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Speleogenesis and secondary cave minerals in quartz-sandstone and quartzite environment / Speleogenesi e minerali secondari in ambiente quarzitico e quarzo-areniticoSauro, Francesco <1984> 07 April 2014 (has links)
The main objective of this research is to improve the comprehension of the processes controlling the formation of caves and karst-like morphologies in quartz-rich lithologies (more than 90% quartz), like quartz-sandstones and metamorphic quartzites. In the scientific community the processes actually most retained to be responsible of these formations are explained in the “Arenisation Theory”. This implies a slow but pervasive dissolution of the quartz grain/mineral boundaries increasing the general porosity until the rock becomes incohesive and can be easily eroded by running waters. The loose sands produced by the weathering processes are then evacuated to the surface through processes of piping due to the infiltration of waters from the fracture network or the bedding planes.
To deal with these problems we adopted a multidisciplinary approach through the exploration and the study of several cave systems in different tepuis. The first step was to build a theoretical model of the arenisation process, considering the most recent knowledge about the dissolution kinetics of quartz, the intergranular/grain boundaries diffusion processes, the primary diffusion porosity, in the simplified conditions of an open fracture crossed by a continuous flow of undersatured water. The results of the model were then compared with the world’s widest dataset (more than 150 analyses) of water geochemistry collected till now on the tepui, in superficial and cave settings.
All these studies allowed verifying the importance and the effectiveness of the arenisation process that is confirmed to be the main process responsible of the primary formation of these caves and of the karst-like superficial morphologies. The numerical modelling and the field observations allowed evaluating a possible age of the cave systems around 20-30 million of years.
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The Pleistocene-Holocene Transition in the Po Plain (Italy): Stratigraphic Architecture and Sequence Stratigraphy from a Highly-Subsiding BasinCampo, Bruno <1984> January 1900 (has links)
This work focuses on the Late Pleistocene-Holocene transition in the southern Po Basin. Five areas were investigated, with the aim of unraveling the role of different allogenic factors (climate, eustacy, sediment supply) on stratigraphic architecture in the last 45 ky. The study starts from the distal portion of the basin (the coastal plain deposits) and then moves towards increasingly internal areas: the alluvial sector characterized by the Po channel belt deposits, and the mud-prone interfluvial succession between the Apenninic margin and the Po channel belt. In the coastal sector, high-resolution facies analysis, along with a well-constrained chronostratigraphic framework, led to the accurate paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the last 45 ky BP depositional history along the 93 km-long transect. It is also provided a sequence stratigraphic interpretation for the whole sedimentary succession. In the Po channel belt sector, based on 28 radiocarbon dates, facies interpretation from high-quality core descriptions and freshly-drilled continuous cores, the contrasting stratigraphic architecture of Late Pleistocene and Holocene deposits was highlighted. Changes in lithofacies and channel stacking patterns reveal the vertical superposition of amalgamated fluvial-channel sands (Late Pleistocene) and mud-dominated deposits (Holocene), with isolated fluvial-channel bodies. We also attempted to establish the link between facies architecture, sea-level fluctuations and climate changes. The 3rd study area (interfuvial succession) was selected to test a new method for paleosol identification, on the basis of geotechnical properties generated from pocket penetrometer values.
Through the reconstruction of the Biferno coastal deposits (4th study area, located ca. 300 km south of the Po Plain) we had the opportunity to document two coeval (Late Pleistocene - Holocene) coastal sedimentary successions, diverging in terms of shelf gradient and proximity to the LGM-lowstand Po Delta. The 5th study area, broadly coincides with Ferrara, was selected to show how high-resolution stratigraphic studies can be used for aquifer protection.
