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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Availability, price and affordability of selected chronic medications in private retail pharmacies in Eswatini

Zvinavashe, Tungamirai January 2021 (has links)
Magister Public Health - MPH / Chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs) have not received adequate attention in Eswatini (formerly Swaziland) due to the high burden of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and other communicable diseases. However, in 2019, NCDs were estimated to account for 45.86% of all deaths in the country with cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus and chronic respiratory conditions amongst the top ten causes of death. Persistent shortages of medicines in public health facilities in Eswatini have been observed resulting in patients purchasing their medicines from private retail pharmacies.

Relevance of the Swaziland teacher education curricula to professional ethics regarding teacher-pupil relationships

Simelane, Jenneth Futhie 02 1900 (has links)
Education in Swaziland is faced with the challenge of degenerating professional standards among teachers. This study sought to determine the relevance of the current teacher training curriculum in preparing pre-service teachers on professional ethics regarding teacher-pupil relationships. The study’s participants were from two universities; University of Swaziland (UNISWA) and Southern Africa Nazarene University (SANU), and three teacher-training colleges; William Pitcher, Ngwane, and Swaziland College of Technology. Participants comprised five purposefully selected heads of education departments, five focus groups of eight final year student teachers randomly selected from each institution, 100 new teachers with less than five years teaching experience (graduates) from the participating teacher training institutions. Data were collected concurrently using a semi-structured interview for the heads of department, focus group interviews for student teachers, a questionnaire for new teachers and document analysis for collecting data from documents of the institutions. Instruments were pilot tested on samples with similar characteristics to those of the participants. Data analysis was guided by the research questions. Qualitative data from the interviews and focus group interviews were analysed inductively, presented narratively through the use of verbatim quotations. Content analysis was used to analyse data from the documents and presented similarly to that from interviews. Quantitative data was analysed using descriptive statistics such as means, frequencies and percentages using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 20. Findings of the study revealed that the extent to which teacher training institutions implemented professional ethics regarding teacher-pupil relationships was not as adequate as it should, in terms of content and methods of implementation. The teacher training institutions generally offered professional ethics not as a course but as part of a course or courses. Therefore, the study recommended that the curricula in teacher training institutions should incorporate a course specific to ethics of the teaching profession. A further study on challenges faced by teacher training institutions in the implementation of the curriculum on professional ethics is necessary. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)

Drought, urban resilience and urban food security in kaKhoza, Manzini, Swaziland

Mamba, Sipho Felix January 2019 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / Food security is the ability to secure an adequate daily supply of food that is affordable, hygienic and nutritious and it has become a chronic development problem in most urban areas of the global South. This thesis contributes to the urban food security debate by exploring the connection between drought and food security in urban Swaziland. Specifically, the study examines the effects of the 2015/16 drought on access to food in the informal settlement of kaKhoza in the city of Manzini. The study used climate change and food security conceptual framework to interrogate the connection between drought and food security in the urban context. The framework shows how climate change variables like extreme weather events (e.g. drought) impact food security drivers such as agricultural management, demographic, cultural and socio-economic variables, and how these drivers impact the four components of food security (food availability, access, utilization and stability of access). The study drew from both the positivistic and interpretivistic paradigms and adopted a case study approach based on the mixed methods research design. Data was collected from the informal settlement of kaKhoza using a three step procedure involving a questionnaire survey, in-depth interviews, key informant interviews and focus group discussions. A questionnaire was administered to 145 heads of households using systematic sampling technique. Purposive sampling was employed to select 30 and 8 respondents for in-depth and key informant interviews, respectively. The researcher also engaged the observation method approach to capture additional information about effects of drought as observed in the study site. The researcher adhered to all legal and ethical procedures during the data collection and research writing processes. As such, participation in the research was strictly voluntary without any form of coercion, whatsoever. The results reveal that drought contributes to food insecurity in low income urban spaces by reducing the quantity and frequency of free or low priced rural-urban food transfers. As a result, low income households have had to rely more on food purchases, thereby making them increasingly food insecure. The problem is compounded by reverse food flows from urban to rural areas. The drought induced food price hike, compelled many low-income households to be less dependent on the supermarket as the main source of their food, and to buy increased amounts of food from the vegetable markets and tuck shops. Residents employ different coping mechanisms to deal with drought induced food shortage, some of which are too risky and further expose them to food insecurity. These coping strategies include: skipping meals, begging, use of informal credit, over reliance on informal markets and selling of sexual favours, which expose respondents to HIV and AIDS infection.

