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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tecnologia, guerra e capacidades militares : sistemas robóticos e desenho de força no século XXI

Ferreira, Thiago Borne January 2017 (has links)
Nunca antes na história os seres humanos conviveram com tantos robôs. Nesse contexto, a intensificação do processo de robotização militar está intimamente relacionada à emergência da Era Digital e à digitalização das forças armadas – entendida como a utilização acelerada de TIC para o desempenho de funções militares tradicionais. Apenas nos Estados Unidos, mais de trinta sistemas estão em desenvolvimento e/ou em operação neste momento. Estima-se que o país detenha mais de vinte mil robôs capazes de operar em terra, no mar e no ar. Este trabalho dedica-se ao estudo amplo do processo de robotização das forças armadas. Mais especificamente, o trabalho busca cumprir dois objetivos principais. O primeiro está relacionado à necessidade de compreender a relação entre guerra e tecnologia na Era Digital. O segundo objetivo da tese é verificar de que forma as forças armadas lidam com a incorporação desses sistemas na atualidade. Para tanto, o trabalho utiliza um modelo desenvolvido para auxiliar no planejamento e na análise de capacidades militares conhecido como “desenho de força”. A pesquisa foi baseada, mas não está restrita, ao estudo de caso dos Estados Unidos, a partir do qual busca-se oferecer ao leitor lições derivadas da experiência estadunidense. / Humans have never lived with so many robots. In this context, the intensification of military robotization is closely related to the emergence of the Digital Age and to the digitization of the armed forces – understood as the accelerated use of ICT to perform traditional military functions. In the United States, more than thirty systems are currently under development and/or operating. It is estimated that the country has more than twenty thousand robots capable of operating on land, at sea and in the air. This work is therefore dedicated to the broad study of military robotization. More specifically, it seeks to fulfill two main objectives. The first one is related to the need to understand the relationship between war and technology in the Digital Age. The second objective of the thesis is to verify how the military has been dealing with the incorporation of such systems. In order to do so, the dissertation uses a model developed to aid in the planning and analysis of military capabilities known as “force design”. It draws from, but is not limited to, studying the case of the United States, from which the dissertation intends to derive broader lessons applicable to other contexts.

Tecnologia, guerra e capacidades militares : sistemas robóticos e desenho de força no século XXI

Ferreira, Thiago Borne January 2017 (has links)
Nunca antes na história os seres humanos conviveram com tantos robôs. Nesse contexto, a intensificação do processo de robotização militar está intimamente relacionada à emergência da Era Digital e à digitalização das forças armadas – entendida como a utilização acelerada de TIC para o desempenho de funções militares tradicionais. Apenas nos Estados Unidos, mais de trinta sistemas estão em desenvolvimento e/ou em operação neste momento. Estima-se que o país detenha mais de vinte mil robôs capazes de operar em terra, no mar e no ar. Este trabalho dedica-se ao estudo amplo do processo de robotização das forças armadas. Mais especificamente, o trabalho busca cumprir dois objetivos principais. O primeiro está relacionado à necessidade de compreender a relação entre guerra e tecnologia na Era Digital. O segundo objetivo da tese é verificar de que forma as forças armadas lidam com a incorporação desses sistemas na atualidade. Para tanto, o trabalho utiliza um modelo desenvolvido para auxiliar no planejamento e na análise de capacidades militares conhecido como “desenho de força”. A pesquisa foi baseada, mas não está restrita, ao estudo de caso dos Estados Unidos, a partir do qual busca-se oferecer ao leitor lições derivadas da experiência estadunidense. / Humans have never lived with so many robots. In this context, the intensification of military robotization is closely related to the emergence of the Digital Age and to the digitization of the armed forces – understood as the accelerated use of ICT to perform traditional military functions. In the United States, more than thirty systems are currently under development and/or operating. It is estimated that the country has more than twenty thousand robots capable of operating on land, at sea and in the air. This work is therefore dedicated to the broad study of military robotization. More specifically, it seeks to fulfill two main objectives. The first one is related to the need to understand the relationship between war and technology in the Digital Age. The second objective of the thesis is to verify how the military has been dealing with the incorporation of such systems. In order to do so, the dissertation uses a model developed to aid in the planning and analysis of military capabilities known as “force design”. It draws from, but is not limited to, studying the case of the United States, from which the dissertation intends to derive broader lessons applicable to other contexts.

