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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Speleogenesis and secondary cave minerals in quartz-sandstone and quartzite environment / Speleogenesi e minerali secondari in ambiente quarzitico e quarzo-arenitico

Sauro, Francesco <1984> 07 April 2014 (has links)
The main objective of this research is to improve the comprehension of the processes controlling the formation of caves and karst-like morphologies in quartz-rich lithologies (more than 90% quartz), like quartz-sandstones and metamorphic quartzites. In the scientific community the processes actually most retained to be responsible of these formations are explained in the “Arenisation Theory”. This implies a slow but pervasive dissolution of the quartz grain/mineral boundaries increasing the general porosity until the rock becomes incohesive and can be easily eroded by running waters. The loose sands produced by the weathering processes are then evacuated to the surface through processes of piping due to the infiltration of waters from the fracture network or the bedding planes. To deal with these problems we adopted a multidisciplinary approach through the exploration and the study of several cave systems in different tepuis. The first step was to build a theoretical model of the arenisation process, considering the most recent knowledge about the dissolution kinetics of quartz, the intergranular/grain boundaries diffusion processes, the primary diffusion porosity, in the simplified conditions of an open fracture crossed by a continuous flow of undersatured water. The results of the model were then compared with the world’s widest dataset (more than 150 analyses) of water geochemistry collected till now on the tepui, in superficial and cave settings. All these studies allowed verifying the importance and the effectiveness of the arenisation process that is confirmed to be the main process responsible of the primary formation of these caves and of the karst-like superficial morphologies. The numerical modelling and the field observations allowed evaluating a possible age of the cave systems around 20-30 million of years.

Tectonic geomorphology and active strain of the Northern Apennines mountain front

Ponza, Alessio <1975> 09 April 2010 (has links)
The Northern Apennines (NA) chain is the expression of the active plate margin between Europe and Adria. Given the low convergence rates and the moderate seismic activity, ambiguities still occur in defining a seismotectonic framework and many different scenarios have been proposed for the mountain front evolution. Differently from older models that indicate the mountain front as an active thrust at the surface, a recently proposed scenario describes the latter as the frontal limb of a long-wavelength fold (> 150 km) formed by a thrust fault tipped around 17 km at depth, and considered as the active subduction boundary. East of Bologna, this frontal limb is remarkably very straight and its surface is riddled with small, but pervasive high- angle normal faults. However, west of Bologna, some recesses are visible along strike of the mountain front: these perturbations seem due to the presence of shorter wavelength (15 to 25 km along strike) structures showing both NE and NW-vergence. The Pleistocene activity of these structures was already suggested, but not quantitative reconstructions are available in literature. This research investigates the tectonic geomorphology of the NA mountain front with the specific aim to quantify active deformations and infer possible deep causes of both short- and long-wavelength structures. This study documents the presence of a network of active extensional faults, in the foothills south and east of Bologna. For these structures, the strain rate has been measured to find a constant throw-to-length relationship and the slip rates have been compared with measured rates of erosion. Fluvial geomorphology and quantitative analysis of the topography document in detail the active tectonics of two growing domal structures (Castelvetro - Vignola foothills and the Ghiardo plateau) embedded in the mountain front west of Bologna. Here, tilting and river incision rates (interpreted as that long-term uplift rates) have been measured respectively at the mountain front and in the Enza and Panaro valleys, using a well defined stratigraphy of Pleistocene to Holocene river terraces and alluvial fan deposits as growth strata, and seismic reflection profiles relationships. The geometry and uplift rates of the anticlines constrain a simple trishear fault propagation folding model that inverts for blind thrust ramp depth, dip, and slip. Topographic swath profiles and the steepness index of river longitudinal profiles that traverse the anti- clines are consistent with stratigraphy, structures, aquifer geometry, and seismic reflection profiles. Available focal mechanisms of earthquakes with magnitude between Mw 4.1 to 5.4, obtained from a dataset of the instrumental seismicity for the last 30 years, evidence a clear vertical separation at around 15 km between shallow extensional and deeper compressional hypocenters along the mountain front and adjacent foothills. In summary, the studied anticlines appear to grow at rates slower than the growing rate of the longer- wavelength structure that defines the mountain front of the NA. The domal structures show evidences of NW-verging deformation and reactivations of older (late Neogene) thrusts. The reconstructed river incision rates together with rates coming from several other rivers along a 250 km wide stretch of the NA mountain front and recently available in the literature, all indicate a general increase from Middle to Late Pleistocene. This suggests focusing of deformation along a deep structure, as confirmed by the deep compressional seismicity. The maximum rate is however not constant along the mountain front, but varies from 0.2 mm/yr in the west to more than 2.2 mm/yr in the eastern sector, suggesting a similar (eastward-increasing) trend of the apenninic subduction.

