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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modellierung von Vegetationsentwicklung und Erosion entlang eines Klimagradienten von mediterran bis semiarid / Modeling of vegetation growth and erosion along a climate gradient from Mediterranean to semiarid

Mathaj, Martin January 2007 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wurde ein Modell mit einem gitterbasierten Ansatz entwickelt, um im Mediterranen entlang eines Klimagradienten Auswirkungen zu untersuchen, die Klima, Exposition, Hangneigung sowie Störungen durch Feuer und Beweidung auf die Vegetations und Erosionsentwicklung besitzen. Für die Fragestellung wurden Vegetationsalgorithmen benutzt. In dieser Studie verwendet wurden allgemeine Oberflächenprozesse, wie Wasser- und Sedimenttransport, die durch physikalische und empirische Modelle beschrieben worden sind. Des Weiteren wurde ein Sedimentverlust mit Hilfe der USLE kalkuliert, um ein Vergleich zwischen verschiedenen Erosionsansätzen herzustellen. Die Vegetationsentwicklung und Erosion der mediterranen Gebiete konnte mit diesem Modell gut abgebildet werden. Für die Vegetation der verschiedenen Klimagebiete und Habitate erwiesen sich die Wasserverfügbarkeit und die Infiltrationsrate als maßgeblich. Die Erosion wurde vor allem durch einzelne heftige Niederschlagsereignisse beeinusst. Dabei war vor allem am Hang und an steilen Neigungen ein hohes Erosionspotential gegeben. Störungen durch Beweidung wirkten negativ auf die Vegetation und verstärkten die Erosion. Feuer beeinusste die Vegetations- und Erosionsentwicklung nur geringfügig und ist somit zu vernachlässigen. Verschiedene Böden mit unterschiedlichen Texturen wiesen ein sehr unterschiedliches Erosionsverhalten auf. Dabei wiesen mittlere Korndurchmesser des Oberbodens von 0,02 bis 0,2 mm die höchste Erosion auf. Die Vegetationsentwicklung wurde hingegen von der Bodentextur nicht beeinust. Der Vergleich der Erosion berechnet durch die USLE und den Transportratenansatz verdeutlichte, dass die mittlere Erosion sehr ähnlich ausfällt. Die USLE wies weniger Variabilität in der Erosion auf und benötigte zudem recht detaillierte Bodendaten. Der Ansatz gerade für die Erosionsberechnung in Form der Transportrate zeigte ein gutes Vorhersagepotential auf. In sehr variablen Umwelten ist diese Methode gegenüber konservativen Erosionsmodellen zu bevorzugen, da interanuelle Dynamiken miterfasst werden, wie der Vergleich mit der USLE in der Studie gezeigt hatte. Mit Hilfe des Ansatzes der Transportrate besteht die Möglichkeit, Vorhersagen über Erosion ökonomisch und effizient zu gestalten. / This study investigates by a grid based model in the Mediterranean sites along a climate gradient from arid to mesic Mediterranean the effects of climate, exposition, gradient as well as disturbances by fire and grazing/browsing to the vegetation and erosion development. The vegetation algorithms are basing on Köchy (2006) and Malkinson and Jeltsch (2007). The surface processes like runoff and soil transport will be determined by physical and empirical models from Manning, Shields, Strickler and van Rijn. Furthermore the universal soil loss equation - USLE - (Wischmeier and Smith, 1978) was used to compare the different approaches with each other. The model was able to indicate the Vegetation and erosion development in the Mediterranean well. Thereby the infiltration rate and the water availability were the most important parameter for the vegetation development. However the erosion was mainly influenced by heavy precipitation events. Disturbances by grazing/browsing were negative for the vegetation cover and increase the erosion. The comparison of the erosion calculated by the USLE clarify at mean similar erosion rates, but the USLE was not able to demonstrate the intra annual variability. The approach to calculate the erosion by physical and empirical models display a good prediction especially in variable environments.

