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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tensile creep of cracked macro synthetic fibre reinforced concrete

Babafemi, Adewumi John 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Macro synthetic fibres are known to significantly improve the toughness and energy absorption capacity of conventional concrete in the short term. However, since macro synthetic fibre are flexible and have relatively low modulus of elastic compared to steel fibres, it is uncertain if the improved toughness and energy absorption could be sustained over a long time, particularly under sustained tensile loadings. The main goal of this study is to investigate the time-dependent crack mouth opening response of macro synthetic fibre reinforced concrete (FRC) under sustained uniaxial tensile loadings, and to simulate the flexural creep behaviour. For the purpose of simulating the in-service time-dependent condition, all specimens were pre-cracked. Experimental investigations were carried out at three levels (macro, single fibre and structural) to investigate the time-dependent behaviour and the mechanisms causing it. At the macro level, compressive strength, uniaxial tensile strength and uniaxial tensile creep test at 30 % to 70 % stress levels of the average residual tensile strength were performed. To understand the mechanism causing the time-dependent response, fibre tensile test, single fibre pullout rate test, time-dependent fibre pullout test and fibre creep test were done. Flexural test and flexural creep test were done to simulate the structural level performance. The results of this investigation have shown significant drop in stress and increase in crack width of uniaxial tensile specimens after the first crack. The post cracking response has shown significant toughness and energy absorption capacity. Under sustained load at different stress levels, significant crack opening has been recorded for a period of 8 month even at a low stress level of 30 %. Creep fracture of specimens occurred at 60 % and 70 % indicating that these stress levels are not sustainable for cracked macro synthetic FRC. The single fibre level investigations have revealed two mechanisms responsible for the time-dependent crack widening of cracked macro synthetic FRC under sustained loading: time-dependent fibre pullout and fibre creep. In all cases of investigation, fibre failure was by complete pullout without rupture. Flexural creep results have shown that the crack opening increases over time. After 8 months of investigation, the total crack opening was 0.2 mm and 0.5 mm at 30 % and 50 % stress levels respectively. Since the crack opening of tensile creep and flexural creep specimens cannot be compared due to differences in geometry, specimen size, load transfer mechanisms and stress distribution in the cracked plane, a finite element analysis (FEA) was conducted. Material model parameters obtained from the uniaxial tensile test and viscoelastic parameters from curve fitting to experimental uniaxial creep results have been implemented to successfully predict the time-dependent crack opening of specimens subjected to sustained flexural loading. Analyses results correspond well with experimental result at both 30 % and 50 % stress levels. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Makro sintetiese vesels is bekend daarvoor dat dit die taaiheid en energie absorpsie van konvensionele beton beduidend verbeter in die kort termyn. Aangesien makro sintetiese vesels buigsaam is met 'n relatiewe lae styfheidsmodulus in vergeleke met staalvesels, is dit onseker of die verhoogde kapasiteit vir energie absorpsie en taaiheid volgehou kan word oor die langer termyn, veral in gevalle waar dit aan volgehoue trekkragte blootgestel is. Die hoofdoel van die studie is om die tydafhanklike-kraakvergrotingsgedrag van makro sintetiese veselversterkte beton (VVB) wat blootgestel is aan volgehoue trekkragte te ondersoek asook die simulasie van die kruipgedrag in buig. Ten einde die werklike toetstande te simuleer is al die proefstukke doelbewus gekraak in 'n beheerde manier voor die aanvang van die toetse. Die eksperimentele ondersoek is uitgevoer op drie vlakke (makro, enkelvesel en strukturele) om die tydafhanklike gedrag sowel as die meganismes verantwoordelik vir hierdie gedrag te ondersoek. Op die makro-vlak is druktoetse gedoen saam met eenassige trek- en eenassige kruiptoetse met belastings tussen 30 % en 70 % van die gemiddelde residuele treksterkte. Om die meganisme wat die tydafhanklike gedrag veroorsaak te verstaan is veseltoetse, enkel vesel uittrektoetse, enkel vesel uittrek kruiptoetse asook kruiptoetse op vesels gedoen. Buigtoetse en buig kruiptoetse is ook gedoen om die gedrag op die strukturele vlak te ondersoek. Die resultate van hierdie ondersoek wys dat daar 'n beduidende val in spanning is en dat daar gepaardgaande kraak opening in die eenassige trek proefstukke plaasgevind het na die vorming van 'n kraak. Die na-kraak gedrag wys beduidende taaiheid en energie absorpsie kapasiteit. Gedurende die volgehoue trekbelasting by verskillende spanningsvlakke is beduidende kraakvergroting opgemerk, selfs by 30 % belasting na 8 maande. Kruipfaling het plaasgevind by proefstukke met belastings van 60 % en 70 % wat daarop wys dat hierdie spanningsvlakke nie geskik is vir gekraakte makro sintetiese VVB nie. Op die enkel veselvlak is twee meganismes geïdentifiseer wat verantwoordelik is vir die kraakvergroting oor tyd vir gekraakte makro sintetiese VVB met volgehoue trekbelasting: tydafhanklike vesel uittrek en vesel-kruip. In alle gevalle in hierdie ondersoek was die falingsmeganisme vesels wat uittrek. Buig kruiptoets resultate wys dat die krake vergroot oor tyd. Na 8 maande van ondersoek was die kraakwydtes 0.2 mm en 0.5 mm by 30 % en 50 % spanningsvlakke onderskeidelik. Aangesien die kraak opening van eenassige trek kruiptoetse en die buig kruiptoetse nie direk met mekaar vergelyk kan word nie weens die verskille in geometrie, proefstuk grootte en spanningsverdeling in die kraakvlak, is 'n eindige element analises (EEA) gedoen. Materiaal eienskappe is bepaal deur gebruik te maak van die eenassige kruip trektoets se resultate en viskoelastiese parameters is bepaal deur middel van kurwepassing van die resultate. Dit was gebruik om suksesvol die buig kruip kraak opening gedrag te simuleer. Die analises se resultate vergelyk goed met die eksperimentele data by beide 30 % en 50 % spanningsvlakke.