Analisi critica di modelli previsionali per le frane in Emilia Romagna / Analysis of forecasting models for landslides in Emilia Romagna

Franceschini, Silvia <1982> 11 May 2012 (has links)
Questa tesi di dottorato è inserita nell’ambito della convenzione tra ARPA_SIMC (che è l’Ente finanziatore), l’Agenzia Regionale di Protezione Civile ed il Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e Geologico - Ambientali dell’Ateneo di Bologna. L’obiettivo principale è la determinazione di possibili soglie pluviometriche di innesco per i fenomeni franosi in Emilia Romagna che possano essere utilizzate come strumento di supporto previsionale in sala operativa di Protezione Civile. In un contesto geologico così complesso, un approccio empirico tradizionale non è sufficiente per discriminare in modo univoco tra eventi meteo innescanti e non, ed in generale la distribuzione dei dati appare troppo dispersa per poter tracciare una soglia statisticamente significativa. È stato quindi deciso di applicare il rigoroso approccio statistico Bayesiano, innovativo poiché calcola la probabilità di frana dato un certo evento di pioggia (P(A|B)) , considerando non solo le precipitazioni innescanti frane (quindi la probabilità condizionata di avere un certo evento di precipitazione data l’occorrenza di frana, P(B|A)), ma anche le precipitazioni non innescanti (quindi la probabilità a priori di un evento di pioggia, P(A)). L’approccio Bayesiano è stato applicato all’intervallo temporale compreso tra il 1939 ed il 2009. Le isolinee di probabilità ottenute minimizzano i falsi allarmi e sono facilmente implementabili in un sistema di allertamento regionale, ma possono presentare limiti previsionali per fenomeni non rappresentati nel dataset storico o che avvengono in condizioni anomale. Ne sono esempio le frane superficiali con evoluzione in debris flows, estremamente rare negli ultimi 70 anni, ma con frequenza recentemente in aumento. Si è cercato di affrontare questo problema testando la variabilità previsionale di alcuni modelli fisicamente basati appositamente sviluppati a questo scopo, tra cui X – SLIP (Montrasio et al., 1998), SHALSTAB (SHALlow STABility model, Montgomery & Dietrich, 1994), Iverson (2000), TRIGRS 1.0 (Baum et al., 2002), TRIGRS 2.0 (Baum et al., 2008). / This PhD thesis is inserted in the agreement between ARPA_SIMC (which is the sponsor), the Regional Civil Protection and the Department of Earth Sciences and Geo - Environmental of the University of Bologna. The main objective is the determination of possible rainfall thresholds for triggering landslides in Emilia Romagna, which can be used as an aid in forecasting operations of Civil Protection. In a such complex geological context, the distinction between critical and non-critical rainfall is not trivial: when different outputs (failure or no-failure) can be obtained for the same input (a given rainfall event) a deterministic approach is no longer applicable and a probabilistic model is needed. We use a Bayesian statistical approach, applied to a dataset ranging between 1939 and 2009, that is a direct application of conditional probabilities. The conditional probability is the probability of some event A (in our case a landslide) given the occurrence of some other event B (a rainfall episode with a certain magnitude, expressed in terms of total rainfall, intensity or any other variable). Conditional probability is written P(A|B) and it is read “the probability to have a landslide (A) given a rainfall episode (B)”. Probabilistic Bayesian thresholds minimize false alarms and can be easily implemented in a regional warning system, but their predictive capacity is limited about phenomena that are not represented in the historical dataset. This is the case of shallow landslides evolving in debris flows, extremely rare in the last 70 years, but, recently, their frequency is increasing. We tried to address this problem by testing the predictive capacity of some physically based models developed in literature, as X - SLIP (Montrasio et al., 1998), SHALSTAB (model Shallow Stability, Montgomery & Dietrich, 1994), Iverson (2000), TRIGRS 1.0 (Baum et al., 2002), TRIGRS 2.0 (Baum et al., 2008).

Tracing bedload transport in Alpine mountain streams by means of PIT-tagged particles: interplay between sediment supply and hydro-meteorological forcing

