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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Biologiska, ekologiska och ekonomiska värden vid föryngring med Smålandsmodellen / Biological, ecological and economic values whenregenerating with Smålandsmodellen

Richt, Marcus, Sjöberg, Martin January 2017 (has links)
Due to increased social demands for biodiversity and recreation, the proportion of border zones in the forest landscape has increased. The purpose of this thesis were to establish growth variables in new stand planted according to the rejuvenation model Smålandsmodellen developed to lower rejuvenation cost by planting fewer seedlings in the right place with the intention of maintaining production targets. The result showed that the number of main plants were less per hectare than requirements and that the rejuvenation cost were lower in avarage for planting and scarification in both Smålandsmodellen and outcome of the study, than traditional methods. The model as a forest management system has the potential to contribute to a sustainable and functional ecosystem in production stands but does require a certain degree of user knowledge when implementing.

Drivkrafter, innehåll och upplevelser av aktivism i skogliga konflikter / Driving forces, content and experiences of activism in forest conflicts

Björcman, Frida January 2019 (has links)
Situations and behaviors can create conflicts between people and/or organizations based on a need of resources or a conflict of interest. Using activism in a conflict can be value based and is driven by a person's opinions and norms. The changed forest policy since the seventies has resulted in a greater interest in protecting forests, both from the authorities and from interest groups. The high proportion of privatelyowned forests and the increased interest have created several major conflicts over thepast ten years in Sweden, where the land owner has ended up between interest groups and authorities.The study aims to explain and create an understanding of how different sides reason in forest conflicts with activism, based on content, driving forces and experiences. Data-collection was done through 8 deep interviews. Respondents belonged to a government agency, three forest companies / forest owner associations, two individual forest owners and two nature conservation organizations. Thematic content analysis was performed on the collected material.There were differences in the value base where authorities and landowners did not value the ecological values as important to the same extent as forest companies/forest owner associations and interest groups, which in turn creates a risk of conflicts. About future activism, four respondents considered that it would increase, while three felt that it would decrease and one that it will be like today. In seven out of eight cases, it was an interest organization that initiated the conflict. Authorities, forestry companies / forest owner associations and landowners all considered that the information received from the interest groups was a good basis. A driving force that was identified was the need to assume responsibility, which originates from the driving force. The action in the conflicts was defined by the interest groups as a responsibility, while the parties who had experienced the activism defined the action as a high pressure. The experiences of activism that emerged were described by the landowners as an unpredictability and the interest groups as a vulnerability because of their deviant opinion. Authorities and forestrycompanies/forest owner associations described activism as a reluctance/ignorance. The negative and positive aspects of activism weigh in principle equally for all respondents. Authorities, interest groups and forestry companies/forest owner associations all mentioned a need for system change, as the political short-term and the inertia of the system was emphasized as a problem. From all sides a collaboration