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Epileptic syndromes with continuous spike-waves during slow-sleep: new insights into pathophysiology from functional cerebral imagingDe Tiège, Xavier 08 June 2009 (has links)
Epileptic syndromes with continuous spikes and waves during slow sleep (CSWS) are age-related epileptic encephalopathy characterized by the development of various psychomotor regressions in close temporal concordance with the appearance of the electroencephalogram (EEG) pattern of CSWS (Tassinari et al., 2000). This EEG pattern consists in sleep-related activation and diffusion of spike-wave discharges during usually more than 85% of non-rapid eye movement (non-REM) sleep (Tassinari et al., 2000).
A minority of the CSWS cases has been associated to cortical or thalamic lesions (symptomatic cases), while in the other cases, the aetiology is unknown. We reported two families combining benign childhood epilepsy with centro-temporal spikes (BCECS), which is the most common form of idiopathic epilepsy in childhood, and cryptogenic epilepsy with CSWS in first-degree relatives. As idiopathic epilepsies are by definition epilepsies related to a genetic predisposition, these data suggests the existence of a continuum ranging from asymptomatic carriers of centro-temporal spikes to cryptogenic epilepsies with CSWS. This hypothesis is further supported by common clinical characteristics between BCECS and epilepsies with CSWS (Fejerman et al., 2000).
Epileptic syndromes with CSWS are characterized by an acute phase defined by the emergence of psychomotor deficits, various types of seizures and CSWS activity at around three to eight years of age (Holmes and Lenck-Santini, 2006; Veggiotti et al., 2001). This acute phase is followed by a recovery phase in which patients’ clinical condition improves together with the remission of CSWS pattern, which spontaneously occur at around 15 years of age but may be prompted by using antiepileptic drugs (AED) including corticosteroids (Holmes and Lenck-Santini, 2006; Veggiotti et al., 2001). This biphasic evolution suggests that CSWS activity largely contributes to the psychomotor deficits observed in these patients (Holmes and Lenck-Santini, 2006; Van Bogaert et al., 2006). However, some authors still consider CSWS activity as an epiphenomenon reflecting the underlying brain pathology, rather than the direct cause of the psychomotor regression (Aldenkamp and Arends, 2004). The pathophysiological mechanisms of how CSWS activity could actually lead to psychomotor regression are still poorly understood.
Functional cerebral imaging techniques such as positron emission tomography (PET) or functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), represent unique ways to non-invasively study the impact of epileptic activity on normal brain function. The PET technique using [18F]-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) gives information about the regional neuronal glucose consumption via the neurometabolic coupling while the fMRI technique studies the regional perfusional changes directly related to specific events of interest via the neurovascular coupling. We applied both FDG-PET and EEG combined with fMRI (EEG-fMRI) techniques to epileptic children with CSWS to better approach the functional repercussions of CSWS activity on neurophysiological functions and to determine the potential pathophysiological link between CSWS activity and psychomotor regression.
In a first FDG-PET study, we determined the regional cerebral glucose metabolic patterns at the acute phase of CSWS in 18 children. We found three types of metabolic patterns: the association of focal hypermetabolism with distinct hypometabolism in 10 patients, focal hypometabolism without any associated area of increased metabolism in five children, and the absence of any significant metabolic abnormality in three patients. The hypermetabolic brain areas were anatomically related to an EEG focus. This anatomical relationship was clearly less consistent for hypometabolic regions. The metabolic abnormalities involved mainly the associative cortices. The metabolic heterogeneity found in these children could be due to the use of corticosteroids before PET as it was significantly associated with the absence of focal hypermetabolism. At the group level, patients with at least one hypermetabolic brain areas showed significant increased metabolism in the right parietal region that was associated to significant hypometabolism in the prefrontal cortex. This finding was interpreted as a phenomenon of remote inhibition of the frontal lobes by highly epileptogenic and hypermetabolic posterior cortex. This hypothesis was supported by effective connectivity analyses which demonstrated the existence of significant changes in the metabolic relationship between these brain areas in this group of children compared to the control group or to the group of children without any significant hypermetabolic brain area.
