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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The stability analysis of the helical hydromagnetic waves in the tail magnetopause (Magnetopause)

Zhan, Jie January 1989 (has links)
The interaction between the solar wind and a rotating planet causes the field lines in the planetary magnetotail to twist into a helix. Using a simplified magnetotail model, we examine hydromagnetic waves propagating down the magnetopause for such a field configuration and derive the dispersion relation of the waves. It turns out that only under certain special circumstances can the hydromagnetic waves be stable. In a thin magnetopause boundary layer, the helical wave is found to be always stable and its wave frequency depends weakly on the plasma and the field within the layer. The current system of the boundary layer is found to be modulated by the wave and the modulation is proportional to the velocity perturbation of the plasma. The wave influence on the spiral angle is examined briefly for some special cases for which we find the variation of the angle increases monotonically with increasing radial distance.

The solar wind interaction with the Martian ionosphere: Extension of the Venus steady state Flow/Field model

Hurley, Dana Meredith January 1996 (has links)
A model is constructed to describe the magnetic field, the global current system, the electric field and the potential in the solar wind interaction with Mars assuming that Mars has no intrinsic magnetic field. It, therefore, incorporates the physics learned from the Pioneer Venus Orbiter, which observed the interaction of Venus, an unmagnetized planet, with the solar wind for 14 years. Integrating recent knowledge of the global current system at Venus (Law 1995) into the Flow/Field model of Cloutier et al (1987) and expanding the model to represent three dimensions, we adapt the Flow/Field model for application to Mars. We investigate the 3-D current system to learn the physics of the interaction. Then, the model is applied to test simple geometries in order to validate it. Future applications are discussed.

Numerical simulation of the Jovian torus-driven plasma transport

Yang, Yong-Shiang January 1992 (has links)
The Rice Convection Model has been modified and applied to the study of the Jovian magnetospheric system, which is interchange unstable. The basic interchange instability of the Io plasma torus is opposed by pressure gradients in the energetic particles outside the torus. Many simulations have been performed for cases where the overall system is inter-change unstable under the ideal-MHD assumption E + v $\times$ B = 0. For such cases, the torus breaks up predominantly into long fingers unless the initial condition strongly favors some other mode. The ends of the fingers tend to be rounded, and they are connected to the main torus by tails that thin rapidly with time if the torus runs out of plasma. Our calculations place an upper limit of $\sim$1R$\sb{\rm J}$ on the average distance between fingers. For an initially asymmetric large-scale torus, fingers generally form on a time scale shorter than the one on which the heavy side of the torus falls outwards. However, the fingers form predominantly on the heavy side. Galileo may observe such finger features outside the Io torus, at L $\approx$ 7 to 15. Additionally, in this thesis, drift-wave theory has been used to investigate the effect of energetic (KeV or MeV) particles on the Io torus plasma transport. It is shown that the MHD stability criterion, where the interchange motion would be completely stabilized if the energy density of the hot stabilizing plasma is greater than or dual to 3/4 of that of the cold unstable plasma, no longer holds owing to the gradient/curvature drift of the energetic particles. This differential-drift effect, which is a departure from the ideal-MHD and frozen-in flux, may play a significant role in plasma transport in the Jovian magnetosphere.