Tecnologia, guerra e capacidades militares : sistemas robóticos e desenho de força no século XXI

Ferreira, Thiago Borne January 2017 (has links)
Nunca antes na história os seres humanos conviveram com tantos robôs. Nesse contexto, a intensificação do processo de robotização militar está intimamente relacionada à emergência da Era Digital e à digitalização das forças armadas – entendida como a utilização acelerada de TIC para o desempenho de funções militares tradicionais. Apenas nos Estados Unidos, mais de trinta sistemas estão em desenvolvimento e/ou em operação neste momento. Estima-se que o país detenha mais de vinte mil robôs capazes de operar em terra, no mar e no ar. Este trabalho dedica-se ao estudo amplo do processo de robotização das forças armadas. Mais especificamente, o trabalho busca cumprir dois objetivos principais. O primeiro está relacionado à necessidade de compreender a relação entre guerra e tecnologia na Era Digital. O segundo objetivo da tese é verificar de que forma as forças armadas lidam com a incorporação desses sistemas na atualidade. Para tanto, o trabalho utiliza um modelo desenvolvido para auxiliar no planejamento e na análise de capacidades militares conhecido como “desenho de força”. A pesquisa foi baseada, mas não está restrita, ao estudo de caso dos Estados Unidos, a partir do qual busca-se oferecer ao leitor lições derivadas da experiência estadunidense. / Humans have never lived with so many robots. In this context, the intensification of military robotization is closely related to the emergence of the Digital Age and to the digitization of the armed forces – understood as the accelerated use of ICT to perform traditional military functions. In the United States, more than thirty systems are currently under development and/or operating. It is estimated that the country has more than twenty thousand robots capable of operating on land, at sea and in the air. This work is therefore dedicated to the broad study of military robotization. More specifically, it seeks to fulfill two main objectives. The first one is related to the need to understand the relationship between war and technology in the Digital Age. The second objective of the thesis is to verify how the military has been dealing with the incorporation of such systems. In order to do so, the dissertation uses a model developed to aid in the planning and analysis of military capabilities known as “force design”. It draws from, but is not limited to, studying the case of the United States, from which the dissertation intends to derive broader lessons applicable to other contexts.

SPP 1542: Leicht Bauen mit Beton: Grundlagen für das Bauen der Zukunft mit bionischen und mathematischen Entwurfsprinzipien (Abschlussbericht)

Scheerer, Silke, Curbach, Manfred 14 June 2022 (has links)
Bewehrter Beton ist das heutzutage am meisten verwendete Baumaterial. Es ist universell und preiswert nahezu überall auf der Welt herstellbar. Damit einhergehen allerdings ein hoher CO2-Ausstoß und ein beträchtlicher Verbrauch an natürlichen Ressourcen. Im DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm 1542 wurden deshalb verschiedenste Ansätze erforscht, wie das Material effizienter eingesetzt und damit der Betonbau zukunftsfähig gemacht werden kann. Im vorliegenden Abschlussbericht zum SPP 1542 „Leicht Bauen mit Beton“ (gefördert von 2011 bis 2022) werden die wichtigsten Ergebnisse vorgestellt.:S. Scheerer, M. Curbach: Vorwort | Preface S.13 Teil 1: SPP-Projekte | Part 1: SPP projects A. M. Bauer, M. Breitenberger, K.