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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Examining the Influence of Community Institutions on Inner Ring Suburban Resilience: A Study in Southeastern Pennsylvania

Dayanim, Suzanne Lashner January 2013 (has links)
Inner ring suburbs are vulnerable as they face continual downward pressure amidst increasingly complex post-industrial regional dynamics. Many suburban policymakers focus on housing and commercial development when considering ways to improve their localities through the built environment; they often overlook the potential benefits of community-oriented infrastructure -- namely public libraries, neighborhood recreation facilities, and community festivals/events -- as a catalyst for encouraging economic development and neighborhood social capital. This study asks whether inner ring suburbs that offer vibrant community institutions exhibit greater levels of resilience capacity than those with less vibrant community facilities. Across the country government officials target community institutions for service reduction and/or closure in high-profile proposals to balance budgets in a tight economy. In a number of high-profile urban library budget fights, community protestors cite their library's functions as a safe environment for children after school to socialize and study, a place for public internet access and engaging programming, and as the hub of the community. Such accounts offer a glimpse into the value of community institutions in the making of place. Suburbs are competing to gain and maintain their base of residents in a highly mobile and competitive environment. Tiebout (1956) theorizes that this ease of mobility allows people to act as consumers who choose the community package of services/amenities that best meets their budget and preferences. The group of community institutions at the center of this study - public libraries, parks and recreation facilities, and community festivals/events -- are part of a wider architecture of local community infrastructure that composes a community's package of services and amenities. Public schools are an important element of that community infrastructure and the one that is most often considered to add value to suburban localities. Although public schools are unquestionably a vital community institution, this dissertation challenges the narrative that school quality is the prime suburban value-generator by measuring the value to local resilience of school quality against the vibrancy of these other kinds of community institutions that may nurture community life in different ways. This work addresses three main gaps in the literature. Work measuring the value of, and understanding the effects of, community institutions in local places is scant. Studies linking resilience capacity to a place's institutional fabric often overlook public-oriented, taxpayer-funded, place-based facilities in favor of an emphasis on non-profit organizations. A regional approach with a focus on effects in inner ring suburbs is rare. Through a mixed methods approach utilizing exploratory data analysis and qualitative content analysis on the inner ring Pennsylvania suburbs surrounding Philadelphia, this research considers the effects of community institutions on each of three previously identified resilience components: economic strength, socio-demographic appeal, and community connectivity. Results suggest that townships with middling or low school quality may be supporting forms of community institutions other than public schools as a way to increase appeal when the schools alone are not a sufficient draw. Furthermore, townships possibly gain resilience value from promoting community institutions in an active way. Other findings shed new light on people-oriented approaches to inner ring suburban resilience and sustainable regional development that may be gaining relevance in the context of 21st century place dynamics. / Geography

Мулти-стејкхолдерски приступ ефективности организације догађаја као фактор успешности дестинацијског туристичког производа / Multi-stejkholderski pristup efektivnosti organizacije događaja kao faktor uspešnosti destinacijskog turističkog proizvoda / Multi-stakeholder Approach of the Effectivness of the Event’s organisation as a factor of Successfulness of Destination’s tourism product

