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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bio-morphodynamics of evolving river meander bends from remote sensing, field observations and mathematical modelling

Zen, Simone January 2014 (has links)
Interactions between fluvial processes and vegetation along the natural channel margins have been shown to be fundamental in determining meandering rivers development. By colonizing exposed sediments, riparian trees increase erosion resistance and stabilize fluvial sediment transport through their root systems, while during a flood event the above-ground biomass interacts with the water flow inducing sediment deposition and altering scour patterns. In turn river dynamics and hydrology influence vegetative biomass growth, affecting the spatial distribution of vegetation. These bio-morphological dynamics have been observed to direct control accretion and degradation rates of the meander bend. In particular, vegetation encroachments within the point bar (i.e. colonizing species and strand wood), initiate pioneeristic landforms that, when evolving, determine the lateral shifting of the margin that separates active channel from river floodplain and thus inner bank aggradation (bar push). This diminishes the portion of the morphologically active channel cross-section, influencing the erosion of the cutting bank and promoting channel widen- ing (bank pull ). As a result of the cyclical occurrence of these erosional and depositional processes, meandering rivers floodplain show a typical ridge and swale pattern characterized by the presence of complex morphological structures, namely, benches, scrolls and chutes within the new-created floodplain. Moreover, difference in migration rate between the two banks have been observed to induce local temporal variations in channel width that affect river channel morphodynamics and its overall planform through their influence on the local flow field and channel bed morphology. Despite enormous advances in field and laboratory techniques and modelling development of the last decades, little is known about the relation between floodplain patterns and their controlling bio-morphological interactions that determine the bank accretion process. This knowledge gap has so far limited the development of physically-based models for the evolution of meandering rivers able to describe the lateral migration of banklines separately. Most existing meander migration models are indeed based on the hypothesis of constant channel width. Starting from this knowledge gap, the present doctoral research has aimed to provide more insight in the mutual interactions among flow, sediment transport and riparian vegetation dynamics in advancing banks of meandering rivers. In order to achieve its aims, the research has been designed as an integration of remote sensing and in-situ field observations with a mathematical modelling approach to i) provide a quantitative description of vegetation and floodplain channel topography patterns in advancing meanders bend and to ii) explore the key control factors and their role in generating the observed patterns. The structure of the present PhD work is based on four main elements. First, two types of airborne historical data (air photographs and Lidar survey) have been investigated, in order to quantify the effects of spatial-temporal evolution of vegetation pattern on meander morphology and to provide evidence for the influence of vegetation within the topography of the present floodplain. Such remote sensing analysis has highlighted a strong correspondence between riparian canopy structure and geomorphological patterns within the floodplain area: this has clearly shown the need to interpret the final river morphology as the result of a two-way interaction between riparian vegetation dynamics and river processes. Second, field measurments have been conducted on a dynamic meander bend of the lower reach of the Tagliamento River, Italy, with the initial aim of checking the outcomes of the remote sensing analysis through ground data. The outcomes of the field measurements have further supported the results, providing ground evidence on the relations between vegetation and topographic patterns within the transition zone that is intermediate between the active channel bed and the vegetated portion of the accreting floodplain. The influence of vegetation on inner bank morphology has also been interpreted in the light of the expected time scales of inundation and geomorphic dynamics that characterize the advancing process of the inner bank. The combined analysis of both remotely sensed data and field measurements associated with the historical hydrological dataset have allowed to quantitatively characterize the biophysical characteristics of the buffer zone, close to the river edge, where the accretion processes take place. The third research element has foreseen the development of a biophysically-based, simplified bio-morphodynamic model for the lateral migration of a meander bend that took advantage of the empirical knowledge gained in the analysis of field data. The model links a minimalist approach that includes biophysically-based relationships to describe the interaction between riparian vegetation and river hydromorphodynamic processes, and employs a non linear mathematical model to describe the morphodynamics of meander channel bed. Model application has allowed to reproduce the spatial oscillations of vegetation biomass density and ground morphology observed in the previous analyses. Overall, the model allows to understand the role of the main controlling factors for the ground and vegetation patterns that characterize the advancing river bank and to investigate the temporal dynamics of the morphologically active channel width, providing insights into the bank pull and bar push phenomena. The fourth and concluding element of the present PhD research is a analytical investigation of the fundamental role of unsteadiness on the morphodynamic response of the river channel. Results obtained in the previous elements have clearly showed the tendency of a meander bend to develop temporal oscillations of the active channel width during its evolution, but no predictive analytical tool was previously available to investigate the channel bed response to such non-stationary planform dynamics. A non linear model has therefore been proposed to investigate the effect of active channel width unsteadiness on channel bed morphology. The basic case of free bar instability in a straight channel has been used in this first investigation, which has shown the tendency of channel widening to increase river bed instability compared to the steady case, in qualitative agreement with experimental observations. Overall, the research conducted within the present Doctoral Thesis represents a step forward in understanding the bio-morphodynamics of meandering rivers that can help the development of a complete bio-morphodynamic model for meandering rivers evolution, able to provide support for sustainable river management.