The Role of Vertical Collaboration in Local Community Empowerment : Exploring the Implementation of Climate Smart Agriculture at a Local Level in Eswatini

Salmelin, Charlee January 2023 (has links)
To strengthen societies and address the increased risks generated by climate change, development projects within disaster risk reduction [DRR] and climate change adaptation [CCA] must ensure the sustainability of capacity development. However, sustainability is currently flawed in such projects, which could relate to the inadequate achievement of empowerment of targeted beneficiaries. Some scholars suggest that vertical collaboration – the collaboration between stakeholders and beneficiaries – is decisive in determining the achievement of community empowerment during implementation. Still, the role of vertical collaboration and the dynamics of this relationship remains unexplored. By comparing a development initiative within climate-smart agriculture [CSA] implemented in two different communities in Eswatini, this thesis aims to evaluate the achievement of vertical collaboration and explore the relationship between vertical collaboration and empowerment. The results show that the achievement of vertical collaboration does covariate with the presence of empowerment and that certain factors are more influential in determining outcomes than others. These factors include the presence of opportunities for all participants to get involved; active, accessible, and participatory communication; bidirectional learning; and providing beneficiaries with voice and decision-making power. The findings support the theoretical argument, demonstrating that vertical collaboration plays a role in determining empowerment, and highlight the importance of considering it as a critical aspect when implementing CSA projects. However, the sustainability of capacity developments could not be identified in either community, suggesting that alternative factors might be essential for long-term outcomes. Further research is required to understand interconnections among identified factors and how they can be leveraged for the success and sustainability of capacity development within this field.

The use of questioning as a teaching strategy : a case study of Social Studies in grade seven / Gebruik van vraagstelling as 'n onderrigstrategie : 'n gevallestudie van Sosiale Wetenskappe in graad 7 / Kusetjentiswa kwekubuta njengelisu lekufundzisa : sifundvo sekuhlola se-Social Studies kulibanga 7