Electrodynamics of the low-latitude ionosphere

Riley, Peter January 1994 (has links)
We have undertaken a study of the low and mid latitude ionospheric electric field pattern, during both magnetospherically quiet and active periods. Our analysis can be conveniently split into two parts. i.In an effort to study the penetration of magnetospheric electric fields to low latitudes, we have compared Jicamarca F-region vertical drifts for 10 radar-observation periods with the auroral boundary index (ABI). The ABI is the latitude of the equatorward edge of the diffuse aurora at local midnight, as estimated from precipitating-electron fluxes measured from DMSP spacecraft. The periods occurred in the interval January 1984 to June 1991 inclusive and each lasted between 2 and 5 days. We focus on periods that occurred in September 1986, March 1990, and June 1991. In the post-midnight sector, where we expect the penetration to be strongest, we found many examples of correlation; specifically, associated with an ionospheric updraft (implying an eastward electric field) is a strong poleward motion of the auroral boundary. However, we also found a significant number of cases where there was little or no correlation. We conclude that there is only mediocre agreement between the observed Sudden Postmidnight Ionospheric Events (SPIEs) and the ABI. These SPIEs have also been compared with other magnetospheric parameters, namely $D\sb{\rm st}$ IMF $B\sb{z}$ and the polar cap potential. $D\sb{\rm st}$ showed significantly better correlation with the SPIEs. We summarize the proposed models for SPIEs and compare their predictions with the data, concluding that no single model can account for all events. While it is clear that some of these SPIEs can be explained in terms of direct penetration of magnetospheric electric fields, we suggest that the remainder may be due to magnetospherically-generated neutral wind effects. ii. We have constructed a model of the low- and mid-latitude potential distribution, applicable for both quiet and active times. We use the Mass-Spectrometer-Incoherent-Scatter (MSIS) model to input the number densities and temperature of the neutral species, and the International reference Ionosphere (IRI) model to input the electron/ion densities and temperatures. As our wind input we use the Horizontal Wind Model (HWM). We find that our model can reproduce the all of the main features of the low latitude ionosphere during quiet times, and supports some of our ideas about magnetospheric penetration during active periods. We use the model to probe the dependency of the low latitude penetration pattern on solar conditions and season and found that the inferred equatorial drifts are relatively insensitive to either. Thus we conclude that ionospheric pre-conditioning is unlikely to play a significant role. On the other hand, the low latitude penetration pattern is strongly dependent on the assumed poleward boundary.

The formation of the Venus ionopause: Interaction between the mantle region and the solar wind

Matney, Mark John January 1990 (has links)
The solar wind interacts with the non-magnetic planet Venus by processes within the mantle region, located between the upstream shock and the ionosphere. In this region exospheric neutral atoms from Venus interact with electrons and ions in the moving plasma and modify its flow, resulting in a region of sharp ion density gradients at the boundary between the ionosphere and the mantle called the ionopause. The effect of mass-loading may be simulated by modifying the mass, momentum, and energy conservation equations to include source and loss terms and electromagnetic forces. Using the assumption that the plasma behaves like a fluid, we construct a model to simplify the physics in the mantle. With this model it is possible to generate an oxygen "ledge" in the ion density similar to the observed ionopause. The calculations also show an enhancement in the magnetic field strength above the ionopause as that observed at Venus.

Model of Venus ionopause formation

Matney, Mark John January 1992 (has links)
A model is presented that simulates the physics of the Venus mantle plasma. A modified magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) fluid picture is assumed where the post-shock solar wind plasma is mass-loaded by photoionizations and other atomic interactions with exospheric neutral atoms. By assuming Newtonian pressure profiles and draped magnetic field geometry in the mantle, the three-dimensional steady-state flow problem is reduced to a one-dimensional calculation along the stagnation (subsolar) flowline. In addition, the validity of the model assumptions and questions about the plasma thermodynamics are addressed. When the resulting model is run using various solar wind conditions, the computed magnetic field features correspond with those measured by the Pioneer Venus spacecraft. The model reproduces the observed region of sharp ion density gradients, known as the ionopause, that separates the mantle plasma from the denser ionospheric plasma below. The straightforward application of the model reproduces the shape and location of the low-altitude ionopause cases well, but for solar wind conditions that correlate with high-altitude ionopauses, the computed ionopauses tend to be lower than those observed. The addition of anomalous heating terms to the model, however, raises the computed ionopause to locations consistent with the medium altitude cases. The inability of the model to adequately describe the high altitude cases may indicate that they are transient events and thus cannot be simulated in steady state. While the source of the anomalous heating is not specified, the presence of hyperthermal ions or plasma-wave interactions are suggested as possible heating mechanisms.

Model of superthermal ions in the postshock flow field at Venus

Kramer, Leonard January 1992 (has links)
The role of the superthermal ions in the dayside postshock ionospheric flow field at Venus is investigated in a 2-D model by integrating the equation of motion of a superthermal population of O$\sp+$ test particles and statistically examining their contribution to the altitude variation of number density and horizontal current distribution. The model reveals superthermal ions $\vec {\rm E} \times \vec {\rm B}$ drifting downward and gradient drifting horizontally with attendant currents. Regions of "wrapped up" plasma known as fluxropes and identified previously as resulting from Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in the ionosphere are found to significantly scatter ions and limit the horizontal currents. Monte-Carlo simulation of charge exchange and subsequent neutral-on-neutral collision processes produce a substantial vertical flux of ballistic neutrals with hyperbolic trajectories possibly representing a heretofore unrecognized atmospheric loss mechanism at Venus. Modeled altitude profiles of superthermal density superficially agree with empirical analysis by Stewart (1991) for a "missing" pressure term in the momentum balance requirements. (Abstract shortened with permission of author.)

