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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A região nuclear da galáxia Seyfert NGC 7469

Bonatto, Charles Jose January 1987 (has links)
O espectro no núcleo da galáxia Seyfert 1 NGC 7469 apresenta linhas de emissão intensas e largas, com assimetria para o vermelho no caso das linhas de Balmer do HI, e para o azul no caso de linhas proibidas. / The nuclear spectrum of the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 7469 exhibits intense and broad emission lines: the HI Balmer lines areasymmetric to the blue.

Evolución colisional y dinámica de pequeños planetas

Elía, Gonzalo Carlos de 27 March 2014 (has links)
En esta Tesis se presentan resultados concernientes a la evolución colisional y dinámica de las principales poblaciones de pequeños planetas del Sistema Solar. Nuestro análisis incluye a los asteroides del Cinturón Principal, los asteroides cercanos a la Tierra (NEAs), los Troyanos de Júpiter asociados al punto de equilibrio <i>L</i><SUB>4</SUB>, y los Plutinos, residentes en la resonancia de movimientos medios 3:2 con Neptuno. Para realizar esta tarea, desarrollamos un código numérico estadístico de evolución colisional, capaz de incluir las principales características dinámicas de la población de pequeños cuerpos bajo estudio. Dicho algoritmo puede ser utilizado para analizar la evolución de cualquier población de pequeños planetas, independientemente de su posición en el Sistema Solar.

Estudio en continuo de radio de dos regiones de gas ionizado y su contenido estelar

Amorín, Ricardo O. January 2003 (has links)
Información extraída de <a href="http://www.iar.unlp.edu.ar/biblio/index.html">http://www.iar.unlp.edu.ar/biblio/index.html</a>

Cellular and molecular mechanisms of salinity acclimation in an amphidromous teleost fish

Lee, Jacqueline Amanda January 2012 (has links)
Inanga (Galaxias maculatus) is an amphidromous fish species that is able to successfully inhabit a variety of salinities. Using an integrated approach this thesis has characterised for the first time the physiological characteristics that facilitate acclimation in inanga. Structural studies using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and laser scanning confocal microscopy (LSCM) revealed freshwater-acclimated inanga have a high density of apical pits and freshwater-type mitochondria-rich cells (MRCs) that can facilitate ion absorption from the hypo-osmotic environment. In seawater, inanga remodel their gills by increased proliferation of seawater-type MRCs to facilitate ion secretion in the hyper-osmotic environment. Concentration-dependent sodium (Na+) kinetic analysis revealed that at a whole body level, inanga regulate Na+ using a saturable, high affinity, low capacity uptake system which makes them extremely adept at extracting Na+ from very dilute freshwater environments. In fact inanga displayed an uptake affinity (Km) of 52 ± 29 µM, which is one of the lowest ever recorded in freshwater fish. The sodium/potassium ATPase transporter (NKA) is central to Na+ regulation within the gill. In high salinties inanga displayed increased NKA activity (6.42 ± 0.51 µmol ADP mg protein-1 h-1) in an effort to excrete the excess Na+, diffusively gained from the hyper-osmotic environment. This increase in NKA was most likely a reflection of the proliferation of NKA-containing MRCs. The NKA activities seen in freshwater- and 50% seawater-acclimated inanga were similar (2.54 ± 0.19 and 2.07 ± 0.22 µmol ADP mg protein-1 h-1 respectively) to each other suggesting the inanga gill is capable of supporting ion regulation in brackish waters without a significant increase in NKA activities, and the energetically-expensive changes in gill structure and function that accompany such a change. Molecular investigation of NKA isoform expression using quantitative PCR (qPCR) showed that inanga displayed salinity-induced changes in the expression of the three α NKA isoform variants investigated. Isoform α1a exhibited a pattern consistent with an important role in freshwater, confirming results from other fish species. While it is generally accepted that α1b isoform is the predominant NKA isoform in seawater, inanga did not display this pattern with a freshwater dominance seen. None of the salinity-induced changes could quantitatively explain the increased NKA activity in seawater suggesting that different isoforms may convey different activities, that there is also regulation of NKA at a post-transcriptional level, and/or other isoforms or subunits may have a significant role. The importance of the osmoregulatory hormone cortisol and prolactin is widely accepted and inanga were treated with cortisol, prolactin and a combination of the two in an effort to further elucidate their role. NKA activity and NKA isoform expression were assessed but no specific patterns were deduced, except for a decrease in both NKA activity and isoform expression in 100% seawater-acclimated inanga treated with cortisol and prolactin. The reasons for this decrease were not evident, although the impact of stress induced by the injection protocol was likely to be a confounding factor. The development of a new confocal-based technique in this study was able to describe, for the first time, intracellular sodium levels ([Na+]i) as a function of salinity in an intact euryhaline fish gill cell. Using the fluorescent Na+ indicator dye CoroNa Green this study demonstrated the ability of inanga gill cells to maintain [Na+]i in the face of environmental change. Freshwater-acclimated inanga displayed basal [Na+]i of 5.2 ± 1.8 mM, with 12 ± 2.3 mM and 16.2 ± 3.0 mM recorded in 50% seawater- and 100% seawater-acclimated cells, respectively. Low [Na+]i is advantageous in hypo-osmotic environments as it provides a gradient between the cell and the blood which is essential for generating electrochemical gradients cell volume regulation and other cellular homeostatic mechanisms. A slightly elevated [Na+]i seen at the higher sanities would help minimise the diffusive gradient for passive influx from the environment which would be of benefit in hyper-osmotic environments. Upon salinity challenge 50% seawater cells were equally adept at maintaining a constant [Na+]i at any salinity, suggesting these cells are have the necessary constituents to regulate Na+ in both lower and higher salinities. This novel LSCM approach is advantageous relative to existing transport models as it will allow the observation of cellular ion transport in real time, within a native filament structure displaying functional interaction of different cell types. The extreme ion uptake characteristics of the inanga and their amenability to in situ confocal-based studies demonstrated in this study, confirm inanga as a valuable model species for future research.