Toro, Matteo January 2016 (has links)
Conceptual models of first-order controls governing river channel dynamics in mountain streams have been rarely tested in the field. In this Ph.D. thesis we examine the effects of hydro-meteorological forcing and sediment supply on the bedload transport dynamics of mountain streams. To this purpose we select three step-pool mountain streams that share identical granitic lithology, but exhibit contrasting sediment supply and hydro-climatic conditions. The three study sites, which are located in Trentino, Eastern Italian Alps, include the Ussaia Creek (2.3 km2) in Val di Sole, and the Grigno and Tolvà Creeks (7 km2) in Valsugana. The former is characterized by high, sand-rich sediment supply delivered by some 20 m-thick glacigenic deposits. The latter two, which flow through glacially carved bedrock terrain, are disconnected from colluvial sediment inputs so that sediment sources are limited to channel banks and bars during high flows. Mean annual precipitation is respectively 844 mm in Ussaia Creek and 1511 mm in Grigno and Tolvà Creeks. All study streams experience, to variable extents, snowmelt and rainfall-induced bedload transporting flows. To estimate quantitatively the effects and the interactions associated with sediment supply and hydro-meteorological forcing, we monitor precipitation and atmospheric temperature. Hydrological levels at instrumented sections are recorded via pressure transducers. Bedload transport is monitored by tagging and tracking 632 stones (b-axis: 30 to 131 mm; weight 88-4004 g). The tracking of these PIT-tagged tracers was conducted from December 2013 to December 2015 by means of an RFID portable pole antenna. Cumulatively, a total of 16, 11 and 19 bedload events were monitored respectively at Grigno, Tolvà and Ussaia Creek. We measured displacement lengths occurred during inter-survey periods, induced by peak flows associated to snowmelt, rainfall or a combination of the two (mixed-type). Active channel depth was evaluated via direct digging tests at the three study sites finding a median burial depth of 0.1 m at Grigno and Tolvà Creeks, and 0.25 m at Ussaia Creek; recent findings (Schneider et al., 2014), show that ordinary bedload events of boulder-bed streams in the Alps, active layer thickness is comprised within 0.01 and 0.22 m; Houbrechts et al. (2012) demonstrated that in mountain streams the active layer thickness is lower than D50. The active layer width was evaluated via orthophoto maps obtained through Structure-from-Motion. To characterize the streambed roughness and the channel slope we conducted topographic and morphologic surveys. To evaluate event-based bedload sediment volumes we applied the virtual velocity approach (Haschenburger and Church, 1998). In particular, to assess the minimum discharge able to entrain clasts, determining the virtual transport duration of each tracer weight class, we used the competence flow method. In order to evaluate the uncertainty associated with methodology that has been customarily applied in the literature, we performed a sensitivity analysis of the evaluation of bedload transfer proposing three scenarios varying the assumptions that (i) virtual velocities are normally distributed and therefore justifying the adoption of median virtual velocities instead of the average virtual velocity, (ii) that active channel width is constant in time, hence replacing bankfull width with site-specific active widths, evaluated on the base of PIT-tagged particles displacements. The monitoring year 2014 was characterized by a total annual precipitation two times larger than the historical mean, associated to a prolonged snowmelt and to heavy storm front events. By contrast, in 2015 we observed no snowmelt and no precipitation occurred in November and December. At Grigno and Tolvà Creeks, the majority of sediment is transported during autumn storm fronts (median travel distance: 30 m) and secondarily by summer convective storms (median travel distance: 4.5 m). At Ussaia Creek, snowmelt-related events induced 17% of the observed displacement lengths (median travel distance: 2 m), but the primary source of sediment transport is associated chiefly with prolonged storm fronts (median travel distance: 200 m). The mass of tracers does not affect virtual velocities, that are instead affected by seasonal distribution of hydro-meteorological events. In fact, at Grigno and Tolvà Creeks we observe a stratification of velocities according to hydro-meteorological forcing, with the largest values observed during rainfall season, commonly associated to highest values of peak discharge. Variability of virtual velocities at Ussaia Creek does not depend on seasonal hydro-climatic forcing and peak discharge values, with distributions of virtual velocities partly overlapping among snowmelt- and rainfall-related events. The seasonal pattern is translated to bedload transport volumes, with Ussaia Creek transporting by the end of the snowmelt period in 2014, three times more sediment than Grigno Creek. This is testified by a prolonged autumn rainfall that hit simultaneously the study sites, caused a debris-flow that transported 1084 m3 at Ussaia Creek, a much larger quantity compared to the 32.2 m3 evaluated at Grigno and the 62.5 m3 at Tolvà Creek. The definition of rainfall intensity-duration thresholds of precipitation events triggering bedload at our sites shows that transport-limited systems (i.e., Ussaia Creek) result sensitive to precipitation inputs characterized by low rainfall intensity (below 5 mm hr-1) and large duration. Conversely, supply-limited systems (i.e., Grigno and Tolvà Creeks) exhibit armoured beds and interlocked, resilient structures that limit entrainment processes, mobilizing bedload only in response to short-duration/high-intensity rainfall (10 mm hr-1). These channels preserve their morphological structure even under high flow events, triggering sediment transport processes limitedly to peaked storm hydrographs. In the present study we show that the variability in bedload transport among different study reaches is linked to sediment supply conditions and to peculiar hydro-climatic settings. An additional study site characterized by dry conditions, Strimm Creek (Alto Adige, Italy), allows us to obtain a latitudinal transect from dry to wet conditions across the Eastern Italian Alps. By monitoring tracer displacements from 2011 to 2015 at this formerly-glaciated, high-elevation mountain basin, we observe that limited sediment-supply conditions exert a strong control on bedload, chiefly triggered by snowmelt events that account for 73% of the overall travel distances. At Grigno and Tolvà Creeks, also characterized by limited sediment supply, transport is dominated by rainfall events, responsible of driving 95% of the overall travel distances. Sediment availability at Ussaia Creek is responsible for triggering the largest observed bedload events, associated to prolonged autumn precipitation and secondarily to snowmelt events.

