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Třídní schůzka na prvním stupni základní školy. / Class meeting at the primary schoolMutina, Petr January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on class meetings at the first level of primary school. It discusses how parents and teachers perceive these meetings, and what is needed to be prepared to organize the meeting. The theoretical part is based on literature and resources written about class meetings. Its aim was to map the current trends in the organization of class meetings with regard to effective cooperation between school and family. The empirical part presents the results of the questionnaire survey among teachers. Its aims to give inspiration and examples of good practice, to encourage particularly beginning teachers in organizing class meetings, to offer experience with this form of communication between school and family, and to gather ideas on how to manage class meetings. In the end, this diploma thesis brings and reflects a new experience with the class meeting held in electronic form.
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Sociálně aktivizační služby pro rodiny s dětmi ve městě Rakovník / Social Activation Services for Families with Children in Rakovník TownTučková, Tereza January 2021 (has links)
TUČKOVÁ, Tereza. Social activation services for families with children in the town of Rakovník. Prague 2021. The diploma thesis. Charles University, Prague. Hussite Theological Faculty. Department of Psychosocial Sciences and Ethics. Thesis supervisor Mgr. Barbora Racková. This diploma thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part and is realized through qualitative research, in the form of interviews with clients. Initially, the theoretical part deals with and explains the general facts that will help to more easily understand the whole issue. Here we find the concept of social work, social worker, prejudices against social workers and it also marginally deals with the ethics of social work. Subsequently, the concept of family is explained, I try to point out the importance of family for each of us. Furthermore, social work with the family, family rehabilitation. We will also find an explanation of the term of social activation service for families with children here. It is described first in general and then specifically in the town of Rakovník. The practical part consists, as it has already been mentioned, of qualitative research which is developed in the form of semi-structured interviews with clients. It contains research and partial questions, which have been answered by in total of...
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Příčiny dlouhého pobytu dětí v ústavní výchově / Causes of long staying of children in the institutional careRybáková, Karolína January 2011 (has links)
This diploma deals with the care of vulnerable children in the Czech Republic and in the domeins of foster care and residential care. The main emphasis is in the views of the actors involved and their perception of children, parents, foster parents and applicants for adoption in the space between the biological family, institution and foster care. This thesis attempts to describe the causes of the long stay of children in institutional care, according to some participants. The main methods are interviews with key stakeholders who are selected on the basis of rapid analysis of stakeholders. The research questions are at work identifying the main causes and sub-system problems from the perspective of actors, is devoted to their interest and proposed solutions. Theoretical basis are the stakeholders and their roles, how their behavior, relationships, roles and interests affect the functioning of the system and resolve the problem. Developmental psychology and socialization of individuals are used to explain the problem. The diploma describes the current state of the system of care for vulnerable children in the Czech Republic, family policy and outlined the proposed solutions of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, considerable space is devoted to temporary foster care for the person and social worker.
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Důsledky spojené se ztrátou živitele v rodině / Consequences associated with the loss of a breadwinner in the familyFaberová, Veronika January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is focused on consequences which are associated with the loss of a breadwinner in the family. The aim is to identify and describe the impacts on families and compare these consequences in the cases of divorce and death. At first this paperwork brings information about family and its peculiarities. Other chapters are devoted to single-parent families as a result of a divorce, and death. In these chapters, we focused on the impacts of these two events. There are described primarily impacts on economic, social, educational and psychological aspects of the family. Information in this chapter are supported by excerpts from interviews that were conducted with several women, who have lost husbands, and thus became the breadwinners. The next chapter is devoted to the role of the state in this issue. It describes how family policy is designed and how the state directly compensates for the loss of a breadwinner in these two cases. The end of this chapter provides a brief description of family policy, focusing on the loss of a breadwinner in several other European Union states. The last chapter provides an analysis of the interviews, and there we can see what are the impacts on the family, which single mothers perceive. And what is the difference in impacts at these two events.
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Možnosti sdílení péče o dítě v rámci podpory rodiny / Options in Sharing Childcare within Family SupportBočanová, Marcela January 2016 (has links)
1 Abstract The diploma thesis deals with three innovative models of childcare. The work is divided into theoretical and practical part. The object of the work is to inform about innovative child care models and to map the implementation possibilities of one described model. The theoretical part deals with the theme of family and its importance for the society. The disorders of family, reasons for child removals out of family, prevention of family failures and family preservation are farther described in this part. Other chapters are focused on already mentioned three models of care. The first model describes sharing care within providing support of volunteers, the second model inheres in sharing care within the residential care and the last model describes the sharing care within care provided by foster parents. The practical part addresses the research which was undertaken as semi-structured dialogs with social workers of foster parents and with foster parents too. A part of the research is formed by the analyse of reasons for child removals out of family. It was found out within the research that the implementation possibilities of sharing care within care provided by foster parents are low with regards to its demandingness and the general settings of our society.
