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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Model network architectures in vitro on extracellular recording systems using microcontact printing.

Denyer, Morgan C.T., Krause, M.J., Scholl, M., Sprossler, C., Nakajima, K., Maeliske, A., Knoll, W., Offenhausen, A. January 2001 (has links)
No / A PDMS stamp is used to transfer a synthetic peptide in a given pattern to any suitable surface. Using this method two-dimensional neuronal model networks could be formed on glass substrates as well as on electronic devices and adjusted to the given microelectronic structure. The present work focuses on the mechanism of neurite guidance under simplified in vitro conditions, using in vitro guidance cues and outline the incorporation of these interfacial methods into microelectronic sensor devices.

Klastrovací analýza elektrofyziologických dat / Cluster analysis of electrophysiological data

Kocanda, Stanislav January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Neural processing of chemosensory information from the locust ovipositor / Neural processing of chemosensory information from the locust ovipositor

Tousson, Ehab 03 May 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Elektrophysiologische Untersuchungen zu Einflüssen von ionotropen Glutamatantagonisten sowie 5-HT1A-Agonisten auf die Kaliumchlorid-induzierte "spreading depression" im neokortikalen Hirnschnittpräparat der adulten Ratte

Krüger, Hagen 17 April 2000 (has links)
Die kortikale spreading depression (SD), wie sie von Leão 1944 zuerst beschrieben wurde, ist ein elektrophysiologisches Phänomen, das in der Pathophysiologie der Aurasymptomatik einer Mi-gräneattacke und Ischämie-induzierter Zellschäden diskutiert wird. Während der akuten fokalen zerebralen Ischämie treten eine Reihe von Ereignissen wie eine massive Entzündungsreaktion und die allmähliche Einbeziehung einer zunächst viablen ischämischen Randzone - der Penum-bra - in das infarzierte Hirngewebe auf. Da an diesen Ereignissen SD-ähnliche Depolarisationen kausal beteiligt sind, ist die pharmakologische Verringerung von SD-Episoden bzw. eine Ver-kleinerung ihrer Amplitude und Dauer unter in vitro als auch tierexperimentellen in vivo Bedin-gungen eine mögliche neuroprotektive Strategie. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde ein in vitro Modell beschrieben, das am Hirnschnittpräparat des Neokortex der adulten Ratte eine reproduzierbare Auslösung von SD-Wellen unter normoxi-schen Bedingungen gestattet. Anhand von charakteristischen elektrophysiologischen Parametern einer SD wie Amplitude, Dauer und Ausbreitungsgeschwindigkeit wurden die gute Überein-stimmungen dieses in vitro Modells mit in vivo Modellen gezeigt. Obwohl SD Wellen am nicht-ischämischen Kortex keine morphologischen Schäden verursachen, zeigte sich in den hier vorge-stellten Experimenten eine funktionelle Unterdrückung der GABAergen hemmenden Mechanis-men des Neokortex nach repetitiven SDs auch bei ausreichender Energie- und Sauerstoffversor-gung. Die hier diskutierten Ergebnisse demonstrierten, daß unter in vitro Bedingungen der AMPA-Glutamatrezeptor für die Auslösung und Ausbreitung einer SD eine untergeordnete Rolle spielt. Demgegenüber erwies sich die NMDA-Rezeptoraktivierung als herausragend für eine SD, da die Blockade dieses Rezeptors mit dem nicht-kompetitiven Antagonisten Ketamin die SD-Amplitude und SD-Dauer signifikant verringerte. Die Anwendung der selektiven 5-HT1A-Agonisten 8-OH-DPAT und BAY x 3702 erwies sich als eine neue Möglichkeit, die Zeitdauer einer SD zu verringern. Die aufgezeigte SD-induzierte neuronale Hyperexzitabilität kann unter normoxischen Bedingun-gen zelluläre Dysfunktionen verursachen und auch an einer Generierung der Aura eines Migrä-neanfalls beteiligt sein. Unter hypoxisch-ischämischen Bedingungen könnte eine SD-induzierte Dysfunktion GABAerger Kontrollmechanismen die Ausweitung ischämischer Zellschäden be-wirken. Die Hoffnungen auf eine effektive Schlaganfalltherapie haben sich mit den bisherigen NMDA-Antagonisten trotz ihrer hier bestätigten guten in vitro Wirksamkeit aufgrund der Interferenz mit physiologischen Glutamatfunktionen im Kortex nicht erfüllt. Die hier gezeigte konzentrationsab-hängige Verkürzung der SD-Dauer durch die Aktivierung des 5-HT1A-Serotoninrezeptors unter in vitro Bedingungen kann bei der bekannten hohen 5-HT1A-Rezeptor-mRNA-dichte an beson-ders ischämievulnerablen Neuronen einen neuen neuroprotektiven Ansatz auch beim Menschen darstellen. Weitere Untersuchungen müssen