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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Propagation de la rupture sismique dans la lithosphère océanique : une étude basée sur l'analyse structurale des cataclasites et pseudotachylytes jalonnant les failles dans les roches mafiques et ultramafiques accrétées ou obductées sur les continents : l'exemple de la Corse / Propagation of the seismic rupture in oceanic lithospher : a study based on the structural analysis of cataclistes and pseudotachylytes along mafic and ultramafic rocks accreted to or obducted on continents

Magott, Remi 08 November 2016 (has links)
De par leurs magnitudes élevées et leur potentiel tsunamigénique, les séismes qui se produisent en contexte de subduction présentent un risque majeur pour les villes côtières souvent densément peuplées. La compréhension de la géométrie et du fonctionnement des zones de failles associées à ces ruptures sismiques a donc fait l'objet de nombreuses recherches sismologiques et géologiques.L’objectif de cette thèse est centré sur la caractérisation des zones de failles paléo-sismiques traversant des formations ophiolitiques subductées puis exhumées en surface des continent et sur leur comparaison avec les zones sismogéniques actuelles. Elle s’appuie sur une approche multi-échelle faisant intervenir les outils de la géologie structurale, de la pétrographie microstructurale, de la minéralogie, de la géochimie ainsi que les données de la géophysique. Le cas de la Corse alpine, de par la présence de nombreuses pseudotachylytes (étant considérées comme des fossiles de séismes) mafiques et ultramafiques constitue un cas d’étude idéal.La rupture sismique dans la nappe du Cima di Gratera est matérialisée par des réseaux de pseudotachylytes parallèles ou à fort pendages situées de part et d’autre de la discontinuité tectonique séparant les unités ultramafiques et mafiques formant la nappe. Le système de faille est caractérisé par une cinématique vers l’ouest associée à la subduction de la plaque océanique liguro-piémontaise sous la plaque adriatique. Les analyses minéralogiques des microlites présentes dans les pseudotachylytes mafiques indiquent une formation des veines en contexte de pression et température du facies eclogite, correspondant à une profondeur comprise entre 60 et 70 km, soit le début de la zone de sismicité dite de profondeur intermédiaire. La géométrie du système de faille a également pu être comparée à des géométries observées via la géophysique au large du nord-est Japon et à des profondeurs similaires.A également été mis en lumière l’impact de la serpentinisation sur le caractère sismique / asismique des discontinuités tectoniques faisant intervenir des formations mafiques et ultramafiques. En effet, la fusion frictionnelle issue des ruptures sismiques et responsable de la formation des veines de pseudotachylytes n’a été observée que dans le cas où était mis en contact la péridotite fraiche ou faiblement serpentinisée et le métagabbro. Les contacts impliquant la serpentinite et le métagabbro n’en présentent jamais et peuvent donc être considérés comme asismiques. Au regard de l’épaisseur des réseaux de pseudotachylytes dans les masses de péridotite et de leur absence dans les serpentinites, les masses de péridotites peuvent donc être assimilées à des aspérités au sein même de la plaque plongeante. / By their high magnitude and their ability to generate tsunami, subduction earthquakes present a major risk for the high population density coastal cities. The understanding of the geometry and the functioning of these seismogenic fault zones was the subject of numerous seismogenic and geologic studies.The objective of this thesis is focus on the characterization of paleo-seismic fault zones cross-cutting subducted ophiolitic formation and exhumed on the continent surface, and their comparison with current seismogenic zones. This study is based on a multi-scale approach and involves structural geology, microstructural petrography, mineralogy, geochemistry and geophysics tools. The Alpine Corsica, by the presence of numerous mafic and ultramafic pseudotachylytes (considered as fossils of past earthquakes) can be considered as an ideal study case.The seismic rupture in the Cima di Gratera Nappe is materialized by pseudotachylyte networks parallel or with a steep dipping to the fault separating the mafic and ultramafic units. The fault system is characterized by a top-to-the-west kinematic associated to the Piemonte-Liguria oceanic plate subduction under the Adriatic plate. The mineralogical analyses of the mafic pseudotachylyte microlites indicate a formation under a pressure and temperature conditions of the eclogite metamorphic facies. These conditions are consistent with a depth between 60 and 70 km which correspond to the upper part of the intermediate-depth seismicity zone. The geometry of the fault system was also compared to some geometry observed by the geophysics in the NE Japan subduction zone and at similar depth.It was also highlighted the role of the serpentinization on the seismic / aseismic character of the fault involving the mafic and ultramafic formations. Indeed, frictional melting resulting from the seismic rupture responsible to the pseudotachylyte veins formation was only observed in the case where the fresh peridotite or weakly serpentinized peridotite is in contact with the metagabbro. By opposition, the deformed zones involving the serpentinite and the metagabbro never show any pseudotachylyte and can be considered as aseismic. Considering the thickness and the polyphaser character of the pseudotachylyte networks and their absence in the serpentinite, the peridotite masses can be considered as asperities within the plate itself.