Establishment of performance-based specifications for the structural use of locally available macro-synthetic fibres

Odendaal, Courtney Megan 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: FRC (Fibre-reinforced concrete) has become a common form of secondary and even primary reinforcing in some applications throughout the world. In South Africa, the structural applications are limited primarily to steel fibres while cheaper, lighter and more durable synthetic fibres have been side-lined due to low stiffnesses. The purpose of this research project is to investigate the behaviour of synthetic fibre-reinforced concrete (SynFRC) using fibres which are locally available in South Africa, and to propose a performance-based specification and test method for the use of these fibres. In order to achieve this, single fibre pull-out tests were performed on four locally available polypropylene fibres. It was found that the average bond stresses of the fibres are influenced primarily by the fibre cross sectional shape, longitudinal geometry and surface treatment, and secondarily by the aspect ratio. The W/C ratio had little effect on the single fibre performance of non-treated fibres, but appeared to have a slight effect on the single fibre performance of the surface treated fibre. From the experimental results, the highest fibre bond stress will be generated by using a fibre with an X-shaped cross section, longitudinal crimping and applying a surface treatment to this fibre. It also appears that the bond stress distribution for flat fibres is close to uniform, while the bond stress distribution for non-flat crimped fibres has a high mechanical interlock component at the surface end. Macro-mechanical performance tests were performed by means of the BS EN 14651 (2007) three point beam bending test and the ASTM C1550 (2012) Round Determinate Panel Test (RDPT). These tests were selected following a thorough literature review. The RDPT was found to be more consistent and able to identify trends which the three point beam bending test could not. In addition, the three point beam bending test’s most popular output, the Re,3 value tended to be misleading with varying W/C ratios, and it is recommended that the equivalent flexural tensile strength be used instead if the three point beam bending test is used. The macro-mechanical testing showed that increasing the fibre dosage did increase post-cracking performance. The flat fibres’ performance was significantly better than that of the non-flat fibres, and also increased at a faster rate with increasing fibre dosage. The post-cracking performance decreased with increasing W/C ratios and increasing aggregate sizes. The macro-mechanical performance was inversely proportionate to the single fibre performance. The macro-mechanical performance decreased with increasing fibre bond stress, and increased with increasing equivalent diameter, which equates to fewer fibres in a set volume of fibres. Finally, basic principles were developed from the data. These principles were used to predict the RDPT and three point beam bending test performance parameters based on fibre dosage, single fibre properties (bond stress and equivalent diameter), W/C ratio and aggregate size from the available data. The principles can be further refined with more experimental data. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Vesel-gewapende beton word regoor die wêreld as ’n algemene vorm van sekondêre en selfs primêre versterking gebruik. In Suid-Afrika is die strukturele toepassings hoofsaaklik tot staal vesels beperk, terwyl goedkoper, ligter en meer duursame sintetiese vesels vermy word as gevolg van lae styfhede. Die doel van hierdie navorsingsprojek is om die gedrag van sintetiese-veselversterktebeton (SynFRC) te ondersoek deur gebruik te maak van vesels wat in Suid-Afrika beskikbaar is, en 'n prestasie-gebaseerdespesifikasie en toetsmetode vir die gebruik van sintetiese vesels voor te stel. Enkelveseluittrektoetse is op vier plaaslik beskikbare polipropileen vesels uitgevoer. Daar is gevind dat die gemiddelde verbandspanning van die vesel hoofsaaklik deur die vesel deursnee vorm, lengte meetkunde en oppervlak behandeling beïnvloed word, en tweedens deur die aspek verhouding beïnvloed. Die W/C-verhouding het min effek op die enkelveselprestasie van nie-behandelde vesels, maar het 'n effek op die enkeleveselprestasie van die oppervlak-behandelde vesel gehad. Die eksperimentele resultate wys dat die hoogste vesel verbandspanning deur 'n vesel met 'n X-vormige deursnit, lengte krimping en toepassing van 'n oppervlak behandeling gegenereer sal word. Dit blyk ook dat die verbandspanningverspreiding vir ’n plat vesel naby aan uniform is, terwyl die verbandspanningverspreiding vir ’n nie-plat gekrimpde vesel 'n hoë meganiese grendeling komponent op die oppervlak ente het. Makro-meganiese prestasietoetse is uitgevoer deur middel van die BS EN 14651 (2007) driepuntbalkbuigtoets en die ASTM C1550 (2012) RDPT. Hierdie toetse is ná ’n deeglike literatuuroorsig gekies. Die RDPT is meer konsekwent en is in staat om neigings te identifiseer wat die driepuntbalkbuigingtoets nie kan nie. Daarbenewens, met wisselende W/C verhoudings, is die driepuntbalkbuigtoets se gewildste resultaat, die Re,3-waarde geneig om misleidend te wees. Dit word aanbeveel dat die ekwivalentebuigtreksterkte in plaas van die Re,3-waarde as die drie punt balk buig toets resultaat gebruik word. Die makro-meganiesetoets het getoon dat die verhoging van die veseldosis ’n toename in na-krakingprestasie veroorsaak. Die plat vesels se prestasie was aansienlik beter as die van nie-plat vesels, en het met 'n toenemende veseldosis teen 'n vinniger koers verhoog. Die na-krakingprestasie het met toenemende W/C en die verhoging van die klip grootte afgeneem. Die makro-meganieseprestasie was omgekeerd eweredig aan die enkelveselprestasie. Die makro-meganieseprestasie het met toenemende vesel band stres verminder, en het met 'n toenemende gelykstaande deursnee (wat gelykstaande is aan minder vesel in 'n stel volume van vesel) vergroot. Ten slotte is basiese beginsels uit die data ontwikkel. Hierdie beginsels is gebruik om die RDPT en driepuntbalkbuigtoets prestasieparameters gebaseer op veseldosis, enkelveseleienskappe (verbandspanning en ekwivalentediameter), W/C-verhouding en klip grootte van die beskikbare data te voorspel. Die beginsels kan met meer eksperimentele data verder verfyn word.

