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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Spectral/hp Finite Element Models for Fluids and Structures

Payette, Gregory 2012 May 1900 (has links)
We consider the application of high-order spectral/hp finite element technology to the numerical solution of boundary-value problems arising in the fields of fluid and solid mechanics. For many problems in these areas, high-order finite element procedures offer many theoretical and practical computational advantages over the low-order finite element technologies that have come to dominate much of the academic research and commercial software of the last several decades. Most notably, we may avoid various forms of locking which, without suitable stabilization, often plague low-order least-squares finite element models of incompressible viscous fluids as well as weak-form Galerkin finite element models of elastic and inelastic structures. The research documented in this dissertation includes applications of spectral/hp finite element technology to an analysis of the roles played by the linearization and minimization operators in least-squares finite element models of nonlinear boundary value problems, a novel least-squares finite element model of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations with improved local mass conservation, weak-form Galerkin finite element models of viscoelastic beams and a high-order seven parameter continuum shell element for the numerical simulation of the fully geometrically nonlinear mechanical response of isotropic, laminated composite and functionally graded elastic shell structures. In addition, we also present a simple and efficient sparse global finite element coefficient matrix assembly operator that may be readily parallelized for use on shared memory systems. We demonstrate, through the numerical simulation of carefully chosen benchmark problems, that the finite element formulations proposed in this study are efficient, reliable and insensitive to all forms of numerical locking and element geometric distortions.

"Mesh-free methods and finite elements: friend or foe?"

Fernàndez Méndez, Sònia 16 November 2001 (has links)
This thesis is devoted to the numerical analysis of mesh-free methods and, in particular, to the study of the possible advantages of the EFG (Element Free Galerkin) mesh-free method against the well-known FE (Finite Element) method. More precisely, the EFG method and the FE method behavior are compared in two particular interesting problems: (1) analysis of volumetric locking in mechanical problems and (2) accurate resolution of transient convection dominated problems. In both cases the good properties and possibilities of mesh-free methods become apparent. However, in several situations the FE method is still more competitive: for instance, the computation of the FE shape functions and its integrals are less costly, and essential boundary conditions can be easily imposed. Thus, in order to take advantage of the good properties of both methods, a mixed interpolation combining FE and EFG is proposed. This formulation can be applied in two useful situations: (i) enrichment of finite elements with EFG, and (ii) coupling of FE and EFG. An a priori error estimate for the first one is presented and proved. Several examples show the applicability of the mixed interpolation in adaptive computations. / Aquesta tesi està dedicada a l'anàlisi numèrica dels mètodes sense malla i, en particular, a l'estudi dels possibles avantatges del mètode EFG (Element Free Galerkin) davant del ben conegut MEF (Mètode dels Elements Finits). Concretament, es comparen el mètode EFG i el MEF en dos problemes concrets d'interès: (1) l'anàlisi del bloqueig volumètric en problemes mecànics i (2) la resolució precisa de problemes transitoris amb convecció dominant. Les bones propietats i possibilitats dels mètodes sense malla es fan evidents en tots dos casos.Tot i així, en varis aspectes el MEF resulta més competitiu: per exemple, el càlcul de les funcions de forma i de les seves integrals es menys costós, i les condicions de contorn essencials es poden imposar fàcilment. Amb l'objectiu d'aprofitar les bones qualitats dels dos mètodes, es proposa una interpolació mixta combinant elements finits y EFG, aplicable en dues situacions: (i) enriquiment d'elements finits amb EFG i (ii) acoblament d'elements finits i EFG. Per al primer cas, es presenta i demostra una cota a priori de l'error. L'aplicabilitat d'aquesta interpolació mixta en processos adaptatius es mostra amb varis exemples. / Esta tesis está dedicada al análisis numérico de los métodos sin malla y, en particular, al estudio de las posibles ventajas del método EFG (Element Free Galerkin) frente al bien conocido MEF (Método de los Elementos Finitos). Concretamente, se comparan el método EFG y el MEF en dos problemas concretos de interés: (1) el análisis del bloqueo volumétrico en problemas mecánicos y (2) la resolución precisa de problemas transitorios con convección dominante. Las buenas propiedades y posibilidades de los métodos sin malla se hacen evidentes en ambos casos.Sin embargo, en varios aspectos el MEF resulta más competitivo: por ejemplo, el cálculo de las funciones de forma y sus integrales es menos costoso, y las condiciones de contorno esenciales se pueden imponer fácilmente. Con el objetivo de aprovechar las buenas cualidades de ambos métodos, se propone una interpolación mixta combinando elementos finitos y EFG, aplicable en dos situaciones: (i) enriquecimiento de elementos finitos con EFG, y (ii) acoplamiento de elementos finitos y EFG. Para el primer caso, se presenta y demuestra una cota a priori del error. La aplicabilidad de esta interpolación mixta en procesos adaptativos se muestra con varios ejemplos.