Relations entre systèmes intrusifs et instabilités sur un volcan basaltique (Piton des Neiges, La Réunion) / The role of internal structure and intrusive system in the initiation of flank destabilization (Piton des Neiges, La Reunion)

Berthod, Carole 16 December 2016 (has links)
L'étude des volcans basaltiques a démontré l'importance de leur architecture interne et de leur système intrusif dans le déclenchement de déstabilisations. Découlant d'observations indirectes, les modèles élaborés demeurent néanmoins interprétatifs. À La Réunion, l'importante érosion du Piton des Neiges, en rendant accessible sa structure interne, en fait un atout majeur pour combler ces lacunes d'observation. Ce travail s'est focalisé sur le cirque de Salazie dans le but d'accroitre les connaissances de la structure interne du volcan. Nous proposons ainsi l'existence d'une chambre magmatique litée plurikilométrique située à l'aplomb du cirque de Salazie qui appartiendrait à un édifice plus ancien estimé à plus de 2 Ma. Cette chambre est recoupée par un détachement injecté de plusieurs dizaines d'intrusions basiques et surmonté par une brèche d'avalanche de débris. La déformation cataclasique des minéraux primaires des roches plutoniques du détachement indique que cette structure s'est développée dans le domaine fragile. Une déformation ductile postérieure de basse température (< 250 °C), caractérisé par une cristallisation de chlorite, pumpellyite, zéolite et de calcite s'est ensuite développée dans le détachement. Au toit de la pile de sills, des intrusions sont brèchifiés et disséminés dans la brèche. Une analyse du sill au contact avec la brèche montre l'existence d'une fabrique magmatique asymétrique révélatrice d'un déplacement co-intrusif de l'unité sus-jacente. Ces résultats suggèrent que les volcans basaltiques s'effondrent par déformation le long de plans hydrothermalisés et confirment le rôle majeur des sills dans la déstabilisation des volcans boucliers. / The study of volcanic edifices has shown that both the internal structure and the intrusive system play a role in the initiation of flank destabilization. Arising from indirect observations, the recent models remain interpretative. On Reunion Island, the exceptional erosion of the Piton des Neiges provides a rare access to the inner structure of the basaltic edifice that is propitious to bridge these gaps. Our study focuses on the plutonic rocks outcropping in Mât River (cirque of Salazie) in order to improve our knowledge of the internal structure of Piton des Neiges. Our study allows us to reveal the presence of layered plurikilometric magma chamber under the cirque of Salazie belonging to an edifice older to 2 Ma located to the NNE from the actual summit of the Piton des Neiges. The magma chamber is crosscut by a detachment intruded by tens of basic magmatic intrusions and overlapped by debris avalanche deposits. The cataclastic deformation of primary minerals in the plutonic rocks indicates that the detachment acted as a brittle zone. This is followed by a low temperature ductile deformation (< 250 °C) characterized by crystallization of chlorite, pumpellyite, zeolite and calcite in the detachment zone. At the top of the sill zone, sills are brechified and disseminated in the breccia. The presence of an asymmetric magmatic fabric in the intrusion in contact with the breccia suggests that this sill was emplaced with a normal shear displacement of its hanging wall. These results suggest that deformation of basaltic volcanoes proceeds along hydrothermalized detachments and confirm the major implication of sill intrusions in basaltic volcano flank instability.

