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Bargaining together in trade : developing countries in coalitions, 1982-98Narlikar, Amrita January 2000 (has links)
No description available.
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Have economists actually solved the WTO trade effects mystery?Wei, Changyou January 1900 (has links)
Master of Arts / Department of Economics / Peri da Silva / Rose (2004) reports that GATT/WTO membership produces no positive effects on international trade. This is a remarkable determination given the widespread belief in academic and policy circles that the WTO successfully promotes trade flows by reducing barriers to international trade. Empirical literature measuring the GATT/WTO trade effects has produced notably diverse results since Rose's (2004) paper. This report introduces the history of GATT/WTO and describes the GATT/WTO’s aim to promote trade using multilateral rounds of trade negotiations. It confirms that the efforts toward trade liberalization made by the GATT/WTO are partially achieved by tariff reductions and other trade obligations. In discussing the literature related to Rose’s surprising results, we argue that the gravity model employed by Rose (2004) is not theoretically sound since it omits multilateral resistance terms and fails to capture unobserved bilateral heterogeneity. However, we find that even an accurate specification gravity model that controls multilateral resistance, unobserved bilateral heterogeneity, and individual regional trade agreement effect cannot fully account for Rose’s GATT/WTO trade effects findings. The present report suggests that a new approach, specifically the nonparametric method used by Chang and Lee (2011), may offer sound guidance for future research attempting to understand Rose’s mysterious findings.
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Macroeconomic Indicators of Working Class Voter Abstention in US Presidential Elections, 1948-2004Kessing, Christopher 20 May 2011 (has links)
In this paper I explore the causal relationship between the strategic economic interdependence advanced by Western democracies after WWII and the "puzzle of participation" in US presidential elections. More specifically, I seek to illustrate first how economic convergence within the West and then the transition from Keynesian to monetarist policy rhetoric reflexively diminish the degree to which US working class voters can realistically petition their elected officials regarding the most salient matters of economic self-interest. My results indicate that from 1948-2004, the working public became more isolated from their most salient economic decisions, voted less often due to heretofore unexplored macroeconomic indicators.
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Determinantes do sucesso e fracasso das coalizões internacionais nas negociações da Organização Mundial de Comércio (OMC) / Determinants of success and failure of the international coalitions in the negotiations of the World Trade Organization (WTO)Cepaluni, Gabriel 23 April 2010 (has links)
O principal objetivo deste trabalho é entender como coalizões de países em desenvolvimento são bem-sucedidas nas negociações do GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) e da Organização Mundial de Comércio (OMC). Normalmente, sustenta-se que coalizões temáticas são mais bem-sucedidas do que grupos abrangentes (Higgot e Cooper, 1990; Cooper, Higgot e Nossal, 1990); e que coalizões com maiores recursos de poder são mais bem-sucedidas do que grupos fracos (Narlikar, 2003). Como hipótese alternativa, sugerimos que quanto maior for o grau de abertura comercial da coalizão - ((exportações+importações)/PIB) - maior será a chance de elas serem bemsucedidas nas negociações do GATT/OMC. Utilizaremos uma abordagem multimétodos (qualitativa e quantitativa) para realizar nossa pesquisa. Analisaremos um número (N) médio (entre 28 a 39 casos) de coalizões internacionais para descobrir quais as principais causas dos sucessos e fracassos destes grupos de países. Codificaremos a variável dependente (sucesso versus fracasso) conforme as descrições de casos particulares conduzidos por pesquisadores independentes. A variável independente categórica (coalizões temáticas versus abrangentes) será mensurada segundo procedimento semelhante. Por fim, o PIB agregado das coalizões (nossa medida de poder) e a abertura comercial agregada e abertura comercial média das coalizões (nossas medidas de abertura comercial) foram coletadas na base de dados Penn World Table 6.2. Os trabalhos que conhecemos sobre o tema utilizam a abordagem qualitativa de maneira pura, especialmente estudos de casso. Assim, até onde sabemos, este trabalho realizará a primeira análise estatística sobre o tema. / The main goal of this study is to understand how developing country coalitions obtain benefits in the GATT/WTO negotiations. Usually it is argued that issue-based coalitions are more successful than broad-based groups (Higgot and Cooper, 1990; Cooper, Higgot and Nossal, 1990), and that powerful coalitions are more successful than weaker ones (Narlikar, 2003). Alternatively, we suggest that the greater the degree of trade openness - ((exports+imports)/GDP) - the greater the chance that they will succeed in the GATT/WTO negotiations. We use a mix-method approach (qualitative and quantitative) to conduct our research. We will analyze a medium-N (from 28 to 39) cases of international coalitions to find out the main causes of coalitions\' successes and failures. We will code our dependent variable (success versus failure) according to cases studies conducted by independent researchers. Our categorical independent variable (issue-based versus broad-based coalitions) will be measured adopting the same procedure. Finally, aggregate GDP - our measure of power -, aggregate trade openness and mean aggregate trade openness of the coalitions - our measures of trade openness - were collected in the Penn World Table 6.2. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first statistical analysis on the subject.
