Spelling suggestions: "subject:"essen"" "subject:"ussen""
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Fast Assessment of Small-Signal Oscillatory Stability in Large Interconnected Power Systems, Balkan Power Conference BPC 2002, June 2002, Belgrade, YugoslaviaErlich, I. ; Fischer, A., U. 14 April 2003 (has links)
This paper deals with suitable approaches for fast assessment of oscillatory stability of large interconnected power systems within power system operation. Beside voltage stability and transient stability, oscillatory stability has to be assessed, too. It can be shown, that parallel eigenvalue computation using a parallel variant of Arnoldi method can reduce the time necessary for eigenvalue computation of large power systems.
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Feature Reduction for Neural Network based Small-Signal Stability Assessment, PSCC 2002, Sevilla, Spain, June 24-28, 2002Teeuwsen, S.P.; Erlich, I.; El-Sharkawi, M.A. 14 April 2003 (has links)
This paper introduces several feature extraction and selection techniques.Previous studies showed good results when neural networks are applied to the small-signal stability assessment. However the use of reduction techniques can decrease the number of features and thus the number of quantities, which need to be observed, measured and transmitted, respectively.
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Modellierung einer Wärmepumpe als Komponentenmodell; 14. Arbeitstreffen "Simulation solarer Energiesysteme", Juni 2001Matics, Jens 14 April 2003 (has links)
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Zum Verhältnis von Sozialer Arbeit und Betreuung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung beruflicher Selbständigkeit : Verberuflichungs- und Professionalisierungsprozesse am Beispiel freiberuflicher Betreuungsführung in Köln / Towards the relation of social work and guardianship by focussing aspects of a liberal profession.Klueser, Anne 18 April 2006 (has links)
The thesis in social science concerns problems of guadianship for adults, which is in a process of getting a liberal profession. The first part treats with the classification of guardianship from a theoretical point of view. Next, an empirical exploration is presented, that contains aspects of the actual professional profile of guadians by focussing the professions of social work. The dissertation closes with an résumé of results and proposals of further research.
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Intermediäre Kräfte nachhaltiger Gesellschaftspolitik : Zur Politikvermittlung europäischer Nicht-Regierungs-Organisationen / Intermediate Forces of Sustainable Social Policy : Policy Mediation and European Non-Governmental-Organisations.Schaefer, Jürgen 19 April 2006 (has links)
This doctoral thesis examines the role and influence of civil society organisations in European multilevel governance structures. Therefore the policy field of sustainability is chosen to analyse how and if civil society organisations can take part in European decision making processes. The case study focuses on the participation process for the organised civil society during the negotiations for the European Constitution by analysing the conventions forum as a new and electronically based participation-channel. Background of the examination are the reforms of the European Commission under the presidency of Romano Prodi, in office from 1999 to 2004; with a focus on the European Governance Reform introduced basically by the Commissions White Paper on Governance in the year 2001. The theoretical background of the study is the theory of ecological communication by the German sociologist Niklas Luhmann to reflect the problems and chances for societal communication processes in functional differentiated societies. The specific role organisations can play to transform and communicate relevant information and alternative knowledge requests innovative governance structures which are able to improve the quality of societal communication and which are necessary to find generally accepted solutions for problems with supra-national character. The specific role of civil society organisations for societal- and systemic integration is underlined by Montesquieus theory of secondary powers (pouvoirs intermédiaires) and leads to a differentiated understanding of NGOs in processes of political communication.
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Nickelspeziesanalyse im Cytosol humaner intestinaler Gewebeproben mittels online-Kopplung von Kapillarelektrophorese und induktiv gekoppeltem Plasma-Massenspektrometer - Nickelspeziesanalysis in the cytosol of human intestinal tissue with online coupling of capillary-electrophoresis with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometryBonsack, Sven 30 April 2003 (has links)
This thesis deals with the nickelspecies-analysis in cytosol of human intestinal tissue. The aim was, to find the differences in nickelspecies between the cytosol of malignant and normal tissue of the same patient with CE/ICP-MS resp. SEC/ICP-MS coupling. The result was, that the area ratio of two nickelspecies in the cytosol of malignant tissue are significant higher than in the cytosol of normal tissue. Maybe the two nickelspecies can be an oncogenproduct.