Meandering rivers morphodynamics - integrating nonlinear modeling and remote sensing

Monegaglia, Federico January 2017 (has links)
During the past decades, the systematic investigation of the morphodynamics of meandering rivers mostly involved the theoretical-analytical methodology. The development of analytical models enabled the definition of equilibrium conditions, stability and evolution of river meanders and to investigate the interaction between planform and bedform processes and mechanisms. In recent years the new branch of remote sensing applied to river morphodynamics has been constantly developing simultaneously to the rapid increase of computational and satellite resources. The remote sensing analysis is nowadays employed in a wide range fields in geophysics; for this reason, the past years have seen the prolific development of numerous algorithms for remote sensing analysis. However, remote sensing of meandering river morphodynamics has not been consistently integrated with morphodynamic modelling so far. There is a lack of sophisticated algorithms for the extraction of extensive morphodynamic information from the available remotely sensed data; this gap prevented researchers from seeking systematic validation of analytical models to define their range of applicability, and to exploit their potential for improved insight on observations in real world meandering rivers. The evolutionary dynamics of the channel width, at local and bend scale, as well as the dynamics of bars in meandering rivers represent two major unsettled issues in our present understanding of river meandering dynamics. In this thesis I first provide a systematic methodology for the automated extraction of meandering river morphodynamic information from multitemporal, multispectral remotely sensed data, coded in the PyRIS software. Moreover, I develop an analytical model to investigate the long-term planform evolution of periodic sequences of meander bends incorporating spatio-temporal variations of channel curvature, width and slope. A first model component predicts the temporal evolution of the channel width and slope based on a novel treatment of the sediment continuity at the reach scale. A second model component is a fully analytical, evolutionary model of periodic meanders with spatially and temporally oscillating width accounting for nonlinear feedbacks in flow and sediment transport by means of a two-parameters perturbation approach. Application of the PyRIS software to several long reaches of free-flowing meandering rivers allows me to develop a consistent set of observations on the temporal and spatial evolution of channel width and curvature with unprecedented level of detail. Furthermore, model outcomes indicate that meander-averaged width and slope invariably decrease during meander development, and that the temporal adjustment of the hydraulic geometry is controlled by the ratio between the evolutionary timescales of planform and riverbed, quantified from the analyzed meandering rivers dataset. The nonlinear perturbation model indicates that width and curvature co-evolve according to a hysteretic behavior in time and predicts that the meander belt width dramatically decreases when the meander resonance threshold is crossed. The modelling approach predicts wider-at-bend meanders when the bank pull is dominant with respect to bar push, which in turn promotes meander bends that are wider at inflections. Analytical modeling and remote sensing analysis are mostly integrated through a statistical approach; bend-scale evolutionary analysis of planform descriptors such as channel width, width oscillations and curvature in large pristine meandering rivers exhibit good agreement with the outcomes of the proposed analytical models. Finally, the integration between analytical modeling and remote sensing analysis allows me to identify the key processes controlling the interaction between migrating sediment bars and planform-driven steady point bars. The conditions for the formation of migrating bars in meandering rivers are mostly related to the production of sediment supply by the basin, contrarily to the widespread idea that meandering rivers exhibiting migrating bars typically display lower values of the channel curvature.