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Sociálně etické aspekty poskytování pomoci osamělým rodičům / Socio-ethical aspects of providing assistance to lone parentsNACHTIGALLOVÁ, Václava January 2014 (has links)
The work examines the contemporary trend of raising a child with one parent, usually the mother. It deals with the various reasons that lead to this family arrangement, and highlights the problems with which a lone parent is struggling. It focuses namely on difficulties in reconciling work with caring for a child and a household, and on the resulting financial distress. The target group is introduced to readers through case studies of women living in a shelter for mothers and children in distress; the case studies are further evaluated, particularly in terms of the benefits of social services. Various types of assistance from the state are discussed, which single-parent families can benefit from; these are mainly financial support and social services. The next chapter describes alternative kinds of state aid. Attention is drawn to the pitfalls associated with the use of aid, such as dependence on social services and lack of motivation to activate one's own capabilities and to utilize one's own social environment. Possible solutions of the issue are outlined in the conclusion.
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Imprese familiari e acquisizioni: come la famiglia influenza le strategie e le performance aziendali / IMPRESE FAMILIARI E ACQUISIZIONI: COME LA FAMIGLIA INFLUENZA LE STRATEGIE E LE PERFORMANCE AZIENDALI / Family firms and acquisitions: how the family influences business strategies and performancesRIZZI, FRANCESCA 28 March 2018 (has links)
Il presente lavoro, riconoscendo la rilevanza che le aziende familiari detengono all’interno del contesto internazionale, con particolare riferimento a quello italiano, si propone di analizzare la loro propensione verso l’implementazione della strategia di acquisizione. In particolare lo studio, composto da tre paper tra loro connessi, è volto a delineare una “fotografia” del tessuto imprenditoriale italiano rilevando le caratteristiche delle aziende familiari e della tipologia delle operazioni di crescita per via esterna da queste conseguite.
Inoltre, la ricerca fornisce delle comparazioni con le operazioni svolte dalle imprese non familiari così da comprenderne similitudini e differenze evidenziando come la partecipazione della famiglia proprietaria, sia in termini di proprietà che di gestione, incida sulla predisposizione ad acquisire.
Il primo paper indaga l’attitudine delle imprese familiari e non familiari ad acquisire, mostrando tipologie e caratteristiche delle operazioni di crescita per via esterna da queste conseguite nel periodo 2000 – 2014. Il secondo lavoro, approfondito il ruolo della distanza culturale ed economica tra acquirente ed acquisita, verifica se le aziende familiari hanno economicamente beneficiato dell’implementazione della strategia di crescita per via esterna. Il terzo contributo analizza come le differenti modalità e livelli di coinvolgimento diretto della famiglia alla vita d’impresa incida sulla predisposizione ad acquisire. / The aim of this work, which recognizes the importance of family-owned firms in the international environment – focusing in particular on the Italian context – is to analyze their propensity to implement the acquisition strategy. The study, composed of three interrelated papers, is intended to “take a picture” of the Italian entrepreneurial fabric, by detecting the features of family firms and the type of growth operations through acquisitions.
Furthermore, this research outlines comparisons with the operations led by non family firms, in order to understand similarities and differences by highlighting how the role of family owner, both in terms of property and management, influences the propensity to acquire.
The first paper examines the propensity of family and non family firms to acquire, showing the types and features of the growth operations through acquisitions in the timeframe 2000 - 2014. The second paper, after studying in depth the role of the cultural and economic distance between the acquirer and target, checks whether family firms benefitted from the implementation of acquisition. The third paper analyses the influence of the several implementation procedures and the level of direct involvement of the family in the life of the firms on the propensity to acquire.
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Dopady rodinných konfliktů na dítě z hlediska sociální práce / The impacts of family conflicts on a child from the viewpoint of social workBřezinová, Michaela January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the impact of family conflicts on the child from the viewpoint of social work. The thesis is divided into two parts, i.e. theoretical and practical. The theoretical part consists of three main chapters. The first chapter generally defines the family and its context. The second chapter is a fundamental one dealing with conflict in general, family conflict as such, the consequences of unresolved family conflicts, as well as methods and approaches to family conflict resolution, including family counselling and family therapy. The chapter also includes an approach of a social worker to a family where a conflict occurs or where a child is being neglected. The third chapter complements the two previous ones, briefly discusses the family in divorce, especially the role of a social worker in divorce proceedings. Furthermore, the development of the divorce rate in the Czech Republic and its family policy. The practical part deals with research focusing on experiences and views of social workers in the area of the social and legal protection of children. The research is directly related to the theoretical part of the thesis as the topic is the impact of family conflicts on the child. A quantitative method was used to carry out the research where the data collection technique was...
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