Short-term and time-dependent flexural behaviour of steel fibre-reinforced reactive powder concrete

Warnock, Robyn Ellen, Civil & Environmental, UNSW January 2006 (has links)
This thesis presents an experimental and theoretical study of the material and structural behaviour of a Steel-Fibre reinforced Reactive Powder Concrete (SF-RPC). The experimental program consisted of three phases. Phase 1 involved the development of a design mix for use throughout the remainder of the study. Phase 2 consisted of an in-depth investigation into the material properties of the mix. The final phase of the experimental component was the testing of 16 plain and prestressed SF-RPC beams. Twelve beams were tested under short-term loading to determine their cracking and ultimate moment capacity. The remaining 4 beams were used to investigate the time-dependent flexural behaviour of prestressed SF-RPC slabs. The material properties were measured using a range of short-term tests and included the compressive and flexural behaviour, static chord modulus of elasticity and crack mouth opening. In addition to the short-term tests, investigation into the time-dependent material behaviour was undertaken and included the creep and shrinkage characteristics of the material. The response of the material to various curing conditions was also investigated. The structural behaviour investigated included the short-term flexural moment-curvature response and load-deflection behaviour of beams and slabs along with the crack patterns of both plain and prestressed SF-RPC members. In addition to the investigations into the short-term flexural behaviour, a study into the time-dependent flexural behaviour was also undertaken. There are currently 2 available models for predicting the flexural response of plain and prestressed RPC cross-sections. The analytical phase of this investigation involved an evaluation of these models. Based on the experimental findings and analysis, a modified model was proposed for calculating the short-term flexural behaviour of plain and prestressed SF-RPC beams. The applicability of an age-adjusted effective modulus method for calculating the time-dependent deformations of prestressed SF-RPC slabs under various levels of sustained loads was also evaluated and found to be adequate with minor refinements.

Plastic shrinkage properties of baler twine fibre reinforced concrete

Chen, Ying 05 June 2008
The large amount of used polypropylene baler twine generated from the agricultural community may provide a low-cost, environmentally friendly source of fibre reinforcement that can be used to improve the properties of concrete. However, the performance of such fibres for the application has not yet been explored. The effectiveness of using small amounts of chopped baler twine to control the restrained plastic shrinkage cracking of portland cement mortar was investigated in this study. To determine the influence of baler twine fibre type, length and volume fraction on their performance, two types of baler twine ( one composed of strands with circular cross section, the other composed of flat band shape strands) in two lengths (19 mm and 38 mm) and three volume fractions (0.05%, 0.1%, and 0.3%) were evaluated. To compare the performance of baler twine fibre with that of other commercially available synthetic fibres, fibrillated polypropylene fibres at equal lengths and volume fractions was investigated.<p>The restrained plastic shrinkage tests were carried out by subjecting the fibre-reinforced mortar specimens, cast on rough substrate bases, to a wind speed of 2.6 m/s, and relative humidity less than 3% at 35 °C for 22 hours. To evaluate the effectiveness of the fibres, the crack numbers were recorded, and the maximum crack width and total crack area on the surface of each specimen were measured using an image analysis technique. Unrestrained plastic shrinkage tests were also conducted in which fibre-reinforced mortar specimens without the substrate bases were tested under the same environmental conditions.<p>Test results indicate that both types of baler twine are capable of controlling restrained plastic shrinkage cracking to some extent, but are not as effective as fibrillated polypropylene. The baler twine composed of band shape strands performed better than the one composed of strands with circular cross section. Compared with plain specimens, the total crack area was reduced by 95.3, 77.5 and 38.7% when 0.3% volume fraction of 38 mm fibrillated polypropylene, band shape baler twine and circular baler twine fibres, respectively, were added. Similar reductions in maximum crack width were observed. Fibre length did not significantly influence cracking behaviour. Free plastic shrinkage was significantly reduced only when long fibre lengths (38 mm) and high volume fractions (0.3%) were used.

