Spelling suggestions: "subject:"export"" "subject:"dexport""
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Exportní strategie Mars Svratka,a.s. / Export strategy of Mars Svratka,a.s.Netolická, Eva January 2007 (has links)
Diplomová práce pojednává o souhrnné exportní strategii firmy Mars Svratka,a.s. Nastiňuje současnou situaci společnosti v oblasti mezinárodního obchodu, strategii exportních obchodních partnerů, využití služeb obchodních zástupců apod. Součástí diplomové práce je navrhované rozšíření exportní strategie (vstup na nové obchodní trhy) pro východní Evropu, konkrétně pro nové členské státy Evropské Unie ? Rumunsko a Bulharsko. V práci se hodnotí možné obchodní důsledky vstupu na zahraniční trhy
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Exportní příležitosti pro české výrobce na trhu USAKopečná, Martina January 2007 (has links)
Diplomová práce na téma Exportní příležitosti pro české výrobce na trhu USA mapuje vývoj vzájemné obchodní výměny mezi Českou republikou a USA a její komoditní strukturu, jak stát podporuje exportéry, kteří se rozhodnou vyvážet na trh USA, zda existují na trhu USA příležitosti pro české výrobce, jak se na tomto trhu mohou prosadit a které obory jsou pro ně perspektivní. Důležitou část tvoří interkulturální rozdíly. Jako kritéria byly zvoleny malé a střední podnikatelské subjekty bez dřívějších exportních zkušeností, ale se zájmem o vstup na trh USA, a podpora exportu českým státem, a co v tomto směru exportérům nabízí pro geograficky vzdálená teritoria, jako jsou USA.
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Rusko jako strategický partner pro české exportéry a investory / Russia - the strategic partner for Czech exporters and investorsVrbová, Alena January 2009 (has links)
The graduation theses deals with economics relations between Czech Republic and Russian Federation. The aim of the theses is to analyze business relations between these two countries and their potential, considering economic recession. The first chapter gives basic information on the territory. The second chapter describes Russian economy, its history and present condition. The following chapter deals with bilateral economics relations of the countries. The fourth part of the theses describes government support of Czech exporters and investors. The last chapter focuses on entrepreneurial environment in Russia.
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Komparácia proexportnej politiky ČR a SR / The comparisson of export promotion policy of Czech Republic and SlovakiaTamaškovičová, Natália January 2011 (has links)
The topic of diploma thesis is the comparison of export promotion policy of Czech Republic and Slovakia. Both countries, as small export-focused economies to a great extent economically dependent on exports, must pay huge attention to export promotion provided by state. The thesis is focused on description and analysis of export promotion policy of Czech Republic and Slovakia and on their comparison. The content of the thesis is divided into five chapters. The fist chapter describes theoretical concept of export promotion policy and its instruments, defines foreign-trade policy and trade policy, liberalism and protectionism, and analyzes the structure and importance of export in Czech Republic and Slovakia. The second chapter is dedicated to short history of support of export in Czechoslovakia in 1945-1990 under the Soviet influence and after the fall of Soviet Union in 1990-1992. The third chapter is focused on detailed description and analysis of export promotion policy in Czech Republic, its development and institutions. The fourth chapter describes Slovakian export promotion policy in the same way. The fifth chapter is addressed to Common Trade Policy of the European Union and its impact on export promotion in Czech Republic and Slovakia, to evaluation of its present state and comparison of export promotion policies of Czech Republic and Slovakia.
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Exportní strategie společnosti Vetropack Moravia Glass a.s. ve východní Evropě / Export strategy of the company Vetropack Moravia Glass a.s. in the eastern EuropeVaníčková, Jana January 2011 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the export strategy of the company Vetropack Moravia Glass, a.s. Theoretical part focuses on the procedure, which should be followed by a company trying to enter international markets. Analytical part describes export of the selected company and the environment of a specific market, namely Russia. The product, price, communication and distribution strategy also comprises a summary of observations and recommendations how to improve the present export strategy.
