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Spatial and temporal distribution of false codling moth across landscapes in the Citrusdal area (Western Cape Province, South Africa).Stotter, Robert L. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric (Conservation Ecology and Entomology)--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / The false codling moth (FCM), Thaumatotibia leucotreta (Meyrick)
(Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), is an indigenous pest of citrus fruit in southern Africa, and is a
pest of high phytosanitary concern, impacting negatively on the export of fresh citrus
fruit from South Africa to some international markets. FCM is a particularly serious pest
in the Citrusdal area in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. FCM is known to
infest most types of citrus, with navel oranges being particularly prone to attack, whereas
lemons are not considered to be a favoured host. Conventional control strategies that rely
on the use of insecticides are of limited use due to high levels of insecticide resistance in
FCM populations. Mating disruption, the Sterile Insect Technique (SIT) and the
integration of different control techniques are options that are currently being adopted.
Little is known about FCM host preferences in this geographical area, or about its
dispersal capacity. The ability of FCM to migrate between various host patches,
including citrus orchards and indigenous fynbos vegetation, and its ability to maintain a
viable population in alternative host plants when there is no fruit available for infestation
in citrus orchards has not been well studied. Knowledge of these largely behavioural
facets is important in planning an effective control strategy for FCM.
Towards addressing this dearth of knowledge, FCM pheromone traps were set out in
transects in the Citrusdal area. These transects included citrus orchards, and extended
beyond citrus orchards, to include a range of habitat types and elevational gradients. This
provided a grid to assess the spatial and temporal distribution of male FCM in the area.
In addition, intensive sampling and inspection of potential host plant material was
undertaken in the area in an attempt to identify any alternative host plants.
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Biology and ecology of the false codling moth, Thaumatotibia leucotreta (Meyrick)De Jager, Zoe Marthalise 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Thaumatotibia leucotreta, the false codling moth (FCM), is a phytosanitary pest in South Africa posing a substantial threat to many of the country’s international export markets. Its pest status is of high importance because it has a wide ecological range and has been reported in all areas where citrus is produced in South Africa. Many methods of control have been implemented, such as chemical and cultural control, mating disruption and sterile insect releases. There was a need to obtain a more accurate understanding of FCM biology on deciduous fruit in South Africa and this then us to pose the questions described in the chapters to follow.
The first aim was focused on the possibility of FCM diapause during winter. If FCM were to undergo diapause this could pose further problems for control methods, but knowledge thereof could also assist in more accurate and timely control methods. Considering past research on other Lepidoptera species, four physiological traits were chosen as indicative of a diapause state. Water loss rate, metabolic rate and the supercooling points should be lower if the individuals were in a diapause state, with a higher fat content expected for these individuals. Diapause induction was attempted through a gradual lowering of the environmental temperature in combination with longer nights to simulate overwintering conditions. Diapause was not observed in these experimental individuals.
The second aim was to better understand the field biology of FCM. This was studied through in-field flight ability studies and damage assessments on four fruit kinds. Six release dates were used to measure the flight ability. The highest recapture rates were at minimum temperatures above 16°C and maximum temperatures averaging above 30°C, although the recapture rates were not significant in relation to the amount released. The recapture rates in the different fruit kinds were not significantly different, with the amount recaptured at the closest distance of 30 m being significantly more than that of the other distances. This was also only for the last release at the warmest temperatures. Fruit damage assessments were conducted and we were able to rear wild FCM from Granny smith apples, Forelle pears, Larry Ann plums and Satsuma and Clementine citrus cultivars. Citrus infestations had the highest count and a prolonged occurrence compared to the other varieties, due to its later harvest period. The third aim was to study the developmental parameters of FCM in different fruit kinds and an artificial medium. Firstly, FCM did not infest apples, Royal Gala and Pink lady’s, under laboratory conditions. Results were obtained using Forelle pears, Clementines and Thompson seedless grapes. On average the grapes had the shortest FCM developmental time from egg to adult stage, followed by oranges and then pears. Pears had the lowest developmental success rate, with that of oranges and grapes being much higher. Infestations took place at the stalk end of the fruit for the grapes and oranges, with the pears being infested at the calyx end.
Future research should include an in-field life cycle, to determine the life cycle of FCM on different economically important fruit kinds under field conditions. The focus could also be shifted to where FCM overwinter, leading to better preventative control leading to lower infestation pressure during harvest periods. This is of utmost importance in an environment where maximum residue levels for pesticides dictate market access. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Thaumatotibia leucotreta, die vals kodling mot (VKM) is ‘n fitosanitere pes in Suid Afrika, wat kan lei tot groot finansiele verliese. Die VKM se wye gasheerreeks en die feit dat dit al in al die sitrus verbouings-areas in Suid Afrika opgelet is, maak dit ‘n ernstige pes. Daar word van verskeie beheer metodes gebruik gemaak, insluitend chemiese en kulturele metodes. In sommige areas word daar ook van paaringsontwrigting en steriele insek vrylatings gebruik gemaak en hierdie metodes word gewoonlik met ander gekombineer. Daar is ‘n groot behoefte vir meer inligting omtrent die status van VKM in sagtevrugte in Suid Afrika en het gelei tot die vrae wat in hierdie studie aangespreuk word.