Vilakati, Phumzile Patience 01 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / This study explored teachers’ effective use of questioning as a teaching strategy in Social Studies in grade seven within a primary school in the Kingdom of Eswatini (formerly known as Swaziland). The advent of free primary education has brought about large class sizes, but the desire to produce quality education persists. The literature distilled in the study showed that, although a considerable body of studies has established that questioning in the classroom helps direct learning, many teachers fail to utilise it as such. Those who endeavour to use it succeed in engaging their learners, and this results in teaching effectiveness and good outcomes for their learners. The study employed the interpretive paradigm because of the in-depth nature of the investigation. It therefore was a qualitative study that used observation and in-depth semi-structured interviews to gather data and attain the objectives of the study. It was a case study in which four Social Studies teachers took part. Observations were made for at least for 60 minutes in each classroom. Field notes were taken and later analysed. Individual interviews were conducted with the teachers. The results of the study showed that teachers did not use questions to direct teaching and learning, and had no knowledge of the concept of wait time. They also said that they had not been taught questioning strategies in their pre- service teacher training. This was consistent with the literature. Though research shows that questioning promotes effective teaching, the studies reviewed indicated that few teachers use it as an instructional tool. The implications derived from the present study are therefore that pre-service teacher training has to be improved to cater for such important topics as classroom questioning. Also to be improved is further professional development. There is a significant need for action at the macro- and micro-levels of the educational system towards improvement. The actions at the micro-level will be determined by diligent policies designed and executed at that level, that is, the level of the school. / Hierdie studie verken onderwysers se benutting van vraagstelling as onderrigstrategie in Sosiale Studies in Graad 7 by ʼn primêre skool in die koninkryk Eswatini (voorheen Swaziland). In weerwil daarvan dat gratis primêre onderrig groot klasse tot gevolg het, moet gehalteonderwys steeds nagestreef word. Volgens die literatuur wat geraadpleeg is, toon talle studies dat vraagstelling in die klas regstreekse leer bevorder. Onderwysers wat vrae aan leerders stel, gee doeltreffend onderwys omdat hulle leerders betrek, en sodoende ʼn goeie uitkoms behaal. Desondanks pas min onderwysers hierdie strategie toe. Op grond van die aard van hierdie ondersoek, is ʼn vertolkende paradigma gevolg. In hierdie kwalitatiewe studie is data deur waarneming en halfgestruktureerde onderhoude ingesamel. Elke klas is vir minstens 60 minute waargeneem en veldaantekeninge is gemaak wat later ontleed is. Vier onderwysers wat Sosiale Studies onderrig, was deel van die gevallestudie. ʼn Onderhoud is met elkeen gevoer. In hierdie studie is bevind dat die onderwysers geen vrae in die klas gestel het nie. Hulle het ook nie die begrip van wagtyd geken nie, aangesien hulle nooit in vraagstellingstrategieë opgelei is nie. Dit verklaar bevindings in die literatuur dat min onderwysers vraagstelling in die klas gebruik. Vraagstelling moet dus deel van onderwysers se opleiding uitmaak. Hierbenewens moet die professionele ontwikkeling van onderwysers aandag geniet. Voorts is dit noodsaaklik dat die onderwysstelsel op sowel mikro- as makrovlak verbeter word. Ingryping op mikrovlak sal deur die uitvoering van beleid op skoolvlak bepaal word. / Lesifundvo sihlose kusebentisa ngemphumelelo inchubo yekubuta njengelisu lekufundzisa ku-Social Studies kuLibanga 7 ngekhatsi kwesikolwa semabanga laphasi Eswatini (lebeyatiwa ngeSwaziland ngaphambilini). Kufika kwemfundvo yamahhala yemabanga laphasi kwente kwekutsi emaklasi agcwale kakhulu, kodvwa sifiso sekukhicita imfundvo leyikhwalithi siyachubeka. Ilitheretja lebuyeketiwe esifundvweni ikhombisa kwekutsi, nanobe umtimba lobantana wetifundvo utfole kwekutsi inchubo yekubuta eklasini isita kucondzisa kufundza, bothishela labanyenti bayehluleka kukusebentisa ngendlela lefanele. Laba labetama kukusebentisa bayaphumelela ekumbandzakanyeni bafundzi babo, futsi loku kuholela ekufundziseni ngemphumelelo kanye nemiphumela lemihle kubafundzi babo. Lesifundvo sisebentise umcondvo lohumushako ngesizatfu seluhlobo lolujulile lwekuphenya. Ngako-ke bekusifundvo sebunyenti lapho kusetjentiswe khona kubuka kanye nekubuta lokungakahleleki ngalokuphelele lokujulile kugcogca idatha kanye nekutfola tinjongo tesifundvo. Kuhlanganyele bothishela labane beSocial Studies kulesifundvo sekuhlola. Luhlelo lwekubuka lwentiwe lokungenani imizuzu lengema-60 eklasini ngalinye. Kutsatfwe emanotsi futsi ahlatiywa ngemuva kwesikhatsi. Kubutwe bothishela ngamunye. Imiphumela yesifundvo ikhombisa kwekutsi bothishe abakasebentini imibuto kucondzisa kufundzisa nekufundza, futsi bebangenalwati ngemcondvo wesikhatsi sekulindza. Baphindze baphawula kwekutsi abakafundzisiswa emasu ekubuta ekucecesheni kwabo kwangaphambi kwekufundzisisa. Loku bekufanana ngelitheretja. Nanobe lucwaningo lukhombisa kwekutsi kubuta kugcugcutela kufundzisa ngemphumelelo, letifundvo letibuyeketiwe tikhombisa kwekutsi bothishela labambalwa bakusebentisa njengelithuluzi lekuyalela. Imiphumela letfolwe kulesifundvo samanje kutsi kucecesha kwabothishela kwangaphambi kwekufundzisa kumele kwentiwencono kute kufake tihloko letifana nekubuta eklasini. Loku lokumele kwentiwencono kuchubeka ngekutfutfukiswa kwalobucwepheshe. Kunesidzingo lesikhulu sesinyatselo etigabeni letincane kakhulu nasetigabeni letincane teluhlelo lwemfundvo ngasekwentenincono. Letinyatselo esigabeni lesincane titawuncunywa nguletinchubomgomo letihlelwe futsi tasetjentiswa kuleso sigaba, lekusigaba sesikolo. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / M. Ed. (Curriculum and Instructional Studies)