An Inverse Finite Element Approach for Identifying Forces in Biological Tissues

Cranston, Graham January 2009 (has links)
For centuries physicians, scientists, engineers, mathematicians, and many others have been asking: 'what are the forces that drive tissues in an embryo to their final geometric forms?' At the tissue and whole embryo level, a multitude of very different morphogenetic processes, such as gastrulation and neurulation are involved. However, at the cellular level, virtually all of these processes are evidently driven by a relatively small number of internal structures all of whose forces can be resolved into equivalent interfacial tensions γ. Measuring the cell-level forces that drive specific morphogenetic events remains one of the great unsolved problems of biomechanics. Here I present a novel approach that allows these forces to be estimated from time lapse images. In this approach, the motions of all visible triple junctions formed between trios of cells adjacent to each other in epithelia (2D cell sheets) are tracked in time-lapse images. An existing cell-based Finite Element (FE) model is then used to calculate the viscous forces needed to deform each cell in the observed way. A recursive least squares technique with variable forgetting factors is then used to estimate the interfacial tensions that would have to be present along each cell-cell interface to provide those forces, along with the attendant pressures in each cell. The algorithm is tested extensively using synthetic data from an FE model. Emphasis is placed on features likely to be encountered in data from live tissues during morphogenesis and wound healing. Those features include algorithm stability and tracking despite input noise, interfacial tensions that could change slowly or suddenly, and complications from imaging small regions of a larger epithelial tissue (the frayed boundary problem). Although the basic algorithm is highly sensitive to input noise due to the ill-conditioned nature of the system of equations that must be solved to obtain the interfacial tensions, methods are introduced to improve the resulting force and pressure estimates. The final algorithm returns very good estimates for interfacial tensions and intracellular cellular pressures when used with synthetic data, and it holds great promise for calculating the forces that remodel live tissue.

An Inverse Finite Element Approach for Identifying Forces in Biological Tissues

Cranston, Graham January 2009 (has links)
For centuries physicians, scientists, engineers, mathematicians, and many others have been asking: 'what are the forces that drive tissues in an embryo to their final geometric forms?' At the tissue and whole embryo level, a multitude of very different morphogenetic processes, such as gastrulation and neurulation are involved. However, at the cellular level, virtually all of these processes are evidently driven by a relatively small number of internal structures all of whose forces can be resolved into equivalent interfacial tensions γ. Measuring the cell-level forces that drive specific morphogenetic events remains one of the great unsolved problems of biomechanics. Here I present a novel approach that allows these forces to be estimated from time lapse images. In this approach, the motions of all visible triple junctions formed between trios of cells adjacent to each other in epithelia (2D cell sheets) are tracked in time-lapse images. An existing cell-based Finite Element (FE) model is then used to calculate the viscous forces needed to deform each cell in the observed way. A recursive least squares technique with variable forgetting factors is then used to estimate the interfacial tensions that would have to be present along each cell-cell interface to provide those forces, along with the attendant pressures in each cell. The algorithm is tested extensively using synthetic data from an FE model. Emphasis is placed on features likely to be encountered in data from live tissues during morphogenesis and wound healing. Those features include algorithm stability and tracking despite input noise, interfacial tensions that could change slowly or suddenly, and complications from imaging small regions of a larger epithelial tissue (the frayed boundary problem). Although the basic algorithm is highly sensitive to input noise due to the ill-conditioned nature of the system of equations that must be solved to obtain the interfacial tensions, methods are introduced to improve the resulting force and pressure estimates. The final algorithm returns very good estimates for interfacial tensions and intracellular cellular pressures when used with synthetic data, and it holds great promise for calculating the forces that remodel live tissue.