zeigen, ob die hier beschriebene enge Verflechtung des serotonergen Systems mit der glutamatergen Neurotransmission eventuell auch zu uner-wünschte Wirkungen unter in vivo Bedingungen führt. / Repetitive cortical spreading depression (SD) and SD-like events, associated with a massive de-polarization of neuronal and glial cells, is thought to play a key role in the induction of neuronal damage in the peri-infarct zone following experimental focal cerebral ischemia. In addition, ex-perimental and clinical data suggest that SD is the underlying mechanism of neurological distur-bances during migraine auras as well. However, detailed analyses on the consequences of repeti-tive SDs on cortical function and involved receptors are lacking. Using an in vitro rat model of SD I investigated in this thesis the electrophysiological properties of repetitive potassium chloride (KCl)-induced SDs, their influence on synaptic neurotransmis-sion and the effects of ionotropic glutamate antagonists and 5-HT1A agonists in neocortical slices obtained from adult rats. Whereas repetitive SDs revealed only non-significant variations in du-ration, amplitude and integral when elicited at intervals of 30 min, paired-pulse inhibition of ex-tracellularly recorded field potential responses was significantly affected by repetitive SD even under normoxic conditions. Compared to the control recordings, each SD episode caused a sig-nificant decrease in the efficacy of intracortical GABAergic inhibition by approximately 10%. Since excitatory synaptic transmission was unaffected, these data indicate that repetitive SDs cause a selective suppression of GABAergic function even in the non-ischemic brain. None of the compounds tested prevented the SD-induced cortical disinhibition. However, the SD-associated negative shift in the extracellular DC potential was reduced by ketamine, a selective N-methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA-) receptor antagonist. Ketamine significantly (p < 0.01) re-duced the amplitude of the first SD peak and blocked the second SD peak. Ketamine also de-creased the SD duration at half maximal amplitude (p < 0.05). NBQX, a selective a-amino-3- hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) receptor antagonist did not affect the SD-accompanied cortical depolarization, whereas selective 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)1A receptor agonists 8-OH-DPAT and BAY x 3702 shortened concentration-dependently the duration of the SD up to 50 %. Nevertheless, both 5-HT1A receptor agonists caused a strong disinhibition of neu-ronal function with a tendency towards paired-pulse facilitation as well. Thus, repetitive SD and SD-like events may induce neuronal hyperexcitability due to a selective suppression of intrinsic inhibitory GABAergic function. Under normoxic conditions, SD-induced disinhibition may be involved in the generation and maintenance of migraine or associated neurological disturbances. Under hypoxic-ischemic conditions, neuronal hyperexcitability may contribute to the gradual expansion of the ischemic core and the metabolic deterioration of the penumbral tissue after SD episodes. This underlines the deleterious effect of SD to the outcome of focal cerebral ischemia. Although the precise mecha-nisms of SD generation and propagation remains far from established, the present pharmacologi-cal profile of KCl-induced SD in vitro links the induction and propagation of SD in rat neocorti-cal slices mainly to a local increase of [K + ] e and a subsequent activation of NMDA- receptors. This corroborates the neuroprotective effect of a NMDA- receptor blockade observed in various in vitro and in vivo models. However, as it has been demonstrated in clinical trials, NMDA- re-ceptor antagonists in use today cause psychomimetic and cardiovascular side effects in humans and are therefore currently of low clinical benefit. The activation of 5-HT1A receptors by selective agonists represents a new pharmacological strategy in the treatment of acute ischemic stroke, since shortened SD waves may represent a less energy-consuming process under conditions of limited energy supply and are probably associated with an efflux of excitatory neurotransmitters to a lesser extent. The potential clinical benefit of 5-HT 1A receptor agonists remains to be investi-gated in clinical trials, since systemic administration of these compounds after the onset of acute focal cerebral ischemia might interfere with normal functions of glutamatergic neurotransmission in the intact, non-ischemic brain.

