Spelling suggestions: "subject:"explosions"" "subject:"d'explosions""
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The character of the core-mantle boundary : a systematic study using PcPGassner, Alexandra Carina January 2012 (has links)
Assuming that liquid iron alloy from the outer core interacts with the solid silicate-rich lower mantle the influence on the core-mantle reflected phase PcP is studied. If the core-mantle boundary is not a sharp discontinuity, this becomes apparent in the waveform and amplitude of PcP. Iron-silicate mixing would lead to regions of partial melting with higher density which in turn reduces the velocity of seismic waves.
On the basis of the calculation and interpretation of short-period synthetic seismograms, using the reflectivity and Gauss Beam method, a model space is evaluated for these ultra-low velocity zones (ULVZs). The aim of this thesis is to analyse the behaviour of PcP between 10° and 40° source distance for such models using different velocity and density configurations. Furthermore, the resolution limits of seismic data are discussed. The influence of the assumed layer thickness, dominant source frequency and ULVZ topography are analysed. The Gräfenberg and NORSAR arrays are then used to investigate PcP from deep earthquakes and nuclear explosions.
The seismic resolution of an ULVZ is limited both for velocity and density contrasts and layer thicknesses. Even a very thin global core-mantle transition zone (CMTZ), rather than a discrete boundary and also with strong impedance contrasts, seems possible: If no precursor is observable but the PcP_model /PcP_smooth amplitude reduction amounts to more than 10%, a very thin ULVZ of 5 km with a first-order discontinuity may exist. Otherwise, if amplitude reductions of less than 10% are obtained, this could indicate either a moderate, thin ULVZ or a gradient mantle-side CMTZ.
Synthetic computations reveal notable amplitude variations as function of the distance and the impedance contrasts. Thereby a primary density effect in the very steep-angle range and a pronounced velocity dependency in the wide-angle region can be predicted. In view of the modelled findings, there is evidence for a 10 to 13.5 km thick ULVZ 600 km south-eastern of Moscow with a NW-SE extension of about 450 km. Here a single specific assumption about the velocity and density anomaly is not possible. This is in agreement with the synthetic results in which several models create similar amplitude-waveform characteristics. For example, a ULVZ model with contrasts of -5% VP / -15% VS and +5% density explain the measured PcP amplitudes.
Moreover, below SW Finland and NNW of the Caspian Sea a CMB topography can be assumed. The amplitude measurements indicate a wavelength of 200 km and a height of 1 km topography, previously also shown in the study by Kampfmann and Müller (1989).
Better constraints might be provided by a joined analysis of seismological data, mineralogical experiments and geodynamic modelling. / Unter der Annahme, dass flüssiges Eisen aus dem äußeren Erdkern mit dem festen, silikat-reichen Unteren Mantel reagiert, wird eine Einflussnahme auf die Kern-Mantel Reflexionsphase PcP erwartet. Ist die Kern-Mantel Grenze aufgeweicht, und nicht wie bislang angenommen ein diskreter Übergang, so zeichnet sich dies in der Wellenform und Amplitude von PcP ab. Die Interaktion mit Eisen führt zu teilweise aufgeschmolzenen Bereichen höherer Dichte, welche die seismischen Wellengeschwindigkeiten herabsetzen.
Basierend auf den Berechnungen von kurzperiodischen synthetischen Seismogrammen, mittels der Reflektivitäts- und Gauss Beam Methode, soll ein möglicher Modellraum dieser Niedriggeschwindigkeitszonen ermittelt werden. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es das Verhalten von PcP im Distanzbereich von 10° bis 40° unter dem Einfluss dieser Modelle mit diversen Geschwindigkeits- und Dichtekontrasten zu untersuchen. Ferner wird das Auflösungsvermögen hinsichtlich seismischer Daten diskutiert. Entscheidende Parameter wie Anomaliedicke, Quellfrequenz und Topographie werden hierbei analysiert. Tiefe Erdbeben und Kernexplosionen, die sich im entsprechenden Entfernungsbereich zum Gräfenberg und NORSAR Array befinden, werden anschließend im Hinblick auf PcP ausgewertet.