Strategies of inanga (Galaxias maculatus) for surviving the environmental stressors of hypoxia and salinity change

Urbina Foneron, Mauricio January 2013 (has links)
Salinity and oxygen availability have long been recognised as important factors influencing animal physiology and therefore species distribution. The maintenance of appropriate cellular ion levels is critical for many essential physiological processes, but at the same time is energetically expensive. Since hypoxia is likely to impose aerobic limitations for ATP generation, the maintenance of salt and water homeostasis could be at risk during hypoxia. The amphidromous inanga (Galaxias maculatus) is well known for its salinity tolerance and its life cycle that involves several salinity related migrations. During these migrations inanga also frequently encounters hypoxic waters, and therefore must maintain energy homeostasis when aerobic metabolism may be compromised. The present study has investigated behavioural, physiological, biochemical and molecular mechanisms by which inanga tolerate changes in salinity and hypoxia. After 14 days of acclimation to salinities ranging from freshwater to 43‰, inanga showed physiological acclimation. This was evident by no changes in metabolic rates or energy expenditures through this salinity range. Energy balance seemed to be tightly and efficiently controlled by changes in the proportion of protein and lipids used as energy substrate. No mortalities and only minor changes in plasma osmolality also indicated salinity acclimation. The remarkable osmoregulatory capacity of inanga was also evidenced after a seawater challenge. The osmotic balance of inanga was only disrupted during the first 24 hours after the challenge, evidenced by an increase in plasma osmolality and plasma Na+, and a decrease in muscle water content. These physiological changes were correlated with changes at the molecular level. Different isoforms of the catalytic subunit of the Na+,K+-ATPase (NKA) were isolated, partially sequenced and identified in inanga. Phylogenetic analysis grouped inanga isoforms (α-1a, α-1b, α-1c) with their respective homologues from salmonids. Patterns of mRNA expression were also similar to salmonids, with α-1a being downregulated and α-1b being up-regulated following seawater challenge. Previous to this study, NKA isoform switching was reported to occur only in salmonids and cichlids. The presence of NKA subunits that change with environmnetal salinity in inanga indicates that this isoform switching phenomenon is much more widespread among teleost lineages than previously thought. Aiming to elucidate the hypoxia tolerance of inanga, oxygen consumption rate as a function of decreasing external PO2 was evaluated. At no point did inanga regulate oxygen consumption, suggesting that this species is an oxyconformer. This is the first robust demonstration of the existence of oxyconforming in fish. Evaluation of the scaling relationship between oxygen consumption and fish size in normoxia, showed that the exponent of this relationship fell within the range previously reported for fish. However, in hypoxic conditions the scaling relationship was less clear suggesting different size-related mechanisms for tolerating hypoxia. Analysis of the aerobic and anaerobic metabolism of small and large fish, showed that smaller inanga were able to sustain aerobic metabolism for longer than larger inanga, which instead relied on anaerobic metabolism for extending their survival. This knowledge is likely to be of value for the conservation of this iconic fish species, by incorporating these size related differences in hypoxia tolerance in streams management. In light of the unusual oxyconforming response of inanga, a study examining the behavioural responses of this species to declining dissolved oxygen was performed. Inanga did not display a behaviour that might reduce energy expenditure during oxygen limitation; instead swimming activity and speed were elevated relative to normoxia. As hypoxia deepened inanga leaped out of the water, emersing themselves on a floating platform. Once emersed, fish exhibited an enhanced oxygen consumption rate compared to fish that remained in hypoxic water. Although this emersion behaviour was hypothesised to be of physiological advantage, both aquatic hypoxia and emersion resulted in similar physiological and biochemical consequences in inanga. While in hypoxic water oxygen availability seemed to be the limiting factor, in air failure of the circulatory system was hypothesised to be the cause of a similar metabolic signature to that found in aquatic hypoxia. Overall, inanga seemed to be not particularly well adapted to tolerate aquatic hypoxia. In light of the increasing likelihood of anthropogenic-induced hypoxia in inanga habitats, this is likely to have negative consequences for the future of inanga populations in the wild. Although this study provides the mechanisms behind the exceptional salinity tolerance of inanga, its susceptibility to hypoxia is likely to impose further constraints for the osmoregulatory processes that guarantee inanga survival during life cycle migrations. The results of the present study are relevant for understanding and managing the fishery of this economically- and culturally important fish species.