Investigating the plasticity of sensory cortical circuits in the context of learning in the wild-type mouse and a conditional mouse model of fragile X syndrome / Défauts dans les circuits corticaux sensoriels et les déficits d'apprentissage chez la souris de type sauvage et chez une souris modèle conditionnelle du syndrome de l’X fragile

Erlandson, Melissa 11 December 2017 (has links)
L'objectif de ce projet est l’étude de la plasticité des circuits corticaux dans le contexte de l'apprentissage des souris « sauvages » et modèles du syndrome de l’X fragile. Des études sur l'efficacité de la combinaison d'enregistrement des potentiels de champ locaux extracellulaires avec la stimulation laser UV (LSPS) pour cartographier les réseaux ont été réalisées. Nous avons trouvé des enregistrements de champs extracellulaires qui pourraient être utilisés pour détecter les réponses synaptiques évoquées par LSPS. Nos résultats indiquent une méthode alternative pour obtenir des cartes complètes de réseaux intracorticaux excitateurs. Ensuite, nous avons développé un paradigme d'apprentissage associatif sensoriel et étudié ses effets sur les réseaux intracorticaux excitateurs du cortex baril. Ex vivo un affaiblissement des projections excitatrices entre les couches 4 et 2/3 qui dans les colonnes de vibrisses C a été observée. Enfin, nous avons utilisé ces mêmes approches dans une souris modèle du syndrome de l'X fragile (FXS). Pour étudier les liens entre les déficits sensoriels, l'apprentissage associatif et les altérations fonctionnelles des réseaux sensoriels, nous avons utilisé un modèle de souris mutantes dans lequel la pathologie FXS était ciblée sur la couche 4 du cortex somatosensoriel. Il a été constaté que les souris WT présentaient une dépression similaire, alors qu'elle était absente FXS. En conclusion, les études sur les mutants sensoriels de type sauvage ont mis en lumière les conséquences de l'apprentissage sur les réseaux corticaux sensoriels et les liens entre la plasticité des réseaux corticaux sensoriels et les capacités cognitives. / The aim of this project is to study the plasticity of the cortical circuits in the context of the learning of wild type mice and models of Fragile X Syndrome. First, investigations into the efficacy of recording combination of extracellular local field potentials with UV laser stimulation (LSPS) to map networks were performed. We found extracellular field records could be used to detect the synaptic responses evoked by LSPS. Our results indicate an alternative method for obtaining complete maps of excitatory intracortical networks. Next, we developed a sensory associative learning paradigm and studied its effects on excitatory intracortical networks the barrel cortex. Ex vivo a weakening of the excitatory projections between layers 4 and 2/3 which in the columns of vibrissae C was observed and declined function of the speed of the behavioural response. Finally, we used these same approaches in a Fragile X Syndrome (FXS) model mouse. To study the links between sensory deficits, associative learning, and functional alterations of sensory networks, we used a model of mutant mice in which the FXS pathology was targeted to the layer 4 of the somatosensory cortex. Our hypotheses were that behavioural conditioning would change the cortical sensory circuits of the FXS sensory mutant and that the abnormal plasticity of these circuits would in turn affect the performance. It was found the WT mice exhibited a similar depression, whereas it was absent FXS. In conclusion, wild type mouse and FXS sensory mutant studies shed light on the consequences of learning on sensory cortical networks and on the links between plasticity of sensory cortical networks and cognitive abilities.