Calibration of the Rice magnetospheric specification and forecast model for the inner magnetosphere

Lambour, Richard Lee January 1994 (has links)
A quantitative comparison has been made between observed low-energy ($\sim$1 keV $-$ 30 keV) particle fluxes in the inner magnetosphere (r $<$ 6.6 Earth radii) and those calculated by the Rice Magnetospheric Specification and Forecast Model (MSFM). The MSFM, which was delivered on February 28, 1994, is an operational computer model of the terrestrial magnetospheric environment which is designed to facilitate US Air Force spacecraft operations. The model will be used as a diagnostic tool for spacecraft charging and other anomalies in a real time operational setting as well in post-event analysis. The MSFM specifies electron and ion (H$\sp+$ and O$\sp+$) fluxes of energies between 100 eV and 100 keV in the distance range of 2-10 R$\sb{\rm E}$ on a two-dimensional grid. Comparison of CRRES observations from the August 26-27, 1990 magnetic storm with output from the progenitor of the MSFM, the Magnetospheric Specification Model (MSM), showed that the modeled electron fluxes were being depleted by the MSM loss algorithm before they could convect into the inner magnetosphere, thus creating an unacceptably large discrepancy between the output and the data. Based on the CRRES observations, adjustments were made to the loss algorithm which greatly enhanced the accuracy of the modeled fluxes in the inner magnetosphere, and these adjustments were incorporated into the MSFM. The MSFM was then subjected to an extensive test program in which the model was run for six unique magnetic storm intervals, and the accuracy of the modeled electron and ion fluxes at geosynchronous orbit and in the inner magnetosphere were quantified by calculation of standard deviations (RMS errors) between the extensive set of observational data assembled for each interval, and the model output. Overall, the accuracy of the MSFM electron and ion fluxes in the inner magnetosphere is quite good; the model moves roughly the right number of particles to roughly the right location. However, due to a fundamental lack of knowledge about the low-energy plasma environment in the inner magnetosphere, some inadequacies still exist in the MSFM loss algorithm which should be corrected when feasible to further improve its accuracy.

A model for plasma transport in a corotation-dominated magnetosphere

Pontius, Duane Henry, Jr January 1988 (has links)
The gross structures of the magnetospheres of the outer planets are decided by processes quite different from those predominant in that of the earth. The terrestrial plasmapause, the boundary beyond which plasma motion is principally determined by magnetospheric interaction with the solar wind, is typically inside geosynchronous orbit. Within the plasmasphere, rotational effects are present, but gravity exceeds the centrifugal force of corotation. In contrast, the Jovian plasmasphere extends to a distance at least twenty times farther than synchronous orbit, affording a large region where rotational effects are expected to he clearly manifest (Brice and Ioannidis, 1970). The goal of this thesis is to develop an appropriate theoretical model for treating the problem of plasma transport in a corotation dominated plasmasphere. The model presented here is intended to describe the radial transport of relatively cold plasma having an azimuthally uniform distribution in a dipolar magnetic field. The approach is conceptually similar to that of the radial diffusion model in that small scale motions are examined to infer global consequences, but the physical understanding of those small scale motions is quite different. In particular, discrete flux tubes of small cross section are assumed to move over distances large compared to their widths. The present model also differs from the corotating convection model by introducing a mechanism whereby the conservation of flux tube content along flowlines is violated. However, it is quite possible that a global convection pattern co-exists with the motions described here, leading to longitudinal asymmetries in the plasma distribution.

Mapping magnetic flux tubes and field aligned currents using two representative magnetospheric models

Ding, Cheng January 1993 (has links)
Among available quantitative magnetospheric models, the Tsyganenko models represent empirical modeling, while the Toffoletto and Hill model is theoretical analysis. By mapping flux tubes between the ionosphere and the magnetosphere, those two models are analyzed and compared. Both the implied and actual field-aligned currents (FAC) are calculated in both models. The implied FAC, required to maintain the model field in magnetostatic equilibrium and given by the Vasyliunas equation, has the same order of magnitude as observational data, even in non-equilibrium models. The actual FAC, given by Ampere's law, is much smaller than the implied FAC, which means no large extraneous FAC is included in those models. Several new approaches imply that none of these models are in magnetostatic equilibrium, while the discrepancies are considerably larger for the Tsyganenko models. The magnetic effects of a preliminary FAC model have been evaluated in the Toffoletto and Hill theoretical model.

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