Plastic shrinkage properties of baler twine fibre reinforced concrete

Chen, Ying 05 June 2008 (has links)
The large amount of used polypropylene baler twine generated from the agricultural community may provide a low-cost, environmentally friendly source of fibre reinforcement that can be used to improve the properties of concrete. However, the performance of such fibres for the application has not yet been explored. The effectiveness of using small amounts of chopped baler twine to control the restrained plastic shrinkage cracking of portland cement mortar was investigated in this study. To determine the influence of baler twine fibre type, length and volume fraction on their performance, two types of baler twine ( one composed of strands with circular cross section, the other composed of flat band shape strands) in two lengths (19 mm and 38 mm) and three volume fractions (0.05%, 0.1%, and 0.3%) were evaluated. To compare the performance of baler twine fibre with that of other commercially available synthetic fibres, fibrillated polypropylene fibres at equal lengths and volume fractions was investigated.<p>The restrained plastic shrinkage tests were carried out by subjecting the fibre-reinforced mortar specimens, cast on rough substrate bases, to a wind speed of 2.6 m/s, and relative humidity less than 3% at 35 °C for 22 hours. To evaluate the effectiveness of the fibres, the crack numbers were recorded, and the maximum crack width and total crack area on the surface of each specimen were measured using an image analysis technique. Unrestrained plastic shrinkage tests were also conducted in which fibre-reinforced mortar specimens without the substrate bases were tested under the same environmental conditions.<p>Test results indicate that both types of baler twine are capable of controlling restrained plastic shrinkage cracking to some extent, but are not as effective as fibrillated polypropylene. The baler twine composed of band shape strands performed better than the one composed of strands with circular cross section. Compared with plain specimens, the total crack area was reduced by 95.3, 77.5 and 38.7% when 0.3% volume fraction of 38 mm fibrillated polypropylene, band shape baler twine and circular baler twine fibres, respectively, were added. Similar reductions in maximum crack width were observed. Fibre length did not significantly influence cracking behaviour. Free plastic shrinkage was significantly reduced only when long fibre lengths (38 mm) and high volume fractions (0.3%) were used.

Fibre Reinforcement for Shrinkage Crack Control in Prestressed, Precast Segmental Bridges

Susetyo, Jimmy 23 February 2010 (has links)
In prestressed precast segmental concrete bridges, conventional longitudinal reinforcement serves only as shrinkage crack controllers. The presence of this reinforcement, however, has restricted the ability to reduce the cross-section of the segments when high strength concrete is used because of the minimum dimensions required to accomodate the reinforcement. Research on fibre reinforced concrete (FRC) indicated that the addition of steel fibres to concrete significantly improved the tensile behaviour and the crack control characteristics of the concrete. This research investigates the feasibility of fibres to replace the conventional shrinkage reinforcement, allowing for the design of thinner and lighter structures with comparable or better crack control characteristics. Extensive work was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of hooked-end steel fibres to control cracks. Seven types of material tests were performed: uniaxial tension test, cylinder compression test, modulus of rupture test, splitting test, free and autogenous shrinkage test, and restrained shrinkage test. In addition, ten 890×890×70 mm concrete panels were tested under in-plane pure-shear loading using the Panel Element Tester. The parameters of study were the fibre volume content (0.5%, 1.0%, and 1.5%), the concrete compressive strength (50 and 80 MPa), and the fibre geometry and tensile strength. In addition to the experimental study, a model was developed to investigate the behaviour of a 1D restrained FRC member subjected to shrinkage. The experimental results indicated that the addition of fibres significantly improved the behaviour of the concrete, particularly the crack control characteristics, the post-peak compressive response, the post-cracking tensile response, the toughness, and the ductility of the concrete. The results also indicated that steel fibres were as effective as conventional reinforcement in controlling shrinkage cracking, provided that sufficient fibre volume content was added to the concrete. For example, in order to achieve a maximum crack width of 0.35 mm, a minimum fibre content of 0.9% and 1.1% should be provided for 50 MPa FRC containing high aspect ratio fibres and low aspect ratio fibres, respectively. In addition, the results indicated the importance of fibre content and fibre aspect ratio on the effectiveness of fibre reinforcement.