Die eerste doelwit was om te bepaal of die VKM wel diapouse ondergaan. Dit sal verskeie beheermetodes belemmer, maar kennis hiervan kan meer gefokusde en gevolglik meer effektiewe beheermaatreels tot gevolg hê. Daar is gekyk na vier fisiologiese eienskappe wat beduidend tot diapouse van ander Lepidoptera spesies is. Daar word verwag dat VKM wat diapouse ondervind ‘n hoër vetinhoud sal he, terwyl die metabolise tempo, “supercooling’ punte en tempo van waterverlies laer sal wees. Hierdie eienskappe kon egter nie by die individue geidentifiseer word nie. Ons het diapouse probeer induseer deur gebruik te maak van ‘n gesimuleerde oorgang na winterstoestande in die laboratorium. Die toestande het toegelaat vir korter dae en laer gemiddelde temperature gedurende beide die dag en nag.
Die tweede doelwit waarna gekyk is, is die bepaling van VKM se beweging in die boorde en die vrugskade op verskillende vrugsoorte. Daar kon ‘n duidelike tendens geidentifiseer word in die toename van VKM hervangs by temperature bo ‘n minimum van 16°C en gemiddelde maksimum bo 30°C. Daar was 6 vrylatings periodes, met geen betekenisvolle getalle van hervangs nie. Daar was geen betekenisvolle verskille tussen die hervangsgetalle in die verskillende vrugsoorte nie, alhoewel die 30m lokval ‘n betekenisvol hoër gemiddelde hervangs gehad het, in vergelyking met lokvalle by 60m en 90m. Die hoeveelheid vrugskade is ook gemonitor op Granny smith appels, Forelle pere, Larry Ann pruime en Satsuma en Clementine sitrus kultivars. Die vrugte is na die laboratorium geneem waar die VKM tyd gegee is om uit te broei. Al die vrugsoorte het VKM volwassenes opgelewer, maar die eksperiment kon nie op appels in die laboratorium herhaal word tydens die toets van verkillende onwikkeling stadiums nie. Ons glo dus die VKM wat hier vanaf appels uitgebroei het, is weens sekondere infeksies in die boorde. Die hoogste skadetelling is in die sitrusboord gevind.
Die derde doelwit was om die duur van onderskeie ontwikkeling stadiums te bepaal op vier vrugsoorte, sowel as op ‘n kunsmatige medium. Ons het ondervind dat die VKM nie Royal Gala of Pink lady kultivars kan infesteer onder laboratorium toestande nie. Die vrugsoorte wat dus ontwikkeling kon onderhou was Forelle pere, Clementines en Thompson pitlose druiwe. Die ontwikkeling vanaf eier na volwasse stadium was die kortste op druiwe, gevolg deur lemoene en pere. Die pere het die minste VKM onderhou in vergelyking met die lemoene en druiwe. Al die vrugte is binnegedring naby die aansluiting van die stingel aan die vrugte, behalwe die pere wat nader aan die kelk binnegedring is.
Toekomstige navorsing sal gefokus moet word op die lewenssiklus in die veld, vir die verskillende vrugsoorte. Daar sal ook gekyk moet word na die spesifieke alternatiewe gashere of plekke waar die VKM kan oorwinter sodat beheer meer voorkomend plaas kan vind. Dit sal infestasie vlakke onderdruk, om veral laer druk tydens oesperiodes te verseker. Dit is uiters belangrik om beheer stategieë te kombineer met die hoeveelheid druk vanaf uitvoermarkte oor maksimum residu vlakke van chemiese middels.