Morphodynamics and driftwood dispersal in braided rivers

Welber, Matilde January 2013 (has links)
Driftwood is widely recognized as a relevant component of riverine systems due to its complex interactions with flow, sediment transport and vegetation dynamics. In-channel large wood has a relevant geomorphic and ecological role as it enhances morphological diversity and creates a variety of physical habitats that sustain high biodiversity. Its presence can also increase flood risk and therefore wood is often removed from streams especially in densely populated areas. Recent river restoration policies aim to maximise the environmental benefits of driftwood and minimise risks. The study of wood dynamics can provide useful information to define guidelines for sustainable wood management. Multi-thread systems represent a particularly interesting and challenging context for the investigation of wood dynamics because of their complex geometry, the presence of vegetated islands and the frequent, intense changes in channel pattern observed even for moderate discharge fluctuations. However, comparatively few studies focus on driftwood in large braided rivers and limited quantitative information is available on wood transport, deposition and remobilisation in these systems. The goals of the present work are: a) characterising the spatial organisation of wood deposits and identifying typical retention sites and styles; b) analysing the influence of flow regime, channel morphology, wood supply and log properties (size and shape) on dispersal patterns; c) investigating wood remobilisation induced by discharge fluctuations and bed reworking; and d) analysing long-term wood storage volume and budget. A combination of field-scale direct observations, remote sensing techniques and physical modelling was used to investigate wood and channel dynamics. Field-scale monitoring carried out on the Tagliamento River (Italy) allowed the observation of complex interactions and feedbacks between channel, vegetation and wood dynamics. Laboratory simulations – carried out in two large flumes at the University of Trento (Italy) and at the University of Hull (UK) – were employed to investigate individual wood dispersal mechanisms under controlled conditions and to explore the role of governing parameters. In large rivers, floods are the primary driver of wood recruitment through the erosion of vegetated banks and islands; field-scale observations showed that these localised wood inputs control wood storage at sub-reach scale because a large proportion of eroded trees is retained close to the input point in sparse, small jams. Physical modelling highlighted a complex relationships between flow stage and the longitudinal and vertical distribution of wood; high discharge increases the ability of the system to transfer wood, but at the same time generates complex inundation patterns where a larger number of sites are available for wood retention. No clear link between flow stage and the vertical distribution of wood is observed, probably because water surface elevation exhibits small changes with discharge in flat braided river cross-sections. Driftwood element properties also influence deposition patterns; log diameter controls travel distance as it governs flotation and therefore the likeliness of deposition. High element length and complex piece shape sustain the formation of large jams. The presence of a root bole is also associated to short travel distance and low relative elevation. At reach-scale, the spatial distribution of wood is the product of local inputs during major floods and reorganisation of deposits induced by minor events. Wood pattern exhibits a threshold behaviour with supply. High input rates determine very high spatial density and the formation of large, stable jams. Two processes govern wood reorganisation over different time scales, namely network inundation – inducing rapid changes in flow field – and bed reworking. In the first case, the persistence of deposits depends on the magnitude of discharge fluctuations as wood dispersed by small floods is easily removed by larger events. High relative elevation and large jam size enhance wood stability, while the presence of a root wad has a dual effect as it determines large accumulations at low elevation. Channel pattern reworking determines intense turnover of driftwood deposits regardless of supply rate, piece properties and jam size, save for very large accumulations. As a consequence, wood deposition occurs mostly on empty braidplain areas as opposed to pre-existing sites. These results suggests that wood (alone) has little direct effect on reach-scale bed geometry in a large braided river; however, deposited wood significantly influences local hydraulics and morphology, enhancing physical habitat diversity. Moreover, deposited wood favours the accumulation of fine sediment, nutrients and seeds and often exhibits vegetative regeneration. These processes lead to the transformation of instable driftwood pieces into vegetated islands, which in turn can trap more wood. Therefore, wood has a relevant, indirect effect on braided river morphodynamics through the establishment of vegetation, whose presence influences network complexity and evolution.

Classifying Single-thread Rivers: A European perspective

Sekarsari, Prima Woro January 2015 (has links)
This thesis develops and tests a classification of ‘near-natural’ European single-thread rivers, which are free to adjust to fluvial processes. The research involves subdividing rivers along a continuum of geomorphological characteristics to assign river reaches to geomorphologically-meaningful classes according to their channel dimensions and forms, and floodplain characteristics. The classification was developed and tested through three research components. First, a preliminary classification was developed using information entirely derived from a new information system containing remotely-sensed imagery and digital terrain data: Google Earth. This research stage required the development of rules for identifying, extracting and standardising information from this source for a large sample of river reaches. 221 single-thread river reaches distributed across 75 European rivers were investigated. Analysis of the derived information resulted in the development of a classification comprising six classes of European single thread river. Second, the robustness of the classification was explored including assessments of (i) the degree to which the classes were interpretable in relation to the geomorphic features they displayed; (ii) the degree to which sub-divisions of the six classes could be identified and justified; (iii) the accuracy of some specific types of information extracted from Google Earth; and (iv) the degree to which the six classes corresponded to expected gradients in two controlling variables: stream power and bed sediment calibre. Thirdly, bar theory was applied to a sample of rivers representative of the six classes. Since bars are an important contributor to river channel form and dynamics, the correspondence of the bars in the six river classes to their expected distribution as indicated by bar theory, provided further confirmation of the robustness of the classification. The outputs of the research are (i) a fully-tested classification of European single-thread rivers; and (ii) a demonstration of how Google Earth can provide valuable information for research in fluvial geomorphology. Some additional future research stages are proposed that could turn the classification into an operational tool in the context of river assessment and management.