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No-wait Job-Shop Scheduling: Komplexität und Local SearchSchuster, Christoph J. 29 April 2003 (has links)
This thesis deals with the structure of the no-wait job-shop problem as well as the derivation of fast approximation algorithms. These algorithms are based on a decomposition approach into a sequencing and a timetabling problem that was initially introduced by Macchiaroli et al. (1999). In the thesis the problems are derived from a mixed integer formulation of the original problem and proved to be NP-hard in the strong sense. After presenting a fast heuristic approach for the timetabling problem, the focus lies on the sequencing problem for which several local search algorithms are presented. The algorithms are tested on a wide variety of benchmark problems for the classical job-shop problem. Among the algorithms, the tabu search approach outperforms all other algorithms that can be found in the literature in objective value as well as computation time.
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Deviation measures in stochastic programming with mixed-integer recourseMaerkert, Andreas 09 June 2004 (has links)
Stochastic programming offers a way to treat uncertainty in decision problems. In particular, it allows the minimization of risk. We consider mean-risk models involving deviation measures, as for instance the standard deviation and the semideviation, and discuss these risk measures in the framework of stochastic dominance as well as in the framework of coherent risk measures. We derive statements concerning the structure and the stability of the resulting optimization problems whereby we emphasize on models including integrality requirements on some decision variables. Then we propose decomposition algorithms for the mean-risk models under consideration and present numerical results for two stochastic programming applications.
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Nukleophile aromatische Substitution zur Synthese mehrzähniger Komplexliganden und Herstellung geordneter bimetallischer NanopartikelMuth, Oliver 13 May 2005 (has links)
Als Schlüsselreaktion zum Aufbau von para-chinoiden Triphenylenfarbstoffen mit komplexierungsfähigen Funktionalitäten für Metallionen sowie von Methylen- und Methin-verbrückten Oligopyridinen eignet sich hervorragend die nukleophile aromatische Substitution. Für die Synthese der funktionalisierten para-chinoiden pi-Systeme diente dabei ein Triarylmethylkation mit einem sterisch abgeschirmten zentralen Kohlenstoffatom und zweier peripherer Fluorsubstituenten an aromatischen Ringen, die bei der Umsetzung mit Nukleophilen als elektrophilen Bausteinen 2-Fluor- und 2,6-Difluorpyridin mit 2-Methyllithiumpyridin eröffnete den effizienten Zugang zur Familie der Methylen- und Methin-verbrückten mehrzähnigen Oligopyridin-Liganden in sehr guten Ausbeuten von meistens 90% und mehr. Die hieraus resultierenden Methylen-verbrückten Pyridin-Liganden konnten ihrerseits wieder als nukleophile Bausteine erfolgreich mit 2-Fluor- und 2,6-Difluorpyridin umgesetzt werden. Mit den hergestellten Pentakispyridinen wurden mehrere Kupfer(II)-Komplexe hergestellt. Der zweite Abschnitt der Arbeit befasst sich mit der Herstellung von geordneten FePt-Nanopartikeln. Dabei wurde eine literaturbekannte Herstellungsmethode ausgehend von Pt(acac)2, 1,2-Hexadecandiol...
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Diffusionsmessungen an Polyethylenglykolen mittels PFG-NMR-Spektroskopie und dynamischer Lichtstreuung / Diffusion measurements of poly(etylene glycol) in solution by Pulsed Field Gradient NMR spectroscopy and Dynamic Light ScatteringDunkhorst, Kirsten 06 May 2005 (has links)
The Pulsed Field Gradient (PFG) NMR spectroscopy was uesd to determine, via the diffusion coefficient, the molecular weights and the molecular weight distributions for sampels of poly(etylene glycol) (PEG) in D2O. Additional it was investigated, whether the components of mixtures of poly(ethylene glycol) with different molecular weights could be quantitatively determined by the differences in diffusion coefficient. The results of this study are compared with the result of the Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) technique, the standard methode for the determination of molecular weights. The PFG NMR findings shows that the the molecular weights and the molecular weight distributions agreed well with values provided by the manufacturer. The mixtures could not be determined quantitativley, because of considerable overlaps in the molecular weight distributions. But it could be shown that the PFG NMR spectroscopy and the DLS technique complement one another.
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