Fibre Reinforcement for Shrinkage Crack Control in Prestressed, Precast Segmental Bridges

Susetyo, Jimmy 23 February 2010 (has links)
In prestressed precast segmental concrete bridges, conventional longitudinal reinforcement serves only as shrinkage crack controllers. The presence of this reinforcement, however, has restricted the ability to reduce the cross-section of the segments when high strength concrete is used because of the minimum dimensions required to accomodate the reinforcement. Research on fibre reinforced concrete (FRC) indicated that the addition of steel fibres to concrete significantly improved the tensile behaviour and the crack control characteristics of the concrete. This research investigates the feasibility of fibres to replace the conventional shrinkage reinforcement, allowing for the design of thinner and lighter structures with comparable or better crack control characteristics. Extensive work was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of hooked-end steel fibres to control cracks. Seven types of material tests were performed: uniaxial tension test, cylinder compression test, modulus of rupture test, splitting test, free and autogenous shrinkage test, and restrained shrinkage test. In addition, ten 890×890×70 mm concrete panels were tested under in-plane pure-shear loading using the Panel Element Tester. The parameters of study were the fibre volume content (0.5%, 1.0%, and 1.5%), the concrete compressive strength (50 and 80 MPa), and the fibre geometry and tensile strength. In addition to the experimental study, a model was developed to investigate the behaviour of a 1D restrained FRC member subjected to shrinkage. The experimental results indicated that the addition of fibres significantly improved the behaviour of the concrete, particularly the crack control characteristics, the post-peak compressive response, the post-cracking tensile response, the toughness, and the ductility of the concrete. The results also indicated that steel fibres were as effective as conventional reinforcement in controlling shrinkage cracking, provided that sufficient fibre volume content was added to the concrete. For example, in order to achieve a maximum crack width of 0.35 mm, a minimum fibre content of 0.9% and 1.1% should be provided for 50 MPa FRC containing high aspect ratio fibres and low aspect ratio fibres, respectively. In addition, the results indicated the importance of fibre content and fibre aspect ratio on the effectiveness of fibre reinforcement.

Modelling the behaviour of steel fibre reinforced concrete pavements

Elsaigh, Walied Ali Musa Hussien. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (PhD(Transportation Engineering)(Civil Engineering)) --University of Pretoria, 2007. / Includes bibliographical references.