-U. Bletzinger: Nichtlineare Optimierung geometrisch definierter Fugen von räumlich gekrümmten Betonfertigteilen mit isogeometrischen Verfahren | Non-linear optimization of geometrically defined joints of spatially curved prefabricated concrete elements with isogeometric analysis S.18 L. Ledderose, S. Lehmberg, F. Wirth, H. Kloft, H. Budelmann: Entwicklung neuartiger Verbindungen für komplexe Stab-, Flächen- und Raumtragelemente aus UHPFRC | Development of novel jointing systems for complex beam surface and spatial elements made of UHPFRC S. 50 J. D. van der Woerd, J. Hegger, R. Chudoba: Entwurf und Herstellung von dünnwandigen Faltwerken aus zementbasierten Verbundwerkstoffen | Design and construction of folded plate structures made of novel cementitious composites S. 90 A. Schmidt, M. Curbach: Querschnittsadaption für stabförmige Druckbauteile | Cross sectional adaption for rod-shaped elements in compression S. 118 M. Frenzel, K. Farwig, M. Curbach: Leichte Deckentragwerke aus geschichteten Hochleistungsbetonen | Lightweight ceiling structures made of layered high-performance concrete S. 144 S. Baron, J. Mainka, H. W. Hoffmeister, K. Dröder, H. Kloft: Non-Waste-Wachsschalungen: Neuartige Präzisions-Schalungen aus 100 % recycelbaren Industrie-Wachsen zur Herstellung von geometrisch komplexen Beton-Bauteilen | Non-Waste-Wax-Formwork: Novel precise formwork-technology on basis of 100% recyclable industrial wax for the fabrication of geometrically complex concrete elements S. 170 D. Busse, M. Empelmann: Ultraleichte, dünnwandige stabförmige Betonhohlbauteile | Ultra-light, thin-walled hollow concrete members S. 196 M. Henke, O. Fischer: Formoptimierte filigrane Stäbe aus UHPC und korrosionsfreier CFK-Bewehrung für variable räumliche Stabtragwerke | Shape optimized filigree rods made of UHPC and non-corrosive CFRP reinforcement for variable three-dimensional trusses S. 226 D. Schmeer, M. Wörner, H. Garrecht, O. Sawodny, W. Sobek: Effiziente automatisierte Herstellung multifunktional gradierter Bauteile mit mineralischen Hohlkörpern | Efficient automated production of multifunctional graded components with mineral hollow bodies S. 250 S. Illguth, D. Lowke, T. Kränkel, C. Gehlen: Schalentragwerke mit funktionaler Gradierung | Shell structures with functional grading S. 284 D. Weger, D. Talke, D. Lowke, K. Henke, C. Gehlen, S. Winter: Additive Fertigung frei geformter Betonbauteile durch selektives Binden mit calciumsilikatbasierten Zementen | Additive manufacturing of free formed concrete elements by selective binding with calcium silicate based cements S. 300 C.-A. Graubner, U. Knaack, T. Proske, B. Freund, M. Michel, S. Hickert: Grundlagen zur Entwicklung adaptiver Schalungssysteme für frei geformte Betonbauteile | Fundamental research towards an adaptive formwork system development for freeform concrete building components S. 328 A. Stark, J. Hegger: Sandwichbauteile mit gefalteten und gekrümmten Betondeckschichten | Sandwich panels with folded plate and curved concrete facings S.356 W. Jäger: Untersuchungen zu Trageigenschaften von plattenförmigen Betonleichtbauelementen in Kreuz-Kanal-Technologie | Investigations into the load-bearing properties of slab-shaped lightweight concrete elements in CC technology S.390 M. Schneider, H. Andrä, C. Kohlmeyer, S. Oster: Konstruktion und Optimierung von Klebeverbindungen für Platten- und Scheibenbauteile aus hochfestem Beton | Construction and optimization of adhesive joints for plate and shell construction elements composed of high performance concrete S.412 H. Funke, A. Ehrlich, L. Ulke-Winter, C. Petzoldt, S. Gelbrich, L. Kroll: Flexible GFK-Schalungen zur Herstellung von doppelt gekrümmten Beton-Leichtbauelementen mit stabilisierten Abstandsgewirken | Flexible GFRP-formwork for the production of double curved concrete lightweight elements with stabilized spacer fabrics S.436 H. Funke, L. Ulke-Winter, C. Petzoldt, C. Müller, S. Gelbrich, L. Kroll: Gekrümmte Beton-Leichtbauelemente mit bionisch inspirierten Krafteinleitungssystemen durch Einsatz flexibler GFK-Schalungen | Curved lightweight concrete structures with bionic inspired force transmission elements by the use of flexible GFRP-formworks S.452 L. Lohaus, J. Markowski: Wickelverstärkte Hybridrohre | Wrapping-reinforced hybrid tubes S.472 M. Schlaich, A. Goldack, J. P. Osman-Letelier, D. Lordick, K. Noack, M. Friedrich Eichenauer, R. Päßler, M. Pott: Methoden und Werkzeuge für Entwurf und Herstellung schalenartiger und dünnwandiger Betonbauteile mit Regelflächengeometrie | Methods and tools for the design and construction of thin-walled concrete structures with ruled surface geometry S.488 D. Lordick, D. Klawitter, M. Hagemann: Liniengeometrie für den Leichtbau | Line geometry for lightweight structures S.514 C. Kämper, T. Stallmann, P. Forman, J. Schnell, P. Mark: Leichte verformungsoptimierte Schalentragwerke aus mikrobewehrtem UHPC am Beispiel von Parabolrinnen solarthermischer Kraftwerke | Light-weight shape-optimised shell structures made from high-performance concrete for collector modules of parabolic trough power plants S.536 L. Zhou, J. Simon, S. Reese: Modellreduktion und Substrukturtechnik am Beispiel von modularen Schalentragwerken aus ultrahochfestem Beton | Model order reduction and substructures – application to modular shell structures made of ultra-high performance concrete S.590 M. Schnellenbach-Held, J.-E. Habersaat: Leichte Platten aus Beton mit biaxialem Lastabtrag als bionische Strukturen S.610 O. Gericke, D. Kovaleva, W. Haase, W. Sobek: Abfallfreie Herstellung von Betonbauteilen durch die Verwendung einer gefrorenen Sandschalung | Waste-free production of concrete components by means of a frozen sand formwork S.626 M. Wörner, D. Schmeer, H. Garrecht, O. Sawodny, W. Sobek: Optimalstrukturen aus funktional gradierten Betonbauteilen – Entwurf, Berechnung und automatisierte Herstellung | Optimal structures made of functional graded concrete – design, dimensioning and automated production S.642 Teil 2: Demonstratoren und Anschlussprojekte | Part 2: Demonstrators and follow-up projects D. Busse, L. Ledderose: uni-con² – universal concrete construction S.676 C. Müller, H. Funke, S. Gelbrich, L. Kroll: Carbonbeton-Schalendemonstrator | Shell demonstrator out of carbon reinforced concrete S.682 M. Koschemann, S. Scheerer: CarboLight Bridge – eine ultraleichte Konstruktion aus kohlefaserverstärktem und infraleichtem Beton | CarboLight Bridge – an ultra-lightweight construction made of carbon reinforced and infra-lightweight concrete for the German Museum in Munich S.686 S. Scheerer, B. Beckmann, J. Bielak, S. Bosbach, C. Schmidt, J. Hegger, M. Curbach: Konstruktionsstrategien für materialminimierte Carbonbetonstrukturen – Grundlagen für eine neue Art zu bauen | CRC/Transregio 280: Design strategies for material-minimised carbon reinforced concrete structures – principles of a new approach to construction S.700 D. Talke, D. Weger, K. Henke, T. Kränkel, D. Lowke, C. Gehlen, S. Winter: Industrieller 3D-Betondruck durch selektive Zementaktivierung – Verfahren, Material, Anwendungen | Industrial 3D concrete printing by selective cement activation – process, material, applications S.706 D. Schönfelder, H. Funke, S. Gelbrich, L. Kroll: Automatisierte Herstellungstechnologie zur Fertigung von dünnwandigen 3D-geformten Verbundelementen für nachhaltige energie-effiziente Fassadenlösungen – „GreenFACE“ | Automated manufacturing technology for the production of thin-walled 3D-shaped composite elements for sustainable, energy-efficient facade solutions – “GreenFACE“ S.710 A.-C. von der Heid, N. Will, J. Hegger: Weitspannende Sandwichelemente mit vorgespannten Deckschichten aus Carbonbeton | Wide-span sandwich elements with prestressed facings made of carbon reinforced concrete S.714 L. Ledderose, H. Kloft: Magnetische Ausrichtung von Mikro-Stahldrahtfasern in UHPFRC | Magnetic alignment of microsteel fibers in UHPFRC S.720 C. Petzoldt, C. Müller, H. Funke, S. Gelbrich, L. Kroll: Wiederverwendbare flexible GFK-Schalungen zur Herstellung von doppelt gekrümmten Beton-Leichtbauelementen | Re-usable and flexible GFRP formwork for the production of double curved concrete lightweight elements S.726 L. Lohaus, J. Markowski, R. Rolfes, F. F. Tritschel: UHFB-Drucktragglieder (basierend auf wickelverstärkten Hybridrohren) in voll digital datengestützter Fließfertigung