Controls on and Morphodynamic Effects of Width Variations in Bed-load Dominated Alluvial Channels: Experimental and Numerical Study

Singh, Umesh January 2015 (has links)
Understanding and predicting the effects of width variability and the controls on width adjustment in rivers has a key role in developing management approaches able to account for the physical, ecological and socio-economical dimensions of a river system. Width adaptation in a river occurs due to erosion and accretion of banks, within various geomorphic, environmental and anthropogenic contexts, which set the most relevant factors controlling the morphological dynamics of the river corridor. In turn, changes in channel width imply alterations of the river channel morphodynamics at a variety of space and time scales, implying, for instance, modifications of important controlling parameters, like the width-to-depth ratio, which is closely related to the planform morphology of alluvial rivers. Width adaptation bears crucial implications for river management: on one hand, channel widening may result in loss of valuable land and in the increase of the damage risk of infrastructures in surrounding areas, which are often subjected to increasing pressures related to human settlements and economic activities. On the other hand, several approaches to river restoration are based on the concept of “giving more room to the river”, and thus allow the banks to erode and widen, to increase morphological and physical habitat diversity. In view of these implications, the prediction of width adaptation, understanding of its main causes and controlling factors, and quantification of the riverbed morphodynamic response to width variability is of crucial importance to support effective river management. The practical and engineering interest on stable cross-sections of alluvial channels has attracted a considerable amount of scientific research since late 19th century. Much of the research has focused in developing width prediction tools mostly based on empirical approaches and methods based on extremal hypothesis and to lesser extent on mechanistic methods. In the past two decades, research has advanced in developing numerical models including geotechnical as well as fluvial processes to simulate bank failure mechanism more accurately. Despite significant development on the width predictors, research in controls on width evolution of river channels cannot still be considered a fully settled issue. The study of the morphodynamic response of the riverbed to width variability in space and time is somehow more recent, and has focussed on the dynamics of large-scale bedforms (river bars) that produce a variety of riverbed configurations and planform morphologies. The effect of spatial width variability on river bars has mainly been based on assessing the role of such planform forcing effects to the bed topography, both in case of straight and meandering river channels. The amplitude of width variability has been related to fundamental questions as those behind the transition between single- and multi-thread river morphologies, and most studies consider regular spatial variations of the channel width. Research on the response of channel bed to spatial width variability has mostly consisted of modelling and theoretical approaches, which point out the limit cases of a purely “free” system response, associated with morphodynamic instability, an of purely “forced” bedform pattern by spatial planform non-homogeneity. The large spectrum of mixed configurations between those two theoretical limits has been so far seldom investigated, despite its strong relevance for real river systems. The limits of what can actually be considered a “planform forcing” effect, or has instead a too small variability have never been clarified, a well as its role on the resulting channel morphodynamics. For instance, the effects of small amplitude width variations on straight channels, which may be due to imperfect bank lines or protrusion due to vegetations, on morphodynamics of river bed has been neglected so far. This study has two main scientific goals. The first goal is to quantitatively investigate the role of potentially controlling factors on the width evolution of bedload-dominated straight river channels, including the initial channel width, the flow regime and the sediment supply regime. The major question driving the research is whether a river would attain the same width independently of the initial conditions and whether this would be true for all types of discharge regimes of water and sediment supply. The study is carried out using both laboratory experiments (Chapter 3), analytical model (Chapter 4) and numerical model (Chapter 5) tested with reference to real river data. Integrating the results of the experiments with those of analytical and numerical models allows deriving a more robust and complete understanding of the processes involved, including transient width evolution, time scales to morphodynamic equilibrium, equilibrium conditions and role of each controlling factor. In Chapter 3 a set of controlled laboratory experiments have been performed to study channel adjustments in a movable-bed, erodible-bank channel under different flow and sediment regimes and different initial widths. The long-term width evolution is observed to be independent of initial channel width under uniform formative discharge without upstream sediment supply. Width evolution rate is observed to depend on the initial channel width when the sediment is supplied from upstream with the narrowest initial channel evolving at the highest widening rate and resulting into the widest channel. A physics based analytical model of channel adjustment (Chapter 4) has been applied to some of the experiments described in Chapter 3. Furthermore, in Chapter 5 a field scale numerical model was setup using the flow and topographic data of gravel bed reach of Upper Severn River near Abermule (UK). The trend of width evolution computed by analytical model is also qualitatively in agreement with the observations in the experiments. The results of numerical modeling have further supported the observations in the experiments which reinforce the findings in agreement with laws of physics. The second goal of the present PhD research is to analyze the morphodynamic response of the riverbed to small-scale spatial variability of the channel width, focusing on alternate bars. The main question driving the investigation (Chapter 6) is to which extent small-amplitude, irregular width variations in space affect the morphodynamics of river bars, the fundamental riverbed patterns at the scale of the channel width. The key theoretical question behind this investigation is to which extent “small amplitude” width variations can be considered as a planform forcing, for the channel bed morphodynamic response, and whether it is possible to establish a threshold amplitude below which they may act as a near bank-roughness element. The study is based on hydraulic conditions typical of bedload-dominated piedmont streams, often having flows with Froude numbers around 1 or higher at bar-forming or channel-forming conditions. The study is developed through a numerical modeling approach. Because of the considered hydraulic conditions (close to critical-Froude number) first, a comparison is made between one semi-coupled numerical morphodynamic model, expected to be most suitable for sub critical flows, and one fully-coupled numerical morphodynamic model which can handle Froude-critical flows to assess the potential shortcomings of applying a semi-coupled model under close-to-critial Froude conditions. Such test, (Appendix B) supports the use of both models, and the semi-coupled model is eventually preferred for the advantages in computational speed. Such model is used for the numerical investigations performed in Chapter 6 and to some extent also in Chapter 5. The comparison is based on the reproduction of alternate bars morphodynamics observed in existing sets of flume experiments with fixed banks and super-critical flow conditions. The results of numerical modeling have shown that the small width variations have accelerated the development of the steady bars suppressing the free bar instability. Further investigations reveal that the effects of small width variations to a certain extent can be captured by parameterizing them in the form of increased roughness close to the banks or as small obstructions along the banks.