Catálogo de candidatas a supercáscaras de hidrógeno neutro en la parte externa de la Vía Láctea

Suad, Laura Andrea 24 April 2014 (has links)
El medio interestelar (MIE) no sólo no es homogéneo sino que además posee una compleja topología que se manifiesta por la presencia de una variedad de estructuras tales como arcos, gusanos, cáscaras y supercáscaras. En particular, las supercáscaras se encuentran entre los objetos más enigmáticos e interesantes del MIE de una galaxia. Las mismas se detectan mayoritariamente en la emisión de la distribución de hidrógeno neutro (HI) como mínimos en la emisión de HI rodeados, total o parcialmente, por ”paredes” de mayor emisión. Las supercáscaras pueden expandirse a velocidades de varias decenas de kilómetros por segundo. Con tiempos dinámicos de vida del orden de decenas de millones de años, las supercáscaras sobrevivirían a las estrellas de gran masa que pudieran haberle dado origen (si ese hubiese sido el mecanismo que las originó), por lo que las mismas podrían ser usadas como registros fósiles para estudiar los efectos de formación estelar en la Vía Láctea. En esta Tesis se ha realizado un nuevo catálogo de candidatas a supercáscaras utilizando una combinación de un método automático de detección más uno visual. Una particularidad que tiene nuestro algoritmo de búsqueda automática es que es capaz de detectar estructuras que no están completamente cerradas, o sea, que no están completamente rodeadas por paredes de emisión de HI. Este hecho permitió estudiar el porcentaje de estructuras que tienen su lado ”abierto” hacia al halo de la Galaxia, lo cual convertiría a estas estructuras en candidatas a objetos identificados como ”chimeneas” galácticas. Se han detectado un total de 575 estructuras en la parte externa de la Galaxia a las cuales se les han determinado algunos parámetros físicos como por ejemplo: las distancias, dimensiones, edades dinámicas, velocidades radiales de los centroides, rangos de velocidades donde se detectan. A cada estructura se le ajustó una elipse la cual tiene como parámetros los semiejes mayor y menor y el ángulo de inclinación del semieje mayor con respecto al plano de la Galaxia. Se ha determinado la distribución de las supercáscaras en la Vía Láctea, así como también las principales propiedades estadísticas de los parámetros (tamaños lineales, velocidades de expansión, distancias galactocéntricas, dimensiones, edades dinámicas) encontrados para las mismas. Se ha comparado el catálogo obtenido con catálogos similares realizados por otros autores. También se ha analizado la posible presencia, en el interior de las estructuras, de objetos estelares que pudieron haberle dado origen. Por último se estudió en detalle una de las estructuras catalogadas, GS 100-02-41, la cual presenta evidencia de formación estelar inducida.

