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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A critical analysis of the relationship between the South African Defence Force and the South African media from 1975-83

Kirsten, Frederik Fouche January 2016 (has links)
The main focus of this thesis is to show the nature of the relationship between the South African Defence Force and the local media from 1975-83. The thesis will analyse issues specifically relating to the nature of the relationship and show how and why they are relevant to understanding the authoritarianism of the apartheid state. The nature of the relationship will be conceptualised by way of the analogy of a marriage. The thesis will show that for the SADF the relationship was “a marriage of convenience” whereas for the media it was a “marriage of necessity”. This relationship operated within the context of a highly militarised society that has been termed a “Garrison State”. The apartheid government introduced legislation governing reporting of defence matters and the media (namely the South African Defence Act 1957 including amendments made up until 1980) that imposed legal constraints within which defence correspondents had to operate. Moreover, the MID’s secret monitoring of the local media reveals the extent to which the military distrusted the media. A sampling of the coverage of defence matters in a selection of newspapers will reveal how their editorial staffs and reporters operated in a situation where the flow of information was controlled by the military. This will also show that certain defence correspondents cultivated close relations with SADF personnel to ensure that they were kept informed. The thesis will also show how the SADF reacted to the international media exposure of Operation Savannah and Operation Reindeer and how the SADF sought to limit the damage to its reputation by clamping down on the local media. The creation of two media commissions both headed by Justice MT Steyn, set out to investigate the manner in which local media reported on security issues in an environment in which the media and the public were confronted by the “Total Strategy” discourse of the apartheid government. The working relationship between the SADF and the media encapsulated in the thesis can be described as highly complex and the use of the “marriage” analogy assists in understanding this relationship.

Die effek van verskillende onderrigmetodes in die aanbieding van 'n behuisingsgeletterdheidsprogram