Petrografia e geoquímica das rochas intrusivas básicas da porção sudeste do Cinturão Dom Feliciano, RS

Barbosa, Laércio Dal Olmo January 2017 (has links)
A participação de líquidos magmáticos extraídos do manto, registrados sob a forma de intrusões dioríticas, gabroicas e de rochas máficas-ultramáficas, tem sido apontada como uma componente determinante na geração de magmas intermediários a ácidos, em ambientes orogênicos a pós-colisionais. Neste contexto, a colocação de líquidos basálticos hidratados na base da crosta também é considerada um importante marcador petrogenético, já que além de fornecer calor, pode ainda contribuir com líquidos residuais fracionados, essenciais à geração de magmas evoluídos. Além disso, magmas pouco diferenciados podem igualmente ascender e atingir níveis superiores da crosta, interagindo com câmaras magmáticas silicosas. Assim, estas rochas acabam por registrar tanto os processos de extração e transporte de magmas do manto, resultando na acresção vertical de material à crosta, quanto os processos de interação entre esses dois componentes. Na porção sudeste do Cinturão Dom Feliciano (RS), constituída majoritariamente por granitoides, ocorrem rochas dioríticas e gabroicas de extensão reduzida (1 a 7 km) e caráter dominantemente básico, na região compreendida entre os municípios de Pinheiro Machado e Pedro Osório. Nesta dissertação, por meio da caracterização geológica, mineralógica, petrográfica e geoquímica destas rochas, propõe-se a separação de duas associações principais. A “Associação I” (AI) engloba os corpos do Passo da Fabiana, Passo da Olaria, Arroio Santa Fé e Desvio Herval, constituindo-se por rochas gabroicas comumente cumuladas, por vezes estratificadas A “Associação II” (AII), diorítica a gabroica, compreende rochas isótropas a localmente foliadas, nas ocorrências do Alto Alegre, Passo dos Machados e Campo Bonito. As duas associações são subalcalinas, com afinidade cálcio-alcalina médio-K (AI) e médio a alto-K (AII), exibindo altos teores de alumina (Al2O3 > 17%), mesmo para os termos não cumulados. Maiores valores de CaO e Mg# na AI, e de álcalis, P2O5, Zr, Nb, Y, e total de ETR na AII, bem como padrões distintos de ETR, referendam a separação das associações. O controle no posicionamento das rochas básicas por descontinuidades litosféricas é sugerido pelas assinaturas magnéticas, que teriam possibilitado a ascensão e colocação destes magmas em níveis superiores da crosta. Como processos petrogenéticos, sugere-se a participação de líquidos derivados do manto em câmaras magmáticas supracrustais, seja como pulsos precursores do magmatismo associado aos granitoides, ou por eventos de reabastecimento destes reservatórios, como predominantes na AI. Já na AII, rica em anfibólio, processos envolvendo a colocação e evolução de magmas do manto nas DCHZ (deep crustal hot zones), originando líquidos hidratados, parecem ser mais expressivos. / The participation of mantle-derived melts, recorded as dioritic, gabbroic and mafic-ultramafic rocks, has been identified as a determinant component in the generation of intermediate to acid magmas, in orogenic to post-collisional settings. In this context, the emplacement of hydrous basaltic liquids at the base of the crust is also considered an important petrogenetic marker, not only providing heat, but also producing residual fractionated liquids, essential to the generation of evolved magmas. Furthermore, less differentiated magmas can also ascend and reach upper crustal levels, interacting with silicic magma chambers. Therefore, this rocks record both magma extraction and transport processes from the mantle, resulting in vertical material accretion to the crust, as well as the interaction between these two components. In the southeastern portion of Dom Feliciano Belt (RS), which is composed mainly by granitoids, minor dioritic and gabbroic rocks occur (1 to 7 km), with predominantly basic character, in the region between Pinheiro Machado and Pedro Osório. This thesis presents geological, mineralogical, petrographic and geochemical characterization of these rocks, proposing thus the separation of two main associations. The "Association I" (AI) comprises the bodies Passo da Fabiana, Passo do Olaria, Arroio Santa Fé and Desvio Herval, and is composed by gabbroic rocks, commonly as cumulates, sometimes in layered intrusions The "Association II" (AII), dioritic to gabbroic, comprises isotropic to locally foliated rocks, in the occurrences of Alto Alegre, Passo dos Machados and Campo Bonito. Both associations are subalkaline, with medium-K (AI) and medium to high-K (AII) calc-alkaline affinity, showing high-alumina contents (Al2O3 > 17%), even for the non-cumulated terms. Higher CaO and Mg# values in AI, and alkalis, P2O5, Zr, Nb, Y, and total REE in AII, as well as distinct REE patterns, support the proposed associations. The control on the emplacement of the basic rocks by lithospheric discontinuities is suggested by magnetic signatures, which would have enabled the ascent and emplacement of these magmas to upper crustal levels. As petrogenetic processes, the participation of mantle-derived liquids in supracrustal magma chambers is suggested, either as precursor pulses of the magmatism associated with the granitoids, or by replenishment events in these reservoirs, as prevalent in AI. In the AII, amphibole-rich, processes involving the emplacement and evolution of mantle-derived magmas in DCHZ (deep crustal hot zones), originating hydrous liquids, seems to be more expressive.