Grain Size and Solid Solution Strengthening in Metals

Chandrasekaran, Dilip January 2003 (has links)
The understanding of the strengthening mechanisms is crucialboth in the development of new materials with improvedmechanical properties and in the development of better materialmodels in the simulation of industrial processes. The aim ofthis work has been to study different strengthening mechanismsfrom a fundamental point of view that enables the developmentof a general model for the flow stress. Two differentmechanisms namely, solid solution strengthening and grain sizestrengthening have been examined in detail. Analytical modelsproposed in the literature have been critically evaluated withrespect to experimental data from the literature. Two differentexperimental surface techniques, atomic force microscopy (AFM)and electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) were used tocharacterize the evolving deformation structure at grainboundaries, in an ultra low-carbon (ULC) steel. A numericalmodel was also developed to describe experimental featuresobserved locally at grain boundaries. For the case of solid solution strengthening, it is shownthat existing models for solid solution strengthening cannotexplain the observed experimental features in a satisfactoryway. In the case of grain size strengthening it is shown that asimple model seems to give a relatively good description of theexperimental data. Further, the strain hardening in materialsshowing a homogenous yielding, is controlled by grainboundaries at relatively small strains. The experimentalresults from AFM and EBSD, indicate more inhomogenousdeformation behaviour, when the grain size is larger. Bothtechniques, AFM and EBSD, correlate well with each other andcan be used to describe the deformation behaviour both on alocal and global scale. The results from the numerical modelshowed a good qualitative agreement with experimentalresults. Another part of this project was directed towards thedevelopment of continuum models that include relevantmicrostructural features. One of the results was the inclusionof the pearlite lamellae spacing in a micromechanically basedFEM-model for the flow stress of ferriticperlitic steels.Moreover a good agreement was achieved between experimentalresults from AFM and FEM calculations using a non-local crystalplasticity theory that incorporates strain gradients in thehardening moduli. The main philosophy behind this research has been to combinean evaluation of existing strengthening models, with newexperiments focused on studying the fundamental behaviour ofthe evolving dislocation structure. This combination can thenbe used to draw general conclusions on modelling thestrengthening mechanisms in metals. <b>Keywords:</b>strengthening mechanisms, flow stress, solidsolution strengthening, grain size strengthening,micromechanical modelling, AFM, EBSD

Holocene and Latest Glacial Paleoceanography in the North-Eastern Skagerrak

Gyllencreutz, Richard January 2005 (has links)
Detailed information on past oceanographic and climatic changes is crucial for our understanding of natural climate variability and for the assessment of future climate variations. Sediments strongly influenced by the North Atlantic Current accumulate at high rates in the northeastern Skagerrak, forming a potential highresolution archive for information on past climatic and oceanographic processes and events. Through a highresolution, multi-proxy study of the 32 meter long core MD99-2286 from the north-eastern Skagerrak, and interpretation of chirp sonar profiles from the coring area, this thesis provides new and detailed insights about the paleoceanographic development of the eastern North Sea region since the deglaciation. The chronostratigraphic control of core MD99-2286 relies on 27 radiocarbon dates. Ages are presented in calibrated thousand years before present (abbreviated “kyr”). Core MD99-2286 was correlated to chirp sonar profiles using measured physical properties. This correlation demonstrates that a strong regional acoustic reflector, previously assumed to represent the Pleistocene/Holocene boundary, was formed as a result of rapid ice retreat during the latest Pleistocene. Based on the distribution of ice rafted debris in the core, ice berg calving in the Skagerrak ended at 10.7 kyr. Detailed grain-size analyses of the core were interpreted using a novel 3D-visualization technique. Between 11.3 and 10.3 kyr, clay-rich distal glacial marine sediments were deposited in the northeastern Skagerrak, derived from Baltic melt-water outflow across south-central Sweden through the Otteid-Stenselva strait. As a result of differential isostatic uplift, the route of the major outflow and the associated sediment deposition moved southwards along the Swedish west coast. After 10.3 kyr, sediment deposition in the north-eastern Skagerrak gradually adopted to a fully interglacial normal marine sedimentation dominated by Atlantic inflow and the North Jutland Current. The establishment of the modern circulation system in the eastern North Sea is marked by abrupt coarsening of the sediments in core MD99-2286 at 8.5 kyr. This was a result of increased Atlantic inflow, opening of the English Channel and the Danish straits, and formation of the South Jutland Current. Mineral magnetic properties of the core show a distinct relationship reflecting general sediment source variability. After 8.5 kyr, sediments in the northeastern Skagerrak were derived predominantly from the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea, with varying contributions from the South Jutland Current, the Baltic Current, and the currents along the coasts of western Sweden and southern Norway. Between 6.3 and 3.8 kyr, the eastern North Sea was further developed towards the modern situation by an increase of the South Jutland Current flow. The Skagerrak bottom currents were probably forced by strong Atlantic water inflow between 0.9 and 0.5 kyr, and after that by increased wind stress. The influence of regional climate on the eastern North Sea circulation has increased since the middle of the Holocene.