Factors influencing ICT implementation in inclusive primary schools in Manzini region, Eswatini / Timbangela letinemtselela ekufezekiseni kusetjentiswa kwelwatiso nekuchumana ngetebuchwepheshe etikolweni temabanga laphansi letifundza wonkhe wonkhe letisesigodzini sakaManzini, Eswatini / Dintlha tse di susumetsang tsenyotirisong ya ict kwa dikolong tsa poraemari tse di akaretsang kwa kgaolong ya Manzini, Eswatini / Izimbangela ezinomthelela ekwethulweni kwezobuchwepheshe okubandakanya izikole zamabanga aphansi kusifunda saseManzini, Eswatini

Simelane, Thembekile Innocentia 15 December 2020 (has links)
As rapid technological development constantly drives and reshapes the economy, it is vital for learners and teachers to be highly proficient in the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). The data collected revealed that the barriers to ICT integration can be viewed as deprivation to both teachers and learners, especially those with diverse disabilities and learning difficulties. ICT implementation is therefore more than just change driven by technology. It is an opportunity to assist everyone, including people from all income groups, policy-makers and leaders to support converging technologies to create a more inclusive and humane future. The research was designed as a case study. Face-to-face interviews were conducted, lesson observations were undertaken and qualitative questionnaires were administered as methods of data collection. The research population included principals and ICT teachers in the Manzini Region. The sample was made up of two principals and 13 teachers. The data was transcribed and presented as raw data and thereafter analysed thematically. The data collected was analysed qualitatively. The findings of the study were that the factors influencing ICT implementation in inclusive primary schools in Eswatini included a lack of skills and knowledge from teachers; the lack of teaching and learning time allocated to ICT; insufficient teaching and learning materials; a lack of motivation and an insufficient number of teachers. Other factors included the lack of support and collaboration from principals and the Government of Eswatini. In view of the above factors, some recommendations were made, namely, that the Ministry of Education should reintroduce ICT in all inclusive primary schools. The schools that offer ICT should consider increasing the time allocated for ICT and enhance Continuous Professional Development (CPD) for ICT teachers. They should also provide for learners with diverse disabilities and learning difficulties a variety of teaching materials such as assistive devices to enhance teaching and learning. / Njengaloku kutfutfuka ngekushesha kwetebuchwephesHe kuchubeka kucondzisa futsi kwakhA kabusha nemnotfo, kumcoka kutsi bothishela nebafundzi babe nelikhono leliphakeme lekusebentisa Lwatiso neKuchumana ngeTebuchwepheshe (i-ICT). Ledatha legcogciwe ivete kutsi tihibe tekuhlanganisa i-ICT tingabukwa njengekuncisha bothishela nebafundzi, ikakhulu kubafundzi labaphila nekukhubateka lokwehlukahlukene kanye nebulukhuni ekufundzeni. Kufezekiswa kwekusetjentiswa kwe-ICT ngako-ke kungetulu kwekutsi nje kuchutjwa ingucuko yetebuchwepheshe, kodvwa kulitfuba lekusita wonkhe umuntfu, lokufaka ekhatsi bantfu lababuya kuwo onkhe emacembu etemnotfo, labo lababhala tinchubomgmo nebaholi, kutsi basekele kuhlanganiswa kwetebuchwepheshe kute kudaleke likusasa lelifaka