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A policy implementation analysis of soil conservation practices by shallholder farmers in the Blantyre agricultural development division of Malawi.Kambauwa, Gertrude J. January 2003 (has links)
Agriculture contributes about 70 percent of Malawi's Gross Domestic Product and sustains the livelihood of over 85 percent of the rural population. Soil erosion, which has reached alarming proportions, is threatening this resource base. Despite being rated the most serious environmental problem, soil erosion research lags behind in the listing of agricultural research priorities, particularly with regard to factors influencing the implementation of soil conservation policy and legislation. This study aimed to assess the impact of such policy implementation on smallholder farmer soil conservation practices. A postal, self administered, structured questionnaire was used to interview twenty-three farmers and fourteen agricultural extension staff members. The questions were designed to assess the influence of their perceptions of soil erosion as a problem and its causes. They also sought to assess how effectively relevant policy had been implemented before and after independence. Socio-economic information was additionally elicited from the farmers. After preliminary
analysis of these questionnaires, ten days was spent in the field verifying data collected. A Spearman's Rank correlation analysis at 95 percent confidence level was carried out between various components of the farmers' socioeconomic profile data and their responses to the perception questions. Perceptions regarding different aspects of soil erosion and conservation were found to be influenced by the sex, age and educational level of respondents. The study revealed that both farmers and extension staff perceived soil erosion as a problem, had a sound knowledge of the mechanics of the process and attributed it to anthropogenic factors. While both farmers and extension staff attributed declining yields and fertility to accelerated soil erosion, they appeared to have difficulty in identifying physical indicators of such activity
in the field. The study also revealed that both believed the top-down approach of the pre-independence period and the post-independence to 1990 period, had been partially effective. Since 1990, policy implementation has become more effective as a result of a more democratic governance and increased extension staff awareness of sustainability concepts which stress the need to incorporate the aspirations of farmers in a bottom-up implementation. This awareness led to the formulation of a new soil and water conservation policy in 1996 which ensures the voices of decision makers are taken into account in policy review. Once legislated, this policy bodes well for further improvements in soil conservation efforts in Malawi. However, the study also revealed that effective implementation of this policy will be dependent on the government providing adequate support and skills to both extension staff and farmers. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of Natal, Durban, 2003.
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Genetic studies of grain and morphological traits in early generation crosses of Malawi rice (Oryza sativa L.) Landraces and NERICA varieties.Mzengeza, Tenyson. January 2010 (has links)
Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is the second most important cereal crop in Malawi. Rice productivity in the dominant (85%) rainfed ecosystem is very low, with mean yield of only 1.4 t ha-1. Farmers plant traditional landraces that have low yield potential and are susceptible to various stresses such as drought and diseases. Development and introduction of improved rice varieties, with stress tolerance traits from introduced varieties, such as the New Rice for Africa (NERICAs), could significantly increase productivity. Previous attempts to introduce high yielding irrigated varieties into the dominant rainfed ecosystem in Malawi have not been successful because farmers basically did not adopt the varieties, claiming that the varieties were lacking in grain traits that they preferred but that the traits were present in their landraces. The notable traits mentioned, through previous informal surveys, were long grains, medium to slender shape and aromatic grain with intermediate gelatinization temperature. No formal study has been conducted to ascertain the preferences, and the genetic control of the traits, including yield and yield related traits, have not been studied. The objectives of this study were to: 1) confirm farmers’ preferences for grain traits using participatory rural appraisal; 2) determine amount of genetic variability for yield and yield related traits in Malawi rice landraces, 3) determine the genetic control and correlations of grain length, grain shape and 1000-grain weight, 4) determine the inheritance of aroma and gelatinization temperature and, 5) determine the genetic control, correlations and path coefficients of yield and yield related traits, in F2 generations of Malawi rice landraces and NERICA varieties crosses. To confirm the farmers’ preferences for grain traits, a participatory rural appraisal was conducted in 2006 in two villages that were representative of rainfed rice growing areas in Malawi. The villages were Liundi and Nawanga in Machinga and Salima Districts, respectively. Qualitative and quantitative data were collected through questionnaires and discussions with 190 respondents, as well as through observations. To determine variability among Malawi rice landraces, 19 landraces were planted at Lifuwu in a Randomized Complete Block Design with three replicates in 2006. Data on plant height, days to 50% flowering, number of panicles per hill, panicle length, number of filled grains per panicle, 1000-grain weight, panicle weight, grain length and grain yield were collected and analyzed. Four Malawi rice landraces were crossed to four NERICA varieties in 2006 in a North Carolina Design II mating scheme to determine the genetic control of grain size. F1 plants were raised in 2007 and in 2008, 16 F2 populations together with their parents were planted in a Randomized Complete Block Design with three replicates at Lifuwu. Data on grain length, grain shape and 1000-grain weight were collected and analyzed. To determine the inheritance of aroma and gelatinization temperature, four Malawi rice landraces were crossed to four NERICA varieties in 2006 and F1 plants were raised in 2007. In 2008, 16 F2 populations together with their parents were planted in a Randomized Complete Block Design with three replicates at Lifuwu. Aroma and gelatinization temperature were evaluated. To determine the gene action of yield and yield related traits, four Malawi rice landraces were crossed to four