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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Use, physiology and genetic characterisation of selected natural populations of Adansonia Digitata in Malawi

Munthali, Chimuleke Rowland Yagontha 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD For) (Forest and Wood Science))--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: See full text for abstract / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sien volteks vir opsomming

A method for the non-destructive determination of the knotty core sizes of standing Pinus patula trees, based on ring width assessments at breast height and the pruning history

Munalula, Francis 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScFor (Forest and Wood Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to develop and assess a methodology of using pruning information (age and height) and ring width measurements on increment core samples taken at breast height from standing pruned Pinus patula trees for modeling the knotty core sizes in the pruned section of a tree. A total of 170 trees from 17 compartments, representing a wide variety of growth sites from the Mpumalanga escarpment, were selected and destructively sampled. Sample trees were selected to represent the productive timber volume available from the compartments using stratified sampling. Sample discs were removed at breast height (1.3m) and at six meter height. After drying and sanding, the cross-sectional surfaces of one surface of each of the discs were scanned on a document scanner and the ring widths measured, using an image analysis program. A preliminary study, using 30 discs, was undertaken to ascertain the appropriate number of radii per disc to measure. A comparison between results of two opposite radii, as opposed to four radii, showed that the difference in mean ring width resulting from the two approaches was statistically not significant. In practice this means that for ring width assessment, sampling of increment cores opposite to one another at breast height would be sufficiently accurate to study average ring width variation across the radius of a tree. A study was also conducted to determine to what accuracy ring widths at six metre height could be predicted from breast height measurements. It was shown that cumulative growth at six metre height can be predicted from cumulative growth at breast height, site index and cambial age at breast height as independent variables (R2 = 0.96). Ring width measurements at breast height can, therefore, be used to predict incremental growth throughout the pruned section. Combined with available information on the pruning history of a stand (pruning heights and pruning age), this study proved that quantitative knowledge on incremental growth can be used as a basis for estimating changes in knotty core sizes along the entire pruned section of the stem. Analysis of variation for the entire data set from ring width measurements showed that there was far greater variation in knotty core percentages (the percentage of diameter occupied by knotty core) between different compartments than within compartments. Within a tree, the knotty core percentages between three stem sections, 0-2.4m, 2.4–4.8m, and 4.8-7m, were found to increase significantly from the bottom section (49.1%) to the top section (65.4%). A single 2.4m log from the pruned section of each tree was removed and processed into sawn timber at a sawmill. After drying of the boards, a sub-sample of sawn boards from 17 logs, one log from each compartment, was selected and reconstructed into log form. From the reconstructed log (reconstructed to represent their original position in the log) the actual knotty core size was estimated by measuring the distance from the pith to the end of the branch stub. A comparison of the actual knotty core sizes and the modelled knotty core sizes of a sub-sample of trees showed only a modest relationship (R2 = 0.62). Reasons for this might be variability in pruning quality, inaccurate pruning records, nodal swellings and the methodology used to measure the actual knotty core sizes. Knowledge of knotty core sizes of standing trees can be used for many different purposes. Two applications that were assessed and found to be useful include decision support for cross cutting logs and for sawmill production planning purposes. Sawmill simulation software was used to evaluate value -and grade recoveries under different scenarios. Results showed that cross-cutting the pruned sections of logs from a compartment with large within-tree knotty core size variation into shorter logs, as opposed to keeping the pruned sections as single logs, result in increases in grade and value recovery. It was also shown that sawing of pruned logs from compartments with relatively small knotty cores, results in much better grade recoveries than logs from compartments with relatively large knotty cores (this information will be useful for production planning purposes). It can be concluded that the methodology proposed to reconstruct knotty cores from tree ring measurements has the potential to be used as a decision aid in the forest and forest products industry.