Van der Merwe, Marietjie 12 1900 (has links)
Dissertation (Master of Consumer Science)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The role which education can play in the upliftment of individuals and families has been receiving increasing attention by the South African government because it is regarded as each individual's right to reach his/her full potential. However, the way in which education is presented is the defining factor, which determines the sustainability of the subsequent development. The purpose of the study was to determine how Consumer scientists could contribute to transformative learning as well as the increasing of individual's levels of empowerment and knowledge. A literature study was undertaken to present a synopsis of emancipation education and transformative learning within the context of Consumer Science. Several methods of education, the underlying concepts to transformative learning, methods to bring about transformative learning, several phases in transformation of perspectives, the outcomes of the emancipation education method, the role of the Consumer scientist as emancipation educator as well as practical teaching methods were also included to support the empirical part of the study. A housing literacy programme was adapted and presented according to two different methods of education, namely emancipation and technical methods to represent the empirical part of this study. The housing literacy programme was presented to women in Calvinia and Williston living in government subsidised houses. During the implementation of the emancipation method of education, the transformation framework was used in conjunction with the action research model to adapt the programme and to identify any transformation that took place. In experimental design, the emancipation and technical methods were compared in terms of an increase in empowerment and knowledge. The status of empowerment and knowledge of both groups was determined before the programme, directly after the programme as well as two months thereafter. Quantitative data was obtained from the questionnaires on empowerment and knowledge, while qualitative data was obtained from the action research model as well as the transformation framework. The result of the quantitative data showed a clear difference between the group taught with the emancipatory method, and the group taught with the technical method in tenus of the increase in levels of empowerment and knowledge. The group taught with the emancipatory method showed higher levels of empowerment and knowledge than the group taught with the technical method directly after the programme as well as two months thereafter. The levels of empowerment and knowledge of the group taught with the emancipatory method showed significant statistical differences from before the presentation of the programme until two months thereafter. This suggests the sustainable character of an increase in empowerment and knowledge. Results obtained from the qualitative data also indicated the occurrence of distorted meaning schemes as well as modification thereof. This study showed that using the emancipation method of education when presenting a Consumer Science programme could induce transformation. The quantitative data also proved the emancipation method of education to be more effective than the technical method when aiming to increase an individual's level of empowerment and knowledge. It is therefore important that Consumer scientists be aware of all the characteristics of the emancipation method of education as well as transformative learning in order to induce change in individuals and families and to lead them to selfdependence. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die rol wat onderwys in die opheffing van individue en gesinne kan speel, het die afgelope paar jaar toenemende aandag van die Regering van Suid-Afrika gekryaangesien dit as elke individu se reg gesien word om sy/haar volle potensiaal te bereik. Die wyse waarop onderwys aangebied word, is egter die bepalende faktor in die volhoubaarheid van die ontwikkeling wat daardeur teweeggebring word. Die doel van die studie was daarom om te bepaal hoe Verbruikerswetenskaplikes kan bydra tot transformatiewe leer en die verhoging van bemagtigingsen kennisvlakke van individue. 'n Literatuurstudie is onderneem om 'n oorsig oor emansipasie opvoeding en transformatiewe leer binne die konteks van Verbruikerswetenskap te gee. Verskeie onderrigmetodes, die konsepte onderliggend aan transformatiewe leer, metodes om transformatiewe leer te bewerkstellig, verskeie fases in perspektieftransformasie, die uitkomste van die emansipasie onderrigmetode, die rol van die Verbruikerswetenskaplike as emansipasie opvoeder en praktiese onderrigtegnieke is bestudeer om die empiriese gedeelte van die studie te ondersteun. Vir die empinese gedeelte van die studie is 'n behuisingsgeletterdheidsprogram aangepas en volgens twee verskillende opvoedingsmetodes, naamlik die emansipasie- en tegniese metode aangebied. Die behuisingsgeletterdheidsprogram is aangebied aan vroue van Calvinia en Williston wat in staatsgesubsidieerde huise woon. Met die toepas van die emansipasie opvoedingsmetode is die transformasieraamwerk saam met die aksienavorsingsmodel aangewend om die program aan te pas en die transformasie wat voorgekom het te identifiseer. In die eksperimentele ontwerp is die emansipasie en tegniese metodes met mekaar vergelyk in terme van bemagtiging- en kennisverhoging. Bemagtiging- en kennisstatus van albei groepe is voor die program, direk na die program, sowel as twee maande daarna bepaal. Kwalitatiewe data is uit die aksienavorsingsmodel en die transformasieraamwerk verkry, terwyl kwantitatiewe data uit die bemagtigings- en kennisvraelyste verkry is. Die resultate van die kwantitatiewe data het aangedui dat daar wel 'n verskil is ten opsigte van die verhoging van bemagtiging- en kennisvlakke tussen dié groep wat volgens die emansipasie metode aangebied is en dié groep wat volgens die tegniese metode aangebied is. Die groep wat volgens die emansipasie metode onderrig is se totale bemagtigingsvlak, sowel as hul kennisvlak was direk na die program asook twee maande daarna hoër as dié van die groep wat volgens die tegniese metode aangebied is. By die bemagtiging- en kennisvlak van die groep wat volgens die emansipasie metode onderrig is, het daar 'n betekenisvolle statistiese verskil van voor die programaanbieding tot twee maande daarna voorgekom, wat op die volgehoue aard van bemagtiging- en kennisverhoging dui. Die resultate wat verkry is uit die kwalitatiewe data het verder aangetoon dat daar wel verdraaide betekenisskemas by die deelnemers voorgekom het asook wysiging daarvan. Tydens hierdie studie is bevind dat transformatiewe leer teweeggebring kan word met die aanbied van 'n Verbruikerswetenskapprogram volgens die emansipasie opvoedingsmetode. Die kwantitatiewe data wat verkry is, het ook getoon dat die emansipasie onderrigmetode meer effektief as die tegniese metode is om die verhoging van individue se bemagtiging- en kennisvlakke teweeg te bring. Verbruikerswetenskaplikes moet daarom kennis dra van die eienskappe van die emansipasie opvoedingsmetode en transformatiewe leer om sodoende volgehoue verandering by individue en gesinne teweeg te bring en om hul tot selfstandigheid te lei.