Helium isotope variations in peridotite, gabbro and basalt from the Kane Oceanic Core Complex

Konrad, Kevin 05 October 2012 (has links)
The Kane Oceanic Core Complex (OCC) is a valuable window into crustal architecture and chemical composition of the lithosphere beneath a slow-spreading ocean ridge. A suite of > 30 samples (comprised of whole rocks, mineral separates and basalt glasses) has been analyzed for ��He/���He isotope ratios and He concentrations. Gas extraction experiments included crushing in vacuum, step heating and fusion in a high-vacuum furnace. We found ��He/���He in the two freshest peridotites (harzburgite and olivine websterite) to be identical to ratios measured in basalt glasses collected from the Kane fracture zone-ridge axis intersection (8.4���8.7 R[subscript A]). Notably, the freshest and least deformed peridotite (a porphyroclastic harzburgite) has the highest helium content of any of the OCC ultramafic rocks (170 ncc STP/g), while the majority of its helium (70%) is released only upon melting. Lower helium contents (1-45 ncc STP/g) and more variable ��He/���He (2.0-6.3 R[subscript A]) are found in other more altered/deformed peridotite samples (whole rocks, clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene separates). For example, three mylonitized peridotites have lower helium contents compared to the less deformed peridotites. Troctolite intrusions from the Adam and Eve Domes appear to record very late-stage melt impregnation fed through dunite conduits near the MOHO. ��He/���He in these troctolites overlaps with values in the fresh peridotites and axial basalts, but extends to slightly higher values (8.6-9.0 RA). Collectively, fresh Kane peridotites and troctolites having He concentrations above 10 ncc STP/g show ��He/���He ratios of 8.4-9.0 RA that are higher than the median value (8.0-8.2 R[subscript A]) for mid-ocean ridge basalts. This suggests that domains of depleted upper mantle in the Kane region tend to have ��He/���He ratios of 9 RA or higher, similar to what is observed in the most trace-element depleted MORBs globally. Kane gabbroic rocks are more variable in 3He/���He. A subset of gabbros show systematically lower ��He/4He ratios (0.9-7.2 R[subscript A]), with He concentrations of 1-24 ncc STP/g, reflecting the increased importance of atmospheric and radiogenic components in several cases. Nonetheless, two whole rock gabbroic samples plus an amphibole separate have ��He/���He ratios of 7.6-8.0 R[subscript A] and He contents between 13 and 57 ncc STP/g. Variation in the sampling of a lithologically heterogeneous mantle source by the partial melting process may account for the observed ��He/���He variability of 7.6-9.0 R[subscript A] in peridotite, gabbro and basalt in the Kane area. / Graduation date: 2013

Contribution à l'étude géologique des cantons de Lamarck et Guettard, région de Chibougamau (Québec) : approche géochimique

Brangier, Michel 18 April 1984 (has links) (PDF)
Les roches archeennes des cantons de Lamarck et de Guettard se rattachent à la ceinture de roches vertes de Chibougamau-Matagami, dans l'Abitibi (Québec) . La séquence archéenne de notre terrain est formée de deux unités principales : L'unité l : un ensemble de matériaux volcanoplutoniques à dominante basique-intermédiaire se rattache peut- être à la formation de Blondeau ou à la formation de Gilman. L'unité II : formée surtout de roches sédimentaires et volcanoclastiques , se rattache peut- être à la formation de Stella-Hauy. Nous avons plus particulièrement étudié les caractères pétrographiques et géochimiques des matériaux constituant l' unité 1 . Ce sont essentiellement des laves basaltiques, des dolérites en filons ou en dykeswarm, des filons-couches lités de gabbro, quelques lentilles de tufs (s.l.) interméàiaires ou rhyo-dacitiques. Les caractères pétrographiques et les conditions de gisement des matériaux basiques sont varles , mais les comportements géochimiques paraissent homogènes et sont comparables à ceux des tholéites des rides média-océaniques actuelles, ou éventuellement aux tholéites des arcs insulaires.