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Determinantes do sucesso e fracasso das coalizões internacionais nas negociações da Organização Mundial de Comércio (OMC) / Determinants of success and failure of the international coalitions in the negotiations of the World Trade Organization (WTO)Gabriel Cepaluni 23 April 2010 (has links)
O principal objetivo deste trabalho é entender como coalizões de países em desenvolvimento são bem-sucedidas nas negociações do GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) e da Organização Mundial de Comércio (OMC). Normalmente, sustenta-se que coalizões temáticas são mais bem-sucedidas do que grupos abrangentes (Higgot e Cooper, 1990; Cooper, Higgot e Nossal, 1990); e que coalizões com maiores recursos de poder são mais bem-sucedidas do que grupos fracos (Narlikar, 2003). Como hipótese alternativa, sugerimos que quanto maior for o grau de abertura comercial da coalizão - ((exportações+importações)/PIB) - maior será a chance de elas serem bemsucedidas nas negociações do GATT/OMC. Utilizaremos uma abordagem multimétodos (qualitativa e quantitativa) para realizar nossa pesquisa. Analisaremos um número (N) médio (entre 28 a 39 casos) de coalizões internacionais para descobrir quais as principais causas dos sucessos e fracassos destes grupos de países. Codificaremos a variável dependente (sucesso versus fracasso) conforme as descrições de casos particulares conduzidos por pesquisadores independentes. A variável independente categórica (coalizões temáticas versus abrangentes) será mensurada segundo procedimento semelhante. Por fim, o PIB agregado das coalizões (nossa medida de poder) e a abertura comercial agregada e abertura comercial média das coalizões (nossas medidas de abertura comercial) foram coletadas na base de dados Penn World Table 6.2. Os trabalhos que conhecemos sobre o tema utilizam a abordagem qualitativa de maneira pura, especialmente estudos de casso. Assim, até onde sabemos, este trabalho realizará a primeira análise estatística sobre o tema. / The main goal of this study is to understand how developing country coalitions obtain benefits in the GATT/WTO negotiations. Usually it is argued that issue-based coalitions are more successful than broad-based groups (Higgot and Cooper, 1990; Cooper, Higgot and Nossal, 1990), and that powerful coalitions are more successful than weaker ones (Narlikar, 2003). Alternatively, we suggest that the greater the degree of trade openness - ((exports+imports)/GDP) - the greater the chance that they will succeed in the GATT/WTO negotiations. We use a mix-method approach (qualitative and quantitative) to conduct our research. We will analyze a medium-N (from 28 to 39) cases of international coalitions to find out the main causes of coalitions\' successes and failures. We will code our dependent variable (success versus failure) according to cases studies conducted by independent researchers. Our categorical independent variable (issue-based versus broad-based coalitions) will be measured adopting the same procedure. Finally, aggregate GDP - our measure of power -, aggregate trade openness and mean aggregate trade openness of the coalitions - our measures of trade openness - were collected in the Penn World Table 6.2. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first statistical analysis on the subject.
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GATT und WTO im Recht der USA : die Integration des Völkervertragsrechts in die Rechtsordnung der USA am Beispiel der GATT-Abkommen und der WTO-Übereinkommen /Baab, Heiner. January 2001 (has links) (PDF)
Univ., Diss.--Mainz, 2000. / Literaturverz. S. 9 - 22.
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Правни стандард једнаког третмана у међународној трговини / Pravni standard jednakog tretmana u međunarodnoj trgovini / Legal Standard of Equal Treatment in International TradePopović Aleksandar 09 October 2014 (has links)
<p>Трговина спада у најстарије привредне активности на основу којих се врши размјена добара са циљем остварења профита. Она није само у функцији међународне размјене роба, него представља један од најзначајнијих фактора развоја друштва. Она је истовремено и творац норми које се баштине у најстарије изворе људске цивилизације. На овај начин она је директно учествовала на настанак права и правне науке. Велику улогу у развоју трговине, нарочито у периоду глобализације међународних економских односа и међународног тржишта су имале међународне организације од којих посебно мјесто припада Свјетској трговинској организацији.<br />Националне привреде различитих држава се међусобно повезују кроз међународне трговинске односе, а правна регулатива представља незаобилазну претпоставку њихове реализације.<br />Руководна идеја СТО је оличена у читавом правном систему норми које прије свега почивају на слободи трговине и прокламацији система недискриминације и једнакости свих учесника на тржишту.<br />У функцији остварења ове идеје постоји читав низ начела од којих централно мјесто заузимају слобода међународне трговине, системи најповлашћеније нације и националног третмана, монопол, принцип преференцијалног третмана, начело недискриминације, начело заштите националног тржишта, начело пропорционалности и многа друга, а без њиховог постојања би било немогуће замислити организовану слободну трговину.