lonkhe luntfu. Lolucwaningo luhlelwe njengesifundvolucwaningo lwesehlakalo. Kubanjwe emainthaviyu buso nebuso, kwentiwa sifundvo sekucaphela kanye nemaphephambuto elizingasimo njengetindlela tekugcogca idatha. Linanibantfu lalolucwaningo lifaka ekhatsi bothishelanhloko kanye nabothishela labafundzisa i-ICT eSigodzini sakaManzini Eswatini. Lesamphuli yakhiwa bothishelanhloko lababili kanye nabothishela laba-13. Ledatha yabhalwa yetfulwa njengaloko injalo ingakahlutwa kwase kutsi-ke emva kwaloko yahlatiywa ngekwengcikitsi. Ledatha leyagcogcwa yahlatiywa ngekwelizingasimo. Lokutfolwe ngulesifundvolucwaningo kutsi timbangela letinemtselela ekufezekiseni kusetjentiswa kwe-ICT etikolweni temabanga laphansi letifaka wonkhe wonkhe Eswayini, kufaka ekhatsi kuswelakala kwemakhono nelwati kubothishela; sikhatsi sekufundzisa nekufundza lesinganeli lesiphakelwa kufundziswa kwe-ICT; ticukatsilwati tekufundzisa nekufundza letingakaneli; kubete umdlandla kanye nelinani lelingakaneli labothishela. Lenye imbangela kungabikhona kwekusekelwa nekuhlanganyela lokuvela kubothishelanhloko nakuhulumende weleSwatini. Ngekubuka letimbangela letingenhla, kwentiwe-ke letincomo letilandzelako: Litiko Letemfundvo kufanele kutsi liphindze letfule i-ICT kuto tonkhe tikolo temabanga laphansi letifundzisa wonkhe wonkhe, tikolo letifundzisa i-ICT kufanele kutsi tikubheke kwengetwa kwesikhatsi sekufundzisa i-ICT kanye nekwenta ncono Kutfutfukiswa Ngalokuchubekako Kwebungcweti (i-CPD) kubothishela labafundzisa i-ICT, kantsi futsi letikolo kufanele tinake nebafundzi labaphila nekukhubateka lokwahlukahlukene nebulukhuni bekufundza ngekutsi banikwe ticukatsilwati tekufundzisa letahlukahlukene njengetisetjentiswa tekusita kute kwentiwe ncono kufundzisa nekufundza. / Jaaka lebelo la tlhabololo ya thekenoloji le tswelela go tsamaisa le go bopa ikonomi sešwa, go botlhokwa gore barutwana le barutabana ba nne le bokgoni jo bo kwa godimo mo tirisong ya Thekenoloji ya Tshedimosetso le Tlhaeletsano (ICT). Data e e kokoantsweng e senotse gore dikgoreletsi tsa kgokaganyo ya ICT di ka bonwa e le tlhaelo mo barutabaneng le barutwaneng, bogolo segolo barutwana ba ba nang le bogole jo bo farologaneng le mathata a go ithuta. Ka jalo, tsenyotirisong ya ICT ga se fela diphetogo tse di tsamaisiwang ke thekenolooji; ke tšhono ya go thusa mongwe le mongwe, go akarediwa batho go tswa ka ditlhopheng tsotlhe tsa lotseno, badiradipholisi le baeteledipele, go tshegetsa dithekenoloji tse di kopanang go tlhama isago e e akaretsang e bile e le molemo. Patlisiso e rulagantswe jaaka thutopatlisiso e e lebelelang kgetsi. Go dirilwe dipotsolotso tsa namana, go nnile le kelotlhoko ya dithuto mme go dirisitswe dipampiripotsoloto tse di lebelelang mabaka jaaka mekgwa ya go kokoanya data. Setlhophasegolo sa patlisiso se akareditse bagokgo le barutabana ba ICT kwa Kgaolong ya Manzini kwa Eswatini. Sampole e ne e dirwa ke bagokgo ba le babedi le barutabana ba le 13. Data e ne ya gatisiwa mme ya tlhagisiwa e le data e e sa fetolwang mme morago ya lokololwa go ya ka meono. Data e e kokoantsweng e lokolotswe go ya ka mabaka. Diphitlhelelo tsa thutopatlisiso e nnile gore dintlha tse di tlhotlheletsang tsenyotirisong ya ICT mo dikolong tsa poraemari tse di akaretsang kwa Eswatini di akaretsa tlhaelo ya bokgoni le kitso mo ntlheng ya barutabana; nako e e sa lekanang ya go ruta le go ithuta e e rebolelwang ICT; dimatheriale tse di sa lekanang tsa go ruta le go ithuta; tlhaelo