Das seismische Auflösungsvermögen von Niedriggeschwindigkeitszonen ist stark begrenzt sowohl in Bezug auf Geschwindigkeits- und Dichtekontraste als auch hinsichtlich der Mächtigkeit. Es besteht sogar die Möglichkeit einer dünnen, globalen Kern-Mantel Übergangszone, selbst mit großen Impedanzkontrasten, ohne dass dies mit seismologischen Methoden detektiert werden könnte: Wird kein precursor zu PcP beobachtet aber das PcPmodel /PcPsmooth Amplitudenverhältnis zeigt gleichzeitig eine Reduktion von mehr als 10%, dann könnte eine sehr dünne Niedriggeschwindigkeitszone von ca. 5 km Mächtigkeit und einer Diskontinuität erster Ordnung vorliegen. Andererseits, ist PcP um weniger als 10% reduziert, könnte dies entweder auf eine dünne, moderate Niedriggeschwindigkeitszone oder einen graduellen Kern-Mantel Übergang hindeuten.
Die synthetischen Berechnungen ergeben starke Amplitudenvariationen als Funktion der Distanz, welche auf den Impedanzkontrast zurückzuführen sind. Dabei ergibt sich ein primärer Dichteeffekt im extremen Steilwinkelbereich und ein maßgeblicher Geschwindigkeitseinfluss im Weitwinkelbereich. Im Hinblick auf die modellierten Resultate lässt sich eine 10 - 13.5 km mächtige Niedriggeschwindigkeitszone 600 km südöstlich von Moskau mit einer NW-SE Ausdehnung von mindestens 450 km folgern, wobei eine exakte Aussage über Geschwindigkeiten und Dichte nicht möglich ist. Dies ist im Konsens mit den synthetischen Berechnungen, wonach viele unterschiedliche Modelle ähnliche Amplituden- und Wellenformcharakteristiken erzeugen. Zum Beispiel erklärt ein Modell mit Kontrasten von -5% VP / -15% VS and +5% Dichte die gemessenen PcP Amplituden.
Darüber hinaus können unterhalb des südwestlichen Finnlands und nord-nordwestlich des Kaspischen Meeres Undulationen an der Kern-Mantel Grenze selbst vermutet werden. Unter Berücksichtigung früherer Studien, z. B. von Kampfmann and Müller (1989), deuten die Messergebnisse auf eine laterale Topographie von 200 km und eine Höhe von 1 km hin.
Eine Eingrenzung der potentiellen Anomaliemodelle kann nur durch eine gemeinsame Auswertung mit mineralogischen Experimenten und geodynamischen Modellierungen erfolgen.
