Spelling suggestions: "subject:"blishes -- aprocessing"" "subject:"blishes -- eprocessing""
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Monte Carlo random walk simulation as a complement to experimental and theoretical approaches : application to mass transfer in fish muscle tissueAlmonacid-Merino, Sergio Felipe 15 July 2005 (has links)
Mass transfer processes in food systems, such as solute infusion, are poorly understood
because of their complex nature. Food systems contain porous matrices and a variety of
continuous phases within cellular tissues. Mass transfer processes are generally not pure
diffusion: often convection, binding and obstructing diffusion will occur. Monte Carlo
(MC) simulation has been increasingly used in life science and engineering to elucidate
molecular transport in biological systems. However, there are few articles available
discussing MC simulation in food processing, especially mass transfer. The main goal of
this study was to show the inherent simplicity of the MC approach and its potential when
combined with traditional experimental and theoretical approaches to better describe and
understand mass transfer processes. A basic framework for MC random walk -
simulation applied to a diffusion problem - is developed in this project. Infusion of two
sizes of dextran macromolecules in fish muscle cells is used to apply the MC framework
in combination with Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching experiments. Effective
diffusivity coefficients within cells, considering the degree of obstruction due to the
myofibrilar matrix, are assessed. Then, the results are used as input in a mathematical
model that was developed for theoretical simulation of mass transfer in the multi-cellular
tissue. Diffusivity values obtained by the MC framework had an SD of ±0.02 [µm²/s]
around the true value of 0.25 [µm²/s]. MC results for degree of obstruction were 0.29 and
0.34 for dextran FD1OS and FD2OS, respectively, and the Devalues were 23.7 and 11.2
[µm2/s]. The statistical error in the estimation of D was estimated to be [22.8-24.6] and
[9.7-12.7] (95% CI), where average experimental values of 24.3 [µm²/s] for FD1OS and
11.4 [µm²/s] for FD2OS were captured by the respective interval. The theoretical model
showed a significant influence of the cell membrane characteristics and tissue porosity in
both the degree of solute penetration and the solute distribution between intra- and extra-cellular
space. The combined approach was successfully applied to a diffusion problem.
Overall, it is expected that the present work will contribute towards the application of
MC simulation in the field of Food Science and Engineering. / Graduation date: 2006
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Development of value-added products using the neck flesh of Cape Hake (Merluccius Capensis)Van der Merwe, Marla 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc Food Sc )--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The focus of this study was the development of food products produced from the neck flesh of Cape hake (Merluccius
capensis) as a means of adding value to hake heads. The product prototypes that have been developed include curried fish
chowder (packaged in stand-up pouches), fish spread (packaged in plastic casings) and Chakalaka hake (packaged in both
cans and retortabie pouches). A formula for fish stock, which was used as a base ingredient in the three product prototypes,
has also been standardised. Shelf life testing was regarded an essential part of the development processes for the
refrigerated product prototypes i.e. the curried fish chowder and the fish spread. Shelf life determinations involved
microbiological testing based on set microbiological standards as well as sensory monitoring and pH testing. Proximate
chemical- and mineral analyses were performed on freeze-dried samples of the developed product prototypes.
The efficiency of the antimicrobial peptides enterocin 1071 A and 1071 B, as biological preservatives, versus that of
conventional artificial preservatives was evaluated in the fish spread prototype. Three batches of fish spread were prepared:
one containing the enterocin crude extract; the second a combination of sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate, while the
third batch containing no preservatives served as the control. Microbiological- and histamine tests coupled with
organoleptic monitoring and pH testing were carried out over a 21-day period. It was concluded that although enterocins
1071A and 1071B had some preserving effect in the fish spread, the artificial preservative combination was the superior
preserving agent. However, neither the biological preservatives nor the artificial preservative combination succeeded in
providing a satisfactory shelf life. The preserving agents used in this study were however not necessarily included at
optimum levels and higher levels could possibly lead to an improved shelf life.