Visual cortical circuit dynamics in health and disease

Yu Tang (12441534) 21 April 2022 (has links)
<p>My thesis revolves around neuronal circuit dynamics in health and disease. The first part of the thesis characterized cross-regional synchrony within the visual cortical network following visual perceptual experience in healthy mice. This work for the first time described inter-areal 4-8 Hz superficial layer LFP synchrony across mouse visual cortical regions persisting beyond visual stimulation time window, and revealed that the synchrony was expressed specifically between V1 and the higher-order visual area (HVA) with functional preference matching the entrained spatial frequency (SF) and temporal frequency (TF) content, in mice. The discovery of visual familiarity induced inter-areal 4-8 Hz synchrony extends the previous discovery of the 4-8 Hz oscillation in V1 after visual experience from our lab (Kissinger et al., 2018; Kissinger et al., 2020; Gao et al., 2021), and provided the first pivotal evidence supporting the role of 4-8 Hz oscillation in mediating cross-regional communication. Such 4-8 Hz visual cortical network synchrony has been mostly reported in primate studies in contexts of visual attention and working memory (Liebe et al., 2012; Spyropoulos et al., 2018), while our study extended the visual cortical network synchrony research scope to mouse models and in a new context of visual familiarity. The work is a key step for starting cortical network studies in mice, and for starting predictive coding theory study in the context of oscillations in mouse cortical network in the future. Additionally, unit spiking was more strongly modulated by 4-8 Hz oscillations in V1 and HVAs after visual experience. The visually-locked responsive units in V1 and HVAs exihibted either increased or decreased inter-areal spiking synchrony, while most post-stimulus responsive units in V1 and HVA exhibited higher spiking synchrony. </p> <p>The other parts of my dissertation looked at V1 activity in disease and following a novel CNS therapy. One project looked at recovery of visually evoked response in mouse V1 after ischemia through NeuroD1 mediated astrocyte-to-neuron conversion, where we characterized the formation of cortical laminated structure from the converted neurons, longitudinal recovery of visually evoked responses of unit populations in V1, and units’ selective responses to orientations. Another project looked at altered visual cortical activity in an Auxilin knockout mouse model, which demonstrated overall reduced visually evoked responses, less selective responses to orientations, impaired visual adaptive responses and mismatch responses, as well as slower visual experience induced oscillations. These projects utilized the high-density silicon probe recording technique to 1) characterize visual cortical function recovery following a therapy, which provided evidence for its high efficacy for recovering physiological functions, and to 2) phenotype visual cortical functional impairments in a mouse disease model, which provided more basic understanding in visual cortical physiology of Auxilin related disease.</p> <p>In sum, my dissertation work took advantage of the high-density silicon probe recording technique to probe neuronal circuits in health and disease. The discovery of visual experience induced inter-areal 4-8 Hz synchrony paves the way for studying 4-8 Hz activity in relation to stream-dependent visual processing and predictive coding in health and disease.</p>

Olfactory cortex ventral tenia tecta neurons encode the distinct context-dependent behavioral states of goal-directed behaviors / 嗅皮質の腹側テニアテクタ神経細胞は、目標指向的行動において異なる文脈に依存した行動状態をコードする / キュウヒシツ ノ フクソク テニア テクタ シンケイ サイボウ ワ モクヒョウ シコウテキ コウドウ ニオイテ コトナル ブンミャク ニ イゾン シタ コウドウ ジョウタイ オ コード スル / 嗅皮質の腹側テニアテクタ神経細胞は目標指向的行動において異なる文脈に依存した行動状態をコードする

塩谷 和基, Kazuki Shiotani 22 March 2021 (has links)
博士(理学) / Doctor of Philosophy in Science / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

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