River temperature behaviour in changing environments: trends, patterns at different spatial and temporal scales and role as a stressor

Arora, Roshni January 2016 (has links)
River/stream water temperature is one of the master water quality parameters as it controls several key iogeochemical, physical and ecological processes and river ecosystem functioning. Thermal regimes of several rivers have been substantially altered by climate change and other anthropogenic impacts resulting in deleterious impacts on river health. Given its importance, several studies have been conducted to understand the key processes defining water temperature, its controls and drivers of change. Temporal and spatial river temperature changes are a result of complex interactions between climate, hydrology and landscape/basin properties, making it difficult to identify and quantify the effect of individual controls. There is a need to further improve our understanding of the causes of spatiotemporal heterogeneity in river temperatures and the governing processes altering river temperatures. Furthermore, to assess the impacts of changing river temperatures on the river ecosystem, it is crucial to better understand the responses of freshwater biota to simultaneously acting stressors such as changing river temperatures, hydrology and river quality aspects (e.g. dissolved oxygen levels). So far, only a handful of studies have explored the impacts of multiple stressors, including changing river temperature, on river biota and, thus, are not well known. This thesis, thus, analysed the changes in river temperature behaviour at different scales and its effects on freshwater organisms. Firstly, at a regional scale, temporal changes in river temperature within long (25 years) and short time periods (10 years) were quantified and the roles of climatic, hydrological and landscape factors were identified for North German rivers. Secondly, at a reach scale, spatial temperature heterogeneity in a sixth-order lowland river (River Spree) was quantified and the role of landscape factors in inducing such heterogeneity was elucidated. Thirdly, at a site scale, short-term behavioural responses (namely drift) of three benthic invertebrate species to varying levels of water temperature, flow, and dissolved oxygen, and to combinations of those factors were experimentally investigated. Results from this thesis showed that, at a regional scale, the majority of investigated rivers in Germany have undergone significant annual and seasonal warming in the past decades. Air temperature change was found to be the major control of increasing river temperatures and of its temporal variability, with increasing influence for increasing catchment area and lower altitudes (lowland rivers). Strongest river temperature increase was observed in areas with low water availability. Other hydro-climatological variables such as flow, baseflow, NAO, had significant contributions in river temperature variability. Spatial variability in river temperature trend rates was mainly governed by ecoregion, altitude and catchment area via affecting the sensitivity of river temperature to its local climate. At a reach scale as well, air temperature was the major control of the temporal variability in river temperature over a period of nine months within a 200 km lowland river reach. The spatial heterogeneity of river temperature in this reach was most apparent during warm months and was mainly a result of the local landscape settings namely, urban areas and lakes. The influence of urban areas was independent of its distance from the river edge, at least when present within 1 km. Heat advected from upstream reaches determined the base river temperature while climatological controls induced river temperature variations around that base temperature, especially below lakes. Riparian buffers were not found to be effective in substantially moderating river temperature in reaches affected by lake warming due to the dominant advected heat from the upstream lake. Experimental investigation indicated that increasing water temperature had a stronger short-term effect on behavioural responses of benthic invertebrates, than simultaneous changes in flow or dissolved oxygen. Also, increases in water temperature was shown to affect benthic invertebrates more severely if accompanied by concomitant low dissolved oxygen and flow levels, while interactive effects among variables vary much among taxa. These results support findings of other studies that river warming, similar to climate change, might be a global phenomenon. Within Germany, lowland rivers are the most vulnerable to future warming, with reaches affected by urbanization and shallow lentic structures being more vulnerable and, therefore, requiring urgent attention. Furthermore, river biota in lowland rivers is particularly susceptible to short-term increases in river temperature such as heat waves. Plantation of riparian buffers, a widely recognized practice to manage climate change effects, in the headwater reaches can be suggested to mitigate and prevent future warming of lowland rivers in general and also throughout river basins, as river temperature response in lowland catchments is a culmination of local and upstream conditions. However, further river temperature increase in lowland river reaches within or close to urban areas and shallow lentic structures will be more difficult to mitigate only via riparian shading and would require additional measures

Braided rivers: an exploratory study combining flume experiments and the analysis of remotely-sensed data

