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Fluid-induced alteration of metasedimentary rocks in the Scottish HighlandsLewerentz, Alexander January 2017 (has links)
Fluids, mainly H2O and CO2, are released from H- and C-bearing phases during prograde metamorphism. Because of the buoyancy of these fluids, they rise within the crust towards the surface of the Earth. Metamorphic fluids take advantage of permeable horizons, shear zones, fold hinges, fractures, and are channelled into high-flux zones. Fluid fluxes for channelized fluid flow may exceed background pervasive fluxes by several orders of magnitude. Metamorphic fluids react with the surrounding rock during fluid flow, and altered zones are commonly observed adjacent to high-flux conduits. Fluid-altered rock is texturally, mineralogically, chemically, and isotopically different from rock unaffected by fluid flow. In this thesis, fluid-rock interaction is studied at two localities in the Scottish Highlands: Glen Esk and the Isle of Islay. Glen Esk is one of the type localities used by George Barrow (1853-1932) to propose the concept of metamorphic zones and metamorphic index minerals as an approximate determination of metamorphic grade. In several of the metamorphic zones in Glen Esk, index mineral distribution is highly dependent on proximity to veins. The occurrence of index minerals is therefore not only controlled by pressure and temperature, but also by the availability of metamorphic fluids. Evidence of a retrograde fluid flow event from the North Esk Fault is observed in Glen Esk, for which a time-averaged fluid flux of 0.0003 – 0.0126 m3∙m-2∙yr-1 is calculated. The duration of the fluid event is estimated to between 16 and 334 kyr. On the Isle of Islay, kyanite is observed in rocks of chlorite or lower-biotite metamorphic grade, i.e. much lower temperatures than usually associated with kyanite formation. The favoured explanation for this is retrograde infiltration of extremely high-CO2 fluids, at least locally XCO2 > 0.7, at ~340°C, which altered these rocks and stabilised kyanite in a carbonate-bearing assemblage. Oxygen and carbon stable isotope profiles across the Islay Anticline reveals highly channelized fluid flow along the axial region of this fold, with fluid:rock ratios at least four times higher than in rock farther away from the fold. Although carbon and oxygen isotope ratios of metacarbonate rocks were altered along the Islay Anticline, negative anomalies observed below and above the Port Askaig Tillite Formation cannot solely be attributed to metamorphic fluid flow, which implies that these rocks to varying degree retain their primary paleoclimatological isotopic signatures. / Stora volymer H2O och CO2 frigörs som fluider under prograd metamorfos. Metamorfa fluider har lägre densitet än det omgivande berget, varför de stiger genom jordskorpan mot jordytan. Metamorfa fluider kanaliseras i permabla lager, skjuvzoner, veckaxlar, sprickor och andra högflödeszoner. Kanaliserade fluidflöden kan vara flera storleksordningar högre än bakgrundsvärdet för fluidflöde inom en bergart. Metamorfa fluider reagerar under transport med det omgivande berget och bildar fluidomvandlade zoner i anslutning till högflödeskanaler. Fluidomvandlat berg uppvisar texturella, mineralogiska, kemiska och isotopsammansättningsmässiga skillnader i jämförelse med berg som inte utsatts för fluidomvandling. I denna avhandling behandlas reaktioner mellan fluid och berg som studerats i två lokaler i de skotska högländerna: Glen Esk och Islay. Glen Esk är en av de typlokaler som George Barrow (1853-1932) använde för att lägga fram konceptet om metamorfa zoner och metamorfa indexmineral som används för att ungefärligt uppskatta metamorf grad. I flera av de metamorfa zonerna är förekomsten av indexmineral i hög grad beroende av närhet till kvartsådror, vilket visar att bildandet av indexmineral inte bara styrs av tryck och temperatur, utan också av åtkomst till metamorfa fluider. I Glen Esk finns också spår av ett fluidflöde från North Esk-förkastningen, under retrograda metamorfa förhållanden, för vilket mededfluidflödet över tid uppgår till 0.0003 – 0.0126 m3∙m-2∙år-1. Denna fluidflödeshändelse beräknas ha pågått mellan 16 000 och 334 000 år. På ön Islay i de sydvästra högländerna återfinns bergarter, som trots sin låga metamorfa grad i klorit- eller biotitzonen innehåller mineralet kyanit, dvs. temperaturer långt under vad som vanligen associeras med kyanitbildning. Detta förklaras med infiltration av fluider med extremt hög CO2-halt, åtminstone lokalt så högt som XCO2 > 0.7, vid ca. 340°C. Fluidomvandling av dessa bergarter stabiliserade kyanit tillsammans med karbonatmineral. Syre- och kolisotopprofiler över Islayantiklinen påvisar hög kanalisering av fluider längs dess veckaxeln. Förhållandet mellan fluid och berg var mer än fyra gånger så högt i närheten av veckaxeln jämfört lokaler längre ifrån densamma. Påverkan av metakarbonatbergarters isotopförhållanden har skett längs Islayantiklinen, men fluidpåverkan kan inte ensamt förklara de isotopanomalier som observerats under och ovan Port Askaig-tilliten, varför dessa bergarter kan ha bibehållit sin primära paleoklimatologiska isotopsignatur. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 2: Submitted. Paper 3: Manuscript.</p>