was desired, where a factual dialogue must be the basis. One can ask how important the interest organizations are for the development of forestry when the material produces by them is considered good quality? And is it the forest owners who must get run overwhen the policy is short-term? Forestry companies/forest owner associations and authorities report their responsibility towards the citizens and that there were information deficiencies. By improving the dialogue and the information there is an opportunity to find ways to reach each other. This is to get a better overall view of how the different sides reason and what everyone's values are. Based on this, conflicts can hopefully be fewer in the Swedish forests. / Situationer och beteenden kan skapa konflikter mellan människor och/ellerorganisationer utifrån ett resursbehov eller en motsättning. Att använda aktivism i en konflikt kan grundas i värdegrunden och styrs utifrån personens åsikter och normer. Den förändrade skogspolitiken sedan sjuttiotalets produktionsinriktning har resulterat i ett större intresse för att skydda skogar, både från myndighetshåll och från intresseorganisationer. Den höga andelen privatägda skogar samt det ökade intresset har skapat flera stora konflikter i Sverige under de senaste tio åren, där markägaren hamnat mellan intresseorganisationer och myndigheter. Studien syftar till att förklara och skapa en förståelse för hur olika parter resonerar i skogliga konflikter med aktivsminslag, utifrån konfliktens innehåll, drivkrafter och upplevelser. Datainsamling gjordes genom 8 djupintervjuer. Respondenterna tillhörde en statlig myndighet, tre skogsföretag/skogsägarföreningar, två enskilda skogsägare samt två intresseorganisationer för naturvård. Tematisk innehållsanalys genomfördes på det insamlade materialet. Det fanns skillnader i värdegrunden där myndigheter och markägare inte värderade de ekologiska värdena som viktiga i samma utsträckning som skogsbolag/skogsägarföreningar och intresseorganisationer, vilket i sin tur skapar risk för konflikter. Om aktivismen i framtiden ansåg fyra respondenter att den kommer att öka, medan tre ansåg att den kommer att minska och en att den kommer vara som idag. I sju av åtta fall var det en intresseorganisation som initierade konflikten. Myndigheter, skogsbolag/skogsägarföreningar och markägare ansågsamtliga att den information som mottagits från intresseorganisationerna var ett bra underlag.En drivkraft som identifierades var behovet att ta på sig ansvar vilket har sittursprung i värdegrunden. Agerandet i konflikterna definierades utifrånintresseorganisationernas sida som ett ansvar, medan de parter som fått uppleva aktivismen definierar agerandet som ett högt tryck. De upplevelser av aktivism som framkommit beskrevs av markägarna som en oförutsägbarhet och av intresseorganisationerna som en maktlöshet på grund av sin avvikande åsikt. Myndigheter och skogsbolag/skogsägarföreningar beskrev aktivismen som ovilja/okunnighet. De negativa och positiva aspekterna av aktivism vägde i princip lika för samtliga respondenter. Myndigheter, intresseorganisationer och skogsbolag/skogsägarföreningar påtalade alla ett behov av systemförändring då den politiska kortsiktigheten och trögheten i systemet framhölls som ett problem. Från alla sidor önskades en samverkan, där en saklig dialog måste ligga till grund. Man kan fråga sig hur viktiga intresseorganisationerna egentligen är för utvecklingen av skogsbruket när materialet som tas fram av dem anses bra? Och är det skogsägarna som ska komma i kläm när politiken är kortsiktig? Skogsbolag/skogsägarföreningar och myndigheter påtalade sitt ansvar ut mot medborgarna samt att det fanns informationsbrister. Genom att förbättra dialogen och informationen finns en möjlighet att finna vägar fram tillvarandra. Detta för att få en bättre samlad syn på hur de olika parterna resonerar och hur allas värdegrund ser ut. Utifrån detta kan förhoppningsvis konflikterna bli färre i de svenska skogarna.