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Drivers of Continental Margin Growth. Examples from the Quaternary Adriatic BasinPellegrini, Claudio <1984> 15 April 2016 (has links)
The growth of continental margins typically results in the development of large-scale sedimentary units
with sigmoidal-shaped profiles, termed clinothems. Clinothems occur at a variety of spatial and temporal
scales, are recognized from shelfal to basin regions and represent one of the fundamental building blocks of
prograding successions. This Ph.D. thesis is based on four datasets from different case histories along an
hypothetical sediment routing system of the Adriatic continental margin. The main goal of this Ph.D. thesis is to
investigate how the interaction of allogenic and autogenic processes impacts on river morphodynamics and
drives clinothems development and growth, and ultimately the formation of modern continental margins.
The first case history is a portion of the Po River upstream the Isola Serafini dam. This area may be considered as
a natural laboratory where investigate and quantify the impact of the backwater effect on river morphodynamics. The second case history is the Mid Adriatic Deep during the Last Glacial Maximum, where a 350m thick succession developped in a very short-time window. This area allows to investigate the internal architecture, geometric relation and facies distribution of a lowstand delta. The third case history, offshore the Gargano Promontory, offers the possibility to investigate how genetically-related coastal and subaqueous progradations, i.e. a compound delta, may develop at sub-millennial time scale. The fourth case history, the southern Adriatic Basin, gives opportunity to investigate the impact of the oceanographic regime on sediment transport, where, far from direct sediment feeding sources, lateral advection and current deposition became the dominant mechanism of margin progradation.
Working on the Adriatic Quaternary succession it was possible to document the effect of a paramount control on margin feed and progradation, to discriminate short-lived phases of extremely rapid deposition during the margin construction, and to document the importance of oceanographic processes on margin growth.
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Geomorphological and statistical analysis on Ravenna dune fields changes, based on Terrestrial Laser TechnologyFabbri, Stefano <1975> 11 May 2015 (has links)
Coastal sand dunes represent a richness first of all in terms of defense from the sea storms waves and the saltwater ingression; moreover these morphological elements constitute an unique ecosystem of transition between the sea and the land environment. The research about dune system is a strong part of the coastal sciences, since the last century. Nowadays this branch have assumed even more importance for two reasons: on one side the born of brand new technologies, especially related to the Remote Sensing, have increased the researcher possibilities; on the other side the intense urbanization of these days have strongly limited the dune possibilities of development and fragmented what was remaining from the last century. This is particularly true in the Ravenna area, where the industrialization united to the touristic economy and an intense subsidence, have left only few dune ridges residual still active. In this work three different foredune ridges, along the Ravenna coast, have been studied with Laser Scanner technology. This research didn’t limit to analyze volume or spatial difference, but try also to find new ways and new features to monitor this environment. Moreover the author planned a series of test to validate data from Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS), with the additional aim of finalize a methodology to test 3D survey accuracy. Data acquired by TLS were then applied on one hand to test some brand new applications, such as Digital Shore Line Analysis System (DSAS) and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), to prove their efficacy in this field; on the other hand the author used TLS data to find any correlation with meteorological indexes (Forcing Factors), linked to sea and wind (Fryberger's method) applying statistical tools, such as the Principal Component Analysis (PCA).
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Quality assessment of a landslide inventory map and its application to land‐use planning. A case study in the Northern Apennines (Emilia‐Romagna region, Italy)Baroni, Cristina <1973> 02 April 2015 (has links)
Landslide hazard and risk are growing as a consequence of climate change and demographic pressure. Land‐use planning represents a powerful tool to manage this socio‐economic problem and build sustainable and landslide resilient communities. Landslide inventory maps are a cornerstone of land‐use planning and, consequently, their quality assessment represents a burning issue.