Emissão infra-vermelha de galáxias IRAS

Bonatto, Charles Jose January 1992 (has links)
Galáxias ativas emitem fortemente no infra-vermelho. Grãos de poeira, aquecidos por fótons Ultra-Violeta e ópticos absorvem estes fótons e os re-emitem no infra-vermelho. Atualmente, esta é a interpretação mais provável para esta emissão no infra-vermelho. Neste trabalho, desenvolvemos um modelo para a emissão e distribuição espacial dos graõs de poeira, incluindo a contribuição de uma lei-de-potência. Usamos galáxias com observações no óptico e no infra-vermelho, separando-as em Seyfert tipo 1 e 2, para analisar as relações entre luminosidades de linhas de emissão no óptico e a luminosidade no infra-vermelho (LIR). Contando o número de galáxias com L r.. dentro de um determinado intervalo, mostramos que as distribuições de LIR de Seyferts tipo 1 e 2 são quase idênticas. Através da análise dos índices de cor no infra-vermelho e de razões entre L IR e LHE,, e LIR e L[arin, mostramos como os dois tipos de galáxias Seyfert podem ser interpretados pelo mesmo modelo, apenas variando as condições do modelo para diferenciá-las. / Active galaxies do emit strongly in the infra-red. Dust grains heated by Ultra-Violet and optical photons absorb these photons and re-emit them in the infra-red. Presently, this is the most probable interpretation for the infra-red emission. In this work, we develop a model for the dust grains emission and spatial distribution, including the contribution from a power-law. We study galaxies with optical and infra-red observations, separating them in type 1 and 2 Seyferts, in order to analyse the relationships between the luminosity of optical emission lines and the infra-red luminosity (L, R). By counting the number of galaxies with L IR within a given bin, we show that the L IR, distributions of type 1 and 2 Seyferts are almost identical. Through the analysis of infra-red color indices and the ratios between LIR and LHa, and L[oiijJ, we show how the two types of Seyfert galaxies can be interpreted by the same model, just allowing variation of the model conditions to separate them.

Estudo de aglomerados estelares no complexo HII NGC 6357 com o VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea

Lima, Eliade Ferreira January 2014 (has links)
Complexos de formação estelar são os principais blocos de formação das galáxias. O estudo da estrutura e do conteúdo estelar de aglomerados imersos nesses complexos permite conhecer melhor os processos de formação estelar na Galáxia, visto que a estrutura dos aglomerados estelares reflete a estrutura do gás denso onde eles se formaram. Neste trabalho estudamos a natureza de uma série aglomerados estelares imersos/ projetados no complexo de regiões HII e nuvens moleculares NGC 6357. A amostra consiste de 5 aglomerados imersos no complexo, 1 aglomerado de idade intermediária projetado no bordo de NGC 6357, além de 3 candidatos que necessitam de mais análises. Pismis 24 é o único aglomerado da amostra estudado previamente na literatura. Usamos fotometria nas bandas JHKs do VVV (VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea Survey) complementada com a do 2MASS para estrelas saturadas. Utilizamos como ferramenta um algoritmo de descontaminação das estrelas de campo que revela a morfologia intrínseca do aglomerado. Os parâmetros fotométricos da amostra foram derivados a partir do diagrama cor magnitude (CMD), por meio do ajuste de isocronas de Padova de metalicidade solar, computada com os filtros J, H e Ks do VVV. Os parâmetros estruturais foram derivados por meio dos perfis de densidade radial (RDPs). Os perfis foram construídos com estrelas selecionadas após a aplicação filtro cor-magnitude (CM) sobre a fotometria observada, o qual isola estrelas com grande probabilidade de serem membros do aglomerado. A distância media dos aglomerados imersos no complexo nos permitiu estimar que NGC 6357 encontra-se a uma distancia de 1.76+0.1 kpc do Sol. Tal distância tem sido questão de debate na literatura. O aglomerado de idade intermediária descoberto possui 5±2 Gyr. Dois objetos imersos parecem ser subestruturas do aglomerado massivo Pismis 24. Concluímos que NGC 6357 possui pelo menos dois eventos de formação estelar da ordem de 5 e 9 Myr. Esta diferença de idade pode ajudar a compreender a história de formação estelar do complexo assim como a cinemática do gás. / Star forming complexes are the major building blocks of galaxies. The study of the structure and stellar content of embedded clusters in these complexes allows us to better understand the processes of star formation in the Galaxy, since the structure of the star clusters reflects the structure of the dense gas in which they were formed. In this work we study the nature of a series of star clusters embedded or projected towards the complex of HII regions and molecular clouds NGC 6357. The sample consists of five clusters embedded in the complex, one intermediate-age cluster projected in the outskirts of NGC 6357, and four candidates that need further analyses. Pismis 24 is the only cluster of the sample previously studied in the literature. We use the VVV (VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea Survey) photometry in the JHKs bands complemented with 2MASS for the saturated stars. We use an algorithm as a tool for field star decontamination which reveals the intrinsic morphology of the cluster. The photometric parameters of the sample were derived from the colour diagram magnitude (CMD) by means of solar-metallicity Padova isochrones computed with the VVV J, H and Ks filters. Structural parameters were derived by means of radial distribution profiles (RDPs). RDPs were built with stars selected after applying the colour-magnitude (CM) filter to the observed photometry, which insolates the stars with a high probability of being cluster members. The mean distance of the embedded clusters in the complex allowed us to estimate that NGC 6357 is at a distance of 1.76+0.1 kpc from the Sun. This distance has been a matter of debate in the literature. The discovered intermediate-age cluster has an age 5 ±2 Gyr. The two embedded objects seem be substructures of the massive cluster Pismis 24. We conclude that NGC 6357 has had at least two stellar generation events, range in the 5 to 9 Myr. This age difference may help to understand the star forming history of the complex as well as the gas kinematics.