Global development, acoustic and emissive consequences of hydropower

Lumsdon, Alexander Edward January 2016 (has links)
Increasing energy demand driven by rapid population and economic growth, the need for climate change mitigation, and the depletion of fossil fuels is stimulating the search for renewable, climate neutral energy sources. Hydropower provides an efficient, low maintenance and flexible form of energy, which can provide ancillary benefits such as flood control, water storage and job creation. Yet, the construction of dams for hydropower production has been recognised by scientists as one of the major threats to the ecological integrity of river systems. For instance, the fragmentation of river systems alters the flow, thermal, and sediment regimes of rivers, and restricts the free movement of aquatic organisms. Disruption to the natural flow regime results in the degradation of physical habitat features which generate acoustic stimuli that are relevant to organisms. In addition, initial flooding of terrestrial habitats results in the rapid decay of organic matter, which releases greenhouse gases (GHG) into the atmosphere. Conservation and management of river systems therefore requires a greater understanding of the processes and mechanisms which underpin the ecohydrological impacts of hydropower. In this context, this doctoral thesis aims to investigate: (i), the ramifications of a global boom in hydropower construction, (ii) the prediction of GHG emissions from hydropower reservoirs, and (iii) the temporal and spatial changes in underwater river soundscapes affected by hydropower. Researchers have investigated the social, economic and ecological consequences of reservoir construction for decades. However, the lack of coordinated, georeferenced databases has hindered catchment decision making, and limited the development of regional and global research in particular. In Chapter 1, the primary objectives were to create a high resolution, georeferenced database of hydropower dams under construction or planned to assess the dimension and spatial distribution of hydropower developments, their density relative to available catchment water resources and the future impact on river fragmentation. Data were collected on hydropower schemes under construction or planned with a capacity of 1 MW or above, from government and non-government databases, grey literature and news reports. Spatial analyses were conducted in a geographical information system (GIS) on the extent of global development, impact per water availability and potential consequences for existing status of river fragmentation. The relative contribution of hydropower reservoirs to the global GHG budget, particularly in sub-tropical and tropical regions, remains the subject of intense critical debate. The initial objective of the second study was therefore, to identify principal parameters and underlying processes that drive GHG emissions from reservoirs. The second step was to review global reservoir emission measurements and their source pathways in hydropower systems. Meteorological and landscape derived parameters were then correlated with the GHG measurements in order to assess if and which selected parameters might explain variations in GHG emission data. Similarly, existing empirical models were applied to the measured data to assess their suitability in predictive modelling. Finally, a newly developed process based model (FAQ-DNDC v1.0) was used to simulate ‘net’ CO2 emissions from a newly flooded tropical reservoir and compared to the measured results. The final study (Chapter 3) examined the influence of hydropower systems on the underwater acoustic properties of river habitats. Using recently developed acoustic sensors in addition to traditional hydrophones, the study characterised the temporal and spatial changes in river soundscapes affected by hydropeaking, compared their frequency composition to unaffected river soundscapes, and critically appraised the ecological implications. The results of Chapter 1 indicate that we are now experiencing an unprecedented growth in global hydropower construction. Over 3,700 dams are planned or under construction, primarily in Africa, South America and East Asia. The expansion in dam building will reduce the number of free flowing rivers on a global scale by approximately 21%. The results of Chapter 2 show that variation in measured emissions due to the inherent heterogeneity of the underlying processes, in addition to methodological limitations, impede the prediction of GHG emissions. Source pathways of CO2 are similar for the majority of systems, however, pathways of CH4 emissions are highly variable and dependent on local operating conditions and the configuration of the given hydropower system. A newly developed process based model (FAQ-DNDC v1.0) shows that a mechanistic approach may provide the basis for the ‘net’ assessment of future hydropower reservoirs. Chapter 3 reveals that distinct river soundscapes undergo changes which are highly correlated to hydropower operations, and thus rapid sub-daily changes occur at timescales not often found in natural systems. These changes occur mostly in low frequency bands, which are within the range of highest acoustic sensitivity for fish. In pool habitats affected by hydropeaking, sound pressure levels in the lower frequencies (~0.0315 kHz) may increase by up to 30 decibels. Similarly, sound pressure levels of riffles increase by up to 16 decibels in the low to mid frequencies (~0.250 kHz). Overall, the findings of this thesis have a number of implications for river catchment management. Hydropower construction is taking place in some of the most ecologically sensitive areas of the globe, thus, this research provides a timely contribution to: (i) Provide a foundation for future research at catchment, regional and global scales. For instance, systematic conservation based planning is required to designate ‘no go’ areas to promote the long-term survival of biodiversity. Strategic positioning of future dams or reconfiguration of existing hydropower systems may reduce the combined impacts on biodiversity and GHG emissions without losing power capacity. (ii) Assess driving parameters of GHG emissions, critically appraise current predictive GHG emission models and use a process based approach to simulate ‘net’ emissions from a sub-tropical reservoir. Future reservoirs will sequester, mineralise and emit an increasing quantity of carbon to the atmosphere, and subsequently, will take a greater role in the global GHG budget. This research concludes that, in some cases empirical models may not be suitable for making robust estimations of future GHG’s from hydropower reservoirs. Combining the underlying carbon cycling processes within a process-based model allows the estimation of ‘net’ CO2 emissions from hydropower reservoirs. This approach may be integrated by catchment planners into the future lifecycle assessment of hydropower reservoirs. (iii) Characterise acoustic changes in underwater sound in rivers affected by hydropeaking. The findings emphasise that flow regulation by hydropower results in rapid changes to the amplitude and frequency spectrum of the riverine acoustic environment. These changes persist for longer periods than other forms of anthropogenic sound and may have implications for the whole biota. Thus, future studies should focus on measuring the behavioural and physiological impact on riverine organisms in order to develop guidelines for hydropower licensing.