This work aimed to define the quality parameters of a landslide inventory and assess its spatial and temporal accuracy with regard to its possible applications to land‐use planning. In this sense, I proceeded according to a two‐steps approach. An overall assessment of the accuracy of data geographic positioning was performed on four case study sites located in the Italian Northern Apennines. The quantification of the overall spatial and temporal accuracy, instead, focused on the Dorgola Valley (Province of Reggio Emilia). The assessment of spatial accuracy involved a comparison between remotely sensed and field survey data, as well as an innovative fuzzylike analysis of a multi‐temporal landslide inventory map. Conversely, long‐ and short‐term landslide temporal persistence was appraised over a period of 60 years with the aid of 18 remotely sensed image sets. These results were eventually compared with the current Territorial Plan for Provincial Coordination (PTCP) of the Province of Reggio Emilia.
The outcome of this work suggested that geomorphologically detected and mapped landslides are a significant approximation of a more complex reality. In order to convey to the end‐users this intrinsic uncertainty, a new form of cartographic representation is needed. In this sense, a fuzzy raster landslide map may be an option. With regard to land‐use planning, landslide inventory maps, if appropriately updated, confirmed to be essential decision‐support tools. This research, however, proved that their spatial and temporal uncertainty discourages any direct use as zoning maps, especially when zoning itself is associated to statutory or advisory regulations.
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Evoluzione idrologica ed idrogeologica della pineta di San Vitale (Ravenna)Giambastiani, Beatrice Maria Sole <1978> 30 May 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Dinamica sedimentaria torbiditica in bacini confinati: margine orientale della Sardegnadalla Valle, Giacomo <1977> 07 May 2007 (has links)
La sedimentazione clastica di mare profondo è attualmente uno dei principali argomenti della ricerca sedimentologica sia in ambito puramente accademico che in ambito petrolifero-industriale. Gli studi recenti hanno enfatizzato l'influenza fondamentale della topografia preesistente del fondo marino sulla crescita e la morfologia sui fan di mare profondo; si è visto come, in molti systemi torbiditici,
l’evoluzione dei processi deposizionali sia stata da moderatamente a fortemente controllata dall’ effetto di confinamento di scarpate tettoniche, ridge strutturali e
seamounts. Scopo di questo lavoro è studiare l'effetto del confinamento alla scala di bacino sui principali sistemi torbiditici del margine orientale della Sardegna che
rappresenta un margine passivo articolato di bacini di intraslope confinati verso mare da seamounts. Lo studio dei sistemi deposizionali è stato eseguito attraverso l'interpretazione di dati di batimetria multibeam ad alto dettaglio acquisiti dall’ISMAR di Bologna durante la crociera Tir99. L’ interpretazione multibeam è stata
integrata con l’ analisi di profili sismici a riflessione per comprendere la morfologia l’organizzazione interna e l’evoluzione nel tempo dei principali elementi deposizionali dei sistemi torbiditici. Tre bacini di intraslope (Olbia, Baronie e il settore settentrionale del bacino Ogliastra) sono stati investigati. Il bacino di Olbia è il bacino più settentrionale del margine orientale della Sardegna ed è limitato verso mare dai seamount Etruschi e Baronie. Il principale sistema torbiditico del bacino di Olbia è costituito dal Caprera, articolato in un sistema di canyon alimentatori nella piattaforma e nella scarpata continentale e da un ampio canale con argini alla base della scarpata. Il Caprera è fiancheggiato da un ampia piattaforma continentale, e questa, fungendo da “magazzino” per il materiale piu grossolando, può spiegare la peculiare architettura sedimentaria del suo fan. L'effetto di confinamento del bacino sulla forma e sull'evoluzione del fan del Caprera è evidente soprattutto sull'asimmetria dei leve e su fenomeni di avulsione che hanno coinvolto il canale. Il bacino di intraslope di Olbia appare completamente riempito, e, nel bordo orientale, è presente il canyon di intrabacino verso il bacino sottostante. Gli effetti dell'abbassamento del livello di base sono
