Spelling suggestions: "subject:"full siblings"" "subject:"null siblings""
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Seleção e Melhoramento em Populações Clonais de Eucalyptus grandis W. Hill ex Maiden / Selection and Breeding in Clonal Populations of Eucalyptus grandis W. Hill ex MaidenSouza, Izabel Christina Gava de [UNESP] 29 July 2016 (has links)
Submitted by IZABEL CHRISTINA GAVA DE SOUZA null (izabelsouza@suzano.com.br) on 2016-09-30T11:03:11Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-07-29 / Este trabalho teve como objetivo propor um novo método de melhoramento para Eucalyptus visando obter materiais genéticos para plantio operacional, por meio dos seguintes estudos: a) avaliar o ganho em produtividade volumétrica de madeira na seleção aplicada numa população clonal de Eucalyptus grandis oriunda da mistura de clones selecionados em progênies de polinização controlada (irmãos completos); b) avaliar a variabilidade genética a partir de marcadores moleculares microssatélites na população clonal selecionada, quando submetida a diferentes condições ambientais e níveis de seleção. Com as sementes obtidas no cruzamento controlado foi instalado um plantio experimental na Fazenda Ribeirão Grande (município de Salesópolis/SP) de propriedade da Suzano Papel e Celulose no ano de 2001. Aos 6 anos de idade foi realizada a seleção de árvores superiores (clones) com base nos caracteres silviculturais e densidade básica da madeira. Foram selecionados 57 clones (irmãos completos), os quais foram propagados vegetativamente, misturados para a formação do minijardim clonal e posterior produção de mudas para plantio operacional na empresa. Este material genético foi recomendado para plantio em 2010. Para este trabalho foram selecionadas três áreas de plantio operacional desse material genético, denominado aqui população clonal inicial com idade de 3,3 a 3,5 anos. Em cada local foram estabelecidas 3 parcelas de 100 árvores e realizada a avaliação silvicultural das árvores. Com os dados de DAP foi feita a ordenação dos valores (maior para o menor) e selecionadas as 40 árvores com maiores valores de DAP e boa forma do tronco, e as 15 árvores com menores valores de DAP totalizando 405 árvores. O perfil genético por meio de marcadores moleculares microssatélites foi realizado para as árvores selecionadas, clones que formam a população clonal inicial e clones genitores. O Incremento Médio Anual com casca aos 7 anos de idade (IMA7; m3/ha/ano) foi estimado por parcela e níveis de seleção de 10%, 20%, 30% e 40%. Com o perfil genético das 40 árvores selecionadas por parcela obteve-se os clones presentes na seleção, como também, os clones presentes nas 15 árvores de comportamento silvicultural inferior. Os resultados mostram que o método de seleção e melhoramento em populações clonais de E. grandis é promissor, diminuindo o tempo de obtenção de materiais genéticos para plantio operacional. Os níveis de seleção de 30% e 40% são os mais indicados para conservar um bom número de clones e obter ganhos em produtividade em curto prazo. / The objective of this work was to propose a new method for breeding to Eucalyptus in order to obtain genetic material for commercial planting by the following studies: a) evaluate the gain, in wood volumetric productivity, in the selection applied to a clonal population of Eucalyptus grandis coming from a selected clonal mixture obtained in cross-pollinated progenies (full sibling); b) evaluate the genetic variability using microsatellite markers obtained in a selected clonal population when subjected to different environmental conditions and levels of selection. Using the seeds obtained in the hand pollination, an experimental plantation was established, in 2001, at the Ribeirão Grande Farm in the municipality of Salesópolis, State of São Paulo, Brazil, owned by Suzano Pulp and Paper. At the age of 6 years old, a selection of superior trees (clones) was carried out based on silvicultural traits and wood density. Fifty-seven clones (full-siblings) were selected, propagated using vegetative technique and used for mixed plantation in a clonal garden to subsequent production of seedlings for commercial planting. This genetic material (initial clonal population) was recommended for planting in 2010. For this study, three commercial areas planted with these genetic materials at ages ranging from 3.3 to 3.5 years old were selected. On each site, 3 plots of 100 trees were established and the silvicultural evaluation of trees was made. The trees were ordered using the diameter at breast height (DBH) data (highest to lowest) and the 40 trees with the highest DBH values and good shape of the trunk were selected, and the 15 trees with lower DBH values, totaling 360 trees. The genetic profile through microsatellite markers was conducted for selected trees, for clones that form the initial clonal population and for parental clones. The Annual Average Increase in shell to the 7 years old (IMA7; m3 / ha.year) was estimated per plot and 10, 20, 30 and 40% selection of levels. Throughout the genetic profile of the 40 selected trees per plot, the presented clones in the selection were obtained, but also, the clones present in 15 trees with lower silvicultural behavior. The results show that the method selection and improvement in clonal populations of E. grandis is promising, decreasing the time for obtaining genetic materials for commercial plantation. Check levels of 30 and 40% are the most suitable to preserve a good number of clones and to obtain short-term productivity gains.