Petrografia e geoquímica das rochas intrusivas básicas da porção sudeste do Cinturão Dom Feliciano, RS

Barbosa, Laércio Dal Olmo January 2017 (has links)
A participação de líquidos magmáticos extraídos do manto, registrados sob a forma de intrusões dioríticas, gabroicas e de rochas máficas-ultramáficas, tem sido apontada como uma componente determinante na geração de magmas intermediários a ácidos, em ambientes orogênicos a pós-colisionais. Neste contexto, a colocação de líquidos basálticos hidratados na base da crosta também é considerada um importante marcador petrogenético, já que além de fornecer calor, pode ainda contribuir com líquidos residuais fracionados, essenciais à geração de magmas evoluídos. Além disso, magmas pouco diferenciados podem igualmente ascender e atingir níveis superiores da crosta, interagindo com câmaras magmáticas silicosas. Assim, estas rochas acabam por registrar tanto os processos de extração e transporte de magmas do manto, resultando na acresção vertical de material à crosta, quanto os processos de interação entre esses dois componentes. Na porção sudeste do Cinturão Dom Feliciano (RS), constituída majoritariamente por granitoides, ocorrem rochas dioríticas e gabroicas de extensão reduzida (1 a 7 km) e caráter dominantemente básico, na região compreendida entre os municípios de Pinheiro Machado e Pedro Osório. Nesta dissertação, por meio da caracterização geológica, mineralógica, petrográfica e geoquímica destas rochas, propõe-se a separação de duas associações principais. A “Associação I” (AI) engloba os corpos do Passo da Fabiana, Passo da Olaria, Arroio Santa Fé e Desvio Herval, constituindo-se por rochas gabroicas comumente cumuladas, por vezes estratificadas A “Associação II” (AII), diorítica a gabroica, compreende rochas isótropas a localmente foliadas, nas ocorrências do Alto Alegre, Passo dos Machados e Campo Bonito. As duas associações são subalcalinas, com afinidade cálcio-alcalina médio-K (AI) e médio a alto-K (AII), exibindo altos teores de alumina (Al2O3 > 17%), mesmo para os termos não cumulados. Maiores valores de CaO e Mg# na AI, e de álcalis, P2O5, Zr, Nb, Y, e total de ETR na AII, bem como padrões distintos de ETR, referendam a separação das associações. O controle no posicionamento das rochas básicas por descontinuidades litosféricas é sugerido pelas assinaturas magnéticas, que teriam possibilitado a ascensão e colocação destes magmas em níveis superiores da crosta. Como processos petrogenéticos, sugere-se a participação de líquidos derivados do manto em câmaras magmáticas supracrustais, seja como pulsos precursores do magmatismo associado aos granitoides, ou por eventos de reabastecimento destes reservatórios, como predominantes na AI. Já na AII, rica em anfibólio, processos envolvendo a colocação e evolução de magmas do manto nas DCHZ (deep crustal hot zones), originando líquidos hidratados, parecem ser mais expressivos. / The participation of mantle-derived melts, recorded as dioritic, gabbroic and mafic-ultramafic rocks, has been identified as a determinant component in the generation of intermediate to acid magmas, in orogenic to post-collisional settings. In this context, the emplacement of hydrous basaltic liquids at the base of the crust is also considered an important petrogenetic marker, not only providing heat, but also producing residual fractionated liquids, essential to the generation of evolved magmas. Furthermore, less differentiated magmas can also ascend and reach upper crustal levels, interacting with silicic magma chambers. Therefore, this rocks record both magma extraction and transport processes from the mantle, resulting in vertical material accretion to the crust, as well as the interaction between these two components. In the southeastern portion of Dom Feliciano Belt (RS), which is composed mainly by granitoids, minor dioritic and gabbroic rocks occur (1 to 7 km), with predominantly basic character, in the region between Pinheiro Machado and Pedro Osório. This thesis presents geological, mineralogical, petrographic and geochemical characterization of these rocks, proposing thus the separation of two main associations. The "Association I" (AI) comprises the bodies Passo da Fabiana, Passo do Olaria, Arroio Santa Fé and Desvio Herval, and is composed by gabbroic rocks, commonly as cumulates, sometimes in layered intrusions The "Association II" (AII), dioritic to gabbroic, comprises isotropic to locally foliated rocks, in the occurrences of Alto Alegre, Passo dos Machados and Campo Bonito. Both associations are subalkaline, with medium-K (AI) and medium to high-K (AII) calc-alkaline affinity, showing high-alumina contents (Al2O3 > 17%), even for the non-cumulated terms. Higher CaO and Mg# values in AI, and alkalis, P2O5, Zr, Nb, Y, and total REE in AII, as well as distinct REE patterns, support the proposed associations. The control on the emplacement of the basic rocks by lithospheric discontinuities is suggested by magnetic signatures, which would have enabled the ascent and emplacement of these magmas to upper crustal levels. As petrogenetic processes, the participation of mantle-derived liquids in supracrustal magma chambers is suggested, either as precursor pulses of the magmatism associated with the granitoids, or by replenishment events in these reservoirs, as prevalent in AI. In the AII, amphibole-rich, processes involving the emplacement and evolution of mantle-derived magmas in DCHZ (deep crustal hot zones), originating hydrous liquids, seems to be more expressive.