als Basis für eine modulare Betonbauweise | UHPC compression rods (based on wrapped hybrid tubes) in fully digitally data-supported flow production as the basis for a modular concrete construction method S.734 P. Forman, T. Stallmann, P. Mark, J. Schnell: Auslegung von Parabolrinnen für Solarkraftwerke im Originalmaßstab S.738 P. Forman, S. Penkert, P. Mark, J. Schnell: Punktfokussierende Heliostaten aus Hochleistungsbeton | Point-focusing heliostats made from high-performance concretes S. 754 D. Kovaleva, O. Gericke, W. Sobek: Herstellung von biomimetischen und biologisch inspirierten (modularen) Strukturen | Fabrication of biomimetic and biologically inspired (modular) structures S.758 O. Gericke, W. Haase, W. Sobek: Sandschalung zur Herstellung von dünnwandigen Sandwiches aus Carbonbeton | Sand formwork for the production of thin-walled sandwiches made from carbon concrete S.762 D. Nigl, D. Schmeer, W. Haase, B. Schönemann, K. Lenz, S. Steier, O. Sawodny, P. Leistner, L. Blandini, W. Sobek: Integrale Planung und Herstellung von ressourceneffizienten Betonbauteilen aus mineralischer Faserverbundbewehrung und gradiertem Beton | Design and production of resource-efficient concrete components made of mineral fibre composite reinforcement and graded concrete S.766 Teil 3: Koordination | Part 3: Coordination S. Scheerer, M. Curbach: Koordination des SPP 1542 | Coordination of SPP 1542 S.774 / Reinforced concrete is the most widely used building material today. It can be produced universally and cheaply almost anywhere in the world. However, this is accompanied by high CO2 emissions and considerable consumption of natural resources. In the DFG Priority Programme 1542, a wide variety of approaches were therefore investigated to find out how the material can be used more efficiently and thus how concrete construction can be made fit for the future. This final report on SPP 1542 “Concrete Light“ (funded from 2011 to 2022) presents the most important results.:S. Scheerer, M. Curbach: Vorwort | Preface S.13 Teil 1: SPP-Projekte | Part 1: SPP projects A. M. Bauer, M. Breitenberger, K.-U. Bletzinger: Nichtlineare Optimierung geometrisch definierter Fugen von räumlich gekrümmten Betonfertigteilen mit isogeometrischen Verfahren | Non-linear optimization of geometrically defined joints of spatially curved prefabricated concrete elements with isogeometric analysis S.18 L. Ledderose, S. Lehmberg, F. Wirth, H. Kloft, H. Budelmann: Entwicklung neuartiger Verbindungen für komplexe Stab-, Flächen- und Raumtragelemente aus UHPFRC | Development of novel jointing systems for complex beam surface and spatial elements made of UHPFRC S. 50 J. D. van der Woerd, J. Hegger, R. Chudoba: Entwurf und Herstellung von dünnwandigen Faltwerken aus zementbasierten Verbundwerkstoffen | Design and construction of folded plate structures made of novel cementitious composites S. 90 A. Schmidt, M. Curbach: Querschnittsadaption für stabförmige Druckbauteile | Cross sectional adaption for rod-shaped elements in compression S. 118 M. Frenzel, K. Farwig, M. Curbach: Leichte Deckentragwerke aus geschichteten Hochleistungsbetonen | Lightweight ceiling structures made of layered high-performance concrete S. 144 S. Baron, J. Mainka, H. W. Hoffmeister, K. Dröder, H. Kloft: Non-Waste-Wachsschalungen: Neuartige Präzisions-Schalungen aus 100 % recycelbaren Industrie-Wachsen zur Herstellung von geometrisch komplexen Beton-Bauteilen | Non-Waste-Wax-Formwork: Novel precise formwork-technology on basis of 100% recyclable industrial wax for the fabrication of geometrically complex concrete elements S. 170 D. Busse, M. Empelmann: Ultraleichte, dünnwandige stabförmige Betonhohlbauteile | Ultra-light, thin-walled hollow concrete members S. 196 M. Henke, O. Fischer: Formoptimierte filigrane Stäbe aus UHPC und korrosionsfreier CFK-Bewehrung für variable räumliche Stabtragwerke | Shape optimized filigree rods made of UHPC and non-corrosive CFRP reinforcement for variable