Growth and physiological parameters related to shoot dieback in Pterocarpus angolensis DC seedlings

Mwitwa, Jacob Pacific 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT:Six experiments, five in the glasshouse and one in the field near Nelspruit, were carried out to ascertain the effect of factors related to shoot die-back, and of water treatments on the growth and physiological responses of Pterocarpus angolensis seedlings. The study was undertaken to broaden the knowledge and understanding of the phenomenon of shoot die-back in order to enhance our ability to regenerate the species. The following experiments were carried out (a) Assessment of biomass accumulation; anatomical characteristics of the shoot apical meristem; foliar, stem and root concentration of micro- and macronutrients associated with each phenophase, (b) Effect of seedling age and seed source on the occurrence of shoot die-back under field conditions; (c) Water treatment effects on ChI. afluorescence traits of£'. angolensis seedlings obtained by assessing the fluorescence yield of photosynthetic samples subjected to dark- and light-adaptation; (d) Genetic variation in shoot die-back and other traits of sixteen halfsib families of £.. angolensis from Malawi, Namibia and Zambia grown over two die-back seasons. Experiments conducted revealed the following 1. Patterns of growth observed in phenophases are indicators of seasonal changes in annual biomass allocation to the shoot and root. Phenophases such as leaf loss and stem senescence, whether shoot die-back occurs completely or not, are directly related to the decline in above-ground biomass and declined rate of increase in root biomass respectively. Leaf flush, expansion and maturation result in increased biomass accumulation whilst shoot die-back has a minimal downregulatory effect on root biomass accumulation compared to the shoot. Shoot dieback is not sudden, therefore from the first day of germination, seedlings synchronise growth and development with the occurrence of shoot die-back. 2. Phenophasic concentration of foliar N, Ca and Mg, stem Fe and Cu and root concentrations of P, K, Mg, Fe and B are associated with shoot die-back. Patterns of mineral nutrient concentration obtained in foliage and roots but to a lesser extent in the stem, may be related to nutrient remobilisation during shoot dieback. Higher relative mineral nutrient changes during leaf yellowing and shoot die-back may be an indication of the removal of significant volumes of mobile nutrients from senescing tissues. 3. The volume of the shoot apex of E. angolensis remains constant during different phenophases which points to seasonal uniformity in the size of the apical dome. Changes in phenology associated with declined growth, or shoot die-back, is revealed through declined cell number in the tunica which is a reflection of declined mitotic activity. 4. Shoot die-back occurs in all seedlings from nursery stock planted under field conditions and all seedlings of up to two years experience complete shoot dieback. Shoot die-back takes place irrespective of seed source or the age of nursery stock that is planted. Survival after the first shoot die-back is normally low. Water treatments had no significant effect on the function of PSIJ reaction centres of P. angolensis nursery seedlings. In the case of both dark- and light-adapted leaves, water treatment had no significant effect on the measured Chi. a fluorescence parameters or the calculated parameters (specific activities, phenomenological fluxes, structure-function and performance indexes and drivingforces). 5. Water treatments affect the shape of ChI. a fluorescence transients of lightadapted compared to that of dark-adapted photosynthetic samples of E. angolensis. No significant water treatment effect was obtained for extracted and technical Chi. afluorescence parameters, specific fluxes, quantum efficiencies and phenomenological fluxes. Quantum yield, relative electron transport and quantum yield limitation, de-excitation rate constants, structure-function, performance indexes and driving forces were also not significantly different across water treatments.6. Genetic variation was observed to exist among 16 halfsib families from Malawi, Namibia and Zambia. High heritabilities were obtained for shoot die-back and other traits, indicating that shoot die-back is genetically controlled. The trait is passed from