Investigations of manual and satellite observations of snow in Järämä (North Sweden)

Pinto, Daniel January 2013 (has links)
The snow cover plays an important role not only for the whole climate system but also for tourism and economy in the Lapland winter (e.g. dog sledding, snow mobile, etc). Snow constitutes a shelter for animals and plants during the winter due to thermal isolation, but, on the range of this investigation, it can make grazing difficult for reindeers, if the conditions are not favorable. Different approaches to the study have been made; the first and most important part of the investigation was a campaign in Järämä, in Swedish Lapland. During 3 days (between the 3rd and 5th of March 2009), a series of snow pits were done, recording snow grain size, snow layers depth, snow hardness/compactness, density and temperature. The hardness in the snow was evaluated through ram penetration tests. It was additionally studied the correspondence between the snow layers found in situ and the Sámi terminology. Another approach of the study consisted of satellite observations during the winter season 2008/2009 with day light in the region. The type of imagery used was MODIS (The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) daily snow albedo and 8-day surface reflectance products. Measurements of temperature, precipitation, snow depth were used to cover the polar night time when satellite images were missing. According to these weather observations some snow metamorphisms were also studied, and their influence on the snowpack conditions. Through the comparison between all these forms of data it was found that in the winter season 2008/2009 the conditions for reindeers grazing were not good due to the formation of ice encapsulating the lichens and grass. Additionally several hard snow layers have been found in the snowpack which increase the difficulty to dig in the snow and may cause problems to the reindeers’ digestion. Snow hardness measurements with a ram penetrometer, manual tests and visual grain size observation proved these discovers. Several periods of positive temperature may cause melting/refreezing cycles contributing to the formation of hard snow layers. These conclusions are supported by the snow albedo and surface reflectance satellite imagery. In these images is visible a period with snow albedo decreasing a lot in the beginning of autumn, after the first lasting snowfall. The weather conditions in early fall, when the first durable snow occurs, are of extreme importance for the reindeers’ grazing, and in the case of the studied winter season, the conditions were not favorable.

Experimental Study of the Microstructural Evolution of Chemical Vapor Deposited (CVD) Nickel upon Annealing

Chichi, Chen 23 August 2011 (has links)
The effect of annealing conditions on the microstructure evolution of CVD nickel was investigated systematically in the present study by differential scanning calorimetry, optical microscopy and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), upon both ex-situ and in-situ annealing. TEM observation revealed the as-deposited CVD nickel possessed a bi-modal grain structure, with large columnar grains embedded in nanocrystalline matrix. Ultrafine and nano growth twins were present as well as multiply twinned grains with five-fold symmetry. Microstructure observation upon annealing showed that grain growth did not occur until annealing at 400ºC. Detwinning was observed at 400ºC and higher temperatures. The ultrafine and nano twins tended to transform into dislocation cell structures and this phenomenon was driven by the excess free energy associated with the high density of grown-in twin boundaries. The five-fold twinned grains were found to be thermally stable up to 600ºC. The hardness was observed to decrease with increasing annealing temperature.