This remote inhibition hypothesis would be reinforced by the demonstration, at the recovery phase of CSWS, of a common resolution of hypermetabolism at the site of epileptic foci and hypometabolism in distant connected brain areas. We thus performed a second FDG-PET study to determine the evolution of cerebral metabolism in nine children recovering from CSWS. At the acute phase of CSWS, all children had a metabolic pattern characterized by the association of focal hypermetabolism with distinct focal hypometabolic areas. The evolution to CSWS recovery was characterized by a complete or almost complete regression of both hypermetabolic and hypometabolic abnormalities. At the group level, the altered effective connectivity found at the acute phase between focal hypermetabolism (centro-parietal regions and right fusiform gyrus) and widespread hypometabolism (prefrontal and orbito-frontal cortices, temporal lobes, left parietal cortex, precuneus and cerebellum) markedly regressed at recovery. These results were of particular interest because they strongly suggested that the metabolic abnormalities observed during the acute phase of CSWS were mainly related to the neurophysiological effects of CSWS activity and not to the underlying cause of the epileptic disease. Moreover, this study confirmed that phenomena of remote inhibition do occur in epileptic syndromes with CSWS.
EEG-fMRI is a functional cerebral imaging technique that allows non-invasive mapping of haemodynamic changes directly associated to epileptic activity. In a first EEG-fMRI study, we determined the clinical relevance of the perfusional changes linked to interictal epileptic discharges in a group of seven children with pharmacoresistant focal epilepsy. This study showed that the EEG-fMRI technique is a promising tool to non-invasively localize the epileptic focus and its repercussion on normal brain function in children with epilepsy. Then, to further demonstrate the involvement of CSWS activity in the neurophysiological changes detected by FDG-PET, we used the EEG-fMRI technique to study the perfusional changes directly related to the epileptic activity in an epileptic girl with CSWS. This patient developed a cognitive and behavioural regression in association with a major increase in frequency and diffusion of the spike-wave discharges during the awake state (spike index: 50-75%) and non-REM sleep (spike index: 85-90%). The patient’s neuropsychological profile was dominated by executive dysfunction and memory impairment. During runs of secondarily generalized spike-wave discharges, EEG-fMRI demonstrated deactivations in the lateral and medial fronto-parietal cortices, posterior cingulate gyrus and cerebellum together with focal relative activations in the right frontal, parietal and temporal cortices. These results suggested that the neuropsychological impairment in this case could be related to specific cortical dysfunction secondary to the spread of the epileptic activity from focal hypermetabolic foci.
Taken together, both FDG-PET and EEG-fMRI investigations performed in epileptic children with CSWS have shown increases in metabolism/perfusion at the site of the epileptic focus that were associated to decreases in metabolism/perfusion in distinct connected brain areas. These data highly suggest that the neurophysiological effects of CSWS activity are not restricted to the epileptic focus but spread to connected brain areas via a possible mechanism of surrounding and/or remote inhibition. This mechanism is characterised by an epilepsy-induced inhibition of neurons that surround or are remote from the epileptic focus and connected with it via cortico-cortical or polysynaptic pathways (Witte and Bruehl, 1999). The existence of surrounding and remote inhibition phenomena have been well documented in different types of animal models of focal epilepsy using various functional cerebral imaging methods such as autoradiography or optical imaging (Bruehl et al., 1998; Bruehl and Witte, 1995; Witte et al., 1994). Their occurrence in human epilepsy have also been suspected in temporal or extra-temporal lobe epilepsies using FDG-PET, EEG-fMRI or single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) (Blumenfeld et al., 2004; Schwartz and Bonhoeffer, 2001; Van Paesschen et al., 2003; Van Paesschen et al., 2007). Moreover, the demonstration of the regression of distant hypometabolic areas after surgical resection or disconnection of the epileptic focus further suggest that such inhibition mechanism do occur in epilepsy (Bruehl et al., 1998; Jokeit et al., 1997). On a clinical point of view, the demonstration of the existence of such inhibition mechanisms in epilepsies with CSWS brings new important insights for the understanding of the pathophysiological mechanisms involved in the psychomotor regression observed in these conditions. Indeed, these data highly suggest that the psychomotor regression is not only related to the neurophysiological impairment at the site of the epileptic foci but also to epilepsy-induced neurophysiological changes in distant connected brain areas.
