Spelling suggestions: "subject:"fototerapie"" "subject:"fytoterapie""
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Metody a mechanismy fototerapie v dermatovenerologii / Phototherapy in dermatovenereology - methods and mechanismsBenáková, Nina January 2012 (has links)
I choose the topic of phototherapy because of my longlasting interest in this field. Phototherapy is defined as the therapeutic use of light, primarily ultraviolet light. The mode of action on the skin is described as photobiological one and it has been continuously investigated. At its most basic level phototherapy represents the application of energy to skin, which means the delivery of photons to chromophores, the absorbtion of photons in chromophores and the biologic reaction of photon's absorbed energy. This causes the formation of heat and various biochemical effects in the skin. Previously the main role of UV light in phototherapy was thought to be the antimitotic and antiproliferative. Nowadays it is clear that beside them the mode of action is rather immunomodulatory and immunosuppressive. Further possible mechanism of the UV light are detected with increasing investigation of the immune system of skin. The rules and usages of phototherapy in practice at individual dermatological departments and offices differ and there is a need to improve and/or coordinate the protocols in order to reach the optimal risk/benfit ratio. That was one of the reasons for conducting the epidemiological study Phototherapy in Czech Republic. The results shows phototherapy to be an available and relative...
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Design biolampy / Design of BiolampStraková, Kateřina January 2018 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the design of biolamp. First, the product undergoes historical, technical and designer analysis. Based on the findings of these analyzes is to propose a new version of this device meets the ergonomic, technical, aesthetic and social aspects.
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Biologický význam metabolických produktů hemu a bilirubinu. / The biological role of the metabolic products of haem and bilirubin.Jašprová, Jana January 2016 (has links)
Present work has been focused on the importance of the products of the heme catabolic pathway, in particular under conditions of unconjugated hyperbilirubinemias (neonatal jaundice and Crigler-Najjar syndrome (CNS)). The second part of the project was focused on the improvement of some pharmacological approaches used in the treatment of these diseases, as well as on studies of bilirubin products that are formed during the treatment by phototherapy (PT). Neonatal jaundice is one of the most common complications in neonates. Currently, there is no efficient pharmacotherapy and the treatment with blue light is used as a gold standard for severe neonatal jaundice. However, the absolute safety of PT has still not been confirmed. In this context, it is important to note that some neonatologists start the PT before serum bilirubin levels reach the recommended values and that patients with CNS type I (CNSI) are forced to be on life-long PT (unless undergoing liver transplantation). The focus of the present project was to study biological effects of bilirubin photoisomers (PI) in an in vitro model of the human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells that are used for studies of the neuronal metabolism. In further studies performed on animal model of hyperbilirubinemic rats and mice, we investigated a suitable gene...
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Biologický význam metabolických produktů hemu a bilirubinu. / The biological role of the metabolic products of haem and bilirubin.Jašprová, Jana January 2016 (has links)
Present work has been focused on the importance of the products of the heme catabolic pathway, in particular under conditions of unconjugated hyperbilirubinemias (neonatal jaundice and Crigler-Najjar syndrome (CNS)). The second part of the project was focused on the improvement of some pharmacological approaches used in the treatment of these diseases, as well as on studies of bilirubin products that are formed during the treatment by phototherapy (PT). Neonatal jaundice is one of the most common complications in neonates. Currently, there is no efficient pharmacotherapy and the treatment with blue light is used as a gold standard for severe neonatal jaundice. However, the absolute safety of PT has still not been confirmed. In this context, it is important to note that some neonatologists start the PT before serum bilirubin levels reach the recommended values and that patients with CNS type I (CNSI) are forced to be on life-long PT (unless undergoing liver transplantation). The focus of the present project was to study biological effects of bilirubin photoisomers (PI) in an in vitro model of the human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells that are used for studies of the neuronal metabolism. In further studies performed on animal model of hyperbilirubinemic rats and mice, we investigated a suitable gene...