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Examination of Nonpoint Source Nutrient Export from a Snowfall-Dominated WatershedCarrigan, Lindsey DeBoer 01 December 2012 (has links)
This study examined nonpoint source pollution via tributaries to Pineview Reservoir. Since few literature values of export coefficients are available for snowfall-dominated watersheds such as Pineview, locally scaled rates were quantified using an upstream-downstream bracketing technique. Nitrogen and phosphorus grab samples were manually collected and discharge measurements were conducted during the annual study period. Additionally, high-frequency monitoring sensors that measured EC, temperature, turbidity, and water level were deployed at the up- and downstream sites to represent short-duration transport events and to examine watershed processes on a more representative time scale. Daily nutrient loads were estimated from grab samples and flow rates using the Rank- Data (RD) distribution method and, using surrogate relationships for discharge and total phosphorus (TP) concentration from high-frequency sensors, half-hour TP loads were calculated. Short-duration snow melt events were identified by turbidity spikes and increased air temperatures as well as, in some cases, hydrograph peaks. During these events, export coefficients from 0.31 to 0.54 g TP/ha/hr were observed for low and high elevation snow melt events. While losses to ground water were observed for one study reach, the study reach with positive load gains had annual export coefficients of 0.018 g TP/ha/hr from high-frequency loads and 7.5e-5 g NOx-N/ha/hr, 3.5e-6 g SRP/ha/hr, and 9.1e-6 g TP/ha/hr from RD loads. These rates were 1,000 to 2,000 times greater than available literature values typical of rainfall-dominated watersheds. This study showed the importance of erosive, snow melt events on nutrient transport and the need for high-frequency monitoring representing short-duration events for accurate estimation of export coefficients. Management strategies to reduce nutrients from tributaries should focus on erosion control in the Pineview Reservoir watershed.
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The Impact of European Economic Integration on Israel's Export of Oranges in 1970Gottlieb, Moshe 01 May 1967 (has links)
This thesis is an attempt to evaluate quantitatively as well as qualitatively possible future developments in international trade of oranges and tangerines, and the possible impact of these developments on the export of oranges and tangerines by Israel.
After World War II, international trade in oranges and tangerines increased rapidly, mostly as a result of the rapid rise in standards of living and the improvements in diet habits which took place in many countries at that time. These favorable marketing conditions encouraged the planting of new groves in the citrus growing areas of the world and particularly those of the Mediterranean countries.
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Economic Comparison of Selected Processing Alternatives for AlfalfaBates, Dan J. 01 May 1992 (has links)
Processing alfalfa for export is of significant interest to areas like Millard County, the largest hay-producing county in Utah. In the past year there have ix been significant reductions in the price of hay as a result of increased supplies in the central and western United States. This thesis analyzes the benefits and costs of processing alfalfa into cubes and recompressed bales in order to enter the export market.
Costs of production were estimated through the use of enterprise budgets first for the farmer to establish the costs and returns for raising the hay, and secondly for cubing and recompressing the alfalfa at different levels of production and different prices based on those levels of production. The cash flows from these different enterprises were then analyzed using benefit cost ratios, net benefit investment ratios, and internal rates of return.
The general conclusion reached is that it is feasible to process alfalfa for export. Profits are sensitive to the price spread between raw and finished products more so than to production efficiencies.
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Principales problemas relacionados a la exportación de Cola de Langostino de acuicultura con destino a EEUU durante los años 2013-2018 / Main problems related to the export of shrimp tail from aquaculture to the US during the years 2013-2018 / Main problems related to the export of shrimp tail from aquaculture to the US during the years 2013-2018Ccaccya Marin, Katherine Elisa, Mori Garcia, Javier Hugo 13 July 2019 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación busca identificar y analizar los principales problemas relacionados a la exportación de cola de langostino de acuicultura con destino a EEUU durante los años 2013-2018; se trabajó una investigación cualitativa longitudinal, utilizando herramientas como el análisis de documentos y entrevistas a profundidad semi estructuradas.