Bio-physical controls on tidal network geomorphology

Belliard, Jean-Philippe January 2014 (has links)
Looking over a tidal wetland, the tidal network characterised by its intricate system of bifurcating, blind-ended tidal courses clearly stands out from the overall landscape. This tidal landform exerts a fundamental control on the morphology and ecology within the tidal environment. With today’s recognition of the ecological, economical and societal values provided by tidal wetlands, which has been notably reflected in the development of restoration management strategies across Europe and USA, there is a need to fully understand the nature and development of tidal networks as well as their relationships with associated landforms and biotic components (e.g. vegetation), to eventually guarantee the success of current and future restoration practices. Accordingly, this research aims to bring further insights into the bio-physical controls on the geomorphology of tidal networks. To this end, a combination of remote sensing, modelling and field activities was employed. A geo-spatial analysis was performed at Queen Mary, University of London (UK), to address the variability of tidal network patterns. A series of network scale morphometric variables was extracted using airborne LiDAR data among selected tidal networks across the UK depicting different planview morphologies, and supplemented with the collection of corresponding marsh scale environmental variables from published sources. Multivariate statistics were then performed to characterise the variability of tidal network patterns and identify the inherent environmental controls. The analysis has revealed that every network type can be characterised based upon measures of network size and complexity, with each network pattern depicting proper morphometric aspects. Particularly, the stream Strahler order and the median depth of the network main channel have the highest discriminating weight on the patterns investigated. High correlation between the latter variable and network main channel width has revealed that linear, linear-dendritic and dendritic networks followed a transitional gradient in their aspect ratio approximated by a power law and thus are seen to depict similar erosional processes. To the contrary, meandering networks clearly depart from this relationship, and show particular segregation in their aspect ratios with respect to dendritic networks. Globally, differentiation on network morphometric properties has been linked to environmental conditions specific to the marsh physiographic setting within which a tidal network develops. Conceptually, tidal networks seem to adapt to marsh environmental conditions by adopting suitable morphologies to drain their tidal basin effectively.An eco-geomorphic modelling framework was developed at University of Trento (Italy), to address tidal network morphological development. In line with current theories as well as modelling advances and challenges in the field of tidal network ontogeny, emphasis was thus placed on the investigation of tidal channel formation and evolution in progressive marsh accretional context. Under these environmental conditions, tidal network development can be ascribed to the combination of two channel-forming processes: channel initiation results from bottom incisions in regions where topographic depressions occur; channel elaboration results from differential deposition, contributing to the deepening of the tidal channels relative to the adjacent marsh platform. Further evolutionary stages including channel reduction proceed from the horizontal progradation of the marsh platform which may lead eventually to channel infilling. Moreover, both qualitative and quantitative results allude to an acceleration of the morphological development of the synthetic tidal networks with increasing sediment supply. These different observations thus emphasise the prevalence of depositional processes in shaping tidal channels. In a second stage, the investigation was extended to the role of the initial tidal flat morphology as an inherent control on tidal network development, by considering different scenarios of topographic perturbations, which has revealed its legacy on tidal network morphological features. Modelling experiments have also acknowledged salt marsh macrophytes as a potential control on network evolution depending on their biomass distribution within the tidal frame. However, tidal channel morphodynamcis appears to be sensitive to the way biomass growth is mathematically parameterised in the model. In view of the current challenges in transcribing mathematically such a dynamic process and the relevance of bio-physical interactions in driving salt marsh and tidal network evolution, a field survey was conducted in a temperate salt marsh in the Netherlands, as part of the mobility to UNESCO-IHE (Netherlands) in partnership with University of Antwerp (Belgium), to assess vegetation distribution and productivity in the tidal frame. Particularly, emphasis was placed on extending investigations on the possible presence of relationships involving vegetation properties in different climatic and ecological conditions from those characterising these previously documented relationships. Regression analysis has revealed that biomass growth can be expressed as a linear function of marsh relative elevation, providing therefore direct empirical validation for corresponding assumptions reported in the literature and used in the present modelling framework; surprisingly, that increase did not correlate with an increase in species richness and diversity. Analysis of likely associations between vegetation morphometrics and total standing biomass yielded only a single linear relationship linking the latter variable to stem height. In truth, these observations may bear reconsiderations on the global validity of the assumptions used in the formulation of some eco-geomorphic processes which are applied in the study and prediction of wetland resiliency facing climate change.