Construction in in-situ cast flat slabs using steel fibre reinforced concrete

Jarrat, Robert 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Fibre reinforced concrete (FRC) transforms concrete from a characteristically brittle material to one with a post-crack tensile residual capacity. Its application in industry has varied over the past of which the tensile properties have generally been used in the form of crack mitigation. More recently, the introduction of steel fibres has broadened this scope to structural applications in which the resisting tensile stresses that develop within a steel FRC (SFRC) element can be rather significant. This thesis reviews the existing practices and design models associated with SFRC and the suitability of its implementation as the sole form of reinforcement in in-situ cast flat slab systems. As a material SFRC is dependent on a number of factors which include the fibre type and volume, fibre distributions, element size, as well as the support and applied load conditions. Thus, its performance can be considered rather variable in comparison to conventional concrete should the incorrect practices be implemented. In order to adequately define the material characteristics, it is necessary to use test procedures that accurately reflect on the intended structural application. As a result a number of test procedures have been developed. In addition to this, the post-crack material performance is associated with a non-linear behaviour. This attribute makes the design of structural SFRC elements rather difficult. In an attempt to simplify this, existing design models define stress-strain or stress-crack width relations in which assumptions are made regarding the cross-sectional stress distribution at specified load states. This thesis takes on two parts in defining the suitability of SFRC as the sole form of reinforcement in flat slab systems. The first is a theoretical investigation regarding the micro and macro scale material performance of SFRC, the practices that exist in defining the material properties and its application in structural systems (particularly suspended slab systems), and a breakdown of the existing design models applicable to strain softening deflection hardening SFRC materials. The second part is an experimental program in which the fresh state and hardened state material properties of specified SFRC mix designs defined through flow and beam testing respectively. These properties are then implemented in the design and construction of full scale flexural and punching shear test slabs in an attempt to verify the theory applied. The investigation reveals that the use of SFRC significantly improves the ductility of concrete systems in the post-crack state through fibre crack bridging. This ductility can result in deflection hardening of flat slab systems in which the redistribution of stresses increases the load carrying capacity once cracking has taken place. However, the performance of large scale test specimens is significantly influenced by the construction practices implemented in which the material variability increases as a result of non-uniform fibre distributions. The results indicate that the load prediction models applied have potential to adequately predict the ultimate failure loads of SFRC flat slab systems but however cannot account for possible non-uniform fibre distributions which could result in premature failure of the system. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Vesel versterkte beton (VVB) verander beton van die kenmerkende uiters bros material na ‘n material met ‘n residuele post-kraak trekkapasiteit. Die toepassing daarvan in die bedryf het in die verlede gewissel en die trek eienskappe is oor die algemeen gebruik vir kraak vermindering. Meer onlangs het die bekenstelling van staal vesel hierdie omvang verbreed na die strukturele toepassings waar trekspannings wat ‘n VVB element kan weerstaan noemenswaardig kan wees. Hierdie tesis ondersoek bestaande praktyke en ontwerpmodelle met die oog op staalvesel versterkte beton (SVVB) en die geskiktheid van die implementering daarvan as die enigste vorm van bekisting in in-situ gegiete plat blad stelsels. As ‘n materiaal, is SVVB afhanklik van ‘n aantal faktore wat die tipe vesel en volume, vesel verspreiding, element grootte, sowel as die randvoorwaardes tipe aangewende las insluit. As gevolg hiervan, kan die gedrag van SVVB, wat korrek geïmplimenteer word, as redelik varieerbaar beskou word wanneer dit met konvensionele beton vergelyk word. Ten einde die materiaaleienskappe voldoende te definieer, is dit noodsaaklik dat prosedures wat die strukturele toepassing akuraat voorstel, getoets word en daarom is ‘n aantal toets prosedures ontwikkel. Verder het die post-kraak materiaalgedrag ‘n nie-lineêre verband wat struktuurontwerp met SVVB redelik moeilik maak. Om dit te vereenvoudig, definieer bestaande ontwerpmodelle spanning-vervorming of spanning-kraakwydte verhoudings waarin aannames gemaak word ten opsigte van die spanningsverdeling oor ‘n snit, gegewe sekere lastoestande. Hierdie studie bestaan uit twee dele wat die geskiktheid van SVVB as die enigste vorm van bikisting in plat blad stelsels definieer. Die eerste deel bestaan uit ‘n teoretiese ondersoek wat handel oor die mikro- en makro-skaal materiaalgedrag van SVVB, die praktyke wat bestaan om die materiaaleienskappe en toepassing in strukturele sisteme (spesifiek opgelegde blad stelsels) te definieer, en ‘n uiteensetting van die bestaande ontwerpmodelle wat van toepassing is vir defleksie as gevolg van vervormingsversagting wat SVVB material verhard. Die tweede deel bestaan uit ‘n eksperimentele program waarin die materiaaleienskappe van gespesifiseerde SVVB meng-ontwerpe in die vars toestand en in die verharde toestand gedefinieer word deur middel van vloei- en balktoetse onderskeidelik. Hierdie eienskappe word dan toegepas vir die ontwerp en konstruksie van volskaalse buig- en ponsskuif toetsblaaie ten einde die modelle en teorie wat toegepas is, te bevestig. Die ondersoek toon dat die gebruik van SVVB die duktiliteit van beton sisteme noemenswaardig verbeter in die post-kraak toestand deur kraak oorbrugging. Hierdie duktiliteit kan defleksie verharding van plat blad stelsels veroorsaak waarin die herverdeling van spannings, nadat kraking plaasgevind het, die lasdraende kapasiteit verhoog. Die gedrag van die grootskaalse toetsmonsters word egter noemenswaardig beïnvloed deur die konstruksiemetodes wat geïmplementeer word waarin die materialveranderlikheid toeneem as ‘n gevolg van nie-uniforme vesel verdelings. Die resultate dui daarop dat die modelle wat toegepas is om die laste te voorspel, die potensiaal het om die grens falingslas van SVVB plat blad stelsel voldoende te voorspel, maar neem nie moontlike nie-uniforme veselverdelings wat kan lei tot vroeë faling van die stelsel in ag nie.