Garcia Lugo, Grecia Alejandra January 2015 (has links)
Braided rivers exhibit extremely complex and dynamic morphologies as their multiple channels are constantly re-worked. The research reported in this thesis explored a number of properties of braided river form and dynamics and some controlling factors through three individual but complementary research elements. The first research element was concerned with some of the controls on the transition between single thread and multi-thread channel patterns. Twenty-seven different flume experiments were conducted, supported by fourteen replicates. In these experiments, channel confinement (maximum possible channel width) and formative discharge were varied in a 25 x 2.9 m flume of constant slope (1%) and bed material (D50 = 1mm) with sediment supply constrained to match sediment output. As the maximum potential channel width increased, the channel pattern changed from a single channel with alternate bars, to the formation of mid-channel bars, and finally to a multi-thread braided pattern. Bed elevation frequency distributions showed distinct changes in their median, standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis as channel width and discharge increased, indicating the consequences of confining braided channels and regulating discharge on their bed elevation and morphology. The second and third parts of the research use remotely sensed data sets to explored (i) the degree to which a real river shows similar characteristics to those generated in the flume experiments and (ii) the variety in braiding patterns that are found in association with different boundary conditions of slope, width, discharge, and riparian vegetation. For the second research element, a Lidar survey of a 36 km reach of the lower Tagliamento river, Italy, was investigated. Within this reach, the river shows only small variations in slope and bed material size and is subject to the same flood flows. Analysis focused on thirty-six 1 km sub-reaches and demonstrated clear associations among the median, standard deviation, kurtosis and skewness of the bed and also clear downstream trends. Measures of vegetation cover showed statistically-significant associations with the median, standard deviation, kurtosis and skewness of the bed, particularly when only the 32 truly braided reaches were analysed. The measures of vegetation cover also showed downstream trends that corresponded with the trends in bed morphology. Overall, variations in bed morphology showed similar characteristics to those observed in the laboratory flume, but also they showed correspondence with riparian vegetation cover, indicating a topographic signature of vegetation on the bed morphology. The downstream trends appear to be associated with the changing vigour of the riparian vegetation and possibly variations in river baseflow characteristics associated with varying groundwater levels in the alluvial aquifer. The most mature patches of vegetation within the braid plain of the most downstream part of the 36 km reach appear to occur on remnants of braid plain isolated by river bed incision. The third and final research element considered the morphology of six European braided rivers of different slope, width, discharge and riparian vegetation type. Information extracted from Google Earth and other aerial imagery, and gauged river flow data supported an analysis of changes in braided river characteristics through time, and among the six European river sites. Four traditional planform indices were used to characterise the braiding pattern (Bi – braiding index, Ai and Ai2 –anastomosing indices; Si – main channel sinuosity) were combined with measures of stream power and its component variables (width, Q10, and slope). Robust data for bed material calibre was not available. Statistical analysis of the entire data set revealed a potential influence of riparian vegetation type on the relationship between unit stream power and braid channel width; and a trend of increasing Bi, Ai, Ai2, and Si with decreasing unit stream power. However, a larger and more complete data set is needed to confirm these general trends and to fully explore transitional rivers. This research has illustrated the morphological consequences of confining braided rivers and the dependence of the braiding pattern on stream power. It has also illustrated the role of vegetation in contributing to the morphological complexity of braided rivers and the potential role of riparian vegetation in constraining the relationship between stream power and braided river width.

Spatial organization of ecologically-relevant high order flow properties and implications for river habitat assessment

Trinci, Giuditta January 2017 (has links)
The turbulent properties of flow in rivers are of fundamental importance to aquatic organisms yet are rarely quantified during routine river habitat assessment surveys or the design of restoration schemes due to their complex nature. This thesis uses a detailed review of the literature to highlight the various ways in which plants and animals modify the flow field, how this can deliver beneficial effects; and how turbulence can also generate threats to growth and survival. The thesis then presents the results from detailed field assessments of turbulence properties undertaken on low, intermediate and high gradient rivers to advance scientific understanding of the hydrodynamics of rivers and inform effective habitat assessment and restoration. A reach-scale comparison across sites reveals spatial variations in the relationships between turbulent parameters, emphasising the need for direct measurement of turbulence properties, while a geomorphic unit scale assessment suggests that variations in turbulence at the scale of individual roughness elements, and/or within the same broad groupings of geomorphic units (e.g. different types of pools) can have an important influence on hydraulic habitat. The importance of small-scale flow obstructions is further emphasised through analysis of the temporal dynamics of turbulence properties with changes in flow stage and vegetation growth. The highest magnitude temporal changes in turbulence properties were associated with individual boulders and vegetation patches respectively, indicating flow intensification around these sub-geomorphic unit scale features. Experimental research combining flow measurement with underwater videography reveals that more sophisticated turbulence parameters provide a better explanation of fish behaviour and habitat use under field conditions, further supporting direct measurement of turbulent properties where possible. The new insights into interactions between geomorphology, hydraulics and aquatic organisms generated by this work offer opportunities for refining habitat assessment and restoration design protocols to better integrate the important role of turbulence in generating suitable physical habitat for aquatic organisms.