three-dimensional trusses S. 226 D. Schmeer, M. Wörner, H. Garrecht, O. Sawodny, W. Sobek: Effiziente automatisierte Herstellung multifunktional gradierter Bauteile mit mineralischen Hohlkörpern | Efficient automated production of multifunctional graded components with mineral hollow bodies S. 250 S. Illguth, D. Lowke, T. Kränkel, C. Gehlen: Schalentragwerke mit funktionaler Gradierung | Shell structures with functional grading S. 284 D. Weger, D. Talke, D. Lowke, K. Henke, C. Gehlen, S. Winter: Additive Fertigung frei geformter Betonbauteile durch selektives Binden mit calciumsilikatbasierten Zementen | Additive manufacturing of free formed concrete elements by selective binding with calcium silicate based cements S. 300 C.-A. Graubner, U. Knaack, T. Proske, B. Freund, M. Michel, S. Hickert: Grundlagen zur Entwicklung adaptiver Schalungssysteme für frei geformte Betonbauteile | Fundamental research towards an adaptive formwork system development for freeform concrete building components S. 328 A. Stark, J. Hegger: Sandwichbauteile mit gefalteten und gekrümmten Betondeckschichten | Sandwich panels with folded plate and curved concrete facings S.356 W. Jäger: Untersuchungen zu Trageigenschaften von plattenförmigen Betonleichtbauelementen in Kreuz-Kanal-Technologie | Investigations into the load-bearing properties of slab-shaped lightweight concrete elements in CC technology S.390 M. Schneider, H. Andrä, C. Kohlmeyer, S. Oster: Konstruktion und Optimierung von Klebeverbindungen für Platten- und Scheibenbauteile aus hochfestem Beton | Construction and optimization of adhesive joints for plate and shell construction elements composed of high performance concrete S.412 H. Funke, A. Ehrlich, L. Ulke-Winter, C. Petzoldt, S. Gelbrich, L. Kroll: Flexible GFK-Schalungen zur Herstellung von doppelt gekrümmten Beton-Leichtbauelementen mit stabilisierten Abstandsgewirken | Flexible GFRP-formwork for the production of double curved concrete lightweight elements with stabilized spacer fabrics S.436 H. Funke, L. Ulke-Winter, C. Petzoldt, C. Müller, S. Gelbrich, L. Kroll: Gekrümmte Beton-Leichtbauelemente mit bionisch inspirierten Krafteinleitungssystemen durch Einsatz flexibler GFK-Schalungen | Curved lightweight concrete structures with bionic inspired force transmission elements by the use of flexible GFRP-formworks S.452 L. Lohaus, J. Markowski: Wickelverstärkte Hybridrohre | Wrapping-reinforced hybrid tubes S.472 M. Schlaich, A. Goldack, J. P. Osman-Letelier, D. Lordick, K. Noack, M. Friedrich Eichenauer, R. Päßler, M. Pott: Methoden und Werkzeuge für Entwurf und Herstellung schalenartiger und dünnwandiger Betonbauteile mit Regelflächengeometrie | Methods and tools for the design and construction of thin-walled concrete structures with ruled surface geometry S.488 D. Lordick, D. Klawitter, M. Hagemann: Liniengeometrie für den Leichtbau | Line geometry for lightweight structures S.514 C. Kämper, T. Stallmann, P. Forman, J. Schnell, P. Mark: Leichte verformungsoptimierte Schalentragwerke aus mikrobewehrtem UHPC am Beispiel von Parabolrinnen solarthermischer Kraftwerke | Light-weight shape-optimised shell structures made from high-performance concrete for collector modules of parabolic trough power plants S.536 L. Zhou, J. Simon, S. Reese: Modellreduktion und Substrukturtechnik am Beispiel von modularen Schalentragwerken aus ultrahochfestem Beton | Model order reduction and substructures – application to modular shell structures made of ultra-high performance concrete S.590 M. Schnellenbach-Held, J.