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Etude des réseaux neuronaux impliqués dans les troubles de la marche et le freezing dans la maladie de Parkinson / Study of the cerebral networks involved in gait disorders and freezing in Parkinson's diseaseMaillet, Audrey 07 December 2012 (has links)
Les troubles de la marche et le freezing entraînent une invalidité sévère et ont un impact important sur la qualité de vie des patients souffrant de la maladie de Parkinson (MP). Ceci est d'autant plus vrai que ces troubles répondent mal aux traitements actuels, médicamenteux et chirurgicaux. Leurs mécanismes physiopathologiques sont largement incompris. Toutefois, leur résistance aux traitements courants suggère l'extension du processus lésionnel vers des structures non-dopaminergiques concourant au contrôle de la locomotion. L'implication du noyau pédonculopontin (PPN) a été évoquée. L'objectif de cette étude était de mieux comprendre les circuits neuronaux impliqués dans ces troubles, ainsi que leur modulation par les médicaments dopaminergiques et la stimulation du PPN. Les contraintes d'immobilité de la tête, liées à l'utilisation de la technique de tomographie par émission de positons (TEP), excluant la réalisation d'une épreuve effective de marche, la tâche a été effectuée en imagerie mentale. Les mêmes réseaux neuronaux sont en effet activés lors de la réalisation effective et la représentation mentale d'un mouvement, sous réserve que l'imagerie mentale motrice soit réalisée selon une perspective dite kinesthésique. Il était donc nécessaire, au préalable, de vérifier l'aptitude des patients à imager leur marche selon cette modalité. Nos données vont dans ce sens, et montrent qu'il est possible d'améliorer cette capacité à travers une préparation spécifique. De plus, l'utilisation d'un protocole comportemental d'imagerie mentale reposant sur la loi de Fitts a permis de familiariser les patients avec la tâche d'imagerie mentale en amont de la réalisation des examens TEP, mais aussi de vérifier leur engagement dans cette dernière durant les acquisitions cérébrales. Les résultats obtenus à l'issue de l'étude menée en imagerie cérébrale confirment la complexité de la physiopathologie des troubles locomoteurs, et suggèrent notamment différents niveaux d'atteinte, à l'étage cortical, sous cortical, et du tronc cérébral, selon la nature dopa-sensible ou dopa-résistante du trouble concerné. En particulier, la dérégulation frontale semble confirmée. De plus, un dysfonctionnement du tronc cérébral pourrait être lié à l'émergence des troubles de la marche et du freezing. Nous avons également constaté une implication pariétale, mais son rôle compensateur, ou pathologique, reste encore à définir. Le freezing dopa-sensible pourrait en partie refléter l'expression aggravée de la bradykinésie parkinsonienne, étant donné l'efficacité de la lévodopa sur ce symptôme. La stimulation de la région des PPN semble quant à elle restaurer une boucle cortico-cérebello-thalamo-corticale, facilitant le mouvement dans le cas des troubles dopa-résistants. Des investigations complémentaires, sur un échantillon plus large de patients, sont donc nécessaires pour approfondir ces résultats. Une meilleure compréhension de la physiopathologie de ces troubles est en effet indispensable pour le développement de nouvelles thérapeutiques dans le but d'améliorer la prise en charge des patients souffrant de ces troubles invalidants, et ainsi leurs répercussions en termes de santé publique. / Gait disorders, including freezing of gait are frequent and disabling symptoms that lead to severe decrease of the quality of life on patients from Parkinson's disease (PD). This is emphasized by the fact that those difficulties respond poorly to current medical and surgical treatments. The underlying pathophysiology remains largely unknown. However, the resistance to actual treatments suggests the extension of the degenerative process towards non-dopaminergic structures. Involvement of the pedonculopontine nucleus (PPN) has been proposed. The aim of the study was to better understand the neural networks involved in those troubles, as well as their modulation by dopaminergic drugs and PPN stimulation. The constraints related to stillness of the head during Positron Emission Tomography (PET) exclude, necessarily, the realization of an effective gait. This task has been accomplished using mental moor imagery. The same mural networks are, indeed, activated during the actual execution and the mental representation of movement, under the assumption that motor mental imaging is undertaken from a kinesthetic perspective. Thus, it was necessary, preliminarily to this study, to control the ability of patients to imagine themselves walking from a kinesthetic point of view. Our data validate this condition. Moreover, they show that it is possible to improve this ability through a specific training. What is more, the use of a behavioral protocol, based on Fitt's law, helped the patients to familiarize themselves with this approach, before PET acquisitions, but also to control their correct performance during PET scan. The results, which have been obtained in cerebral imaging confirm the complexity of the underlying mechanisms of gait disorders, and suggest notably different levels of deregulation, on a cortical, sub-cortical and brainstem. In particular, frontal deregulation appears to be confirmed. Moreover, a deregulation of the brainstem could be more particularly involved in gait disorders apparition. We have also evidenced parietal implication, but its exact compensatory or pathologic role remains to be determined. Levodopa-responsive freezing seems to be a consequence of worsened parkinsonian bradykinesia. PPN stimulation seems able to restore a functional cortico-cerebello-cortical loop, facilitating movement. Complementarily studies, on a larger selection of patients, are thus necessary to complete those results. A better understanding of pathophysiology is, as a matter of fact, necessary for the development of new therapeutics in order to improve the therapy of patients from those very invalidating troubles, and thus, to reduce their impact on public health.