Interspecifik konkurrens från undervegetation och dess betydelse för densitet : – En fältstudie baserad kring fyra olika konkurrenstyper på ek. / Interspecific competition from undergrowth and its importance for density : – A study on the impact of undergrowth from a field trial.

Granholm, Sara January 2018 (has links)
This study is based on a field trial at SLU in Alnarp. The idea behind the study was to see how interspecific competition influence density and annual rings on oaks (Quercus robur). The trial started out from four blocks with four different treatments. Those treatments that were initiated was: no competition, competition with herbs, competition with bushes and competition with herbs + bushes. Test samples from stumps were taken, with help from a hand saw. A total of nine samples were collected and divided on the four blocks with different competition types. With help from x-ray analysis, density and width for individual annual rings with distributed spring- and summerwood, each sample could be analyzed. The result of the study displayed that density and annual rings are affected by interspecific competition depending on type of competing vegetation. Herbs had a slight impact on annual rings, density and share of summerwood, while bushes had the biggest effect. Through the study measurements between different types of competitions it was possible to construe most effect on annual rings and share of summerwood but relatively small effect on density.

Effekt av markberedning, gödsling och planttyp för granplantors överlevnad och tillväxt / Effect of scarification, fertilization and plant type on survival and growth of spruce plants

Proper, Britt January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Forest Biomass Production Potential and its Implications for Carbon Balance

Poudel, Bishnu Chandra January 2012 (has links)
An integrated methodological approach is used to analyse the forestbiomass production potential in the Middle Norrland region of Sweden, and itsuse to reduce carbon emissions. Forest biomass production, forest management,biomass harvest, and forest product use are analyzed in a system perspectiveconsidering the entire resource flow chains. The system-wide carbon flows as wellas avoided carbon emissions are quantified for the activities of forest biomassproduction, harvest, use and substitution of non-biomass materials and fossil fuels.Five different forest management scenarios and two biomass use alternatives aredeveloped and used in the analysis. The analysis is divided into four main parts. Inthe first part, plant biomass production is estimated using principles of plantphysiologicalprocesses and soil-water dynamics. Biomass production is comparedunder different forest management scenarios, some of which include the expectedeffects of climate change based on IPCC B2 scenario. In the second part, forestharvest potentials are estimated based on plant biomass production data andSwedish national forest inventory data for different forest managementalternatives. In the third part, soil carbon stock changes are estimated for differentlitter input levels from standing biomass and forest residues left in the forestduring the harvest operations. The fourth and final part is the estimation of carbonemissions reduction due to the substitution of fossil fuels and carbon-intensivematerials by the use of forest biomass. Forest operational activities such asregeneration, pre-commercial thinning, commercial thinning, fertilisation, andharvesting are included in the analysis. The total carbon balance is calculated bysumming up the carbon stock changes in the standing biomass, carbon stockchanges in the forest soil, forest product carbon stock changes, and the substitutioneffects. Fossil carbon emissions from forest operational activities are calculated anddeducted to calculate the net total carbon balance. The results show that the climate change effect most likely will increaseforest biomass production over the next 100 years compared to a situation withunchanged climate. As an effect of increased biomass production, there is apossibility to increase the harvest of usable biomass. The annual forest biomassproduction and harvest can be further increased by the application of moreintensive forestry practices compared to practices currently in use. Deciduous treesare likely to increase their biomass production because of climate change effectswhereas spruce biomass is likely to increase because of implementation ofintensive forestry practices. Intensive forestry practices such as application of pre-commercialthinning, balanced fertilisation, and introduction of fast growing species to replaceslow growing pine stands can increase the standing biomass carbon stock. Soilcarbon stock increase is higher when only stem-wood biomass is used, comparedto whole-tree biomass use. The increase of carbon stocks in wood productsdepends largely on the magnitude of harvest and the use of the harvested biomass.The biomass substitution benefits are the largest contributor to the total carbonbalance, particularly for the intensive forest management scenario when wholetreebiomass is used and substitutes coal fuel and non-wood constructionmaterials. The results show that the climate change effect could provide up to 104Tg carbon emissions reduction, and intensive forestry practices may furtherprovide up to 132 Tg carbon emissions reduction during the next 100 years in thearea studied. This study shows that production forestry can be managed to balancebiomass growth and harvest in the long run, so that the forest will maintain itscapacity to increase standing biomass carbon and provide continuous harvests.Increasing standing biomass in Swedish managed forest may not be the mosteffective strategy to mitigate climate change. Storing wood products in buildingmaterials delays the carbon emissions into the atmosphere, and the wood materialin the buildings can be used as biofuel at the end of a building life-cycle tosubstitute fossil fuels. These findings show that the forest biomass production potential in thestudied area increases with climate change and with the application of intensiveforestry practices. Intensive forestry practice has the potential for continuousincreased biomass production which, if used to substitute fossil fuels andmaterials, could contribute significantly to net carbon emissions reductions andhelp mitigate climate change.