parents to offspring and it is highly probable that it occurs, throughout its natural range, in all seedlings. Since shoot die-back is genetically programmed, it remains crucial to the ability of a seedling to regenerate in the following rainy season / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING:Ses eksperimente, vyf in die glashuis en een in die veld naby Nelspruit, is uitgevoer om die effek van faktore wat verwant is aan die terugsterwing van lote op saailinge, sowel as om die effek van waterstres op die groei en fisiologiese responsies van Pterocarpus angolensis saailinge, te ondersoek. Die studie is ondemeem om die kennis en begrip aangaande die regenerasie-dinamika van die spesies te verbeter. Die volgende eksperimente is uitgevoer: (a) Evaluering van die effek van jisiologiese veranderings op biomassa; blaar-, stam- en wortelkonsentrasies van spoor- en makro-voedingselemente, en anatomiese eienskappe van die apikale meristeem van die lote. (b) Effek van saailingouderdom en saadbron op die voorkoms van lootterugsterwing onder veldtoestande. (c) Waterbehandelingseffekte op Chi. ajluorisensie eienskappe van ,e. angolensis saailinge wat verkry is deur die jluorisensie te evalueer van fotosintesemonsters wat aan donker- en lig-adaptasies onderwerp is. (d) Genetiese variasie in loot-terugsterwing en ander groei-eienskappe van 16 halfsib families van ,e. angolensis vanaf Malawi, Namibia en Zambia wat gekweek is oor twee terugsterj-seisoene. Die eksperimente het die volgende aan die lig gebring: 1. Groeipatrone waargeneem gedurende die fenofases is indikatore van seisoenale veranderings in jaarlikse biomassa allokasies aan die loot en die wortels. Fenofases soos blaarverlies en lootafsterwing, ongeag of loot-terugsterwing volledig is of nie, is direk verwant aan die afname in bogrondse biomassa en afnemende tempo van toename in wortelbiomassa respektiewelik. Bottende blare, vergroting en rypwording van blare lei tot toenemende biomassa akkumulasie terwyl loot-terugsterwing 'n minimale afskalende effek op akkumulasie van wortelbiomassa het in vergelyking met die van die loot. Loot-terugsterwing is nie skielik, met ander woorde vanaf die eerste dag van ontkieming sinchroniseer saailinge groei en ontwikkeling met die voorkoms van loot-terugsterwing. 2. Fenofase konsentrasies van en veranderings in blaar N en Ca en loot Fe, asook veranderings in waargenome wortel N, K, Ca, Mn, Cu, Zn en B is sterk geassosieer met loot-terugsterwing. Patrone van minerale voedingselementkonsentrasies wat in blare en wortels, en in minder mate in die loot, verkry is, mag direk verwant wees aan hermobilisering van voedingselemente gedurende loot-terugsterwing. Hoe relatiewe minerale voedingselementveranderings gedurende die vergeling van blare en lootterugsterwing mag 'n indikasie wees van die verwydering van betekenisvoUe hoeveelhede mobiele nutriente vanaf sterwende weefsel. 3. Die volume van die groeipunt van r. angolensis bly konstant gedurende verskillende fenofases wat dui op seisoenale uniformiteit in die grootte van die apikale koepel. Veranderings in fenologie ge-assosieer met afnemende groei, of loot-terugsterwing, word gerejlekteer deur afnemende selgetaUe in die tunika wat dui op afnemende mitotiese aktiwiteit. 4. VoUedige loot-terugsterwing kom voor in aUe saailinge vanaf die kwekery wat in die veld geplant word tot op die ouderdom van twee iaar. Dit kom voor angeag van saadbron of ouderdom van saailinge ten tye van planting. Oorlewing na aanvanklike loot-terugsterwing is normaalweg laag. 5. Water behandelings het geen beduidende effek op die funksie van PSII reaksiesentra van r. angolensis kewekery-saailinge gehad. Vir beide donker- en lig-aangepaste blare is geen beduidende waterbehandelingseffek verkry vir waargenome ChI. a jluoresensie parameters of die berekende parameters (spes ifieke aktiwiteite, jenomenologiese jlukse, struktuur-funksie-indekse, "perjormance-indekse oj" driving forces" ). 6. Genetiese variasie tussen 16 halfsibfamilies vanaf Malawi, Namibie en Zambie is verkry vir loot-terugsterwing en ander groei-eienskappe. Dit dui op genetiese beheer van terugsterwing en dat die eienskap oorerjbaar is, en waarskynlik in die hele natuurlike verspreidingsgebied van die spesies in aUe saailinge voorkom. Aangesien loot-terugsterwing gene ties geprogrammeer is, is dit noodsaaklik vir die vermoe van die plant om in die volgende reenseisoen te regenereer.

