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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Colonisation de la viande par Escherichia coli O157∶H7 : caractérisation moléculaire, cellulaire et tissulaire des interactions / Meat colonisation by Escherichia coli O157∶H7 : molecular, cellular and tissue characterisation of the interactions

Chagnot, Caroline 02 April 2014 (has links)
Escherichia coli O157:H7 est le sérotype le plus souvent incriminé lors de toxi-infection alimentaire par les E. coli entérohémorragiques (EHEC). Il peut être associé, dans les cas les plus graves, à des colites hémorragiques mortelles et au syndrome hémolytique et urémique (SHU), touchant essentiellement les jeunes enfants. Le vecteur alimentaire le plus courant lors de ces contaminations est le boeuf haché. L’étape primaire de la contamination bactérienne se situe lors de l'abattage où les bactéries peuvent être transférées de la peau à la carcasse. Une gaine conjonctive entoure les muscles, sa composition protéique, similaire à la matrice extracellulaire (ECM), pourrait jouer un rôle dans l'adhésion bactérienne. Dans un premier temps, l’étude de l'adhésion et de la colonisation des bactéries aux protéines majeures de l’ECM musculaire, a révélé une forte influence des conditions de croissances sur l’adhésion, l'adhésion étant maximale à 25°C et pH7, en particulier aux collagènes I et III. Chez les EHEC, diverses protéines de surfaces peuvent être potentiellement impliquées dans l’adhésion à l’ECM. Le rôle d'un autotransporteur, l'antigène 43 (Ag43), dans l'autoagrégation, l'adhésion et la formation de biofilm, a été établit chez E. coli O157:H7 EDL933. Par la suite, les interactions entre E. coli O157:H7 et la viande ont été étudiées sur deux muscles modèles de types métabolique et contractile opposés (Soleus oxidatif lent et EDL, glycolytique rapide), caractérisés par microspectroscopie de fluorescence UV couplée au rayonnement synchrotron. Les différents types de fibres musculaires ainsi que l’effet d’une anoxie prolongée simulant la maturation des viandes ont été discriminés par leurs réponses spectrales après une excitation à 275 nm. Un tropisme bactérien plus élevé pour le muscle soleus que pour le muscle EDL a été clairement observé. Bien qu'E. coli O157:H7 adhère de manière similaire aux différents types de fibres musculaires, l'adhésion des bactéries se fait essentiellement au niveau de l'ECM, mettant en évidence le rôle clé de l'ECM et du tissu conjonctif musculaire dans l’adhésion des E. coli O157:H7 à la viande. Ces travaux de recherche sur l’adhésion bactérienne aux muscles squelettiques aux niveaux moléculaires, cellulaires et tissulaires fournissent les premières connaissances sur la physiologie des EHEC lors de la contamination de la viande et constituent un pré-requis indispensable au développement de pratiques et de stratégies innovantes afin de réduire le risque de contamination des viandes. / Escherichia coli O157:H7 is the most prevalent serotype involved in foodborne infection by enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC). It is associated with life-threatening hemorrhagic colitis and the hemolyticuremic syndrome (HUS), which essentially affect young children. The major food vector of EHEC contamination is ground beef. The primary bacterial contamination occurs during the slaughter, essentially at dehiding stage where bacteria can be transferred from hides to carcasses. The connective tissue surrounding the muscle, highly similar to extracellular matrix (ECM) could potentially be a support for bacterial adhesion. When investigating the adhesion and colonization to the main muscle fibrous ECM proteins, the great influence of growth conditions on subsequent bacterial attachment was shown. Maximal adhesion to ECM proteins occurred at 25°C and pH 7, especially to collagens I and III. In EHEC, various surface-exposed protein determinants can be expressed and potentially involved in ECM adhesion. Investigating the autoaggregation, bacterial adhesion and biofilm formation, the involvement of Antigen 43 (Ag43), an autotransporter protein, was demonstrated in E. coli O157:H7 EDL933. Then, the attachment of E. coli O157:H7 to the meat was determined on two different model muscles, with different contractile and metabolic characteristic (Soleus oxidative, slow and EDL glycolytic, fast), previously characterized by UV microspectroscopy coupled to synchrotron radiation fluorescence. The different of muscle fiber types and the effect of a prolonged anoxia simulating maturing meat were discriminated by their spectral responses after excitation at 275 nm. It clearly appeared that bacteria displayed differential tropism as function of the muscle types, higher for the Soleus than the EDL muscles. While E. coli O157:H7 adhered similarly to the different types of muscle fibers, bacterial adherence essentially occurred at the ECM, pinpointing the key role of connective tissue for E. coli O157:H7 adhesion to meat. This first comprehensive investigation of bacterial adhesion to skeletal muscles at molecular, cellular and tissue levels provides new insight in the physiology of the colonization of meat by EHEC and constitutes a prerequisite for the development of innovative practices and strategies to minimize the risk of meat contamination.

A New Murine Model For Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli Infection Reveals That Actin Pedestal Formation Facilitates Mucosal Colonization and Lethal Disease: A Dissertation

Mallick, Emily M. 28 March 2012 (has links)
Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) colonizes the intestine and produces the phage-encoded Shiga toxin (Stx) which is absorbed systemically and can lead to hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) characterized by hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, and renal failure. EHEC, and two related pathogens, Enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC), and the murine pathogen, Citrobacter rodentium, are attaching and effacing (AE) pathogens that intimately adhere to enterocytes and form actin “pedestals” beneath bound bacteria. The actin pedestal, because it is a unique characteristic of AE pathogens, has been the subject of intense study for over 20 years. Investigations into the mechanism of pedestal formation have revealed that to generate AE lesions, EHEC injects the type III effector, Tir, into mammalian cells, which functions as a receptor for the bacterial adhesin intimin. Tir-intimin binding then triggers a signaling cascade leading to pedestal formation. In spite of these mechanistic insights, the role of intimin and pedestal formation in EHEC disease remains unclear, in part because of the paucity of murine models for EHEC infection. We found that the pathogenic significance of EHEC Stx, Tir, and intimin, as well as the actin assembly triggered by the interaction of the latter two factors, could be productively assessed during murine infection by recombinant C. rodentium expressing EHEC virulence factors. Here we show that EHEC intimin was able to promote colonization of C. rodentium in conventional mice. Additionally, previous in vitro data indicates that intimin may have also function in a Tir-independent manner, and we revealed this function using streptomycin pre-treated mice. Lastly, using a toxigenic C. rodentium strain, we assessed the function of pedestal formation mediated by Tir-intimin interaction and found that Tir-mediated actin polymerization promoted mucosal colonization and a systemic Stx-mediated disease that shares several key features with human HUS.

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