La estructura establecida para el presente trabajo fue en primer lugar, el análisis del marco teórico, donde se buscó estudios pasados que sustenten y acrediten nuestro problema de investigación; en segundo lugar, se realizó un análisis documental; para ello se emplearon fuentes como SUNAT, VERITRADE y TRADEMAP, que proporcionan información real de toda la actividad económica del país ya sea importación o exportación del producto a investigar; y por último, en tercer lugar, fue la realización de entrevistas a profundidad; las mismas que fueron realizadas a profesionales del rubro que tienen en promedio 10 años de experiencia y laboran en las principales empresas del sector.
Se tomó una muestra de un total de 14 entrevistas semiestructuradas, dado a que se llegó al punto de saturación.
Finalmente, se realizó un análisis en triangulación, ya que se contrastó lo expresado en el marco teórico, con lo hallado en los documentos, y el resultado de las entrevistas; obteniendo nuevas categorías, que servirán como base para otros investigadores que desarrollen un tema relacionado. / This research seeks to identify and analyze the main problems related to the export of shrimp tail of aquaculture to the US during the years 2013-2018; a longitudinal qualitative research was carried out, using tools such as document analysis and semi-structured in-depth interviews.
The structure established for the present work was, first of all, the analysis of the theoretical framework, where past studies were sought to sustain and accredit our research problem; Secondly, a documentary analysis was carried out; For this, sources such as SUNAT, VERITRADE and TRADEMAP were used, which provide real information on all the economic activity of the country, whether it is import or export of the product to be investigated; and finally, it was conducting in-depth interviews; the same ones that were carried out to professionals of the sector that have on average 10 years of experience and work in the main companies of the sector.
A sample of a total of 14 semi-structured interviews was taken, given that the point of saturation was reached.
Finally, an analysis was carried out in triangulation, since what was expressed in the theoretical framework was contrasted with what was found in the documents and the results of the interviews; obtaining new categories, which will serve as a basis for other researchers to develop a related topic. / Tesis
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Exchange Rate Pass-Through in a Small Open Economy: the Case of Australian Export PricesSwift, Robyn, n/a January 2001 (has links)
Expectations regarding the relationship between exchange rates and the prices of traded goOds in small open economies have traditionally been derived from the idea of the relative unimportance of a single small country when trading in much larger international markets. This concept has led to the use of distinct 'small-country' or 'dependent-economy' models to analyse the effects of macroeconomic changes. Thus for small economies like Australia, it is usually assumed that the foreign-currency prices of traded goods are fixed in perfectly competitive international markets. Accordingly, exchange rate movements must be completely absorbed in domestic-currency prices. In other words, the pass-through of exchange rate changes to destination-currency prices must be zero for Australian exports, and complete for Australian imports. Such expectations regarding the degree of exchange rate pass-through contrast sharply with those found in conventional macroeconomic models for large countries, in which pass-through is assumed to be complete for all traded goods. Moreover, they conflict with the results derived from the large theoretical and empirical literature on the microeconomic determinants of pass-through, which suggests that much international trade takes place in imperfectly competitive markets, in which the degree of less-than-complete pass-through depends on industry-specific factors. This study explores these apparent conflicts by re-examining the small-country assumption, with particular emphasis on export prices as the area of greatest divergence. Specifically, it addresses three research questions: 1) What are the theoretical conditions that underlie the small-country assumption? 2)What are the implications for the macroeconomic models of small economies if this assumption is violated? 3) In practice, is the data more consistent with the validity or otherwise of the assumption? The analysis focuses on Australia as a practical example of a small open economy with a high proportion of commodity exports. In summary, the theoretical and empirical results reported in this study suggest that the small-country assumption is unlikely to hold in practice. That is, exchange rate pass-through is more likely to be determined by industry-specific factors, rather than by the universal conclusion of zero pass-through for all Australian exports that is derived from the small-country assumption. Further, they imply that the movement in internal prices required to restore equilibrium in a small country following an external shock is likely to be both larger and more uncertain than has previously been expected. Under such circumstances, the full flexibility of the exchange rate, as the primary and most rapid source of the required adjustments, becomes particularly significant. An important policy implication for small open economies that are subject to frequent terms of trade shocks, such as Australia, is that attempts to manage the exchange rate in order to reduce apparently excessive movements may in fact result in a longer and more protracted process of adjustment through the labour market.
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