The influence of two processing temperatures [121°C (249.8°F) and 116°C (240.8°F)] and two food container types
(retortable pouch and can) on the sensory quality characteristics of the Chakalaka hake-prototype was investigated. The
results indicated that the shorter processing time obtained with a higher processing temperature resulted in a product of
better sensory quality. The sensory quality characteristics of Chakalaka hake processed in cans at 121°C were closest to
that considered desirable for the product. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die fokus van hierdie studie was die ontwikkeling van voedselprodukte geproduseer uit die nekvleis van stokvis
(Merluccius capensis) met die doeI om waarde by stokviskoppe te voeg. Die volgende produk-prototipes is ontwikkel: 'n
dik vissop met 'n kerriegeur (verpak in regopstaande sakkies), 'n vissmeer (verpak in plastiekomhulsels) en Chakalaka hake
(verpak beide in blikkies en retortbestande sakkies). 'n Formule vir visaftreksel, wat as 'n basis-bestanddeel in die drie
produk-prototipes gebruik is, is ook gestandaardiseer. Rakleeftydstudies het 'n belangrike deel van die
ontwikkelingsprosesse van die verkoelde produk-prototipes, d.i. die dik vissop en die vissmeer, uitgemaak,
Rakleeftydbepalings het mikrobiologiese toetsing, gebaseer op vasgestelde mikrobiologiese standaarde, sowel as die
monitor van sensoriese eienskappe en pH metings behels. Proksimale chemiese- en mineraal analises is uitgevoer op
gevriesdroogde monsters van die ontwikkelde produk-prototipes.
Die effektiwiteit van die antimikrobiese peptiede enterosien 1071 A en 1071 B, as biologiese preserveermiddels, is ondersoek
in vergelyking met dit van konvensionele kunsmatige preserveermiddels in die vissmeer-prototipe. Drie mengsels vissmeer
is berei waarvan die eerste enterosien kru-ekstrak bevat het; die tweede 'n kombinasie van natrium bensoaat en kalium
sorbaat, terwyl 'n derde mengsel geen preserveermiddels bevat het nie en gedien het as kontrole. Mikrobiologiese- en
histamien toetse is gelyklopend met organoleptiese monitering en pH metings oor 'n tydperk van 21 dae op monsters van
die drie vissmeermengsels uitgevoer. Die ondersoek het getoon dat enterosien 1071 A en 1071 B wel 'n mate van
bederfwering in die vissmeer meegebring het, maar dat die kunsmatige preserveermiddelkombinasie 'n beter
preserveringseffek gehad het in die produk. Nie die biologiese preserveermiddels óf die kunsmatige preserveermiddelkombinasie
kon 'n bevredigende rakleeftyd teweegbring nie. Die preserveermiddels in hierdie studie is egter nie
noodwendig in optimale hoeveelhede gebruik nie en hoër vlakke kan moontlik tot 'n verbeterde rakleeftyd lei.
Die effek van twee prosesseringstemperature [121 °C (249.8°F) en 116°C (240.8°F)], sowel as twee verpakkingstipes
(retortbestande sakkie en blik), op die sensoriese kwaliteitseienskappe van die 'Chakalaka hake' -prototipe is ondersoek.
Die resultate het aangedui dat die korter prosesseringstyd verkry met 'n hoër prosesseringstemperatuur, gelei het tot 'n
produk van beter sensoriese gehalte. Die sensoriese kwaliteitseienskappe van 'Chakalaka hake' geprosesseer in blikke by
121°C was die naaste aan dit wat beskou word as gewens vir die produk.
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Categorisation and chemical composition of Cape hake (Merluccius ssp.) wasteRoelf, Craig Ashley 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Cape hake (Merluccius capensis and M. paradoxus) is commercially the most
important trawl-caught fish off the South African, coastline and due to current
intensive fish processing procedures Cape hake contributes the most to the total fishwaste
production. Besides its commercial importance fish is also regarded as one of
the single most important consumable natural resources, either in the raw or frozen
form. Most of South Africa's commercially trawled demersal fish has already been
partially cleaned (i.e. headed and gutted) before landing with non-marketable bycatch
and hake-waste normally disposed of as discards, resulting in a waste of a potential
protein source.