<br />Стандард једнаког третмана представља средство реализације једнаке конкурентске шансе свим субјектима на свјетском тржишту, а забрана дискриминације оличена у систему најповлашћеније нације и националног третмана представља камен темељац за реализацију система изједначења субјеката спољнотрговинског пословања, успостављања и даљег развоја међународних трговинских односа.<br />Особине стандарда једнаког третмана у праву СТО, данас, ваља посматрати у контексту заштите интереса очекивања као општег правног постулата реализације односа и сарадње њених чланица. Овакав „интерес очекивања“ – „expectation interest“, заслужује правну заштиту, а њу обезбјеђује право СТО, активирањем механизма рјешавања спорова. Ови механизми истовремено представљају и кључни камен темељац очувања СТО, без које не би било могуће замислити одвијање међународне трговине.</p> / <p>Trgovina spada u najstarije privredne aktivnosti na osnovu kojih se vrši razmjena dobara sa ciljem ostvarenja profita. Ona nije samo u funkciji međunarodne razmjene roba, nego predstavlja jedan od najznačajnijih faktora razvoja društva. Ona je istovremeno i tvorac normi koje se baštine u najstarije izvore ljudske civilizacije. Na ovaj način ona je direktno učestvovala na nastanak prava i pravne nauke. Veliku ulogu u razvoju trgovine, naročito u periodu globalizacije međunarodnih ekonomskih odnosa i međunarodnog tržišta su imale međunarodne organizacije od kojih posebno mjesto pripada Svjetskoj trgovinskoj organizaciji.<br />Nacionalne privrede različitih država se međusobno povezuju kroz međunarodne trgovinske odnose, a pravna regulativa predstavlja nezaobilaznu pretpostavku njihove realizacije.<br />Rukovodna ideja STO je oličena u čitavom pravnom sistemu normi koje prije svega počivaju na slobodi trgovine i proklamaciji sistema nediskriminacije i jednakosti svih učesnika na tržištu.<br />U funkciji ostvarenja ove ideje postoji čitav niz načela od kojih centralno mjesto zauzimaju sloboda međunarodne trgovine, sistemi najpovlašćenije nacije i nacionalnog tretmana, monopol, princip preferencijalnog tretmana, načelo nediskriminacije, načelo zaštite nacionalnog tržišta, načelo proporcionalnosti i mnoga druga, a bez njihovog postojanja bi bilo nemoguće zamisliti organizovanu slobodnu trgovinu.<br />Standard jednakog tretmana predstavlja sredstvo realizacije jednake konkurentske šanse svim subjektima na svjetskom tržištu, a zabrana diskriminacije oličena u sistemu najpovlašćenije nacije i nacionalnog tretmana predstavlja kamen temeljac za realizaciju sistema izjednačenja subjekata spoljnotrgovinskog poslovanja, uspostavljanja i daljeg razvoja međunarodnih trgovinskih odnosa.<br />Osobine standarda jednakog tretmana u pravu STO, danas, valja posmatrati u kontekstu zaštite interesa očekivanja kao opšteg pravnog postulata realizacije odnosa i saradnje njenih članica. Ovakav „interes očekivanja“ – „expectation interest“, zaslužuje pravnu zaštitu, a nju obezbjeđuje pravo STO, aktiviranjem mehanizma rješavanja sporova. Ovi mehanizmi istovremeno predstavljaju i ključni kamen temeljac očuvanja STO, bez koje ne bi bilo moguće zamisliti odvijanje međunarodne trgovine.</p> / <p>Trade is one of the oldest economic activities of exchange of goods with the aim to gain profit.Its main purpose is not only international exchange of goods, but is also one of the most important factors of social development.It is also a designer of norms which are believed to be the oldest sources of human civilization. Thus, it has directly influenced the creation of law and legal science.In the development of trade, especially in the period of globalization of international economic relations and international trade, an important role has been played by international organisations, especially World Trade Organisation.<br />National economies of different countries are interrelated through international trade, and legal jurisprudence represents inevitable assumption for their realisation.<br />The leading idea of WTO is reflected in the entire legal system of norms which are primarily based on free trade and non-discrimination system and equality of all market holders.<br />The realization of the idea is supported by a number of principles where the central place is held by free international trade, most- favoured nation systems and national treatment, monopole, preference treatment principle, non-discrimination principle, protection of national market principle, proportionality principle and many others, and without their existence it would be impossible to imagine an organized free trade.<br />The equal treatment standard represents the means of realization of equal competition opportunities for all subjects at the world market, and ban on discrimination reflected in the most-favoured nation system and national treatment represents a foundation stone for the realization of the foreign trade subject equation system, establishment and further development of international trade relations.<br />The characteristics of equal treatment standard in WTO law today should be viewed in the context of expectation interest protection as a general legal principle of realization of relations and co-operation of its members.Such „expectation interest“deserves legal protection, provided by WTO, by activating the dispute resolution mechanisms.These mechanisms also represent a key stepping stone of the preservation of WTO, without which it would be impossible to imagine the international trade activities.</p>
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