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Les relations entre frères et sœurs dans un contexte de recomposition familialeRosette, Audrey 09 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire se penche sur les processus de constructions des relations fraternelles auprès d’adultes qui ont précédemment vécu dans une famille recomposée. Il a pour point de départ un constat ressorti des études antérieures sur les fratries : celles-ci portent majoritairement sur la situation des familles dites « intactes » où les liens biologiques sont pris pour acquis dans la définition de ce qu’est une fratrie. Or l’augmentation des familles recomposées, phénomène observé dans la plupart des pays occidentaux et au Québec en particulier, met en présence des fratries dont les liens débordent du cadre biologique. Quelles spécificités présentent ces « fratries recomposées » par rapport à ce que les études nous apprennent du fonctionnement des fratries « intactes », notamment à l’âge adulte ? Deux concepts sont particulièrement mobilisés dans ces études, ceux de temps et de mémoire. Ces concepts nous sont apparus des plus pertinents pour comprendre comment s’établissent les relations fraternelles en contexte de recomposition familiale à l’âge adulte.
Cette étude exploratoire a pour objectifs de comprendre les formes que prennent les relations fraternelles à travers le temps jusqu’à l’âge adulte et d’identifier les moments clés dans le parcours des frères et sœurs qui ont marqué leurs relations. La méthodologie est de type qualitatif, inspirée de la méthode du récit de vie. Ainsi, nous avons recueilli les récits de quatorze participant.es ayant vécu dans une famille recomposée durant l’enfance et/ou l’adolescence. L’analyse de ces discours met en évidence le fait que les liens établis entre frères et sœurs en contexte de recomposition familiale ont une portée tout aussi significative que les liens existant dans les familles où frères et sœurs sont reliés exclusivement par le sang. Des spécificités apparaissent certes, mais au-delà du statut biologique ou recomposé des liens, c’est davantage l’expérience du temps, d’une histoire partagée et d’une mémoire commune qui contribuent à la configuration et au maintien ou non des relations entre frères et sœurs à l’âge adulte. Le caractère exploratoire de l’étude ne permet évidemment pas de généraliser ces résultats, il reste que ce mémoire invite à élargir le regard sur cet objet trop peu étudié en sociologie de la famille que sont les relations entre frères et sœurs. / This master thesis focuses on the construction process of relationships between adult full-, half- and step- siblings who previously lived in a stepfamily. This research originates from observations made from earlier studies on siblings: they focus mainly on full sibling relationships in non-divorced families, in which biological links are taken for granted in the definition of siblings. Conversely, the increase in stepfamilies, a phenomenon observed in most western countries and particularly in Quebec, suggests that siblings from different family backgrounds are prone to live together. This implies that their links extend beyond the biological framework. How does these full-, half- and step- sibling relationships differ from findings on studies of full siblings in adulthood? From these researches on adult full siblings, two concepts particularly stand out: time and memory. Drawing from these findings, we speculate that these concepts are most relevant when examining the establishment of relationships amongst full-, half- and step- siblings in adulthood.
This exploratory study aims to understand the construct of adult full-, half- and step- sibling relationships over time and to identify the key moments in their life course which impacted their relationships. The methodology used was qualitative in nature and based on life stories. Therefore, we collected the life stories of fourteen participants who lived in a stepfamily during their childhood and/or adolescence. The analysis of their speeches highlights that the bonds established between brothers and sisters in stepfamilies are as important as the bonds existing in families where siblings are exclusively related by blood. However, we found that sibling relationships in stepfamilies go beyond their sharing of biological ties: it is more the time experienced in stepfamilies, a shared history and a shared memory which contribute to the configuration and maintenance or not of their relationships in adulthood. Even though the exploratory nature of this study clearly does not allow the generalisation of our findings, we believe that this research invites us to broaden our focus on sibling relationships, an understudied object in the sociology of family.
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