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薪資策略如何影響組織績效-以NBA球隊為例 / How The Salary Strategies Affect The Organizational Performance- NBA Teams王瀚, Wang, Han Unknown Date (has links)
實證結果發現在控制球員人數、觀眾人數、總教練因素以及球隊過去的戰績,薪資不平均程度與例行賽勝率、晉級季後賽有著顯著的正相關,但與季後賽的戰績則沒有顯著的關聯,且將球隊以薪資不平均程度(以HHI作為衡量指標)分為高低中三個群組,在最高的群組,付出的豪華稅越多,越能幫助球隊晉級季後賽。同時根據logistic 廻歸研究結果發現HHI指標及GINI係數每增加1%,打進季後賽的機率分別會增加1.152%及1.049%的機率打進季後賽,另外就HHI就最不平均組別而言,球隊總薪資超過豪華稅門檻時,每多支付100萬美元的薪資可增加1.002%機率打入季後賽。本研究認為決定球賽的勝負,薪資策略固然重要,但只運用薪資策略本身來提升球隊例行賽勝率有限,必須考慮球隊本身特質、有效利用相關資源才能增加球隊勝率。 / This research uses NBA’s past 11 seasons (2002 to 2013 season) to explore the association with NBA team's salary structure and its performance. The research also tries to analysis the association between luxury tax and NBA team’s performance. The empirical results show that after control the number of players, audience, coach, and the last season’s winning percentage, the regular season’s performance has positive highly corrected with salary’s HHI and GINI index. However, the playoff’s performance does not associate with salary’s HHI and GINI index. The logistic regression model predicts that when a team increases 1 percent of HHI and GINI index, then the team increases 1.152% and 1.049% opportunity to make in the NBA playoff. The highest HHI group’s logistic model predicts that when a team increases 100 million salaries over luxury tax cap, the team can increase 1.002% opportunity to make in the NBA playoff. We believe that although the strategy of NBA’s salary is important, however, the salary strategy itself is not enough to dramatic increase team’s performance. In order to improve the performance of a team, the characteristic of a team, the coach, audience and the team winning history maybe play the more important role in increasing winning percentage.
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