Implementation of B-splines in a Conventional Finite Element Framework

Owens, Brian C. 16 January 2010 (has links)
The use of B-spline interpolation functions in the finite element method (FEM) is not a new subject. B-splines have been utilized in finite elements for many reasons. One reason is the higher continuity of derivatives and smoothness of B-splines. Another reason is the possibility of reducing the required number of degrees of freedom compared to a conventional finite element analysis. Furthermore, if B-splines are utilized to represent the geometry of a finite element model, interfacing a finite element analysis program with existing computer aided design programs (which make extensive use of B-splines) is possible. While B-splines have been used in finite element analysis due to the aforementioned goals, it is difficult to find resources that describe the process of implementing B-splines into an existing finite element framework. Therefore, it is necessary to document this methodology. This implementation should conform to the structure of conventional finite elements and only require exceptions in methodology where absolutely necessary. One goal is to implement B-spline interpolation functions in a finite element framework such that it appears very similar to conventional finite elements and is easily understandable by those with a finite element background. The use of B-spline functions in finite element analysis has been studied for advantages and disadvantages. Two-dimensional B-spline and standard FEM have been compared. This comparison has addressed the accuracy as well as the computational efficiency of B-spline FEM. Results show that for a given number of degrees of freedom, B-spline FEM can produce solutions with lower error than standard FEM. Furthermore, for a given solution time and total analysis time B-spline FEM will typically produce solutions with lower error than standard FEM. However, due to a more coupled system of equations and larger elemental stiffness matrix, B-spline FEM will take longer per degree of freedom for solution and assembly times than standard FEM. Three-dimensional B-spline FEM has also been validated by the comparison of a three-dimensional model with plane-strain boundary conditions to an equivalent two-dimensional model using plane strain conditions.

Three Dimensional Controlled-source Electromagnetic Edge-based Finite Element Modeling of Conductive and Permeable Heterogeneities

Mukherjee, Souvik 2010 August 1900 (has links)
Presence of cultural refuse has long posed a serious challenge to meaningful geological interpretation of near surface controlled–source electromagnetic data (CSEM). Cultural refuse, such as buried pipes, underground storage tanks, unexploded ordnance, is often highly conductive and magnetically permeable. Interpretation of the CSEM response in the presence of cultural noise requires an understanding of electromagnetic field diffusion and the effects of anomalous highly conductive and permeable structures embedded in geologic media. While many numerical techniques have been used to evaluate the response of three dimensional subsurface conductivity distributions, there is a lack of approaches for modeling the EM response incorporating variations in both subsurface conductivity σ and relative permeability μr. In this dissertation, I present a new three dimensional edge–based finite element (FE) algorithm capable of modeling the CSEM response of buried conductive and permeable targets. A coupled potential formulation for variable μ using the vector magnetic potential A and scalar electric potential V gives rise to an ungauged curl–curl equation. Using reluctivity (v=1/mu ), a new term in geophysical applications instead of traditional magnetic susceptibility, facilitates a separation of primary and secondary potentials. The resulting differential equation is solved using the finite element method (FEM) on a tetrahedral mesh with local refinement capabilities. The secondary A and V potentials are expressed in terms of the vector edge basis vectors and the scalar nodal basis functions respectively. The finite element matrix is solved using a Jacobi preconditioned QMR solver. Post processing steps to interpolate the vector potentials on the nodes of the mesh are described. The algorithm is validated against a number of analytic and multi dimensional numeric solutions. The code has been deployed to estimate the influence of magnetic permeability on the mutual coupling between multiple geological and cultural targets. Some limitations of the code with regards to speed and performance at high frequency, conductivity and permeability values have been noted. Directions for further improvement and expanding the range of applicability have been proposed.

A Nonlinear Positive Extension of the Linear Discontinuous Spatial Discretization of the Transport Equation