Investigating and modelling the interaction among vegetation, hydrodynamics and morphology

Politti, Emilio January 2017 (has links)
The dissertation presented in this manuscript contributes to river science by providing a detailed overview on the state of the art on the interaction between riparian vegetation and hydrogeomorphological processes, by devising a novel model encompassing most of such processes and by proposing a field methodology aimed at providing means for improving the modelling of such interactions. The state of the art is summarized in an extensive review describing riparian vegetation and hydrogeomorphological processes mutual feedbacks. Such review did not simply seek to describe these feedbacks but, compiling from a large array of results from field, laboratory and modelling studies, provides a set of physical thresholds that trigger system changes. Therefore, processes are not only described terms but also explained with a quantitative approach. Processes description provided the conceptual foundation for the development of the novel simulation model while model parameterization was based on the quantitative information collected in the review. Such novel model, encompasses the main relationships entwining riparian woody vegetation and hydrogeomorphological processes and is able of replicating long term riparian landscape dynamics considering disturbance events, environmental stressor and riparian woody vegetation establishment from seeds and large wood. The manuscript presents the model structure and its conceptual validation by means of hydrological scenarios aimed at testing the coherence of the simulation results with expected system behaviour. Examples of such coherences are vegetation growth rate in response to hydrological regime, entrainment and establishment of large wood in an unconfined river system and vegetation effect on erosion and deposition patterns. Analysis of sedimentation patterns from the modelled results suggested that vegetation flow resistance should be modelled with greater detail. These conclusions pointed the dissertation research towards the testing of a novel class of vegetation flow resistance equations, proposed by different authors, able of describing woody vegetation flow resistance on a physical basis. These equations have the advantage of considering flow stage, plants foliation level and species-specific flexibility. However, the use of such equations is limited by the difficulty of measuring the vegetation properties required as equation-inputs. In order to test if these equations could effectively improve sediment dynamics predictions, a field method was formulated and tested. The field method allows to sample vegetation properties that can be used with these novel class of flow resistance equations. In the manuscript, such method is applied and the resulting vegetation properties used in several modelling scenarios. Such scenario proved that hydraulic variables modelled with these novel flow resistance approaches are more realistic and thus that the model developed during the dissertation could benefit from inclusion of such flow resistance equations in its source code.

Numerical Modelling of Braiding Processes in Gravel-Bed Rivers

Baral, Bishnu Raj January 2018 (has links)
Gravel-bed braided rivers are distinctive natural environments that provid a wide range of key environmental, economic and recreational services. There is, however,a growing concern that over the twentieth century, an increasing number of braided rivers have metamorphosed into wandering or single thread channels, representing a loss of key habitats, geodiversity and amenity. While in some situations, shifts in channel pattern may be unambiguously linked to abrupt changes in flow or sediment supply, the lack of a theoretical basis underpinning the development and maintenance of braiding makes identification of the cause and effect of channel metamorphosis hazardous. A growing body of research has suggested that the transition between channelpatterns may depend on the poorly understood interaction between the flow regime,sediment supply and vegetation colonisation. Such interactions are governed by critical thresholds, due to changes in flow resistance and bank strength associated with the distribution, form and intensity of vegetation colonisation. Subtle changes in flow or sediment supply that promote vegetation growth or indeed remove itthrough inundation or attrition. This can lead to complex non-linear shifts in the balance of forces that govern sediment transport and bedform morphodynamics, ultimately resulting in one-way changes in channel morphology. There is, therefore, a critical need to develop a quantitative understanding of these feedbacks in orderto design sustainable river management programmes that seek to optimize the ecological and socio-economic benefits these rivers offer. In summary, this thesis aims to advance our understanding of the morphodynamics of braided rivers and the role numerical models may have in helping to interrogate their behavior and governing controls.

