measurements with the vane method. The results were satisfactory for cemented and non-cemented mixtures. The effect of mixing time on the yield stress of material combined with cement was also assessed using the vane method. No significant difference emerged between increased yield stress of the mixtures after 4 minutes and 12 minutes of mixing. / The accuracy of calculated yield stress values using in-situ methods was also determined by drawing comparisons between these series of data and actual yield stresses measured using a rheometer. Modified conical slump tests overestimated the values of yield stress and did not obtain reliable data for viscosity calculation of the mixtures.

Assessing the potential to implement open loop geothermal systems in Canadian underground mines

Koufos, Katarina January 2012 (has links)
Many parts of the world are introducing geothermal heat pumps as alternatives to conventional heating and cooling systems. This thesis investigates how this renewable energy resource can be exploited using underground mine water from active mines in Canada. A few cases located in Europe and North America are presented where buildings are utilizing thermal energy generated from open loop mine water systems found in nearby abandoned mines. This report involved two studies. The initial one is a preliminary survey involving twelve active mine sites in Canada. Site visits were conducted at all twelve mines to collect information about the operation, mine water temperature and water pumping rates. From this data, the thermal capacity of the underground resource was calculated and verified using heat pump catalogues. Economic and environmental assessments were conducted for each proposed geothermal heat pump design. These preliminary results were promising and a larger assessment, which included a total of 23 mines, was conducted. The results from this assessment found that the overall potential heat gain from these mines is 20,900 kW annually, which translates into heating 69,150 average Canadian homes. Canadians have the potential to realize an annual savings from $1.5 to $4.9 million, with a potential reduction in carbon dioxide emissions varying from 16,850 to 19,300 tonnes per year. / Dans plusieurs parties du monde, l'installation de pompes à chaleurs géothermiques agissant comme alternatives aux systèmes de chauffage traditionnels et devient une tendance importante. Ce document a l'intention d'examiner cette forme d'énergie renouvelable en utilisant comme source l'eau qui s'écoule des mines souterraines au Canada. Certains exemples de ces types de systèmes, retrouvés principalement en Europe et en Amérique du Nord, seront présentés. Pour les cas mentionnés, plusieurs bâtiments et immeubles utilisent l'énergie géothermique générée par des systèmes d'eau à boucle ouverte installés dans des mines abandonnées. De plus, des études préliminaires ont été acheminées pour douze sites miniers en opération au Canada. Des visites souterraines ont été menées à chaqu'un de ces sites pour recueillir des informations importantes concernant les activités minières, les températures des eaux souterraines et les capacités de pompage. Les capacités thermiques des eaux souterraines ont été calculées et ensuite comparées aux spécifications techniques des pompes à chaleur. Les résultats préliminaires ont été encourageants, incitant donc une enquête pour déterminer le potentiel de cette source d'énergie à l'échelle nationale. Cette évaluation comprend un total de vingt-trois sites miniers. Leur évaluation a constaté que le potentiel de gain de chaleur combiné est de 20,900 kW. Ce gain peut fournir un an de chauffage pour l'équivalent de 69,150 maisons. Les économies annuelles qui peuvent être réalisées en remplaçant un système de réchauffement traditionnel (soit au gaz naturel ou chauffage électrique) par un système géothermique dont la source provient des opérations minières, sera entre $1.5 et $4.9 millions. De plus, l'exploitation de cette forme d'énergie a le potentiel de réduire les émissions de dioxyde de carbone par un facteur de 16,850 à 19,300 tonnes par année.

Implementation of drill teleoperation in mine automation

Golde, Peter V. January 1997 (has links)
Mining automation has over the past two decades progressed incrementally from line-of-sight remote operation to teleoperation and automatic control of mining equipment. This last development has been mainly due to recent significant advances made in underground communications technologies. A new robotic mining environment is being created that will see mobile machinery as well as stationary equipment fully integrated with a mine-wide information system overseeing all aspects of the mining operation via a high-bandwidth communications network. / Teleoperation of multiple semi-automated machines by one operator from a remote site (control room on surface) forms the basis of current efforts in underground hard-rock mine automation. This thesis attempts to outline the state of teleoperated mining systems in use today and highlights some of the key issues encountered when introducing this new technology into actual production settings. An actual case study on teleoperated uphole Data Solo drills at Inco Limited's Stobie Mine in Sudbury, Ontario, is used to demonstrate these issues during the various phases of project implementation.

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