Petrografia e geoquímica das rochas intrusivas básicas da porção sudeste do Cinturão Dom Feliciano, RS

Barbosa, Laércio Dal Olmo January 2017 (has links)
A participação de líquidos magmáticos extraídos do manto, registrados sob a forma de intrusões dioríticas, gabroicas e de rochas máficas-ultramáficas, tem sido apontada como uma componente determinante na geração de magmas intermediários a ácidos, em ambientes orogênicos a pós-colisionais. Neste contexto, a colocação de líquidos basálticos hidratados na base da crosta também é considerada um importante marcador petrogenético, já que além de fornecer calor, pode ainda contribuir com líquidos residuais fracionados, essenciais à geração de magmas evoluídos. Além disso, magmas pouco diferenciados podem igualmente ascender e atingir níveis superiores da crosta, interagindo com câmaras magmáticas silicosas. Assim, estas rochas acabam por registrar tanto os processos de extração e transporte de magmas do manto, resultando na acresção vertical de material à crosta, quanto os processos de interação entre esses dois componentes. Na porção sudeste do Cinturão Dom Feliciano (RS), constituída majoritariamente por granitoides, ocorrem rochas dioríticas e gabroicas de extensão reduzida (1 a 7 km) e caráter dominantemente básico, na região compreendida entre os municípios de Pinheiro Machado e Pedro Osório. Nesta dissertação, por meio da caracterização geológica, mineralógica, petrográfica e geoquímica destas rochas, propõe-se a separação de duas associações principais. A “Associação I” (AI) engloba os corpos do Passo da Fabiana, Passo da Olaria, Arroio Santa Fé e Desvio Herval, constituindo-se por rochas gabroicas comumente cumuladas, por vezes estratificadas A “Associação II” (AII), diorítica a gabroica, compreende rochas isótropas a localmente foliadas, nas ocorrências do Alto Alegre, Passo dos Machados e Campo Bonito. As duas associações são subalcalinas, com afinidade cálcio-alcalina médio-K (AI) e médio a alto-K (AII), exibindo altos teores de alumina (Al2O3 > 17%), mesmo para os termos não cumulados. Maiores valores de CaO e Mg# na AI, e de álcalis, P2O5, Zr, Nb, Y, e total de ETR na AII, bem como padrões distintos de ETR, referendam a separação das associações. O controle no posicionamento das rochas básicas por descontinuidades litosféricas é sugerido pelas assinaturas magnéticas, que teriam possibilitado a ascensão e colocação destes magmas em níveis superiores da crosta. Como processos petrogenéticos, sugere-se a participação de líquidos derivados do manto em câmaras magmáticas supracrustais, seja como pulsos precursores do magmatismo associado aos granitoides, ou por eventos de reabastecimento destes reservatórios, como predominantes na AI. Já na AII, rica em anfibólio, processos envolvendo a colocação e evolução de magmas do manto nas DCHZ (deep crustal hot zones), originando líquidos hidratados, parecem ser mais expressivos. / The participation of mantle-derived melts, recorded as dioritic, gabbroic and mafic-ultramafic rocks, has been identified as a determinant component in the generation of intermediate to acid magmas, in orogenic to post-collisional settings. In this context, the emplacement of hydrous basaltic liquids at the base of the crust is also considered an important petrogenetic marker, not only providing heat, but also producing residual fractionated liquids, essential to the generation of evolved magmas. Furthermore, less differentiated magmas can also ascend and reach upper crustal levels, interacting with silicic magma chambers. Therefore, this rocks record both magma extraction and transport processes from the mantle, resulting in vertical material accretion to the crust, as well as the interaction between these two components. In the southeastern portion of Dom Feliciano Belt (RS), which is composed mainly by granitoids, minor dioritic and gabbroic rocks occur (1 to 7 km), with predominantly basic character, in the region between Pinheiro Machado and Pedro Osório. This thesis presents geological, mineralogical, petrographic and geochemical characterization of these rocks, proposing thus the separation of two main associations. The "Association I" (AI) comprises the bodies Passo da Fabiana, Passo do Olaria, Arroio Santa Fé and Desvio Herval, and is composed by gabbroic rocks, commonly as cumulates, sometimes in layered intrusions The "Association II" (AII), dioritic to gabbroic, comprises isotropic to locally foliated rocks, in the occurrences of Alto Alegre, Passo dos Machados and Campo Bonito. Both associations are subalkaline, with medium-K (AI) and medium to high-K (AII) calc-alkaline affinity, showing high-alumina contents (Al2O3 > 17%), even for the non-cumulated terms. Higher CaO and Mg# values in AI, and alkalis, P2O5, Zr, Nb, Y, and total REE in AII, as well as distinct REE patterns, support the proposed associations. The control on the emplacement of the basic rocks by lithospheric discontinuities is suggested by magnetic signatures, which would have enabled the ascent and emplacement of these magmas to upper crustal levels. As petrogenetic processes, the participation of mantle-derived liquids in supracrustal magma chambers is suggested, either as precursor pulses of the magmatism associated with the granitoids, or by replenishment events in these reservoirs, as prevalent in AI. In the AII, amphibole-rich, processes involving the emplacement and evolution of mantle-derived magmas in DCHZ (deep crustal hot zones), originating hydrous liquids, seems to be more expressive.