Experimental Study of the Microstructural Evolution of Chemical Vapor Deposited (CVD) Nickel upon Annealing

Chichi, Chen 23 August 2011 (has links)
The effect of annealing conditions on the microstructure evolution of CVD nickel was investigated systematically in the present study by differential scanning calorimetry, optical microscopy and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), upon both ex-situ and in-situ annealing. TEM observation revealed the as-deposited CVD nickel possessed a bi-modal grain structure, with large columnar grains embedded in nanocrystalline matrix. Ultrafine and nano growth twins were present as well as multiply twinned grains with five-fold symmetry. Microstructure observation upon annealing showed that grain growth did not occur until annealing at 400ºC. Detwinning was observed at 400ºC and higher temperatures. The ultrafine and nano twins tended to transform into dislocation cell structures and this phenomenon was driven by the excess free energy associated with the high density of grown-in twin boundaries. The five-fold twinned grains were found to be thermally stable up to 600ºC. The hardness was observed to decrease with increasing annealing temperature.

The Influence of Language Preference on Bilingual Children's Expressive and Receptive Vocabulary and Reading Ability

Fritz, Cortney M 21 August 2011 (has links)
Given the increase of Spanish- and English-speaking bilingual students in US schools, identifying the predictors of reading in this group of students is of significant importance to developing appropriate screening measures and intervention strategies. Thus, the current study evaluated the pattern of language preference in an elementary school bilingual (Spanish-English) population and its relationship with expressive and receptive vocabulary, and broad reading ability in English and Spanish. Participants were 58 Latino students ranging in age from 7 years, 5 months to 11 years, 1 month (M = 8.98, SD = .98) with 48% born in the United States. Results indicated that English expressive vocabulary partially mediated the relationship between outside language preference and English broad reading ability. In contrast, neither Spanish expressive nor receptive vocabulary mediated the relationship between outside language preference and Spanish broad reading ability.

Bottensubstrat och dess inverkan på reducering av BOD5, COD och TKN i lakvatten genom konstruerade rotzonsanläggningar : En pilotstudie vid Univates, Lajeado – RS Brasilien

Ekholm, Emy January 2010 (has links)
Treatment wetlands been showed efficient for reducing pollutant in waste water. In Lajeado – RS, Brazil the landfill has poor leachate water treatment. It is necessary to supplement the treatment plant because they need to reduce BOD, COD and nitrate of the water going to recipient. A subsurface flow wetland (SSF) can be a good choice.  In order to be able to design an efficient SSF it is important to understand how the grain sizes of a substrate affect the reducing of pollutants in waste water. This study focus on two substrate, sand with grain size of 0 - 3 mm and gravel with the grain size of 10 - 20 mm. To see the grain size reduces BOD, COD and nitrate best, the experiment used eight pilot scales SSF for leachate water treatment, four filled with sand and four filled with gravel. Two different flows, four with batch and four used continuous flow; two of each was planted with Thypa angustifolia L. Samples were taken from each wetland every week during a four week period. The results showed that the wetlands with the fine- grained substrate; sand gave the better reduction of BOD, COD and TKN (total kjeldahl kväve). It also showed great reduction in color. Important to notice in this study is the lack of time; more samples are required to be able to establish a pattern.

Characterizing low-sulfide instrumented waste-rock piles: image grain-size analysis and wind-induced gas transport