-E. Habersaat: Leichte Platten aus Beton mit biaxialem Lastabtrag als bionische Strukturen S.610 O. Gericke, D. Kovaleva, W. Haase, W. Sobek: Abfallfreie Herstellung von Betonbauteilen durch die Verwendung einer gefrorenen Sandschalung | Waste-free production of concrete components by means of a frozen sand formwork S.626 M. Wörner, D. Schmeer, H. Garrecht, O. Sawodny, W. Sobek: Optimalstrukturen aus funktional gradierten Betonbauteilen – Entwurf, Berechnung und automatisierte Herstellung | Optimal structures made of functional graded concrete – design, dimensioning and automated production S.642 Teil 2: Demonstratoren und Anschlussprojekte | Part 2: Demonstrators and follow-up projects D. Busse, L. Ledderose: uni-con² – universal concrete construction S.676 C. Müller, H. Funke, S. Gelbrich, L. Kroll: Carbonbeton-Schalendemonstrator | Shell demonstrator out of carbon reinforced concrete S.682 M. Koschemann, S. Scheerer: CarboLight Bridge – eine ultraleichte Konstruktion aus kohlefaserverstärktem und infraleichtem Beton | CarboLight Bridge – an ultra-lightweight construction made of carbon reinforced and infra-lightweight concrete for the German Museum in Munich S.686 S. Scheerer, B. Beckmann, J. Bielak, S. Bosbach, C. Schmidt, J. Hegger, M. Curbach: Konstruktionsstrategien für materialminimierte Carbonbetonstrukturen – Grundlagen für eine neue Art zu bauen | CRC/Transregio 280: Design strategies for material-minimised carbon reinforced concrete structures – principles of a new approach to construction S.700 D. Talke, D. Weger, K. Henke, T. Kränkel, D. Lowke, C. Gehlen, S. Winter: Industrieller 3D-Betondruck durch selektive Zementaktivierung – Verfahren, Material, Anwendungen | Industrial 3D concrete printing by selective cement activation – process, material, applications S.706 D. Schönfelder, H. Funke, S. Gelbrich, L. Kroll: Automatisierte Herstellungstechnologie zur Fertigung von dünnwandigen 3D-geformten Verbundelementen für nachhaltige energie-effiziente Fassadenlösungen – „GreenFACE“ | Automated manufacturing technology for the production of thin-walled 3D-shaped composite elements for sustainable, energy-efficient facade solutions – “GreenFACE“ S.710 A.-C. von der Heid, N. Will, J. Hegger: Weitspannende Sandwichelemente mit vorgespannten Deckschichten aus Carbonbeton | Wide-span sandwich elements with prestressed facings made of carbon reinforced concrete S.714 L. Ledderose, H. Kloft: Magnetische Ausrichtung von Mikro-Stahldrahtfasern in UHPFRC | Magnetic alignment of microsteel fibers in UHPFRC S.720 C. Petzoldt, C. Müller, H. Funke, S. Gelbrich, L. Kroll: Wiederverwendbare flexible GFK-Schalungen zur Herstellung von doppelt gekrümmten Beton-Leichtbauelementen | Re-usable and flexible GFRP formwork for the production of double curved concrete lightweight elements S.726 L. Lohaus, J. Markowski, R. Rolfes, F. F. Tritschel: UHFB-Drucktragglieder (basierend auf wickelverstärkten Hybridrohren) in voll digital datengestützter Fließfertigung als Basis für eine modulare Betonbauweise | UHPC compression rods (based on wrapped hybrid tubes) in fully digitally data-supported flow production as the basis for a modular concrete construction method S.734 P. Forman, T. Stallmann, P. Mark, J. Schnell: Auslegung von Parabolrinnen für Solarkraftwerke im Originalmaßstab S.738 P. Forman, S. Penkert, P. Mark, J. Schnell: Punktfokussierende Heliostaten aus Hochleistungsbeton | Point-focusing heliostats made from high-performance concretes S. 754 D. Kovaleva, O. Gericke, W. Sobek: Herstellung von biomimetischen und biologisch inspirierten (modularen) Strukturen | Fabrication of biomimetic and biologically inspired (modular) structures S.758 O. Gericke, W. Haase, W. Sobek: Sandschalung zur Herstellung von dünnwandigen Sandwiches aus Carbonbeton | Sand formwork for the production of thin-walled sandwiches made from carbon concrete S.762 D. Nigl, D. Schmeer, W. Haase, B. Schönemann, K. Lenz, S. Steier, O. Sawodny, P. Leistner, L. Blandini, W. Sobek: Integrale Planung und Herstellung von ressourceneffizienten Betonbauteilen aus mineralischer Faserverbundbewehrung und gradiertem Beton | Design and production of resource-efficient concrete components made of mineral fibre composite reinforcement and graded concrete S.766 Teil 3: Koordination | Part 3: Coordination S. Scheerer, M. Curbach: Koordination des SPP 1542 | Coordination of SPP 1542 S.774

On quantifying miltary strategy.