NERICA varieties in 2006 in a North Carolina Design II mating scheme and F1 plants were raised in 2007. In 2008, 16 F2 populations together with their parents were planted in a Randomized Complete Block Design with three replicates at Lifuwu. Data on grain yield, the number of panicles per hill, days to 50% flowering, panicle length, panicle weight and 1000-grain weight were collected and analyzed The participatory rural appraisal confirmed that that long, slender or medium shape grains, with aroma and intermediate gelatinization temperature were the key traits preferred by farmers. Therefore the farmer preferred traits of long, slender grains, with aroma and medium gelatinization temperature, must be selected for in any high yielding varieties to be developed for the rainfed rice ecosystem. Results showed that differences were significant (P=0.05) for all the traits that were studied. Heritability estimates were low to moderate: 18.3% for panicle weight, 40.0% for panicles per hill and 56.3% for days to 50% flowering date. The high genetic variability among the landraces could be used in a breeding programme to develop improved varieties for various morphological traits. The number of panicles per hill and 1000-grain weight combined moderate heritabilities with relatively high genetic advance and therefore could be reliable traits for yield improvement. Genetic analysis of grain size showed that Malawi rice landraces were variable for all three grain size characteristics, namely grain length, grain shape and 1000-grain weight. NERICA varieties were variable for 1000-grain weight. Sixteen F2 progenies were variable for all three characteristics, and the variability was significant (P=0.05). Heritability estimates were high (45.4%) for grain length and low for grain shape (12.3%) and for 1000-grain weight (14.3%) suggesting that early generation selection would be effective for grain length. Predominance of additive gene action for grain length and grain shape suggested that early generation selection would be effective for these traits. Selection for 1000-grain weight would be more effective in later generations because of preponderance of non-additive gene action in the control of this trait. The correlation between grain length and grain shape was positive (r=0.769) and highly significant (P=0.01) suggesting that breeders would choose to select for both traits simultaneously, or they would choose one of the traits to develop varieties with long grains and medium shape. Crosses between aromatic and non-aromatic varieties had non-aromatic F1. The F2 progenies segregated into 3:1 ratio for non-aromatic: aromatic suggesting that, in the Malawi rice landraces, aroma was probably simply inherited through a single recessive gene. F1 progenies, between parents with high and intermediate gelatinization temperatures had intermediate gelatinization temperature. F2 progenies segregated into 1:3 ratios for high; intermediate gelatinization temperature in three out of four crosses suggesting control by one dominant gene. The segregation pattern in one cross was not significantly different from 3:13 ratio for high: intermediate suggesting that two dominant genes, one an inhibitor, were controlling the trait. Breeding and selecting for aroma and intermediate gelatinization temperature could be accomplished relatively easily because the traits are simply inherited. The genetic variability for yield and yield related traits was wide and significant (P=0.05) in the F2 populations of Malawi rice landraces and NERICA varieties crosses indicating that the populations would be valuable sources to develop varieties with improved yield. Panicle weight and the number of panicles per hill were positively correlated with, and had high direct effects on grain yield, therefore they could be used to indirectly select for high yield. Grain yield, the number of panicles per hill and plant height were predominantly controlled by additive gene action suggesting that bulk breeding methods would be adopted for these traits. The days to 50% flowering, panicle weight and 1000-grain weight were predominantly under the control of nonadditive gene action suggesting that hybrid development would be profitable for these traits. Faya Mpata, Faya Zidyana and NERICA 3 could be the best parents for improving yield and yield related traits because they had high general combining abilities for the traits. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2010. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2010.
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A case study of the impact of irrigation on household food security in two villages in Chingale, MalawiJanuary 2008 (has links)
This case study investigated the impact of irrigation on household food security at Ibu and Kalizinje villages in Chingale, Malawi. The aim of the study was to investigate whether irrigation improved household food security. The study was qualitative in nature. Fifty-eight farmers and three World Vision field staff participated in the study. Group discussions with participatory techniques and in-depth interviews were used to collect data. Data were analysed qualitatively using matrix/logical analysis. Irrigation improved irrigating farmers’ household food security through an increase in production and income levels. Irrigating farmers were better off in terms of crop production and income levels than non-irrigating farmers. Irrigating farmers planted irrigated maize two to three times a year, while non-irrigating farmers planted rain-fed maize only once a year. In terms of income levels, irrigating farmers produced more food than households required, and sold surpluses. Most irrigating farmers began cash cropping after the introduction of irrigation and also earned higher incomes, as irrigation enabled production of crops during lean periods and enabled them to sell surpluses at higher prices. Irrigation did not improve crop diversification. Non-irrigating farmers diversified crops more than irrigating farmers by planting groundnuts and sweet potatoes. Income from irrigating farmers did not increase dietary diversity and the acquisition of assets for irrigating farmers. Few farmers consumed a variety of foods and few acquired assets with the income derived from irrigation. Nevertheless, irrigation has the potential to smooth production cycles and provide food and income during seasons when food and income would be low. In addition, the study revealed the following as problems faced by farmers: constraining size of small diesel pumps, pump breakdown at Kalizinje, floods, pests and diseases, storage problems, lack of market places and poor roads, small land sizes, and expensive farm inputs. / Thesis (M.Sc..)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2008.
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