The variation and prediction of structural timber properties of standing Pinus patula trees using non-destructive methods

Wessels, Coenraad Brand 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD(For))--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Pinus patula is the most intensively planted conifer in the tropics and sub‐tropics. In South Africa Pinus patula plantations are the main saw‐log resource for structural lumber production. Improved intensive silvicultural practices and tree breeding have resulted in marked increases in the rate of growth. To reap the financial benefits of the faster growth, plantation managers are more and more inclined to reduce rotation ages, which inevitably results in the production of higher proportions of juvenile wood at final harvest, and lumber which often does not meet the minimum requirements for stiffness for structural lumber. Knowledge of the variation and the accurate prediction of the mechanical properties of the timber of standing trees can have various benefits for growers and processors of trees. It can be used for tree allocation to different processing facilities, for processing production planning, and to assist tree breeders to screen and select for superior breeding material. The objectives of this study were (1), to examine the within‐ and between‐tree variation in wood properties of young South African grown Pinus patula trees known to have important impacts on the suitability of sawn lumber for structural purposes and (2), to develop empirical prediction models for the flexural lumber properties from standing Pinus patula, based on variables that could be assessed non‐destructively from standing trees. Sample material was obtained from 170 trees (16‐20 years old) established in 17 compartments along the Mpumalanga escarpment of South Africa. A large number of variables which could be obtained non‐destructively from the trees while they were still standing, were measured. The trees were subsequently felled and two logs, 2.1 m in length, were extracted from each tree at two height positions. The 340 logs were processed into 1402 pieces of lumber for further measurements and destructive testing. Results showed that the mean modulus of elasticity measured on edge (MOEedge) was far below the limits set for structural grade softwood timber in South Africa. All the desirable properties for structural lumber improved with distance from the pith with the exception of the 5th percentile value for modulus of rupture (MOR), which was higher at the pith than for the boards processed adjacent to the pith. Boards processed from the lower part of the stem were superior in most of the important properties compared to those higher up in the stem. Separate multiple regression models for predicting the average dynamic MOE (MOEdyn) of individual boards, trees and compartments were developed. The models managed to explain 68%, 60% and 95% of the variation in MOEdyn respectively. The models developed for MOR explained 40% and 42% of variability at board and tree level respectively. At compartment level, 80% of the variation in the 5th percentile MOR value could be explained by the model. Sensitivity analyses showed that site index at base age of 10 years, acoustic time‐of‐flight, wood density and ring width were the most influential variables in the MOE models. The models indicated that tree slenderness during early growth seems to play a major role in determining the dynamic MOE and MOR of lumber. This is in agreement with Euler’s buckling theory and the bending stress theory. Microfibril angle (MFA) and density were measured on radial strips taken from a sub‐sample of trees with the Silviscan 3 technology. The mean microfibril angle per year ring in Pinus patula varied between 7o and 29o. In general MFA decreased with distance from the pith and height above ground level. A multiple regression model including microfibril angle, density and ring width explained 71% of the variation in the dynamic MOE of boards. Sensitivity analysis on the model showed that microfibril angle and density had roughly equal influences on predicting the MOEdyn of Pinus patula boards. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Pinus patula is die mees aangeplante naaldhoutspesie in die tropiese en sub‐tropiese areas van die wêreld. Dit is die grootste bron van saagblokke vir die produksie van strukturele hout in SA. Intensiewe boskultuurpraktyke en boomteling het gelei tot ‘n merkbare verhoging in die groeitempo van die spesie. Plantasiebestuurders is gevolglik geneig om rotasie‐ouderdomme te verlaag, wat lei tot ‘n groter persentasie jeughout wat nie aan die minimum styfheidvereistes van strukturele hout voldoen nie. Kennis van die variasie en die akkurate voorspelling van die meganiese eienskappe van staande bome kan voordele inhou vir beide die verbouers en verwerkers van bome. Dit kan byvoorbeeld van hulp wees met die toewysing van bome aan verwerkingsfasiliteite, vir produksiebeplanning, en vir ondersteuning met die keuse van teelmateriaal vir boomtelers. Die doelwitte van hierdie studie was (1), om die binne– en tussenboomvariasie in die houteienskappe, wat ‘n bepalende invloed het op die geskiktheid van jong Suid Afrikaanse Pinus patula bome vir strukturele hout produksie, te ondersoek en (2), om empiriese modelle vir die voorspelling van die buigeienskappe van planke te ontwikkel, gebaseer op veranderlikes wat niedestruktief op staande Pinus patula bome ge‐evalueer is. Monsters vir die studie is verkry vanaf 170 bome (16‐20 jaar oud), geplant in 17 vakke op die Mpumalanga platorand van Suid Afrika. ‘n Groot aantal veranderlikes is nie‐destruktief gemeet op die staande bome waarna die bome gevel is en twee saagblokke, 2.1m in lengte, is op twee hoogte posisies uit elke boom verwyder. Die 340 blokke is verwerk tot 1402 planke vir verdere metings en destruktiewe toetse. Resultate het getoon dat die gemiddelde modulus van elastisiteit gemeet op die dwarskant (MOEedge) aansienlik laer was as wat vereis word vir strukturelegraad hout in Suid Afrika. Al die gewenste eienskappe het toegeneem met afstand vanaf die murg behalwe die 5de persentiel breekmodulus (MOR), wat hoër was vir murgplanke as vir aangrensende planke. Planke afkomstig van die laer dele van die stam het oor die algemeen beter eienskappe gehad as planke afkomstig van die hoër dele. Veelvuldige regressiemodelle kon 68%, 60% en 95% van die variasie in die gemiddelde dinamiese MOE (MOEdyn) op die vlak van onderskeidelik individuele planke, bome en vakke verklaar. Die modelle vir MOR kon 40% en 42% van die variasie op onderskeidelik plank‐ en boomvlak verklaar. Die model vir 5de persentiel MOR van vakke kon 80% van die variasie verklaar. ‘n Sensitiwiteitsanalise het aangetoon dat groeiplekindeks op ouderdom 10, akoestiese vlugtyd, digtheid en jaarringwydte die belangrikste veranderlikes was wat MOEdyn beïnvloed het. Die modelle het aangetoon dat die slankheid van bome tydens vroeë groei vermoedelik ‘n belangrike invloed op die MOEdyn en MOR van planke het. Dit is in ooreenstemming met Euler se knikteorie en die buigsterkteteorie. Die mikrofibrilhoek en digtheid van ‘n steekproef van die bome is gemeet met die Silviscan 3 apparaat. Die gemiddelde mikrofibrilhoek per jaarring het tussen 7 o en 29o varieer. Hierdie variasie was hoofsaaklik afhanklik van boomhoogte en aantal jaarringe vanaf die murg. ‘n Veelvuldige regressiemodel wat mikrofibrilhoek, digtheid en jaarringwydte insluit, kon 71% van die variasie in MOEdyn verklaar. ‘n Sensitiwiteitsanalise op die model het aangetoon dat mikrofibrilhoek en digtheid ongeveer ewe belangrik was wat betref hulle invloed op die voorspelde MOEdyn van Pinus patula planke.