Engelbrecht, Gerhard Nieuwoudt 30 June 2003 (has links)
Military Strategy is defined as a plan at the military strategic level of war that consists of a set of military strategic ends, ways and means and the relationships between them. This definition leads to the following research questions: 1. How can the extent of the many-to-many relationships that exist between a military strategy, its ends, ways and means be quantified? 2. If the relationships between a military strategy, its ends, ways and means are quantified and if the effectiveness of the force design elements is known, how shall that enable the quantification of the state’s ability to execute its military strategy? 3. If the relationships between a military strategy, its ends, ways and means are quantified and if the effectiveness of the force design elements is known, how will it aid decision-making about the acquisition of the future force design? The first research question is answered by mapping a military strategy complete with its ends, ways and means to a ranked tree where the entities in the strategy corresponds with the vertices of different rank in the tree. The tree representation is used to define and determine the contribution of entities in a military strategy to entities at the next higher level. It is explained how analytical, heuristic and judgement methods can be employed to find the relative and real contribution values. Also, a military strategy for South Africa is developed to demonstrate the concept. The second research question is answered by developing measures of effectiveness taking the interdependence of entities at the terminal vertices of the ranked tree into account. Thereafter, the degree to which the force design would support the higher order entities inclusive of a military strategy could be calculated. The third research question is answered by developing a cost-benefit analysis method and a distance indicator from an optimal point to aid in deciding between supplier options for acquisition. Thereafter the knapsack problem is amended to allow for scheduling acquisition projects whilst optimising the force design's support of a military strategy. Finally, the model is validated and put into a contextual framework for use in the military. / Quantitative management / D.Phil.

On quantifying miltary strategy.

Engelbrecht, Gerhard Nieuwoudt 30 June 2003 (has links)
Military Strategy is defined as a plan at the military strategic level of war that consists of a set of military strategic ends, ways and means and the relationships between them. This definition leads to the following research questions: 1. How can the extent of the many-to-many relationships that exist between a military strategy, its ends, ways and means be quantified? 2. If the relationships between a military strategy, its ends, ways and means are quantified and if the effectiveness of the force design elements is known, how shall that enable the quantification of the state’s ability to execute its military strategy? 3. If the relationships between a military strategy, its ends, ways and means are quantified and if the effectiveness of the force design elements is known, how will it aid decision-making about the acquisition of the future force design? The first research question is answered by mapping a military strategy complete with its ends, ways and means to a ranked tree where the entities in the strategy corresponds with the vertices of different rank in the tree. The tree representation is used to define and determine the contribution of entities in a military strategy to entities at the next higher level. It is explained how analytical, heuristic and judgement methods can be employed to find the relative and real contribution values. Also, a military strategy for South Africa is developed to demonstrate the concept. The second research question is answered by developing measures of effectiveness taking the interdependence of entities at the terminal vertices of the ranked tree into account. Thereafter, the degree to which the force design would support the higher order entities inclusive of a military strategy could be calculated. The third research question is answered by developing a cost-benefit analysis method and a distance indicator from an optimal point to aid in deciding between supplier options for acquisition. Thereafter the knapsack problem is amended to allow for scheduling acquisition projects whilst optimising the force design's support of a military strategy. Finally, the model is validated and put into a contextual framework for use in the military. / Operations Management / D.Phil.

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