Too cosy for comfort? : a media ethical investigation into the Presidential Press Corps

Van Zyl, Elizabeth Margaretha, Van Zyl, Lizma 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Govemment and the media are in the process of establishing South Africa's first Presidential Press Corps (PPC) based on the White House Press Corps in the United States of America. The need for a body like the Presidential Press Corps (PPC) has become increasingly evident as the recent relationship between the South African president and this country's press can only be characterised as poor. The establishment of the PPC potentially presents an ethical dilemma though due to various factors. A joumalist can only serve the public with the most comprehensive and accurate news when his or her finger is on the pulse of events that take place within the decision-making bodies. However, being so close to those in power may seriously threaten journalistic independence. This dilemma would be discussed in detail in this assignment. In May 200 I, the troubled relationship between Mbeki and the media was tackled at an Indaba between the South African National Editor's Forum (SANEF) and cabinet at Sun City. The crux and outcome of these discussions are set forth in The lf/oy Fo/wOld, a report prepared by those attending the Indaba. The establishment of the PPC is one of eight joint government and media initiatives outlined in this report. Although there is overwhelming support for the Pl'C, there is concern that the Pl'C members would be censored, manipulated and controlled by government as a result of their proximity. The Freedom of Expression Institute (FXI) believes the implications are far reaching and pose a serious threat to a free press. This first group of Pl'C journalists is going where no other has gone before in this country's history. They are however facing a daunting task, as the arena they are entering is fraught with novelties, challenges, obstacles and temptations. This assignment will examine the media's role in a democracy, the challenges of far closer cooperation between the media and government, the ethical dilemma potentially presented by the Pl'C as well as ways to ensure as far as possible, an ethical and professional relationship between government and the corps's members. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die regenng en die media is in die proses om Suid-Afrika se eerste Presidensiele Perskorps (PPK) te stig. Die konsep is geskoei op die van die Wit Huis Perskorps in die Verenigde State van Amerika. 'n Dringende behoefte bestaan in Suid-Afrika aan 'n liggaam soos die PPK aangesien dit duidelik geword het dat die verhouding tussen die president en die media nie na wense is nie. Die stigting van die PPK kan egter weens verskeie faktore eties-problematies wees. Joernaliste kan die publiek slegs voorsien van akkurate nuus indien hulle vingers op die polsslag van gebeure binne die land se besluitnemende liggame is. Joernalistieke onafhanklikheid kan egter in gedrang kom indien die verhouding tussen die "waghond" en die regering te intiem raak. Die PPK-Iede sal na verwagting weens gereelde kontak 'n veel hegter verhouding met die president he as wat die geval is met ander joemaliste. Die vertroebelde verhouding tussen die media en president Thabo Mbeki is in Mei 200 1 bespreek tydens 'n lndaba by Sun City. Een van die inisiatiewe waarop daar ooreengekom is in 'n poging om die probleme aan te pak, is die stigting van die PPK. Die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Redakteursforum en die regering hoop dat die korps sal bydra tot 'n vryer vloei van inligting asook tot 'n beter verstandbouding tussen die regering en die media. Hoewel daar oorweldigende steun is vir die PPK, is daar ook vrese dat die korps se lede gemanupileer en beheer sal word deur die kabinet.Die eerste groep PPK-lede gaan baanbrekerswerk verrig, maar die pad voor hulle is onbekend en vol potensiele gevare. Die uitdagings, slaggate sowel as maniere hoe etiese probleme oorkom kan word, word in hierdie werkstuk bespreek.

Die reg op toegang tot inligting in publieke administrasie

Roberts, Benita Valera 30 November 2005 (has links)
The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 (Act 108 of 1996) stipulates that every person has the right of access to information held by government. To give effect to this right, legislation in the form of the Promotion of Access to Information Act, 2000 (Act 2 of 2000) was promulgated. This study explores the access to information regime that was established by die aforementioned legislation with specific reference to similar regimes in the United States of America, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. Attention is also devoted to the prerequisites and potential obstacles associated with the implementation of the Promotion of Access to Information Act, 2000. Based on the practices in other states, the conclusion was reached that the nature of information that may be requested in the South African context should be expanded, that cabinet records should only be excluded to the extent that disclosure thereof would be harmful, that frequently requested records should be made automatically available and that decision-making guidelines of government institutions should be published. As far as procedural requirements are concerned, it is proposed that information officers should acknowledge receipt of requests and that, where necessary, records should be translated to ensure that they are useful to a requester. It is further proposed that the wording of the ground of refusal regarding policy formulation and decision-making in government institutions be amended to take account of the consequences of disclosure. It is imperative that appeal and review mechanisms be accessible to members of the public and it is therefore proposed that an information commissioner be instituted to settle disputes in information related matters. Lastly it is proposed that sanctions be imposed against officials who deliberately undermine the public's right of access to information and that separate units be established in government institutions to deal exclusively with requests for access to information. / Public Administration / D. Litt. et Phil. (Public Administration)