ya thotloetso le palo e e sa lekanang ya barutabana. Ntlha e nngwe e nnile tlhaelo ya tshegetso le tirisanommogo go tswa mo bagokgong le puso ya Eswatini. Ka ntlha ya dintlha tse di fa godimo, go dirilwe dikatlenegiso tse di latelang: Lefapha la Thuto le tshwanetse go itsese sešwa ICT mo dikolong tsotlhe tsa poraemari tse di akaretsang, dikolo tse di tlamelang ka ICT di tshwanetse go akanya ka go oketsa nako e e rebolelwang ICT le go tokafatsa Tlhabololo e e Tswelelang pele ya Seporofešenale (CPD) ya barutabana ba ICT, mme dikolo tseno di tshwanetse gape go akanyetsa barutwana ba ba nang le bogole jo bo farologaneng le mathata a go ithuta ka go ba tlamela ka dimatheriale tse di farologaneng tsa go ithuta di tshwana le didiriswa tse di thusang go tokafatsa go ruta le go ithuta. / Njengoba intuthuko yezobuchwepheshe esheshayo iqhubeka nokugqugquzela nokwakha kabusha umnotho, kubalulekile ukuthi abafundi nothisha babe nekhono eliphezulu ekusebenziseni Ulwazi Lwezobuchwepheshe Kwezokuxhumana. Imininingwane eqoqiwe iveze ukuthi izithiyo ekuhlanganisweni zoLwazi Lwezobuchwepheshe Kwezokuxhumana zingabhekwa njengokuncishwa amathiba kothisha nabafundi, ikakhulukazi abafundi abanokukhubazeka okuhlukahlukene nobunzima bokufunda. Ukuqaliswa koLwazi Lwezobuchwepheshe Kwezokuxhumana kungaphezu nje koshintsho oluqhutshwa ezobuchwepheshe; kuyithuba lokusiza wonke umuntu, kufaka phakathi abantu abavela kuyo yonke imikhakha yabaholayo, abenza izinqubomgomo kanye nabaholi, ukusekela ubuchwepheshe obuhlanganayo ukudala ikusasa eliyinhlanganisela futhi elinobuntu. Ucwaningo lwakhiwe njengesifundo esiwucwaningo lwesigameko. Kwenziwa inhlolokhono noma zingxoxo ubuso nobuso, kwenziwa ukubhekwa kwezifundo futhi kwenziwa nemibuzo esezingeni elifanele njengezindlela zokuqoqa imininingwane. Abantu abafakwe ocwaningweni babandakanya othishanhloko kanye nothisha boLwazi Lwezobuchwepheshe Kwezokuxhumana esifundeni saseManzini eSwatini. Isampula yayenziwe kothishanhloko ababili nothisha abayi-13. Idatha yabhalwa futhi yethulwa njengedatha engahlungiwe futhi ngemuva kwalokho yahlaziywa ngokulandelana. Imininingwane eqoqiwe yahlaziywa ngokufanele. Okutholakele kulolu cwaningo ngukuthi izinto ezinomthelela ekusebenzeni koLwazi Lwezobuchwepheshe Kwezokuxhumana ezikoleni zamabanga aphansi ezibandakanya bonke abantu eSwatini zibandakanya ukuntuleka kwamakhono nolwazi kothisha; isikhathi esinganele sokufundisa nokufunda esabelwe uLwazi Lwezobuchwepheshe Kwezokuxhumana izinto zokufundisa nokufunda ezinganele; ukungabi nogqozi kanye nenani elinganele lothisha. Enye yezimbangela ukungabikho kokwesekwa nokusebenzisana kothishanhloko nohulumeni wase-Eswatini. Ngenxa yalezi zinto ezingenhla, kwenziwa izincomo ezilandelayo: uMnyango Wezemfundo kufanele uphinde ufake uLwazi Lwezobuchwepheshe Kwezokuxhumana kuzo zonke izikole zamabanga aphansi ezibandakanyekayo, izikole ezifundisa uLwazi Lwezobuchwepheshe Kwezokuxhumana kufanele zicabangele ukukhulisa isikhathi sokufundisa esabelwe uLwazi Lwezobuchwepheshe Kwezokuxhumana futhi zithuthukise Ukuthuthukiswa Okuqhubekayo Kwezobuchwepheshe kothisha boLwazi Lwezobuchwepheshe Kwezokuxhumana, futhi lezi zikole kufanele futhi zihlinzeke izitshudeni ezinokukhubazeka okuhlukahlukene nobunzima bokufunda ngendlela yezinhlobonhlobo zezinto zokufundisa ezinjengamathuluzi okusiza ukuthuthukisa ukufundisa nokufunda. / M. Ed. (Inclusive Education)

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