Sediment transport and morphology of braided rivers: steady and unsteady regime

Redolfi, Marco January 2014 (has links)
Braided rivers are complex, fascinating fluvial pattern, which represent the natural state of many gravel and sand bed rivers. Both natural and human causes may force a change in the boundary conditions, and consequently impact the river functionality. Detailed knowledge on the consequent morphological response is important in order to define management strategies which combine different needs, from protection of human activities and infrastructures to preservation of the ecological and biological richness. During the last decades, research has made significant advance to the description of this complex system, thanks to flume investigations, development of new survey techniques and, to a lesser extent, numerical and analytical solutions of mathematical models (e.g. Ashmore_2013). Despite that, many relevant questions, concerning the braided morphodynamics at different spatial and temporal scales (from the unit process scale, to the reach scale, and eventually to the catchment scale) remain unanswered. For example, quantitative analysis of the morphological response to varying external controls still requires investigation and needs the definition of suitable, stage-independent braiding indicators. In addition, the morphodynamics of the fundamental processes, such as bifurcations, also needs further analysis of the driving mechanisms. General aim of the present study is to develop new methods to exploit, in an integrated way, the potential of the new possibilities offered by advanced monitoring techniques, laboratory models, numerical schemes and analytical solutions. The final goal is to fill some gaps in the present knowledge, which could ultimately provide scientific support to river management policies. We adopted analytical perturbation approaches to solve the two-dimensional shallow water model; we performed laboratory simulations on a large, mobile-bed flume; we analysed existing topographic measurements from LiDAR and Terrestrial Laser scanning Devices; and we simulated numerically the river hydrodynamics. Within each of the six, independent, research chapters, we interconnected results from the different approaches and methodologies, in order to take advantage of their potential. Summarising, the more relevant and novel outcomes of the present work can be listed as follows: 1) We explored the morphological changes during a sequence of flood events in a natural braided river (Rees River, NZ)and we proposed a morphological method to assess the sediment transport rate. In particular we propose a semi-automatic method for estimating the particles path-length (Ashmore and Church, 1998) on the basis of the size of the deposition patches, which can be identified on the basis of DEM of differences. Comparison with results of numerical simulation confirmed that such an approach can reproduce the response of the bedload rate to floods of different duration and magnitude. 2) We developed a new indicator of the reach-scale morphology and, on the basis of existing laboratory experiments, we explored its dependence, under regime conditions, to the controlling factors: slope, discharge, confinement width, grain size. In spite of its synthetic nature, this simple indicator embeds the information needed to estimate the variability of the Shield stress throughout the braided network, and consequently enables to assess the transport-rate and its variation with the driving discharge. 3) We investigated, through flume experiments, the effect of the flow unsteadiness on the sediment transport in a braided river. This is possible only by following a statistical approach based on multiple repetitions of the same flow hydrograph. Results revealed that for confined network an hysteresis of the bedload response occurs, which leads to higher sediment transport during increasing flow, whereas relatively unconfined networks always show quasi-equilibrium transport rates. 4) A second set of laboratory experiments provided information on the morphodynamics of a braided network subject to variations of the sediment supply. We proposed a simple diffusive model to quantify the evolution of the one-dimensional bed elevation profile. Such simple approach, albeit having a limited range of practical applications, represents the first attempt to quantify this process and enables to study the relevant temporal and spatial scales of the phenomenon. 5) We solved analytically the two-dimensional morphodynamic model for a gravel-bed river bifurcation. This furnishes a rigorous proof to the idea proposed by Bertoldi and Tubino (2007) to interpret the morphological response of bifurcation in light of the theory of the morphodynamic influence. The analytical approach enables to investigate the fundamental mechanics which leads to balance, and unbalance, configurations and, from a more practical point of view, allows for a better prediction of the instability point than the existing 1D models (e.g. Bolla Pittaluga et al., 2003).

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