Petrology and geochemistry of the basal gabbro unit, Uitkomst complex

Strauss, Toby Anthony Lavery January 1996 (has links)
The Cu/(Cu+Ni) ratios associated with the Basal Gabbro also display the vertical reverse fractionation trend, supporting the supercooled margin model. The disseminated sulphides in the lowermost units, are regarded as being the result of sulphur saturation induced by contamination from the dolomitic and quartzitic xenoliths. This is supported by isotope data which indicate the high degree of contamination in the lowermost units of the Complex. The results of this study are used to propose a model for the petrogenesis and metallogenesis of the Uitkomst Complex, whereby the Complex is closely related to the Bushveld Complex. The Basal Gabbro, as supported by its chemistry and style of mineralisation (Cu-rich), represents a supercooled margin to the lowermost units of the Uitkomst Complex, which stoped upwards into the surrounding sediments, assimilating the country rock xenoliths, and precipitating sulphides. Following this was a period in which large quantities of magma moved laterally through the system before the magma flow waned, and closed system crystallisation ensued. As the body cooled, the primarily magmatic water was superceded by the hydrothermal magmatic water released from the xenoliths, and later by geothermally driven circulating meteoric water, producing the extensive alteration. This alteration was accompanied by considerable stress and the development of fractures and shears. Finally the Complex was itself intruded by diabase sills and later dolerite dykes.

Experimental Research on Rate- and State- Dependent Friction Constitutive Law Focusing on the Transient Change of Frictional Strength at Intermediate to High Slip Velocities / 中-高速度域条件下における摩擦強度の過渡的変化に着目した速度状態依存摩擦構成則に関する実験的研究

Nakano, Ryuji 26 March 2018 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(理学) / 甲第20924号 / 理博第4376号 / 新制||理||1628(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院理学研究科地球惑星科学専攻 / (主査)教授 田上 高広, 教授 山路 敦, 教授 平原 和朗 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Science / Kyoto University / DGAM

New Insights Into the Petrogenesis of Lunar Basaltic Breccia Meteorites from the Dominion Range (DOM) 18543

Schweitzer, Alex Ross 19 July 2023 (has links)
No description available.

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