Multi-stem mechanised harvesting operation analysis : application of discrete-event simulation

Hogg, Glynn A. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScFor (Forest and Wood Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / In this study, a multi-stem harvesting operation was observed and time studies carried out on its machines. A stump-to-mill simulation model (System 1) of this system was subsequently built using a commercial simulation software package (Arena 9) and data from the time studies were incorporated into the model. Following this, another two stump-to-mill multistem models (Systems 2 and 3) were built using the same simulation software package and parameterised input data. These two models represented hypothetical systems which were tested against System 1 and against one another in terms of machine balance within the system, production rate and cost. System 2 used identical equipment to System 1, but practised alternative operating methods. Some of System 3’s machines and operating methods differed from those in Systems 1 and 2. The objectives of the study were to: 1. Determine whether or not commercial simulation software can be used to adequately model forest harvesting operations. 2. Gauge potential system balance, production and/or cost improvement/s achievable through application of simulation-based operation adjustments. 3. Define beneficial equipment operation and application practises for multi-stem systems. 4. Through construction and use of the commercial software package in producing forest harvesting operation models, evaluate the software’s usability in terms of its applicability to and ease of use in such models, as well as its ability to meet forestrybased user requirements.

Some aspects of the ecology of bushbuck (Tragelaphus scriptus Pallas 1776) in the southern Cape

Odendaal, Pieter Benjamin 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Forestry))--Stellenbosch University, 1977. / The social biology and habitat selection of bushbuok, Tragelaphus scriptus, was investigated by ra~io-tracking five bushbuck in the same area, three males and two females. A large degree of over= lap of home ranges was shown to exist. Evidence is advanced to suggest the existence of a time-mechanism to separate individuals whose home ranges overlap. Subadult males have larger home ranges than females. Crepuscular peaks were exhibited in the activity pattern of the study animals. Of 1 380 animals observed in this study, 61% occurred singly and 29% in twos. Breeding is probably throughout the year with peaks in the rate of parturition in April, July-August and November. Bushbuck show a need for canopy cover during the day but will frequent areas with lateral cover or even no cover during the night. Although the indigenous forests are of great importance to bushbuck, evidence was found that they can exist in a very much modified environment such as pinus spp stands. Bushbuck occur at densities of about 3-5 animals!k~ in the Southern Cape. They feed on a wide array of food plants but are mostly browsers with grasses constituting only about five per cent of the diet. A surprisingly high incidence of mushrooms were found in the diet during winter. Some indications exist of the possible presence of sub-optimal feeding conditions during winter. Information is also presented on nutritional element levels, external parasites and morphological data.

Biomass prediction models for Colophospermum Mopane (Mopane) in Botswana

Mutakela, Patrick Silishebo 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MFor (Forest and Wood Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / The aim of this study was to develop biomass prediction models for the determination of total aboveground biomass for mopane at three (3) study sites in Botswana. Thereafter, based on the pooled data from the three (3) study sites, recommend one cross-site biomass prediction model that could be used for the indirect estimation of the total aboveground biomass for mopane in Botswana. All the data were collected by destructive sampling from three (3) study sites in Botswana. Stratified random sampling was based on the stem diameter at breast height (1.3 m from the ground). A total of 30 sample trees at each study site were measured, felled and weighed. The 30 sample trees were distributed equally between six DBH classes (Five sample trees per DBH class). Thereafter, using the data from these sample trees, site-specific biomass prediction models for the indirect estimation of total aboveground biomass for mopane were developed as a function of the following independent variables: stem diameter at 0.15 m from the ground; stem diameter at 1.3 m from the ground; stem diameter at 3 m from the ground; crown diameter; and total tree height. The data from the sites were pooled together to develop cross-site biomass prediction models as a function of the given independent variables. The biomass prediction model that provided the best fit at Serule was a linear equation estimated by means of the stem diameter at 1.3 m, while in Sexaxa the biomass prediction model that provided the best fit was estimated by means of the stem diameter at 0.15 m. The biomass prediction model that provided the best fit at the Tamacha site was estimated by means of the stem diameter at 1.3 m. On the basis of the collected data, cross-site biomass prediction models were developed. The cross-site biomass prediction model that provided the best fit was developed from the stem diameter at 1.3 m. This relationship was adopted as the prediction model for the indirect biomass estimation of Colophospermum mopane (mopane) in Botswana.