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Desenvolvimento de processos de microusinagem com laser de pulsos ultracurtos / Micro machining process development with ultrashort laser pulsesMIRIM, DENILSON de C. 11 November 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Claudinei Pracidelli (cpracide@ipen.br) on 2016-11-11T17:33:21Z
No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2016-11-11T17:33:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / O desenvolvimento de sistemas laser com pulsos ultracurtos trouxe a possibilidade de usinagem de estruturas muito pequenas em praticamente qualquer tipo de material. Neste trabalho foi dada continuidade a estudos já iniciados no Centro de Lasers e Aplicações (CLA) com os materiais dielétricos, introduzindo a largura temporal dos pulsos laser como mais uma variável e utilizando os conhecimentos adquiridos para a determinação de limiares de ablação e parâmetros de incubação em alguns metais como: aço AISI 1045, aço inoxidável VI138, cobre eletrolítico e molibdênio. A ausência de calor no processo de ablação dos metais torna-se muito difícil, pois a criação de uma camada de íons é muito prejudicada pela mobilidade eletrônica ao seu redor. Assim a ablação de metais com pulsos ultracurtos, tem como principal mecanismo a explosão de fase associada a outros processos que também contribuem na ablação, porém em menor escala, como a explosão coulombiana e a fusão ultrarrápida. Além disso, propriedades como a constante de acoplamento elétron-fônon e a condutividade térmica assumem um papel importante e devem ser levadas em conta na investigação do processo de ablação dos metais. Este trabalho possibilitou a obtenção de parâmetros de operação nos quais o calor transferido para a rede é minimizado, possibilitando a microusinagem de precisão e alterações controladas na morfologia da superfície de diversos metais. Os resultados propiciaram assim condições para novos desenvolvimentos e aplicações práticas de usinagem com pulsos ultracurtos. / Tese (Doutorado em Tecnologia Nuclear) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP
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Processo oxidativo avançado com ozônio de efluentes contaminados por manganês e outros metais pesados originados na drenagem ácida em mina de urânio / Advanced oxidative process with ozone of effluents contaminated by manganese and other heavy metals originated in the acid drainage in uranium mineSILVA, MIRNA M.S. e 25 May 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Marco Antonio Oliveira da Silva (maosilva@ipen.br) on 2017-05-25T13:07:01Z
No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-25T13:07:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Durante a exploração de uma mina, vários impactos são causados no meio ambiente, entre eles a geração da drenagem ácida de minas (DAM), que consiste da exposição de minerais sulfetados ao ar, água e microorganismos do tipo ferroxidantes, apresentando reações de oxidação e formação de ácido sulfúrico solubilizando metais ali presentes contaminando o solo e as águas. O objetivo deste trabalho de pesquisa foi estudar uma solução tecnológica fazendo uso da oxidação avançada com ozônio de metais pesados presentes em efluentes contaminados, em mina de urânio, com especial foco na remoção do manganês. A mina de urânio das Indústrias Nucleares do Brasil INB, em Caldas, Minas Gerais, local de aplicação deste estudo, enfrenta o problema da DAM e tem como principais contaminantes de suas águas superficiais os elementos, alumínio (Al), manganês (Mn), zinco (Zn), ferro (Fe), sulfatos (SO4+2), fluoretos (F-), metais de terras raras, alem do urânio (U) e do tório (Th). Os testes com ozônio realizados em laboratório com os efluentes da INB e in situ, mostraram uma grande eficiência para remoção do ferro, manganês e cério em até 99%. A concentração total de manganês ficou abaixo dos limites estabelecidos pela resolução 430 e 357 do CONAMA. Elementos como neodímio (Nd), lantânio (La) e zinco (Zn) pouco se oxidam com O3. O Al se mantém praticamente inalterado, enquanto que o tório e o urânio decaem, mas com o passar do tempo de ozonização voltam a se concentrar, porém com um valor inferior ao inicial. O precipitado obtido após a ozonização consiste de até 85% de oxido de manganês. A fim de descartar, após a ozonização, o efluente líquido para o ambiente é necessário uma correção do pH, de modo a atender os parâmetros da legislação CONAMA, sendo utilizado 50 a 86% menos reagente (CaOH2), do que as quantidades utilizadas no processo adotado pela INB. / Dissertação (Mestrado em Tecnologia Nuclear) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP
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Processo oxidativo avançado com ozônio de efluentes contaminados por manganês e outros metais pesados originados na drenagem ácida em mina de urânio / Advanced oxidative process with ozone of effluents contaminated by manganese and other heavy metals originated in the acid drainage in uranium mineSILVA, MIRNA M.S. e 09 October 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Pedro Silva Filho (pfsilva@ipen.br) on 2017-10-09T14:21:34Z
No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2017-10-09T14:21:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Durante a exploração de uma mina, vários impactos são causados no meio ambiente, entre eles a geração da drenagem ácida de minas (DAM), que consiste da exposição de minerais sulfetados ao ar, água e microorganismos do tipo ferroxidantes, apresentando reações de oxidação e formação de ácido sulfúrico solubilizando metais ali presentes contaminando o solo e as águas. O objetivo deste trabalho de pesquisa foi estudar uma solução tecnológica fazendo uso da oxidação avançada com ozônio de metais pesados presentes em efluentes contaminados, em mina de urânio, com especial foco na remoção do manganês. A mina de urânio das Indústrias Nucleares do Brasil INB, em Caldas, Minas Gerais, local de aplicação deste estudo, enfrenta o problema da DAM e tem como principais contaminantes de suas águas superficiais os elementos, alumínio (Al), manganês (Mn), zinco (Zn), ferro (Fe), sulfatos (SO4+2), fluoretos (F-), metais de terras raras, alem do urânio (U) e do tório (Th). Os testes com ozônio realizados em laboratório com os efluentes da INB e in situ, mostraram uma grande eficiência para remoção do ferro, manganês e cério em até 99%. A concentração total de manganês ficou abaixo dos limites estabelecidos pela resolução 430 e 357 do CONAMA. Elementos como neodímio (Nd), lantânio (La) e zinco (Zn) pouco se oxidam com O3. O Al se mantém praticamente inalterado, enquanto que o tório e o urânio decaem, mas com o passar do tempo de ozonização voltam a se concentrar, porém com um valor inferior ao inicial. O precipitado obtido após a ozonização consiste de até 85% de oxido de manganês. A fim de descartar, após a ozonização, o efluente líquido para o ambiente é necessário uma correção do pH, de modo a atender os parâmetros da legislação CONAMA, sendo utilizado 50 a 86% menos reagente (CaOH2), do que as quantidades utilizadas no processo adotado pela INB. / Dissertação (Mestrado em Tecnologia Nuclear) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP
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Abstract. Transformer explosions caused by dielectric failure account for over 50% of the disasters. The aim of this thesis is to examine, compare and outline the differences, in function, as dielectric insulators, vegetables oil has, with respect to the mineral oil used in high-power transformers. We will first consider the vegetable oil which has less dielectric capabilities than the mineral oil used in power transformers. Later in the experiments, we will focus mainly to examine the breakdown voltage property, as we try to alter some properties of the respective oils used. Considering the fact that vegetable oil has low viscosity, with its chemical compounds constituting less molecular masses compared to mineral oil, we endorse, from our experimental findings, that mineral oil is indeed worthy and reasonable to be used as a dielectric in high power transformers. In this write-up, we have considered eleven transformer oil properties. In the experiment proper, we considered only the acidity, whose concentration in the transformer oil increases with aging if the transformer, moisture, and a ‘suitable’ impurity like NaOH(aq). At first glance, one would be tempted to think, as we were, that since the increase in acid content of the oil deteriorates its dielectric performance, an increase in alkaline content of the transformer oil, would increase its dielectric ability; reversing the acid effect. But as we see in the results from our experiments, this is false. We think that the visible degradation of the insulating property of the oil, with the introduction of NaOH(aq), is because it acts as an impurity to suitable dielectric function. From the experiments, the heating procedures resulted in the production of toxic gases. This indicated the actual loss of chemical structure and significant breakage of chemical bonds. The resulting chemical composition of the oil does not produce the same dielectric properties as the initial oil sample. Also, here has been considerable inconsistency in the addition of NaOH(aq) or HCl(aq) to both oils. We only added HCl(aq), before every measurement, in two of the experiments. The other experiments were either with moisture, or a single addition of 2cm3 of either HCl(aq) or NaOH(aq) before heating; after which several measurements were taken, at specific intervals, as the mixture cools. We did so, in the latter, in which we had only one addition of a 2cm3 chemical, because in real life, given the short time frame of the experiment, the total amount of acid in the oil has a negligible change. So, in a functioning heated transformer, within a short time frame, there is actually deterioration in oil insulation properties