Stamenković Igor 02 July 2014 (has links)
<p>На глобалном, то &nbsp;јест, планетарном нивоу&nbsp; догађаји&nbsp; уопште (фестивали, конгреси, конференције&nbsp; и&nbsp;слично),&nbsp; а посебно они са јаком&nbsp; културном&nbsp; компонентом (као што &nbsp;су:&nbsp; музички фестивали,&nbsp; филмски, фолклорни&nbsp;фестивали,&nbsp; разне манифестације &nbsp;или&nbsp; аниматорски&nbsp; програми&nbsp; и&nbsp; тако &nbsp;даље),&nbsp; значајно &nbsp;се бројчано &nbsp;повећавају.&nbsp;<br />Поред&nbsp; тога што &nbsp;унапређују&nbsp; локални понос&nbsp; у&nbsp; култури,&nbsp; стварају јак идентитет и имиџ локалне заједнице, то јест&nbsp;брендирају дестинацију, &nbsp;ови догађаји&nbsp; могу&nbsp; такође&nbsp; промовисати аутохтоне националне&nbsp; мањине, и оставити&nbsp;бројне позитивне или &nbsp;негативне, економске, друштвене, еколошке, политичке и друге ефекте и &nbsp;последице на&nbsp;дестинацију.&nbsp; Догађаји, то јест фестивали су добар повод да се гостима покажу&nbsp; нови&nbsp; народи&nbsp; и њихови &nbsp;обичаји,&nbsp;култура,&nbsp; веровања, начин живота,&nbsp; а од боравка на дестинацији осети се и&nbsp; допринос&nbsp; локалној економији, друштвеном&nbsp; и мултикултурном&nbsp; животу. Без обзира,&nbsp; какав&nbsp; догађај&nbsp; или&nbsp; фестивал&nbsp; био &nbsp;он представља&nbsp; нови талас&nbsp;алтернативног&nbsp; туризма&nbsp; који&nbsp; доприноси &nbsp;одрживом &nbsp;развоју&nbsp; и&nbsp; побољшава &nbsp;опднос између&nbsp; домаћина и госта&nbsp; а исто&nbsp;тако унапређује &nbsp;дестинацијски туристички производ. Током боравка на фестивалу туриста ће конзумирати и остале производе и услуге и мултиплицираће ефекте свог останка на дестинацији. Свакако тај се процес не&nbsp;може остварити без добре координације стејкхолдера и њихове добре међусобне умрежености и сарадње.</p> / <p>Na globalnom, to &nbsp;jest, planetarnom nivou&nbsp; događaji&nbsp; uopšte (festivali, kongresi, konferencije&nbsp; i&nbsp;slično),&nbsp; a posebno oni sa jakom&nbsp; kulturnom&nbsp; komponentom (kao što &nbsp;su:&nbsp; muzički festivali,&nbsp; filmski, folklorni&nbsp;festivali,&nbsp; razne manifestacije &nbsp;ili&nbsp; animatorski&nbsp; programi&nbsp; i&nbsp; tako &nbsp;dalje),&nbsp; značajno &nbsp;se brojčano &nbsp;povećavaju.&nbsp;<br />Pored&nbsp; toga što &nbsp;unapređuju&nbsp; lokalni ponos&nbsp; u&nbsp; kulturi,&nbsp; stvaraju jak identitet i imidž lokalne zajednice, to jest&nbsp;brendiraju destinaciju, &nbsp;ovi događaji&nbsp; mogu&nbsp; takođe&nbsp; promovisati autohtone nacionalne&nbsp; manjine, i ostaviti&nbsp;brojne pozitivne ili &nbsp;negativne, ekonomske, društvene, ekološke, političke i druge efekte i &nbsp;posledice na&nbsp;destinaciju.&nbsp; Događaji, to jest festivali su dobar povod da se gostima pokažu&nbsp; novi&nbsp; narodi&nbsp; i njihovi &nbsp;običaji,&nbsp;kultura,&nbsp; verovanja, način života,&nbsp; a od boravka na destinaciji oseti se i&nbsp; doprinos&nbsp; lokalnoj ekonomiji, društvenom&nbsp; i multikulturnom&nbsp; životu. Bez obzira,&nbsp; kakav&nbsp; događaj&nbsp; ili&nbsp; festival&nbsp; bio &nbsp;on predstavlja&nbsp; novi talas&nbsp;alternativnog&nbsp; turizma&nbsp; koji&nbsp; doprinosi &nbsp;održivom &nbsp;razvoju&nbsp; i&nbsp; poboljšava &nbsp;opdnos između&nbsp; domaćina i gosta&nbsp; a isto&nbsp;tako unapređuje &nbsp;destinacijski turistički proizvod. Tokom boravka na festivalu turista će konzumirati i ostale proizvode i usluge i multipliciraće efekte svog ostanka na destinaciji. Svakako taj se proces ne&nbsp;može ostvariti bez dobre koordinacije stejkholdera i njihove dobre međusobne umreženosti i saradnje.</p> / <p>On a global planetary scale events in general (festivals, congresses, conferences&nbsp; etc.), particularly those with&nbsp;a strong cultural component (such are: music festivals, film festivals,&nbsp; folklore festivals,&nbsp; other events and&nbsp; animation&nbsp;programs etc.) are substantially increasing in numbers. In addition to enhancing local pride in culture,&nbsp; they produce&nbsp;strong identity and image of local coummunity (they are branding the destination)&nbsp; these events could also expose&nbsp;indigenous national minorities to the increasing number of international visitors.&nbsp; Also, they could make many either&nbsp;positive or negative, economic, social, ecological, political or any&nbsp; other effect and consequences for/to destination.&nbsp;Events, namely festivals&nbsp; are&nbsp; a good occasion to&nbsp; show&nbsp; guests the&nbsp; new&nbsp; nations&nbsp; and&nbsp; their customs, culture, beliefs&nbsp; and&nbsp;lifestyles. From the&nbsp; stay&nbsp; of the tourists&nbsp; the&nbsp; resort&nbsp; could&nbsp; feel&nbsp; the&nbsp; contribution&nbsp; to&nbsp; the local economy, social life,&nbsp; multi-cultural&nbsp; life&nbsp; etc.&nbsp; Regardless, how big an&nbsp; event or festival is, it should and would represent a new wave&nbsp; of&nbsp; alternative&nbsp;tourism&nbsp; that contributes&nbsp; to sustainable development and&nbsp; improving&nbsp; the relationship between the&nbsp; host and the guest&nbsp;and also promote destination&rsquo;s tourism product. During ones stay at the festival, tourists will consume other products&nbsp;and services, and multiply effects of &nbsp;their stay at the destination.&nbsp; Certainly&nbsp; this process&nbsp; can not be achieved&nbsp; without&nbsp;<br />good coordination of stakeholders and their good inter-networking and cooperation.&nbsp;</p>

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