visibili nel settore distale del sistema, dove si ha lo sviluppo di canali distributari e di valli erosive a basso rilievo, che rappresentano le porzioni "upslope" dei canyon di "bypass". Il bacino di intraslope del Baronie è il bacino centrale del margine, confinato verso mare dal seamount delle Baronie, e presenta una via di fuga laterale rappresentato dal sistema di canyon di Gonone-Orosei. Il Posada è il sistema torbiditico principale, consiste di un canyon profondamente inciso nella piattaforma e nella scarpata, e sviluppa alla base della scarpata un piccolo fa radiale. La morfologia del è il risultato dell'interazione complessa tra la geoemtria del bacino ricevente ed il
comportamento dei flussi sedimentari. La forma del bacino ha costretto il sistema torbiditico a cambiare la direzione di sviluppo, da est verso sud. Processi di framanento in massa a grande scala hanno inoltre contribuito alla riorganizzazione del sistema torbiditico. Il bacino dell’Ogliastra è localizzato nel settore meridionale del margine, limitato verso mare dal seamount Quirra. Il settore settentrionale della scarpata continentale del bacino Ogliastra è caratterizzato da canyon e incisioni di carattere ibrido, con tratti deposizionali ed erosivi. L'Arbatax è il principale sistema torbiditico del bacino di Ogliastra caratterizzato da un settore meridionale dominato da un canale alimentatore e da un settore settentrionale abbandonato, caratterizzato da fenomeni di smantellamento e instabilità gravitativa. In generale i risultati dello studio evidenziano l'importanza della combinazione dei
fattori di controllo esterni, e della topografia preesistente, nello sviluppo dei processi sedimentari e degli elementi deposizionali dei sistemi torbiditici. In
particolare, appare evidente come lo stile deposizionale dei sistemi torbiditici in ambiente confinato diverga sostanzialmente da quello previsto dai modelli di fan
sottomarini usati come strumenti predittivi nella esplorazione e sfruttamento dei giacimenti di idrocarburi.
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Mass-transport deposits on Mediterranean continental marginsMinisini, Daniel <1978> 07 May 2007 (has links)
Extensive mass transport deposits and multiple slide scars testify widespread and recurrent submarine sediment failures occurring during the late Quaternary on the SW-Adriatic and SE-Sicilian margins. These mass movements and their consequences contributed to shape the continental slopes and fill the basins with characteristic signatures. Geomorphological, seismo-stratigraphic, sedimentological and
biostratigraphic data provide clues to: 1) define distinct failure mechanisms investigating on factors that determine dissimilar organization of coeval displaced masses, 2) reconstruct successive phases of failure stressing on the same location where slide scars crosscut and mass-transport deposits overlap, 3) analyze regional setting and indicate the most suitable place where to calculate mass wasting
frequency. Discussions on the role of fluid flow, currents activity and tectonic deformation determine a wider view on the construction of the studied continental margins.
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Numerical simulations of the coastal marine ecosystem dynamics: integration techniques and data assimilation in a complex physical-biogeochemical modelButenschon, Momme <1973> 25 June 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Ensemble forecasting in the Mediterranean seaBonazzi, Alessandro <1979> 30 June 2008 (has links)
A new methodology is being devised for ensemble ocean forecasting using
distributions of the surface wind field derived from a Bayesian Hierarchical
Model (BHM). The ocean members are forced with samples from the posterior distribution of the wind during the assimilation of satellite and in-situ
ocean data. The initial condition perturbations are then consistent with the
best available knowledge of the ocean state at the beginning of the forecast
and amplify the ocean response to uncertainty only in the forcing.
The ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) surface winds are also
used to generate a reference ocean ensemble to evaluate the performance of
the BHM method that proves to be eective in concentrating the forecast
uncertainty at the ocean meso-scale.
An height month experiment of weekly BHM ensemble forecasts was
performed in the framework of the operational Mediterranean Forecasting
System. The statistical properties of the ensemble are compared with model
errors throughout the seasonal cycle proving the existence of a strong relationship between forecast uncertainties due to atmospheric forcing and the
seasonal cycle.
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