This study was thus aimed at fulfilling several objectives namely: observing the
current large-scale commercial Cape hake harvesting procedure; constructing
prediction models for several morphological parameters (whole hake mass, headed &
gutted hake mass, hake head mass, hake head length, hake head breadth and hake
head height) of Cape hake (Merluccius ssp.), using whole hake length as the
independent variable; and determining the chemical composition (moisture, protein,
fat, ash, macro and trace elements) of several hake head sections (clean head, neck
flesh, tongue, tongue cartilage, jaw, gills, heart, intestines, gut, kidney, kidney &
kidney bone and gut & gall); determining the effect that storage has on the fatty acid
profile of both the clean head and neck flesh sections. The results obtained would
supply necessary data required for techno-economic investigations in the use of hake
For each of the six prediction models constructed, there was an increase in the
variance of the data points of categories 3 (64-80 cm) and 4 (>80 cm) as opposed to
categories 1 (30-46 cm) and 2 (47-63 cm). This could be attributed to a smaller
sample set for both categories 3 and 4 or due to an expected increase in the variance
when investigating larger biological samples. There was also a clustering of data in
the three areas for each prediction model namely, within category 1 and across
categories 2 and 3 and 3 and 4. This emphasised the latitudinal stratification of the
Cape hake population by age, hence their stratification by size. The prediction
models constructed for both boat trips 2 and 3 differed significantly (p<0.01) from that of boat trip 1, with the exception of the hake head length (cm) prediction model. The
constructed prediction models, for each of the three respective boat trips, showed
good predictive abilities as was indicated by the low Mean Square Error (MSE) values
for the test sets, and high Pearson's correlation coefficient (r) values. These
prediction models can be used in the fishing industry with confidence for Cape hake
within the time frame each respective boat trip was carried out.
The neck flesh could be regarded as the most important concerning chemical
composition whereas the jaw could be seen as the most important when one
considers mineral content. This therefore means that the jaw section, once
appropriately processed is a potential Ca, Na and Fe source for supplementing diets
of people suffering from a Ca, Na or Fe deficient diet. With regard to chemical status
the neck flesh section is seen as a good potential source of both protein and fat,
which could be attributed to the fact that hake muscle constitutes a major portion of
this section. This section could thus be used to supplement the protein and fat of an
existing food product, which is protein and fat deficient for people suffering from a
protein and fat deficient diet.
Similarly, a market could be created for the production of an economical food
product with the neck flesh section being the main ingredient. Once this have been
accomplished, fishing vessels may be persuaded to retain their Cape hake fish-waste
for further processing due to the value of the prepared food products and thereby
maintain profitability while abiding to governmental law.
In conclusion non-government scientists should have more input in the
decision-making process concerning matters affecting South Africa's marine
biodiversity in order for future key policy and legislation drafts to be effective.
Improvement of current fish preservation techniques and the known chemical
composition of currently discarded material will result in informed decisions of future
matters concerning its disposal. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Kaapse stokvis (Merluccius capensis en M. paradoxus) is kommersieel Suid-Afrika se
belangrikste vis spesie. Aangesien die Suid-Afrikaanse visprosesseringsbedryf baie
intensief is, dra die Kaapse stokvis verwerkingsindustrie die grootste gedeelte by tot
die totale visafval produksie. Die meeste van Suid-Afrika se visvangste word
gedeeltelik skoongemaak voor landing terwyl nie-kommersiële byvangste en visafval
gewoonlik oorboord gegooi word tydens die vangproses. Dit lei tot die vermorsing
van 'n potensïele proteïen bron.