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Observational Aspects Of Core Collapse SupernovaeGurugubelli, Uday Kumar January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The discovery of several bright supernovae (SNe) in recent years has evoked a great deal of interest in these objects. The study of these objects are of importance not only as probes to the end stages of stellar evolution, but also as probes for cosmology. Though the basic classification of supernovae was restricted to type I and type II, pecularities became apparent over the last two decades that have been confirmed into new classes, currently designated as types Ia, Ib, Ic, IIL, IIP, IIn and IIb. Diversity in the behaviour of supernovae within a class has also become apparent, such as photometric and spectroscopic sequence in type Ia, and the existence of the super-luminous‚ hypernovae‚ which, at times are found to be associated with GRB events. Core collapse supernovae are the end stages of most stars, more massive than ~ 8M . As such, they provide a key test of stellar evolution. Further, they play a major role in driving the chemical and dynamical evolution of galaxies, and have also been proposed to be major contributors to dust epochs when the Universe was still young. SNe explosions provide unique natural laboratories for studying, in real time, the physics of a variety of combustion, hydrodynamic, nuclear and atomic processes. All subclasses of SNe, except for type Ia, are core collapse events. The differences in the observed properties of the various subclasses, and even within a single subclass, may be attributed to the progenitor mass, metallicity and environment. The light curve and the spectral development would enable obtaining certain critical parameters related to the progenitor. It is hence important to study individual SNe events. The aim of this work is to (a) study the individual objects in detail and obtain critical parameters such as the radioactive Nickel mass ejected during the explosion, the mass of the ejected material, velocity with which the material has been ejected, the explosion energy and the distance to the supernova; (b) estimate progenitor mass and radius; (c) group the individual events according to certain common properties and inter-compare the properties of the various groups to arrive at a possible evolutionary sequence of the progenitors.
This thesis consists of 6 chapters.
Chapter 1 gives a general introduction to the evolution of massive stars and supernovae.
Chapter 2 describes the telescope and instrument, observations and reduction procedures. All data were obtained using the 2m Himalayan Chandra Telescope (HCT), Hanle, India. The technical details of telescope and instrument are given in the chapter. This chapter also discusses in detail the various techniques used in photometric and spectroscopic data reductions.
Chapter 3 discusses the properties of Type IIP supernovae with a detailed study of SN 2004A and SN 2008in. The distances to the supernovae are estimated using the Standard Candle Method (SCM) (Hamuy & Pinto, 2002) and the Expanding Photosphere Method (EPM)( Krishner & Kwan, 1974, 1975, Hamuy et al. 2001) . In addition, the explosion energy, radius of progenitor, the nickel mass and the mass ejected during the explosion are estimated using the observed light curves and the spectra (Hamuy 2003, Elmahamdi 2003, Litvinova & Nadyozhin 1985). The progenitor mass is also estimated based on the estimate of the ejected mass.
Chapter 4 describes the evolution of the Type IIn supernova SN2005kd, which is characterized by narrow emission lines in the early spectra. Some Type IIn supernovae show a plateau phase in the light curve, and SN 2005kd is of this kind. The narrow emission lines in the spectra show that the SN ejecta interacted with the pre-supernova circumstellar material that is a result of mass loss from the progenitor during its evolution.
Chapter 5 discusses the properties of stripped envelope core collapse supernovae using the observations of type Ib/c supernovae SN 2006jc, SN 2007ru, and SN 2009jf. SN 2006jc was found to be peculiar, with narrow He I emission lines arising due to the SN ejecta interaction with a helium enriched pre-supernova circumstellar material. SN 2007ru shows very broad lines in the spectra indicating a velocity of 20,000 kms−1 . The light curve evolution of SN 2007ru indicates a fast rise time and post-maximum decline more rapid than other broad-line Ic supernovae. The light curves of SN 2009jf are broad, with slow decline, indicating the presence of massive ejecta. He I line is identified with velocity of 16,000 km−1 .