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Bases moleculares da absorção de nutrientes, tamponamento e fluxos de fluídos no intestino médio de Musca domestica / Molecular bases of nutrient absorption, buffering and fluid fluxes in the midgut of Musca domesticaBarroso, Ignacio Granja 27 March 2019 (has links)
O intestino dos insetos representa uma interface pouco protegida dos agentes externos. A identificação dos mecanismos moleculares envolvidos nos processos fisiológico-digestivos permite encontrar alvos potenciais para o controle de insetos. As moléculas envolvidas na absorção de nutrientes, tamponamento e geração de fluxos de água no intestino médio do inseto-modelo Musca domestica (Diptera Cyclorrhapha) foram identificadas. Para isso, foi feita uma análise da expressão gênica ao longo do intestino médio, a identificação e anotação de proteínas por bioinformática, a confirmação da localização apical das proteínas por análise proteômica de membranas microvilares purificadas e a determinação do papel de algumas das proteínas através de experimentos in vivo utilizando diferentes dietas, corantes e inibidores. A acidificação da região média é consequência da atividade anidrase carbônica que gera prótons que são bombeados por uma H+ V-ATPase apical acompanhados por cloreto transportado por um simporter K+Cl-. O K+ é recuperado por um canal de K+ e a homeostase dos cátions mantida pela Na+/K+-ATPase basolateral. O bicarbonato é eliminado basolateralmente em troca por cloreto por um antiporter. A acidificação é regulada diretamente por um antiporter Na+/H+ e indiretamente por uma proteína envolvida na homeostase do cobre. O muco protetor da região média é tamponado com bicarbonato gerado por uma anidrase carbônica com âncora de GPI e transportado por um antiporter Na+HCO3-/H+Cl-. O excesso de ácido é eliminado por um antiporter Na+/H+ situado na membrana basolateral. A alcalinização da região posterior ocorre pelo transporte apical de NH3 que sequestra os prótons luminais gerando amônio, junto à remoção de prótons em simporte com aminoácidos e peptídeos. A acidificação intracelular, consequência da entrada de aminoácidos com prótons, é regulada por uma H+ V-ATPase basolateral. A geração de fluxos de água é consequência da atividade conjunta de simporters NKCC e KCC ajudados pelas aquaporinas. A inibição dos simporters com inibidores específicos mostrou que o contrafluxo de água está envolvido na reciclagem da enzima tripsina. Por último, o principal lugar de absorção nutrientes no intestino médio é a região posterior, a exceção do cobre que é absorvido na região média. / The gut of insects is a less protected interphase against external agents. The identification of the molecular mechanisms involved in physiological-digestive processes allows one to find potential targets for insect control. The molecules involved in nutrient absorption, buffering and fluid fluxes in the midgut of the insect-model M. domestica (Diptera Cyclorrhapha) were identified. For this, gene expression along the midgut was analyzed; proteins were identified and annotated by bioinformatics; apical localization of proteins was confirmed by proteomics of purified microvillar membranes; the role of proteins was confirmed by in vivo experiments using different diets, dyes and inhibitors. Middle midgut acidification occurs by the action of an apical H+ V-ATPase with protons coming from carbonic anhydrase activity accompanied by chloride transported with potassium by a K+Cl- symporter. Potassium is recovered by a potassium channel, and cation homeostasis maintained by a basolateral Na+/K+-ATPase. Acidification is directly regulated by a Na+/H+ antiporter and indirectly by a copper homeostasis protein. Mucus protecting epithelium is neutralized with bicarbonate generated by a GPI-ancored carbonic anhydrase and transported by a Na+HCO3-/H+Cl- antiporter. Intracellular acidification is avoided by a basolateral Na+/H+ antiporter. Posterior midgut alkalization occurs by the action of an apical ammonia transporter and proton amino acid (and peptide) symporters. Intracellular acid is eliminated by a basolateral H+ V-ATPase. Fluid fluxes are generated by K+Cl- and Na+Cl-Cl- symporters helped by aquaporins. Inhibition of these symporters showed that the countercurrent flux of water allows trypsin recycling. Finally, posterior midgut is the main location of nutrient absorption, except for copper which is absorbed in the middle midgut.
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