Chi, Xiaotong January 2010 (has links)
This study is part of the Diavik Waste-Rock Pile Project taking place at the Diavik Diamond Mine in the Northwest Territories, Canada. The project involves the construction of three 15m-scale low sulfide test waste-rock piles and monitoring of fluid flow, geochemical reactions, heat and gas transport within the waste-rock piles and characterization of the physical properties of the waste-rock piles. The focus of this thesis is characterizing grain-size distribution of the waste-rock and quantifying gas transport in the test waste-rock piles. Grain size of waste rock ranges from millimeters to meters. Sieve analysis typically only provides information of grain size <0.1 m at a single location. A computer program was developed using digital image-processing techniques to obtain a spatial grain-size distribution from photographs of tip faces of the test waste-rock piles acquired in the field. The program characterizes grain size >0.1 m and employs a region-growing algorithm for segmentation of waste-rock grains with pre- and post-processing techniques to improve the accuracy of segmentation. The program was applied to photographs of six different tip faces of the test waste-rock piles. For grain size <0.1 m, data from sieve analyses were attached to the grain-size curves generated from image grain-size analyses to obtain a full spectrum grain-size analyses ranging from boulders to fines. The results show that fine fractions are retained at the top of the tip faces and grain size increases non-linearly from top to bottom of a waste-rock pile. Calculations show that although the greatest mass is associated with the medium and coarse fractions, the greatest surface area is associated with the fine fractions. The results are consistent with field observation that the initial solute concentrations are greatest at the top of the pile and saturated hydraulic conductivity are lower at the top of the pile than in the pile interior. Statistical moments show that the test waste-rock piles have mean grain size of granules and are very poorly sorted, coarse skewed and leptokurtic. Permeability is calculated using empirical formulae and good agreement is obtained between calculated values and field measurements. The heterogeneity of grain size obtained from this study can provide a basis for future modeling efforts. Gas transport analysis focused on 1) substantiating the relationship between wind flow external to the waste-rock pile and gas pressures within the pile, 2) determining the gas flow regime in the pile, and 3) quantifying the temporal variation in wind speed and direction and determining the relevant time scales. Differential gas pressures were measured in 2008 at 49 locations within one of the three test waste-rock piles and 14 locations on the surface of the pile at one-minute intervals. Wind speed and direction were measured at 10-min intervals. Correlations between wind vectors and pressure measurements show that the wind influences pressure fluctuations in the test pile. The strength of the correlation is roughly inversely proportional to the distance between measurement ports and the atmospheric boundary. The linear relationship between internal pressure measurements and surface pressure measurements demonstrate that gas flow is Darcian within the test waste-rock pile. Spectral analysis of wind data and a one-dimensional analytical solution to the flow equations show that the persistence of wind in a certain direction has most pronounced effects on transient gas flow within the pile. The penetration depth of wind-induced gas pressure wave is a function of the periodicity of the wind and permeability of the waste-rock pile.

Analysis of Longshore Sediment Transport on Beaches

Check, Lindsay A. (Lindsay Anne) 02 December 2004 (has links)
The present study investigates longshore sediment transport for a variety of bathymetric and wave conditions using the National Oceanic Partnership Program (NOPP) NearCoM Model. The model is used to determine the effects of wave shape and bathymetry changes on the resulting longshore sediment transport. The wave drivers, REF/DIF 1 and REF/DIF S, are used to assess the effects of monochromatic and spectral waves on longshore sediment transport, respectively. SHORECIRC is used as the circulation module and four different sediment transport models are used. Longshore transport comparisons are made with and without skewed orbital velocities in the shear stress and current velocities. It is found that the addition of skewed orbital velocities in shear stress and transport formulations increases longshore sediment transport by increasing time-varying effective shear stress. The addition of skewed orbital velocities greatly increases the transport due to advection by waves. The localized longshore sediment transport is calculated using a generic physics based method and formulas by Bagnold, Bailard, and Bowen, Watanabe, and Ribberink. The transport results for each scenario are compared to the total transport CERC, Kamphuis, and GENESIS formulas. The bathymetries tested include an equilibrium beach profile, cusped beach profiles, and barred beach profiles with different bar locations. The longshore transport on an equilibrium beach profile is modeled for a 0.2 mm and 0.4 mm grain size and transport is compared to the CERC formula. The longshore sediment transport for d=0.2 mm is larger than d=0.4 mm when wave power is small, but as wave power increases the transport for the larger grain size dominates. The transport is also affected by the addition of cusps and bars on an equilibrium beach profile. The barred beach is modified to compare transport between waves breaking at the bar, before the bar, and after the bar. The features affect the transport when the wave powers are small, but as wave heights increase the cusp and bar features induce little change on the longshore sediment transport.

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