Maginot, Peter Gregory 2010 December 1900 (has links)
Linear discontinuous (LD) spatial discretization of the transport operator can generate negative angular flux solutions. In slab geometry, negativities are limited to optically thick cells. However, in multi-dimension problems, negativities can even occur in voids. Past attempts to eliminate the negativities associated with LD have focused on inherently positive solution shapes and ad-hoc fixups. We present a new, strictly non-negative finite element method that reduces to the LD method whenever the LD solution is everywhere positive. The new method assumes an angular flux distribution, e , that is a linear function in space, but with all negativities set-to- zero. Our new scheme always conserves the zeroth and linear spatial moments of the transport equation. For these reasons, we call our method the consistent set-to-zero (CSZ) scheme. CSZ can be thought of as a nonlinear modification of the LD scheme. When the LD solution is everywhere positive within a cell, psi csz = psi LD. If psi LD < 0 somewhere within a cell, psi csz is a linear function psi csz with all negativities set to zero. Applying CSZ to the transport moment equations creates a nonlinear system of equations which is solved to obtain a non-negative solution that preserves the moments of the transport equation. These properties make CSZ unique; it encompasses the desirable properties of both strictly positive nonlinear solution representations and ad-hoc fixups. Our test problems indicate that CSZ avoids the slow spatial convergence properties of past inherently positive solutions representations, is more accurate than ad-hoc fixups, and does not require significantly more computational work to solve a problem than using an ad-hoc fixup. Overall, CSZ is easy to implement and a valuable addition to existing transport codes, particularly for shielding applications. CSZ is presented here in slab and rect- angular geometries, but is readily extensible to three-dimensional Cartesian (brick) geometries. To be applicable to other simulations, particularly radiative transfer, additional research will need to be conducted, focusing on the diffusion limit in multi-dimension geometries and solution acceleration techniques.

Shape Optimization Of An Excavator Boom By Using Genetic Algorithm

Uzer, Cevdet Can 01 June 2008 (has links) (PDF)
This study concerns with the automated structural optimization of an excavator boom. The need for this work arises due to the fact that the preparation of the CAD model, performing finite element analysis and model data evaluation are time consuming processes and require experienced man power. The previously developed software OptiBOOM, which generates a CAD model using a finite set of parameters and then performs a finite element analysis by using a commercial program has been modified. The model parameter generation, model creation, analysis data collection and data evaluation phases are done by the Python and Delphi based computer codes. A global heuristic search strategy such as genetic algorithm is chosen to search different boom models and select an optimum.

Finite Element Study On Local Buckling And Energy Dissipation Of Seismic Bracing

Kusyilmaz, Ahmet 01 July 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Seismic provisions for steel buildings present limiting width-thickness and slenderness ratios for bracing members. Most of these limits were established based on experimental observations. The number of experimental studies is limited due to the costs associated with them. With the rapid increase in computing power / however, it is now possible to conduct finite element simulation of brace components using personal computers. A finite element study has been undertaken to evaluate the aforementioned limits for pin-ended pipe section steel braces. Fifty four tubular pipe brace models possessing different diameter-to-thickness ratios varying from 5 to 30 and slenderness ratios varying from 40 to 200 were analyzed. The effect of cyclic hardening modulus on the response of braces was explored. In all analysis, the models were subjected to reversed cyclic displacements up to ten times the yield displacement. Local buckling was traced during the loading history using a criterion based on local strains. Results are presented in terms of the ductility level attained by the member at the onset of local buckling. It is shown that local buckling of the section is influenced by the diameter-to-thickness and the slenderness ratios of the member. Moreover, the amount of hardening modulus was found to affect the local buckling response significantly. The need to include this material property into seismic provisions is demonstrated. Finally, the hysteretic energy dissipated by the member was quantified for each displacement excursion.

Identification Of Soft Tissue Mechanical Material Model And Corresponding Parameters From In Vivo Experimental Data By Using Inverse Finite Element Method

Usu, Kerem 01 September 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this thesis is to search for the best material model for soft biological tissues in general. Different sections of human body exhibit different responses like stress relaxation, creep, hysteresis and preconditioning to external loading conditions. These body sections can be assumed as viscoelastic, poroelastic or pseudoelastic. After making the choice of the material model from one of these for the current study, the finite element model and the material code to be used with this model have been created. The material code has also been tried on a simple finite element model before implementing to the real model to prove the fact that it is working properly. Then, the constants in the code which simulates the in vivo experimental data that was obtained by indenting the elliptic indenter tip into the forearm, medial part as close as possible, have been derived by inverse finite element method. Consequently, the characteristic behaviors of the soft tissue could be simulated. Despite the big size of the finite element model and very long submission times (up to one day for preconditioning simulation), relaxation and creep behaviors could be simulated with the maximum normalized sum of square errors of 0.74 % and 0.43 %, respectively. The number of square errors for the hysteresis and preconditioning behaviors appeared as 2.56 % and 3.89 % which are also acceptable values. These values prove that these material models are well suited for the simulation of the behavior of soft biological tissues. By using different experimental data obtained from other sections of human body, simulation of the behavior of different soft tissues can be achieved by using these material models.

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