Soil characterisation for teak (Tectona grandis) plantations in the Nzara district of Southern Sudan

Ombina, Christian Ahmed 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScFor (Forest and Wood Science))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / The characterization of soils in Nzara District of Southern Sudan in comparison to other tropical teak growing countries (Tectona grandis) – in respect of extensions to existing and/or the establishment of new teak plantations – were done by firstly considering the soils of three existing plantations: Yoboa, Mabarizinga and Nagondi, and secondly by considering soils outside and inside the existing teak plantations in respect of land uses. From these soil characterizations, it emerged that considerable positive returns can be expected from teak plantings in the area as an investment, provided that appropriate site management is implemented. Climatic data of the Nzara area compared favorably with the climatic range of areas where teak grows naturally and the world’s dominant producers: mean annual rainfall 1350-1600 mm with a distribution over 6-8 months compares well with that of Myanmar (1250-3750 mm) and Indonesia (1511-2108 mm) both with at least 3 months of dry season. The mean annual temperature of 28-350C compares well with 15-410C and 30-320C of Myanmar and Indonesia respectively. The Yoboa and Mabarizinga sites should be prioritized as they appear slightly more suitable than the Nagondi site. All three sites have a dominant soil texture of Sandy Clay Loam similar to Sandy Loam of most areas of other tropical countries where teak is growing well (such as India, Indonesia and Nigeria). Yoboa and Mabarizinga however distinguish themselves by having the highest soil pHwater values range from 6.4±0.56 and 6.04±0.7 in top soils; 5.91±0.5 and 5.46±0.61 in subsoils at Yoboa and Mabarizinga respectively; the highest soil organic matter content 1.8±0.34% and 1.92±0.43% in topsoil 0.89±0.16% and 1.13±0.19% in subsoils; as well as the highest P content in both available (0.09±0.04% and 0.03±0.04% for topsoils) and total forms (1.19±0.26% and 0.9±0.3% also on topsoils). These values though very low in absolute terms, are not much different from those of other tropical teak-growing countries. Management strategies intended to preserve and improve the present status, particularly the protection of top soil horizons against mainly water erosion, would be able to boost the site productivity.

Processing of wood and agricultural biomass for gasification

Malatji, Pholoso 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScFor (Forest and Wood Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Wood waste, when used for gasification is commonly pressed into briquettes, especially if no uniform particle size is available. This densification reduces problems of handling, storage and transportation and improves the combustion performance because of a more uniform fuel size. Briquettes have to be mechanically strong enough to be handled. Cohesive strength is provided by residual moisture and lignin present in the wood. The lignin acts as a natural binder. However, the briquetting process becomes more complicated if one wants to add other agricultural waste products that do not necessarily contain lignin as binders,, In this study we have investigated various briquetting process parameters, such as mixing ratios of briquettes containing wood chips, grape skins and chicken litter, moisture content and press time. The aim was to determine the optimum process parameters that allow the production of briquettes, containing a blend of biomaterials that are mechanically stable to allow further handling but yield high energy content at the same time. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Wanneer houtafval vir vergassing gebruik word en die partikelgrootte daarvan varieer, word die materiaal normaalweg in ’n brikket gedruk. Brikketvorming vergemaklik opberging, hantering en vervoer. Weens die meer uniforme grootte en vorm van die brikkette is verbranding daarvan heelwat meer doeltreffend. Brikkette moet egter meganies sterk genoeg wees om hanteer te kan word. Die kohesiewe sterkte word deur residuele vog en lignien, wat as natuurlike bindmiddel in hout aanwesig is, verskaf. Indien ander materiale soos landbouafval, wat noodwendig geen lignien bevat nie egter gebruik word, word die brikketvormingsproses meer kompleks. In hierdie ondersoek is verskeie brikketvormingsparameters evalueer. Mengverhoudings van brikkette wat houtspaanders, druiwedoppe en hoendermis bevat, asook invloed van materiaalvoggehalte en druktyd is bestudeer. Die doel was om die optimale materiaal- en prosesparameters vas te stel wanneer ’n mengsel van biomateriale gebruik word om brikkette te lewer wat meganies sterk genoeg is maar steeds die hoogste energieopbrengs lewer. / Centre for Renewable and Sustainable Energy Studies