Spatial distribution of galactic globular clusters : distance uncertainties and dynamical effects

Souza, Juliana Crestani Ribeiro de January 2017 (has links)
Fornecemos uma amostra de 170 Aglomerados Globulares Galácticos (GCs) e analisamos as propriedades de sua distribuição espacial. Utilizando um vasto catálogo de nuvens escuras identificadas, listamos os GCs que estão atrás de uma ou mais delas e que podem estar submetidos a uma extinção mais complexa do que a considerada por mapas de extinção. Valores de incerteza em distância são obtidos da literatura recente e comparados com valores derivados de uma fórmula de propagação de erro. GCs são agrupados de acordo com características inusitadas, tais como idades relativamente jovens ou possível conexão com núcleos de galáxias anãs, de forma que o efeito desses grupos pode ser isolado na distribuição espacial geral. Adicionalmente, computamos o centróide da distribuição de GCs e estudamos como esse se relaciona com a distância ao centro da Galáxia. Considerando que uma formação galáctica via colapso monolítico é supostamente simétrica, investigamos assimetrias e como os valores de incerteza das distâncias as modificam. Velocidades espaciais e um potencial Galáctico são empregados para verificar se quaisquer assimetrias na distribuição espacial são devidas a objetos em movimento coerente, ou se são somente efeitos transientes. / We provide a sample of 170 Galactic Globular Clusters (GCs) and analyse its spatial distribution properties. Using a comprehensive dust cloud catalogue, we list the GCs that are behind one or more identified dust clouds and could be subjected to a more complex extinction curve than extinction catalogues consider. Distance uncertainty values are gathered from recent literature and compared to values derived from an error propagation formula. GCs are grouped according to unusual characteristics, such as relatively young age or possible connection to dwarf galaxy nuclei, so that their effect on the general distribution can be isolated. Additionally, we compute the centroid of the GC distribution and study how it relates to the distance to the centre of the Galaxy. Considering that galactic formation via monolithic collapse is expected to be symmetrical, we probe asymmetries and how distance uncertainty values modify them. Spatial velocities and a Galactic potential are used to verify if any asymmetries in the spatial distribution are due to co-moving objects, or if they are merely transient effects.

A região nuclear da galáxia Seyfert NGC 7469

Bonatto, Charles Jose January 1987 (has links)
O espectro no núcleo da galáxia Seyfert 1 NGC 7469 apresenta linhas de emissão intensas e largas, com assimetria para o vermelho no caso das linhas de Balmer do HI, e para o azul no caso de linhas proibidas. / The nuclear spectrum of the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 7469 exhibits intense and broad emission lines: the HI Balmer lines areasymmetric to the blue.

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