The photometric and spectroscopic evolution of all the above SNe are described in detail and compared with other similar supernovae. The various physical parameters related to the explosion and progenitors of SNe are also estimated.
Chapter 6 is devoted to conclusions and future plans for the work in this thesis.
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Análise numérica de barras gerais 3D sob efeitos mecânicos de explosões e ondas de choque / Numerical analysis of general 3D bars under mechanical effects of explosions and shock wavesPardo Suárez, Sergio Andrés 16 December 2016 (has links)
O presente trabalho consiste no uso do Método dos Elementos Finitos (MEF) para a análise de interação fluido-estruturas de barras com foco em problemas transientes envolvendo explosões ou outras ações com propagação de ondas de choque. Para isso é necessário o estudo de três diferentes aspectos: a dinâmica das estruturas computacional, a dinâmica dos fluidos computacional e o problema do acoplamento. No caso da dinâmica das estruturas computacional deve-se identificar em função da cinemática de deformações, quais são os requisitos para que um elemento seja adequado para analisar tais problemas, tendo em vista que a formulação deve admitir grandes deslocamentos. Para evitar problemas relacionados com aproximações de rotações finitas, opta-se por empregar uma formulação descrita em termos de posições e que leva em consideração os efeitos de empenamento da seção transversal. No caso da dinâmica dos fluidos computacional, busca-se uma formulação para escoamentos compressíveis que seja estável e ao mesmo tempo sensível ao movimento da estrutura, sendo empregado um algoritmo de integração temporal explícito baseado em características com as equações governantes descritas na forma Lagrangeana-Euleriana Arbitrária (ALE). No que se refere ao acoplamento, busca-se modularidade e versatilidade, empregando-se um modelo particionado fraco (explícito) de acoplamento e técnicas de transferência das condições de contorno (Dirichlet-Neummann), sendo estudados os efeitos de utilizar transferência bidirecional ou unidirecional dessas condições de contorno. / This work consists in the use of the Finite Element Method (FEM) for numerical analysis of fluid-bar structures, focusing on transient problems involving explosions or other actions with shock waves propagation. For this purpose, one needs to study three different aspects: the computational structural dynamics, the computational fluid dynamics and the coupling problem. Regarding computational structural dynamics, one need firstly to identify the requirements for an element to be adequate to analyze such problems, taking into account the fact that such element should admit large displacements. In order to avoid problems related to finite rotation approximations and to give a realist representation of a 3D bar structure, we chose a formulation defined in terms of positions and that considers the cross-section warping effects. Regarding computational fluid dynamics, we seek for a stable formulation for compressible flows, and at same time, sensitive to the movement of the structure, leading to an explicit time integration algorithm based on characteristics with governing equations described in the Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) form. Regarding to coupling, we chose to use a weak (explicit) partitioning coupling model in order to ensure modularity and versatility. The developed coupling scheme is bases on boundary conditions transfer techniques (Dirichlet-Neummann), and we study the effects of using bidirectional or unidirectional boundary conditions transfers.
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Shattering Kraft Recovery Boiler Smelt by a Steam JetTaranenko, Anton 19 March 2013 (has links)
Kraft recovery boiler smelt is shattered into small droplets by an impinging steam jet to prevent smelt-water explosions in the dissolving tank. Inadequate shattering increases the likelihood of dissolving tank explosions. While industry has not dedicated much effort to smelt shattering, the safety implications require smelt shattering to be studied in detail. An experimental set-up was constructed to simulate the shattering operation using a water-glycerine solution and air instead of smelt and steam respectively. The objective was to examine how physical properties and flow characteristics affect shattering. It was
found that increasing shatter jet velocity greatly reduced droplet mean diameter.