Investigation into the use of meta-heuristics in the optimisation of log positioning during sawmill processing

Du Plessis, Johan de Villiers 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Forest and Wood Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The percentage yield of sawn timber recovered from logs has a large influence on the profitability of a sawmill. The positioning of the log as it is fed into the primary breakdown saw is one of the factors that impacts on the volume recovery percentage. The log’s position can be adjusted by changes in rotation, offset and skewness and depending on the ranges and increments used for these variables, the number of possible combinations can become substantial. In a sawmill the time available to assess possible log positions is limited and different strategies can be followed to arrive at an optimal or close‐to‐optimal positioning solution without an exhaustive evaluation of solutions. Meta‐heuristics are sometimes used to arrive at solutions for combinatorial optimisation problems in a limited time. The effectiveness of this approach on the optimisation of timber volume recovery based on log form is evaluated in this study using sawmill simulation data of sixty SA pine logs. A new meta‐heuristic, for convenience named the Tentacle algorithm, was developed specifically for the problem of log positioning optimisation. The results obtained with the Tentacle algorithm was compared with results from three existing meta‐heuristics i.e. the Simulated Annealing algorithm, the Population Based Incremental Learning algorithm and the Particle Swarm Optimisation algorithm, in terms of its efficiency and effectiveness in finding good log positioning solutions in a limited time. A fifth method, that of exhaustively searching smaller, high quality areas around the centered and “horns‐up” and “horns‐down” positions in the search space was compared to that of using the meta‐heuristic algorithms. In terms of volume recovery, the Tentacle algorithm performed, on average, the best of the four algorithms evaluated. However, exhaustive searches in the smaller, high quality areas in the search space, outperformed the algorithms. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die herwinningspersentasie van gesaagde planke uit saagblokke het ‘n groot invloed op die winsgewendheid van ‘n saagmeul. Die posisionering van die blok in die primêre saag is een van die faktore wat die herwinningspersentasie beïnvloed. Die blok se posisie kan verstel word deur veranderinge in rotasie, oplyning en skeefheid. Afhangend van die veld ‐en inkrementgrootte kan die hoeveelheid moontlike kombinasies beduidend wees. In ‘n tipiese saagmeul is die beskikbare tyd om moontlike posisies te evalueer beperk en verskeie strategieë kan gevolg word om optimale of nabyoptimale kombinasies te bereik sonder om alle moontlike kombinasies te evalueer. Meta‐heuristieke word soms gebruik om in ‘n beperkte tyd oplossings te vind vir kombinatoriese optimeringsprobleme. Die doeltreffendheid van hierdie metode by die optimering van herwinningspersentasie gebaseer op blokvorm is in hierdie studie ondersoek. Dit is met behulp van saagmeulsimulasiedata soos van sestig SA dennehoutblokke verkry, uitgevoer. ‘n Nuwe meta‐heuristiek, genaamd die Tentakelalgoritme, is tydens hierdie studie spesifiek vir die probleem van blokposisie‐optimering ontwikkel. Die resultate verkry met die Tentakelalgoritme is vergelyk met drie bestaande meta‐heuristieke, nl. die “Simulated Annealing”‐algoritme, die “Population Based Incremental Learning”‐algoritme en die “Particle Swarm Optimisation”‐algoritme in terme van doeltreffendheid om goeie blokposisies in ‘n beperkte tyd te vind. ‘n Vyfde metode, die gebruik van ‘n volledige ondersoek van verkleinde versamelings, rondom hoë‐kwaliteit areas in die soekarea, is vergelyk met die gebruik van die meta‐heuristieke. Hierdie hoë‐kwaliteit areas word gevind rondom die gesentreerde “horns‐up” en “horns‐down” posisies. Die Tentakelalgoritme het gemiddelde die beste herwinningsresultate van die vier meta‐heuristieke wat ondersoek was gelewer. Die volledige ondersoek van verkleinde versamelings in die hoë kwaliteit areas het egter die meta‐heuristieke oortref.

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