Hierdie studie was dus gemik om: die huidige grootskaalse kommersiële
Kaapse stokvis visvangsproses waar te neem; voorspellingsmodelle vir verskeie
morfologiese parameters (heel vis massa, vis massa sonder kop en binnedele,
stokvis kop massa, stokvis kop lengte, stokvis kop breedte en stokvis kop hoogte) vir
Kaapse stokvis (Merluccius ssp.) te ontwikkel deur die hele lengte van die vis te
gebruik as die onafhanklike veranderlike; die chemiese samestelling (vog, proteïen,
vet, as, makro en spoor elemente) van verskillende dele van die viskop (skoonkop,
nekweefsel, tong, tong kraakbeen, kaak, kiewe, hart, ingewand, derm, nier, nier &
nierbeen en derm & gal); sowel as die effek van opberging op die vetsuurprofiel van
beide die skoonkop en nekweefsel dele van die Kaapse stokvis kop. Hierdie resultate
sal dan gebruik word vir die tegnies-ekonomies ondersoek in die gebruik van Kaapse
stokvis koppe.
Vir elk van die ses voorspellingsmodelle ontwikkel, was daar 'n vermeerdering
in die variansie van die datapunte vir kategorieë 3 (64-80 cm) en 4 (>80 cm) teenoor
kategorieë 1 (30-46 cm) en 2 (47-63 cm). Dit kan moontlik wees as gevolg van die
kleiner monster trekking vir beide kategorieë 3 en 4 of as gevolg van verwagte
toename in variansie wanneer groter biologiese monsters ondersoek word. Daar was
ook 'n groepering van data in drie plekke vir elke voorspellingsmodel naamlik; binne
in kategorieë 1 en oor kategorieë 2 en 3 en 3 en 4. Dit beklemtoon die geografiese
breedte van die Kaapse stokvis populasie op grond van ouderdom, en dus die
geografiese breedte op grond van grootte. Die voorspellingsmodelle ontwikkel vir
beide die tweede en derde bootvangs het betekenisvol verskil (p<0.01) van die eerste
bootvangs, behalwe die vir die stokvis kop lengte (cm) voorspellingsmodel. Die voorspellingsmodelle vir elk van die bootvangste het goeie voorspellingsvermoë
getoon wat bewys is deur die lae Gemiddelde Kwadraat Fout waardes vir toetsgroepe
en hoë Pearson's korrelasie koeffisiënt (r) waardes. Hierdie voorspellingsmodelle wat
ontwikkel is, kan dus met vertroue in die Kaapse stokvis visvangsbedryf gebruik word
mits dit ooreenstem met die periode waarin elke bootvangs uitgevoer was.
Die nekweefsel gedeelte is die mees belangrikste met betrekking tot chemiese
samestelling en die kaak die belangrikste in terme van minerale samestelling van die
verskeie viskop dele. Die kaak is dus, as dit voldoende geprosesseer word, 'n goeie
potensïele bron van Ca, Na en Fe en kan dus gebruik word om die dieet van mense
wat 'n gebrek het aan hierdie minerale aan te vul. Met betrekking tot die chemiese
samestelling van die nekweefsel gedeelte kan dit beskou word as 'n goeie potensiële
bron van beide proteïen en vet, wat toegeskryf kan word aan die feit dat spierweefsel
'n groot deel uitmaak van hierdie viskop gedeelte. Hierdie viskop gedeelte sal dus
uitstekend wees om die proteïen- en vetinhoud van 'n voedselproduk wat van nature
'n lae proteïen- en vetinhoud het te verhoog en hierdie produk sou dan geteiken word
op daardie gedeelte van die gemeenskap wat 'n proteïen en vet tekort in hul dieet
As dit eers alles in plek is, dan sal die visvangs bedryf hul Kaapse stokvis afval
behou vir verdere prosessering deurdat dit gebruik word om die voedingsinhoud van
bestaande voedsel soorte sal verbeter en terselfdertyd sal hulle aan wetgewing
voldoen. Gevolglik sal nie-regerings navorsers meer betrokke moet wees by die
besluitnemingsproses met betrekking tot sake wat die Suid-Afrikaanse mariene lewe
affekteer en wat toekomstige wetgewing meer effektief sal maak. Die verbetering van
huidige vis preserveringstegnieke gepaardgaande met die kennis van die chemiese
samestelling van die Kaapse stokvis koppe sal lei na beter toekomstige besluite oor
die afset daarvan.
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