Moment redistribution behaviour of SFRC members with varying fibre content

Mohr, Arno Wilhelm 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Steel fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC) is the most prominent fibre reinforced concrete composite that was engineered to enhance the material’s post-cracking behaviour. In certain situations it is utilised to replace conventional reinforcement and considered to be more cost-efficient. The purpose of this research is to characterise the moment redistribution behaviour of a statically indeterminate SFRC structure with varying volumes of fibres, with the focus on the development of the moment redistribution accompanied by the rotation of the plastic hinges at the critical sections in the structure. The material properties were characterised with a series of experimental tests. The compression behaviour was obtained with uniaxial compression tests while the uniaxial tensile behaviour was obtained with an inverse analysis performed according to flexural test results. These properties were utilised to derive a theoretical moment-curvature relation for each SFRC member which supplied the basis for the characterised moment-rotation behaviour and the finite element analyses (FEA) performed on the statically indeterminate structure. Experimental tests were conducted on the statically indeterminate structure in laboratory conditions to validate the theoretical findings. For the different SFRCs the material properties in compression were similar, while it resulted in an increased tensile resistance with an increase in the volume steel fibres. The theoretical momentcurvature and moment-rotation responses also indicated an increased structural capacity and member ductility with an increase in the volume fibres. From the finite element analyses the computational moment redistribution-plastic rotation relations were obtained. It was found that the final amount of moment redistribution decreased with an increase in the fibre volume, but that the rotational capacity increased. It was found that the experimental moment-curvature and moment-rotation results correlate well with the theoretical predictions. Also, unexpected structural behaviour was observed, but the issue was addressed with applicable computational analyses which confirmed the possible causes. It was concluded that the computational moment redistribution approximations were reasonably accurate. A parameter study indicated that the crack band width differed among the different SFRC members. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Staal vesel versterkte beton (SVVB) is die mees vooraanstaande vesel versterkte beton mengsel wat ontwikkel is om die materiaalgedrag na kraakvorming te verbeter. In sekere situasies kan dit gebruik word om konvensionele staal te vervang en lei soms to koste vermindering . Die einddoel van die studie is om die moment herverdeling gedrag te karaktiseer vir ‘n statiese onpebaalbare SVVB struktuur deur die invloed van verskillende volumes vesels en die rotasie kapasiteit by die kritieke posisies in ag te neem. Die materiaal eienskappe was geidentifiseer met ‘n reeks eksperimentele toetse. Die druk gedrag was geïdentifiseer deur eenassige druktoetse, terwyl die eenassige trek gedrag bekom is met die implementasie van ‘n inverse analise van die uitgevoerde buig toetse. Hierdie eienskappe is gebruik om die teoretise moment-kromming verhouding vir elke mengsel te bekom. Hierdie verhoudings word as die basis bestempel vir die teoretiese moment-rotasie verhouding en die eindige element analises (EEA) wat op ‘n staties onbepaalbare struktuur toegepas is. Eksperimentele toetse is op hierdie voorgestelde struktuur toegepas om die teoretiese verwagtings te verifieer. Dit is gevind dat die druk gedrag ooreenstem tussen die verskillende mengsels, alhoewel ‘n toename in die trek kapasiteit ervaar is met ‘n toename in die volume vesels. Die teoretiese momentkromming en moment-rotasie verwantskappe stel ook voor dat die strukturele kapasiteit en duktiliteit toeneem met ‘n toename in die volume vesels. Die teoretiese moment herverdeling-plastiese rotasie verwantskapppe is verkry deur middel van die eindige element analises. Dit is gevind dat die aantal moment herverdeling by faling afgeneem het vir ‘n toename in die volume vesels, maar dat dit to ‘n groter rotasie kapasiteit gelei het. Van die eksperimentele resultate is dit afgelei dat die teoretiese moment-kromming en momentrotasie verwantskappe goeie benaderings voorstel. Sekere invloede van die opstelling het daartoe gelei dat onverwagte strukturele gedrag bekom is, maar die moontlike invloede is verifieer met eindige element analises. Dit is afgelei dat die teoretiese beramings van die moment herverdeling gedrag redelik akkuraat is. ‘n Parameter studie het getoon dat die kraak spasiëring verskil tussen mengsels met verskillende volumes vesels.

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