Neglected aspects in the alteration of river flow and riverine organic matter dynamics: a global perspective

Shumilova, Oleksandra January 2018 (has links)
In the current era of the Anthropocene, human activities are powerful forces that affect the geosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere – globally, fundamentally, and in most cases irreversibly. In freshwaters, land use change, chemical pollution, decline in biodiversity, spread of invasive species, climate change, and shifts in the hydrological regime are among the key drivers of changes. In the 21st century, major water engineering projects such as large dams and water diversion schemes will fundamentally alter the natural hydrological regime of entire landscapes and even continents. At the same time, the hydrological regime is the governing variable for biodiversity, ecosystem functions and services in river networks. Indeed, there will be an increasing conflict between managing water as a resource for human use and waters as highly valuable ecosystems. Therefore, research needs to unravel the challenges that the freshwaters are facing, understand their potential drivers and impacts, and develop sustainable management practices – for the benefit of humans and ecosystems alike. The present thesis focuses on three currently understudied alterations in flow and material dynamics within river networks, namely (i) on the dynamics of floating organic matter (FOM) and its modification in dammed rivers, (ii) on river intermittency and its effects on nutrient and organic matter (OM) dynamics, and (iii) on major future water transfer schemes. Massive construction and operation of dams cause modification of water flow and material fluxes in rivers, such as of FOM. FOM serves as an essential component of river integrity, but a comprehensive understanding of its dynamics is still lacking. River damming, climate change and water extraction for human needs lead to a rapid expansion in number and extent of intermittent rivers worldwide, with major biogeochemical consequences on both regional and global scales. Increased intermittency of river networks also forces people to implement engineering solutions, such as water transfer schemes, which help to supply water to places of demand. Water transfer projects introduce artificial links among freshwater bodies modifying the hydrological balance. Impacts of abovementioned activities on freshwaters have been assessed in single case studies. However, the current knowledge does not allow a generalization of their globally applicable meaning for ecosystems. Furthermore, mostly neglected aspects of these alterations, such as the potential consequences of FOM extraction from rivers, the biogeochemical role of intermittent rivers upon rewetting, and the current scale of water transfers require better understanding before bold conclusions could be made. By combining research methods such as extensive literature reviews, laboratory experiments and quantitative analyses including spatial analyses with Geographic Information Systems, I investigated (1) the natural cycle, functions, and amounts of FOM in rivers fragmented by dams, (2) effects of rewetting events on the pulsed release of nutrients and OM in intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams (IRES), and (3) the potential extent of water transfer megaprojects (WTMP) that are currently under construction or in the planning phase and their role in modifying the global freshwater landscape. In all three cases, I provide a global perspective. The role of FOM in rivers as a geomorphological agent, a resource, a dispersal vector and a biogeochemical component was investigated based on an extensive literature review. Collected information allowed for conceptualizing its natural cycle and dynamics, applicable to a wide range of rivers. Data on FOM accumulations at 31 dams located within catchments of 13 rivers showed that damming leads to FOM entrapment (partly or completely) and modifies its natural cycling. The results of a spatial analysis considering environmental properties revealed that catchment characteristics can explain around 57% in the variation of amounts of trapped FOM. Effects of rewetting events on the release of nutrients and OM from bed sediments and course particulate organic materials (CPOM) accumulated in IRES was studied in laboratory experiments. Using a large set of samples collected from 205 rivers, located in 27 countries and distributed across five major climate zones, I determined the concentrations and qualitative characteristics of nutrients and OM released from sediments and CPOM. I also assessed how these characteristics can be predicted based on environmental variables within sampled IRES. In addition, I calculated area-specific fluxes of nutrients and OM from dry river beds. I found that the characteristics of released substances are climate specific. In the Continental zone I found the highest concentrations of released nutrients, but the lowest quality of OM in terms of its potential bioavailability. In contrast, in the Arid zone the concentrations of released nutrients were the lowest, but the quality of OM the highest. The effect of environmental variables on the concentrations of nutrients and the quality of OM was better predicted for sediments than for other substrates with the highest share of explained variance in the Continental and Tropical zones. On the global scale, dissolved organic carbon, phenolics, and nitrate dominate fluxes released during rewetting events. Overall, this study emphasized that on the global scale rewetting events in IRES represent biogeochemical “hot moments†, but characteristics of released nutrients and OM differ greatly among climate zones. The present thesis fills also a major knowledge gap on the global distribution of large water transfer schemes (referred to as “megaprojects†) that are actually planned or under construction. To provide an inventory of WTMP, I collected data from various literature sources, ranging from published academic studies, the official web-sites of water transfer projects, environmental impact assessments, reports of non-governmental organizations, and information available in on-line newspapers. In total, 60 WTMP were identified. Information on spatial location, distances and volumes of water transfer, costs, and purposes of WTMP was collected and compared with those of existing schemes. The results showed that North America, Asia and Africa will be the most affected by future WTMP having the highest densities of projects and the largest water transfer distances and volumes. If all projects were completed by 2050, the total water transfer distances would reach 77,063 km transferring more than 1,249 km3 per year, which corresponds to about 20 times the annual flow of the river Rhine. The outcomes of the thesis provide major implications for environmental management. Natural FOM is an important component for sustaining the ecological and geomorphic integrity of rivers and, therefore, should be managed appropriately. Intermittent rivers must be considered in models quantifying nutrient and OM fluxes in river networks. First flush events in particular release huge amounts of nutrients and OM, which may cause dramatic metabolic effects on downstream receiving waters. Finally, the future WTMP alter the hydrological balance of entire river basins and continents. They require multiple assessments before construction and careful management practices for sustainable operation in order to consider both freshwater as a resource as well as freshwaters as pivotal ecosystems.