Increasing the liquid flow rate greatly increased droplet size, as expected. Shattering was not significantly affected by viscosity, unless a weak shatter jet was used on a highly viscous fluid. Increasing the proximity of the shatter jet nozzle decreased droplet size.
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Shattering Kraft Recovery Boiler Smelt by a Steam JetTaranenko, Anton 19 March 2013 (has links)
Kraft recovery boiler smelt is shattered into small droplets by an impinging steam jet to prevent smelt-water explosions in the dissolving tank. Inadequate shattering increases the likelihood of dissolving tank explosions. While industry has not dedicated much effort to smelt shattering, the safety implications require smelt shattering to be studied in detail. An experimental set-up was constructed to simulate the shattering operation using a water-glycerine solution and air instead of smelt and steam respectively. The objective was to examine how physical properties and flow characteristics affect shattering. It was
found that increasing shatter jet velocity greatly reduced droplet mean diameter.
Increasing the liquid flow rate greatly increased droplet size, as expected. Shattering was not significantly affected by viscosity, unless a weak shatter jet was used on a highly viscous fluid. Increasing the proximity of the shatter jet nozzle decreased droplet size.
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Análise numérica de barras gerais 3D sob efeitos mecânicos de explosões e ondas de choque / Numerical analysis of general 3D bars under mechanical effects of explosions and shock wavesSergio Andrés Pardo Suárez 16 December 2016 (has links)
O presente trabalho consiste no uso do Método dos Elementos Finitos (MEF) para a análise de interação fluido-estruturas de barras com foco em problemas transientes envolvendo explosões ou outras ações com propagação de ondas de choque. Para isso é necessário o estudo de três diferentes aspectos: a dinâmica das estruturas computacional, a dinâmica dos fluidos computacional e o problema do acoplamento. No caso da dinâmica das estruturas computacional deve-se identificar em função da cinemática de deformações, quais são os requisitos para que um elemento seja adequado para analisar tais problemas, tendo em vista que a formulação deve admitir grandes deslocamentos. Para evitar problemas relacionados com aproximações de rotações finitas, opta-se por empregar uma formulação descrita em termos de posições e que leva em consideração os efeitos de empenamento da seção transversal. No caso da dinâmica dos fluidos computacional, busca-se uma formulação para escoamentos compressíveis que seja estável e ao mesmo tempo sensível ao movimento da estrutura, sendo empregado um algoritmo de integração temporal explícito baseado em características com as equações governantes descritas na forma Lagrangeana-Euleriana Arbitrária (ALE). No que se refere ao acoplamento, busca-se modularidade e versatilidade, empregando-se um modelo particionado fraco (explícito) de acoplamento e técnicas de transferência das condições de contorno (Dirichlet-Neummann), sendo estudados os efeitos de utilizar transferência bidirecional ou unidirecional dessas condições de contorno. / This work consists in the use of the Finite Element Method (FEM) for numerical analysis of fluid-bar structures, focusing on transient problems involving explosions or other actions with shock waves propagation. For this purpose, one needs to study three different aspects: the computational structural dynamics, the computational fluid dynamics and the coupling problem. Regarding computational structural dynamics, one need firstly to identify the requirements for an element to be adequate to analyze such problems, taking into account the fact that such element should admit large displacements. In order to avoid problems related to finite rotation approximations and to give a realist representation of a 3D bar structure, we chose a formulation defined in terms of positions and that considers the cross-section warping effects. Regarding computational fluid dynamics, we seek for a stable formulation for compressible flows, and at same time, sensitive to the movement of the structure, leading to an explicit time integration algorithm based on characteristics with governing equations described in the Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) form. Regarding to coupling, we chose to use a weak (explicit) partitioning coupling model in order to ensure modularity and versatility. The developed coupling scheme is bases on boundary conditions transfer techniques (Dirichlet-Neummann), and we study the effects of using bidirectional or unidirectional boundary conditions transfers.
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