Die reg op toegang tot inligting in publieke administrasie

Roberts, Benita Valera 30 November 2005 (has links)
The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 (Act 108 of 1996) stipulates that every person has the right of access to information held by government. To give effect to this right, legislation in the form of the Promotion of Access to Information Act, 2000 (Act 2 of 2000) was promulgated. This study explores the access to information regime that was established by die aforementioned legislation with specific reference to similar regimes in the United States of America, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. Attention is also devoted to the prerequisites and potential obstacles associated with the implementation of the Promotion of Access to Information Act, 2000. Based on the practices in other states, the conclusion was reached that the nature of information that may be requested in the South African context should be expanded, that cabinet records should only be excluded to the extent that disclosure thereof would be harmful, that frequently requested records should be made automatically available and that decision-making guidelines of government institutions should be published. As far as procedural requirements are concerned, it is proposed that information officers should acknowledge receipt of requests and that, where necessary, records should be translated to ensure that they are useful to a requester. It is further proposed that the wording of the ground of refusal regarding policy formulation and decision-making in government institutions be amended to take account of the consequences of disclosure. It is imperative that appeal and review mechanisms be accessible to members of the public and it is therefore proposed that an information commissioner be instituted to settle disputes in information related matters. Lastly it is proposed that sanctions be imposed against officials who deliberately undermine the public's right of access to information and that separate units be established in government institutions to deal exclusively with requests for access to information. / Public Administration and Management / D. Litt. et Phil. (Public Administration)

Compliance with freedom of information legislation by public bodies in South Africa

Nkwe, Itumeleng Marcia Mamagase January 2020 (has links)
Bibliography: pages 86-93 / In South Africa, freedom of information (FOI) or the right of access to information (ATI) is entrenched in section 32 of the Constitution. Section 32 guarantees every citizen the right of access to any information held by the state or held by any other person that is to be used for the protection or exercise of any right. The Promotion of Access to Information Act (PAIA) is the law that gives effect to section 32 of the Constitution. Regardless of a remarkable trend towards the adoption of FOI laws globally, international trends have shown this does not automatically translate into fulfilment of people’s right to information, as access to information by citizens remains a challenging factor. This study utilised mixed method research through the explanatory sequential design to assess compliance with FOI legislation by public bodies in South Africa with the view to ensure transparency, accountability and good governance. In this regard, the study first conducted a quantitative study by analysing the reports of the South African Human Rights Commission from the reporting years 2006/07 to 2016/07 to assess compliance with sections 14, 17 and 32 of the PAIA. The compliance trends were identified and thereafter a qualitative study was conducted to answer the question why the situation was the way it was. In this regard, interviews were conducted with a purposively chosen sample from complying and non-complying public bodies. The targeted participants were records managers, deputy information officers or officials responsible for PAIA in each chosen public body. The mixing strategy for the current study was at the data analysis, presentation and reporting level. Key results suggest that over the years, there were problems in the implementation of the FOI legislation in South Africa and its use was limited. Where implementation has taken place, it has been partial and inconsistent. The responsibility for implementation of FOI legislation in most public bodies is assigned to legal departments that do not have knowledge of what records are created, where and how they are kept. With regard to compliance, in terms of the degree of comparison, the situation was better in national departments, worse in provincial departments (with full compliance from the Free State, Limpopo, Western Cape and, to some extent, KwaZulu-Natal) and worst in municipalities. The study recommends the establishment of an information governance unit to implement FOI in public bodies. This unit will also be responsible for other information functions such as records management and information technology. Failure to assign responsibility to a relevant unit would perpetuate the non-compliance with FOI legislation in South Africa. As a result, accountability, transparency and good governance preached by the public sector to advance democracy in South Africa would be a mirage. A model for the implementation of PAIA within a public body is suggested. / Information Science / M. Inf.

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