Identifiering av granbarkborreskador med hjälp av satellitdata från Sentinel-2 / Identification of bark beetle damage with satellite data from Sentinel-2

Beetz, Sabine, Ericsson, Hillevi January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Laserskanningsdatas noggrannhet i contortaskog : En jämförelse mellan fältdata, Laserdata Skog och Laserdata NH

Persson, Henning January 2021 (has links)
Regeringen har gett Lantmäteriet i uppdrag att utföra laserskanningar överSveriges skogsmark. Syftet med denna studie var att jämföra skogliga skattningar från Laserdata Skog och fältmätt data på provyte- och beståndsnivå samt att jämföra Laserdata Skog och framskrivna Laserdata NH på beståndsnivå. 50 provytor mättes i 6 contortabestånd i Hälsingland.För Laserdata Skog jämfört med fältmätt data på provytenivå visades minstrelativ RMSE för Hgv (11,8 %) och störst för volym (16,4 %). Vad gäller medelvärde för samtliga bestånd hade Laserdata Skog större värden än fältmätt data för Dgv (1,5 cm) och grundyta (1,2 m²/ha) men mindre värde för Hgv (1,9 m) och volym (7,3 m³sk/ha). I medelvärde för samtliga bestånd hade BESK större värden än Laserdata Skog för Dgv (0,1 cm), grundyta (4,4m²/ha) och volym (20,5 m³sk/ha) men mindre värde för Hgv (0,3 m).Slutsatsen var att noggrannheten för Laserdata Skog i contortaskog är relativt hög och kan betraktas som ett tillförlitligt beslutsunderlag för skogsbruket. Contortaskog skannat av Laserdata NH håller en rimlig noggrannhet, det kan dock innehålla stora felmarginaler då laserskanningen är äldre och skogen kan blivit påverkad av väder och vind.Flygburen laserskanning, Laserdata Skog, Laserdata NH, Contorta,fältinventeringAirborne laserscanning, Laserdata Skog, Laserdata NH, Contorta, Fieldinventory

Skyddar mekaniska beläggningsskydd hela plantan mot snytbaggeangrepp / Protects mechanical coatingprotection the entire plantagainst infestation by pine weevil

Eriksson, Daniel January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Proveniensens betydelse i ett gallringsbestånd med ek i Skåne / The impact of genetic material in an oak thinning stand inScania, Sweden

Karlsson, Johannes January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Eroded Trust & Neglected Perspectives : Swedish Individual Forest Owners' Attitudes Towards Protecting Woodland Habitats.

Tennum, Anna, Arell, Isac January 2024 (has links)
Maintaining biodiversity is crucial to preserving ecosystems that sustain life on our planet. In Sweden, a legal grey area currently exists for the protection and registration of woodland key habitats. Key habitats have been identified and protected in Sweden since the early 1990s in order to support biodiversity. In December 2021, the Swedish Forest Agency announced that no new key habitats would be registered and that any key biotope registered after 2019 could be unregistered at the landowners’ request. Because of this decision, legislation and responsibility are currently hanging in the air as no clear policy exists.  This study explores questions regarding social acceptability towards woodland key habitat policies from the perspective of Swedish individual forest owners. Exploring this is relevant in the context of policy acceptance, as opinions and underlying attitudes are predictors of compliance and could be useful in guiding policy implementation. The study explores this through inductive research, a qualitative explanatory design using a questionnaire with closed- and open-ended questions and structured follow-up interview questions. Contrary to what is commonly portrayed in the media and public debate, a majority of private forest owners think biodiversity and protection of redlisted species are important and that measures need to be taken to ensure this. The study reveals that the discontent on these issues primarily lies in how the Swedish Forest Agency has managed policy and failed to communicate with and adequately compensate individual forest owners, and those who are most negative own forests primarily for economic reasons. The forest owners have ideas about what future policy could entail. Results show a mixed willingness to inventory their forest, but generally, they prefer to manage it without excessive bureaucracy and imposed regulation. Another sentiment that becomes apparent is that of unfairness in the individual forest owner bearing the costs and responsibility for the protection of habitats, and there are suggestions on how this cost could be shared by society and companies.  Keywords: key habitat, key biotope, individual forest owners, biodiversity, social acceptance.

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