Hydrological controls on the triggering of shallow landslides: from local to landscape scale

Lanni, Cristiano January 2012 (has links)
This research tries to fill a gap between two very different scales of enquiry: the local (i.e. hillslope) scale, where detailed investigations are possible but difficult to generalize over large areas, and the landscape (i.e., catchment) scale, where representation of the physics is minimised, the resolution in space and time is maximised, and the focus is upon predicting emergent properties rather than system details. Specifically, this Thesis focused on an aspect of the geosciences that is of critical current concern: the representation of the interface between hydrological response and geomorphic processes, notable mass movements. At present there remains a great difficulty at this interface: detailed geotechnical and hydrological studies of mass movements reveal exceptionally complex interlinkages between water and the surface sediment mass, notably dynamically at the onset and during mass release; but these kinds of studies are only possible with a very detailed description of the three-dimensional structure of the porous media and its hydrological and mechanical response during (and after) rainfall events. Such analyses are feasible but tend to result in analyses that are restricted in terms of geographical generalisation. On the other hand, approaches that apply to larger spatial scales tend to over-simplify the representation of critical failure processes, such as in the assumptions that infinite slope stability analysis can be applied to failures that are finite in their slope length, or that upslope contributing area can always act as a surrogate for the hydrologic response at a point in the watershed. The innovative element in this research lies on the assessment of rainfall-induced shallow landslide occurrence over large spatial scales, whilst accepting that shallow landslides triggering may be influenced by processes that operate over much smaller scales. Specifically, this Thesis focuses upon connection by subsurface flow pathways. New model approaches that incorporate connectivity are required to address the findings of field hydrologists. Thus, this Thesis starts from the understanding of small-scale hydrological processes to develop a large-scale topographic index-based shallow landslide model that includes the concept of subsurface hydrological connectivity. The research aims to provide a tool for more realistic assessments of when shallow landslides may occur and where landsliding may occur at the catchment scale to support decision makers in developing more accurate land-use maps and landslide hazard mitigation plans and procedures.

Fluvial and climatic controls on tropical agriculture and adaptation strategies in data-scarce contexts