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Morphology and taxonomy of tortricid moth pests attacking fruit crops in South AfricaRentel, Monique 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Cydia pomonella (codling moth), Thaumatotibia leucotreta (False codling moth), Thaumatotibia
batrachopa (Macadamia nut borer), Grapholita molesta (Oriental fruit moth), Cryptophlebia peltastica
(Litchi moth), Epichoristodes acerbella (Pear leafroller/Carnation worm) and Lozotaenia capensana (Apple
leafroller) are the most economically important tortricids affecting various crops in South Africa. The
correct identification of these species, especially of the larval stage, is of great importance in pest
management. Using available literature, augmented by additional morphological studies, an interactive
identification key (Lucid key) for larval and adult stages of the seven species was developed. The colour
and markings of the head, characteristics of the prothoracic and anal shields, the position of the
prespiracular setae (L-group) relative to the spiracle on the prothoracic segment, the position of the spiracle
on the eighth abdominal segment and L-group on the ninth abdominal segment, as well as the presence or
absence of the anal comb are key characteristics for larval identification. For adult identification, wing
pattern and genitalia are the most important features. However, the use of genitalia for moth identification
might be difficult for the lay user, as the dissection and mounting of these structures requires certain skills
and specialized equipment. Thus, genitalia have not been included in the Lucid Key. Differences in the
morphological characteristics of most pupae were so minute that this stage was also not included in the
Lucid key. However, the pupae of E. acerbella and L. capensana are easily distinguished from those of the
other species by the presence of acremaster. This study also included the first morphological description of
the pupa of L. capensana, which can be distinguished from that of E. acerbella by various features of the
cremaster, antennae, spiracle shape, number of setae on abdominal segments A5-7, the size of spines on
A3-7, and the presence/absence of spines on A9. A previous study by Timm (2005) indicated that
geographically isolated populations of T. leucotreta tend to be genetically distinct. This raised the question
of whether speciation/subspeciation has occurred or is occurring. Male moth genitalia are thought to evolve
rapidly and are often the only features that can reliably distinguish similar species. Hence, variation in the
shape of the valvae of T. leucotreta was used to determine whether divergence has occurred between
populations of T. leucotreta. Elliptical Fourier analysis was used to analyze the valvar variation in three
different populations. Although some variation in valvar shape was detected among mean population values
for certain traits, no clear pattern emerged. Principle component analysis also showed no distinct clustering
of valvae shape among populations, providing no evidence for divergence in male genitalia and therefore
no morphological evidence of incipient speciation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Cydia pomonella (Kodlingmot), Thaumatotibia leucotreta (Valskodlingmot), T. batrachopa
(Makadamianeutboorder), Grapholita molesta (Oosterse vrugtemot), Cryptophlebia peltastica
(Lietsjiemot), Epichoristodes acerbella (Peerbladroller/Angelierrusper) en Lozotaenia capensana
(Appelbladroller) is die mees ekonomies belangrike tortrisiede van die vrugtebedryf in Suid-Afrika. Die
juiste identifikasie van hierdie spesies, veral van hulle larwale stadium, is van groot belang by plaagbestuur.
Deur gebruik te maak van beskikbare literatuur, aangevul deur bykomstige morfologiese studies, is ‗n
interaktiewe uitkenningssleutel (―Lucid key‖) vir die larwale en volwasse stadia van die sewe spesies
ontwikkel. Die kleur en tekening van die kop, kenmerke van die prothorakale en anale skild, die ligging
van die prespirakulêre setae (L-groep) relatief tot die spiraculum op die prothorakale segment, die ligging
van die spirakulum op die agste abdominale segment en L-groep op die negende abdominale segment,
asook die aan- of afwesigheid van die anale kam is sleutel kenmerke vir larwale uitkenning. Vir die
volwassenes is die vlerktekening en genitalia die mees belangrike kenmerke. Die gebruik van die genitalia
vir motuitkenning kan egter vir die leek gebruiker moeilik wees omdat die disseksie en montering van
hierdie strukture bepaalde vaardighede en gespesialiseerde toerusting vereis. Vir die rede is die genitalia
nie in die Lucid-sleutel ingesluit nie. Verskille in die morfologiese kenmerke van meeste papies is klein en
die stadium is gevolglik ook nie in die sleutel ingesluit nie. Die papies van E. acerbella en L. capensana
kan egter maklik van die ander spesies onderskei word deur die aanwesigheid van ‗n cremaster. Hierdie
studie sluit ook die eerste morfologiese beskrywing van die papie van L. capensana in, wat van dié van E.
acerbella onderskei kan word deur gebruik te maak van kenmerke van die cremaster, antennae, spirakulêre
vorm, aantal setae op abdominale segmente A5-7, die grootte van stekels op A3-7, en die aan- of
afwesigheid van stekels op A9. ‗n Vroeëre studie (Timm 2005) het aangedui dat geografies geïsoleerde
bevolkings van T. leucotreta neig om geneties verskillend te wees. Dit het die vraag laat ontstaan of
spesiasie/subspesiasie moontlik plaasgevind het of steeds plaasvind. Manlike mot genitalië word geag om
vinnig te ontwikkel en is dikwels die enigste kenmerke wat betroubaar tussen soortgelyke spesies kan
onderskei. Dus is die variasie in die vorm van die valvae van T. leucotreta gebruik om te bepaal of
divergensie wel tussen bevolkings van T. leucotreta plaasgevind het. Elliptiese Fourier ontleding is gebruik
om die valvae se variasie by drie verskillende bevolkings te ontleed. Alhoewel enkele variasie in die vorm
van die valvae bespeur is by die gemiddelde bevolkingswaardes vir bepaalde eienskappe, kon geen
duidelike patroon bespeur word nie. Hoofkomponentontleding het ook geen duidelike groepering van
valvae se vorm tussen bevolkings getoon nie, wat geen bewys lewer van divergensie in die manlike
genitalia en dus geen morfologiese bewys van beginnende spesiasie.
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