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Die etiologiese verband tussen verstadigde neurologiese integrasie en latere leer-problematiek by kinders met klinies betekenisvolle neonatale bilirubienmetings (Afrikaans)Annandale, Elizabeth 25 September 2008 (has links)
In hierdie studie word die etiologiese verband tussen verstadigde neurologiese integrasie en latere leerproblematiek by kinders met klinies betekenisvolle neonatale bilirubienmetings ondersoek. Resente navorsing dui aan dat kinders met klinies betekenisvolle bilirubienmetings tydens die neonatale fase ‘n groter risiko loop om later verstadigde neurologiese integrasie te vertoon, veral weens die kwesbaarheid van die neonatale brein vir toksiene. Hierdie navorsingsresultate suggereer ‘n verband tussen klinies betekenisvolle neonatale bilirubienmetings en latere leerproblematiek, aangesien spesifieke breinareas wat deur neonatale bilirubien aangetas word ook vaardighede medieer wat belangrik is vir prestasie in sekere leerareas, te wete lees, skryf en reken. Neonatale fisiologiese geelsug is nie altyd met die blote oog sigbaar nie, en derhalwe word simptome soos oormatige slaperigheid en ingekorte behoefte aan voeding dikwels deur onervare moeders geïgnoreer, omdat die baba nie opmerklik “geel” is nie. Verder word neonatale fisiologiese geelsug nie altyd as sodanig gediagnoseer nie, weens verskeie faktore soos ontoereikende primêre gesondheidsorgdienste op die afgeleë platteland, tuisgeboortes en vroeë ontslag van moeders en babas uit klinieke en hospitale, veral gesien in die lig daarvan dat neonatale geelsug piekvlak tussen dag drie en dag sewe bereik. Bilirubienmeting is nie standaard prosedure by afgeleë klinieke nie, en waar ‘n rowwe skatting deur die klinieksuster op ‘n klinies betekenisvolle bilirubientelling dui, word moeders dan dikwels aangeraai om natuurlike fototerapie (sonlig) toe te pas. Verdermeer vind opvolgkonsultasies by ‘n klinieksuster dikwels eers plaas nadat die baba ongeveer een maand oud is, en voorligting aan die moeder rakende moontlike kwesbaarhede wat verband hou met klinies betekenisvolle neonatale bilirubienmetings is gebrekkig. Sodanige ouers kan dus heeltemal onbewus wees van die potensiële skade wat aangerig kan word aan die ontwikkelende brein, en intervensie vind gevolglik nie tydig plaas nie. Betekenisvolle duidinge wat uit hierdie navorsingsprojek mag voortvloei, kan derhalwe benut word ten einde spesifieke kwesbaarhede in kinders met klinies betekenisvolle neonatale bilirubienmetings tydig te kan identifiseer; en hoë-risiko leerders se moontlike latere leerproblematiek deur tydige intervensie tydens die voorskoolse jare te ondervang, voordat pobleme in die grondslagfase manifesteer. ‘n Empiriese ondersoek is uitgevoer waarby 37 deelnemers betrek is. Gebaseer op die resultate van die data-analise en interpretasie van die resultate word die hipotese aanvaar. Relevante aanbevelings met betrekking to praktykverbetering en verdere navorsing word gemaak. ENGLISH: With this study the etiological link between delayed neurological integration, high neonatal bilirubin measures and learning difficulties were investigated. Recent research findings suggest that children with high neonatal bilirubin measures are at a greater risk for delayed neurological integration later on, especially because of the susceptibility of the neonatal brain for toxins. The results of this research project suggest an etiological link between neonatal hyperbilirubinemia and learning difficulties at a later stage, since specific brain-areas which are affected by the bilirubin do mediate skills important for performance in certain learning areas, e.g. reading, writing and arithmetic. It is not always possible to notice neonatal physiological jaundice; hence, inexperienced mothers tend to ignore symptoms like sleepiness and lack of appetite, merely because their babies do not appear “yellowish”. Neonatal physiological jaundice is often misdiagnosed due to various factors like inadequate primary health care services in rural areas, home births and early discharge from hospitals - particularly in light of the fact that jaundice peaks between day three and day seven after birth. Measurement of neonatal bilirubin levels is not a standard procedure at rural clinics, and mothers are often advised to make use of natural phototherapy (sunlight) when the baby appears “yellowish”. Follow-up consultation often occurs when the baby is already one month old; hence mothers often receive inadequate information concerning neonatal hyperbilirubinemia. Parents might therefore be totally unaware of the potential vulnerability and harm to the developing brain, and intervention often does not take place. Significant indicators of this research project can be used to identify well in advance specific vulnerabilities in learners with neonatal hyperbilirubinemia, as well as potentially high-risk learners during the pre-school years, before such vulnerabilities escalate during the foundation phase. An empirical study with 37 participants was conducted. Based on the data analyses and interpretation of the results, the hypothesis was accepted. Relevant recommendations concerning best practice and further research were done. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Educational Psychology / unrestricted
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Vyhodnocování spektra slunečního záření / Analyzing of measured solar spectrumŠtěpánek, Jakub January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the definition of solar lights for solar purposes and solar simulators. These concepts are presented and described in detail. The theoretical part is described below chapter explaining the possibilities of using solar energy phototherapy. The next section follows the issue of standards and their podnorem AM, describes in detail the direct and diffuse light component. In connection continues with IEC 60904, IEC 60904-3 and IEC 60904-9, differences in purpose and use. The thesis describes the problems of the methods of analysis of the solar spectrum as defined in IEC 60904-9. In the penultimate chapter we discuss all light sources, their properties and uses. They navyzují selected light sources used in this work, as well as descriptions and color filters designed for measurement and subsequent evaluation in the practical part. The last chapter analyzes used measuring instruments, their advantages and disadvantages. In the practical part, we describe a method for measuring real-world light spectra, determining compliance with these spectra spectra AM 1.5 and the necessity to generate data from IEC 60904-3. Another part allows measured data to see in an understandable form and must include an assessment and assignment of the data set into classes according to AM 1.5.
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