Serrao, Livia 29 July 2022 (has links)
Over the past decades, public concern about global environmental change has grown, following the progressive increase in both frequency and intensity of extreme events. Even though the problem is global, it has proved to have very different societal and environmental impacts at local level, further widening the gap between disadvantaged and advantaged communities, according to the degree of vulnerability of their social, economic and environmental systems. Among the various anthropogenic activities, the agricultural sector is particularly linked to global environmental change by a two-way relationship: on the one hand, intensive mono-cultures, together with intensive livestock production, compromise the environment and produce huge CO$_2$ emissions (one of the most important factors behind global warming); on the other hand, smallholder farming is one of the most endangered sectors by global environmental change, precisely because it depends heavily on the natural resources of the territory, including favourable weather and climate. Scientific research, supported by international institutions, has been working on this subject for several decades, analysing phenomena at global and local scale and providing medium and long-term forecasts capable of directing economic and political strategies. Such complex investigations become even more complex in contexts lacking reliable environmental data, where their low-quality and low representativeness weaken their reliability, compromising the reliability of the outcomes as well. This thesis seeks to respond to the increasing need of realistically addressing environmental phenomena that threaten rural communities and the environment on which they depend in low-income countries, by investigating two of the main environmental factors affecting tropical farming practices: river-floodplain dynamics and climate change. Despite data-related constraints, the environment of tropical rural areas still provides a unique opportunity to study several near-natural processes, such as the morphodynamics of mostly free-flowing rivers. Especially in foothill regions, unconfined or partially confined conditions of tropical rivers allow evaluating the natural dynamics of erodible river corridors, with erosion and accretion shaping their interactions with the adjacent floodplain and related human activities. At the same time, the complex terrain characterizing the river valleys at the foothills of high mountain chains also offers the opportunity to study interesting local meteorological processes, especially considering the interaction between synoptic-scale dynamics and local convective phenomena. In this context, local bottom-up initiatives and new and tailored-to-context strategies for adaptation to the ongoing environmental change are deepened following a multidisciplinary approach. This PhD research has been framed within an international cooperation project entitled “Sustainable Development and Fight against Climate Change in the Upper Huallaga basin (Peru)”, promoted by Mandacarù ONLUS, and funded by the Autonomous Province of Trento. The project aimed to enhance the resilience of the local farmers of the Upper Huallaga valley (Peru), facing the consequences of climate change and implementing new agricultural initiatives with a special attention to plantain and banana fields. Thanks to the support of the involved partners (Redesign by PROMER s.a.c., the Universidad Agraria Nacional de la Selva de Tingo Maria, in Peru, and the Edmund Mach Foundation of San Michele all’Adige, in Italy), the project provided the opportunity to carry out a consistent set of fieldwork activities over an 8-months period collecting hydro-morphological data, interviewing the local population, and installing two weather stations. The PhD thesis has been structured along two main parts, related to to the assessment of climate change effects on local agricultural practices, and the interplay between river-floodplain dynamics and floodplain agriculture. The part on the assessment of climate change includes two main research elements. First, a novel approach is used to evaluate climate change in data-scarce contexts: non-conventional data sources (population survey) are compared with conventional data sources (few local historical weather stations and global reanalysis data series – ERA5), to better account for the sub-daily time scale (local conventional sources only provide daily data), correlating weather changes perceived by farmers (more thunderstorms and longer drought periods) with climate variations deduced from quantitative data. Second, after having determined the most impacting meteorological variables on crops through the survey, a weather early-warning system has been developed to provide agro-meteorological forecasts to the \textit{bananeros} (banana farmers) of the Upper Huallaga valley. The system, based on the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model, and enhanced with the assimilation of real-time observations from local meteorological stations installed during the project fieldwork, issues an alert when the predicted wind speed exceeds thresholds related to potential damage to the harvest, and spreads the warning via text messages. Such alerting system contains several novel features in relation to the socio-environmental context, allowing to discuss its potential for replication in analogous, vulnerable situations. The part on river-floodplain dynamics also includes two main research elements. First, a remote-sensing analysis is conducted at reach scale in two different reaches of the Huallaga River, quantifying geomorphological river trajectories and land use changes in the adjacent floodplain. The outcomes show that river morphology reacts differently depending on the agricultural systems (extensive or intensive) in the nearby floodplain, revealing a high geomorphological sensitivity of such a near-natural, highly dynamic river reach. Second, riverine agriculture within the erodible river corridor is analysed in association with riverine islands dynamics, at the geomorphic unit scale, evaluating the morphological evolution and agricultural suitability of two cultivated fluvial islands. The three main drivers of agricultural suitability within river erodible corridors, i.e. river disturbance, cultivation windows of opportunity, and soil suitability are quantified, allowing to generalize a process-based conceptual model of riverine islands as complex-adaptive-systems.

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