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Epileptic syndromes with continuous spike-waves during slow-sleep: new insights into pathophysiology from functional cerebral imagingDe Tiege, Xavier 08 June 2009 (has links)
Epileptic syndromes with continuous spikes and waves during slow sleep (CSWS) are age-related epileptic encephalopathy characterized by the development of various psychomotor regressions in close temporal concordance with the appearance of the electroencephalogram (EEG) pattern of CSWS (Tassinari et al. 2000). This EEG pattern consists in sleep-related activation and diffusion of spike-wave discharges during usually more than 85% of non-rapid eye movement (non-REM) sleep (Tassinari et al. 2000). <p>A minority of the CSWS cases has been associated to cortical or thalamic lesions (symptomatic cases), while in the other cases, the aetiology is unknown. We reported two families combining benign childhood epilepsy with centro-temporal spikes (BCECS), which is the most common form of idiopathic epilepsy in childhood, and cryptogenic epilepsy with CSWS in first-degree relatives. As idiopathic epilepsies are by definition epilepsies related to a genetic predisposition, these data suggests the existence of a continuum ranging from asymptomatic carriers of centro-temporal spikes to cryptogenic epilepsies with CSWS. This hypothesis is further supported by common clinical characteristics between BCECS and epilepsies with CSWS (Fejerman et al. 2000).<p>Epileptic syndromes with CSWS are characterized by an acute phase defined by the emergence of psychomotor deficits, various types of seizures and CSWS activity at around three to eight years of age (Holmes and Lenck-Santini, 2006; Veggiotti et al. 2001). This acute phase is followed by a recovery phase in which patients’ clinical condition improves together with the remission of CSWS pattern, which spontaneously occur at around 15 years of age but may be prompted by using antiepileptic drugs (AED) including corticosteroids (Holmes and Lenck-Santini, 2006; Veggiotti et al. 2001). This biphasic evolution suggests that CSWS activity largely contributes to the psychomotor deficits observed in these patients (Holmes and Lenck-Santini, 2006; Van Bogaert et al. 2006). However, some authors still consider CSWS activity as an epiphenomenon reflecting the underlying brain pathology, rather than the direct cause of the psychomotor regression (Aldenkamp and Arends, 2004). The pathophysiological mechanisms of how CSWS activity could actually lead to psychomotor regression are still poorly understood.<p>Functional cerebral imaging techniques such as positron emission tomography (PET) or functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), represent unique ways to non-invasively study the impact of epileptic activity on normal brain function. The PET technique using [18F]-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) gives information about the regional neuronal glucose consumption via the neurometabolic coupling while the fMRI technique studies the regional perfusional changes directly related to specific events of interest via the neurovascular coupling. We applied both FDG-PET and EEG combined with fMRI (EEG-fMRI) techniques to epileptic children with CSWS to better approach the functional repercussions of CSWS activity on neurophysiological functions and to determine the potential pathophysiological link between CSWS activity and psychomotor regression.<p>In a first FDG-PET study, we determined the regional cerebral glucose metabolic patterns at the acute phase of CSWS in 18 children. We found three types of metabolic patterns: the association of focal hypermetabolism with distinct hypometabolism in 10 patients, focal hypometabolism without any associated area of increased metabolism in five children, and the absence of any significant metabolic abnormality in three patients. The hypermetabolic brain areas were anatomically related to an EEG focus. This anatomical relationship was clearly less consistent for hypometabolic regions. The metabolic abnormalities involved mainly the associative cortices. The metabolic heterogeneity found in these children could be due to the use of corticosteroids before PET as it was significantly associated with the absence of focal hypermetabolism. At the group level, patients with at least one hypermetabolic brain areas showed significant increased metabolism in the right parietal region that was associated to significant hypometabolism in the prefrontal cortex. This finding was interpreted as a phenomenon of remote inhibition of the frontal lobes by highly epileptogenic and hypermetabolic posterior cortex. This hypothesis was supported by effective connectivity analyses which demonstrated the existence of significant changes in the metabolic relationship between these brain areas in this group of children compared to the control group or to the group of children without any significant hypermetabolic brain area. <p>This remote inhibition hypothesis would be reinforced by the demonstration, at the recovery phase of CSWS, of a common resolution of hypermetabolism at the site of epileptic foci and hypometabolism in distant connected brain areas. We thus performed a second FDG-PET study to determine the evolution of cerebral metabolism in nine children recovering from CSWS. At the acute phase of CSWS, all children had a metabolic pattern characterized by the association of focal hypermetabolism with distinct focal hypometabolic areas. The evolution to CSWS recovery was characterized by a complete or almost complete regression of both hypermetabolic and hypometabolic abnormalities. At the group level, the altered effective connectivity found at the acute phase between focal hypermetabolism (centro-parietal regions and right fusiform gyrus) and widespread hypometabolism (prefrontal and orbito-frontal cortices, temporal lobes, left parietal cortex, precuneus and cerebellum) markedly regressed at recovery. These results were of particular interest because they strongly suggested that the metabolic abnormalities observed during the acute phase of CSWS were mainly related to the neurophysiological effects of CSWS activity and not to the underlying cause of the epileptic disease. Moreover, this study confirmed that phenomena of remote inhibition do occur in epileptic syndromes with CSWS. <p>EEG-fMRI is a functional cerebral imaging technique that allows non-invasive mapping of haemodynamic changes directly associated to epileptic activity. In a first EEG-fMRI study, we determined the clinical relevance of the perfusional changes linked to interictal epileptic discharges in a group of seven children with pharmacoresistant focal epilepsy. This study showed that the EEG-fMRI technique is a promising tool to non-invasively localize the epileptic focus and its repercussion on normal brain function in children with epilepsy. Then, to further demonstrate the involvement of CSWS activity in the neurophysiological changes detected by FDG-PET, we used the EEG-fMRI technique to study the perfusional changes directly related to the epileptic activity in an epileptic girl with CSWS. This patient developed a cognitive and behavioural regression in association with a major increase in frequency and diffusion of the spike-wave discharges during the awake state (spike index: 50-75%) and non-REM sleep (spike index: 85-90%). The patient’s neuropsychological profile was dominated by executive dysfunction and memory impairment. During runs of secondarily generalized spike-wave discharges, EEG-fMRI demonstrated deactivations in the lateral and medial fronto-parietal cortices, posterior cingulate gyrus and cerebellum together with focal relative activations in the right frontal, parietal and temporal cortices. These results suggested that the neuropsychological impairment in this case could be related to specific cortical dysfunction secondary to the spread of the epileptic activity from focal hypermetabolic foci. <p>Taken together, both FDG-PET and EEG-fMRI investigations performed in epileptic children with CSWS have shown increases in metabolism/perfusion at the site of the epileptic focus that were associated to decreases in metabolism/perfusion in distinct connected brain areas. These data highly suggest that the neurophysiological effects of CSWS activity are not restricted to the epileptic focus but spread to connected brain areas via a possible mechanism of surrounding and/or remote inhibition. This mechanism is characterised by an epilepsy-induced inhibition of neurons that surround or are remote from the epileptic focus and connected with it via cortico-cortical or polysynaptic pathways (Witte and Bruehl, 1999). The existence of surrounding and remote inhibition phenomena have been well documented in different types of animal models of focal epilepsy using various functional cerebral imaging methods such as autoradiography or optical imaging (Bruehl et al. 1998; Bruehl and Witte, 1995; Witte et al. 1994). Their occurrence in human epilepsy have also been suspected in temporal or extra-temporal lobe epilepsies using FDG-PET, EEG-fMRI or single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) (Blumenfeld et al. 2004; Schwartz and Bonhoeffer, 2001; Van Paesschen et al. 2003; Van Paesschen et al. 2007). Moreover, the demonstration of the regression of distant hypometabolic areas after surgical resection or disconnection of the epileptic focus further suggest that such inhibition mechanism do occur in epilepsy (Bruehl et al. 1998; Jokeit et al. 1997). On a clinical point of view, the demonstration of the existence of such inhibition mechanisms in epilepsies with CSWS brings new important insights for the understanding of the pathophysiological mechanisms involved in the psychomotor regression observed in these conditions. Indeed, these data highly suggest that the psychomotor regression is not only related to the neurophysiological impairment at the site of the epileptic foci but also to epilepsy-induced neurophysiological changes in distant connected brain areas. <p><p> / Doctorat en Sciences médicales / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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