Spelling suggestions: "subject:"sas cleaning"" "subject:"sas leaning""
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Industrial wastewater treatment and other environmental problems in Wuhan : Is Swedish technology a solution? / Industriell avloppsvattenrening och andra miljöproblem i Wuhan : kan svensk miljöteknik vara lösningen?Hagberg, Anna January 2007 (has links)
År 2000 startades ett samarbete mellan Wuhan i Kina och Borlänge Energi i Sverige. De två parterna bestämde år 2005 tillsammans med IVL, Svenska Miljöinstitutet, att samarbeta inom följande områden; hållbar energiproduktion, hållbar avfallsproduktion samt grundandet av ett miljöteknikcentrum i Wuhan. Miljöteknikcentrumet är till för att vara en plattform för svensk miljöteknik och expertis. Som ett första steg inför grundandet av ett miljöteknikcentrum gjordes en undersökning för att se inom vilka sektorer svensk miljöteknik kan etableras. Undersökningen var inriktat på industriell avloppsvattenrening i Wuhan; bedömning av vilka typer av industrier/företag som har problem med avloppsvattenreningen och i vilken utsträckning det finns svenska tekniklösningar på problemen. Undersökningen genomfördes genom intervjuer med myndigheter och en del utvalda företag. Det var svårt att få fram information om vilka företag som inte följer de kinesiska gränsvärdena, varför en del besök gjordes till företag som lever upp till gränsvärdena. På grund av detta togs även andra problem med miljön som företagen hade upp. Några kommunala reningsverk besöktes och intervjuades också för att få en bättre bild av den kommunala vattenreningssituationen. En generell beskrivning av Wuhans miljösituation utfördes också samt en beskrivning av de viktigaste miljömyndigheterna och institutionerna. Wuhans största utmaning är att konstruera reningsverk till alla de 3.5 miljoner som fortfarande släpper sitt avloppsvatten rätt ut till sjöar och floder, snarare än att ytterligare rena det industriella avloppsvattnet. Behandlingsgraden av det industriella avloppsvattnet har nått 97 % medan behandlingsgraden av det kommunala avloppsvattnet endast nått 70 %. Besök vid de utvalda företagen och kommunala reningsverk ledde till slutsatsen att svensk teknik och expertis kan införas i följande områden: hantering av slam från reningsverk, byggandet av förbränningsanläggningar för sopor och hur man löser problemet med att rena luften från gaser som SO2 och dioxiner. De flesta företagen kunde följa de kinesiska gränsvärdena för utsläpp av avloppsvatten men mycket kan göras för att förbättra företagens tekniker ytterligare. Detta utförs dock nästan aldrig eftersom det är en ekonomisk fråga. Det är möjligt för Wuhan att sätta lokala, hårdare gränsvärlden för att tvinga företagen att förbättra sina reningstekniker ytterligare. / In 2000 a co-operation between Wuhan in China and Borlänge Energi in Sweden started. The two parts decided in 2005 together with IVL, the Swedish Research Institute, to co-operate in the fields of sustainable energy production, sustainable waste management and the establishment of an Environmental Technology Centre, supplying Swedish environmental expertise to companies in Wuhan. As a first step for the establishment of an Environmental Technology Centre in Wuhan, an investigation was made to find out in which sectors Swedish environmental technology could be established. The investigation took aim at observing the industrial wastewater treatment in Wuhan and to see which types of companies that have problems with the wastewater treatment and if there existed Swedish technology that could solve the problems. The investigation was performed through interviews with the authorities and some selected companies. It was difficult to get information about companies that did not comply with the National Chinese wastewater standards. This meant that some of the visits were made to companies that comply with the standards, also taking into consideration other problems with the environment that the companies might have. Visits were also paid to municipal wastewater treatment plants to get an overview over the municipal wastewater treatment situation. An overall survey of the environmental situation in Wuhan was also made and a presentation of the most important environmental departments and institutions is given. The greatest challenge for Wuhan is to construct wastewater treatment plants for the around 3.5 million people that still discharge their wastewater directly to rivers and lakes, rather than to improve the industrial wastewater treatment further. The treatment rate of the industrial wastewater has reached 97%, but the municipal wastewater treatment rate has only reached 70%. After the visits to the selected companies and municipal wastewater treatment plants the conclusion was made that Swedish technologies and expertise can be applied to the following areas; handling sludge from the wastewater treatment plants, construction of waste incineration plants and handling flue gas and dioxins. Most of the visited companies could follow the wastewater standards. Although much can be done to improve their technologies further, this is not done since it is too expensive. It is possible for Wuhan to apply stricter local wastewater treatment standards. This could be used as a tool to make companies invest more money in improvements of their technologies.
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Návrh čištění energoplynu mokrou metodou / Design of syngas cleaning by wet scrubberMusilová, Petra January 2018 (has links)
Gasification is a process which produces gas of low heating value, however, generated gas contains several pollutants. This thesis is dealing with the issue of purity and cleaning of generated gas. Theoretic part of thesis consists of research, describing the very process of gasification itself, mapping of possible pollutants appearing during gasification and particular ways of purifying gas, looking in detail at wet scrubbing with several scrubbing liquids. Further, it looks into proposition of conditions for wet scrubbing and balance of scrubbing liquids. Next part deals with calculation of purifying line. Main goal of calculations, is to determine the length of the pipeline, transfering polluted gas from the gasifier to the filter for elimination of solid particles and wet scrubber. Key aspect of length calculation was the input and output temperature of the gas, determined by characteristics of the filter. Calculation for wet scrubber istelf is also included, to detremine if the output temperature of the scrubbing liquid after the passage of the gas needs to be modified by additional cooling or heating. For experimental purposes, syngas generated by gasification of biomass, is gathered from the atmospheric gasifier Biofluid 2. Experiment itself inquires into the purity of the gas before and after the passage through solid particles filter and through the wet scrubber. The purpose of this thesis is to determine the chemical composition of gas before and after wet scrubbing, the difference of composition of tar gathered from purified and nonpurified gas and using gathered data to evaluate the effectiveness of wet scrubbing.
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Vliv složení plynu na čištění plynu bariérovým filtrem / Syngas composition influence on gas cleaning efficiencyMenšíková, Barbora January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the issue of pollution of the generated gas after the gasification process and its subsequent cleaning using a barrier filter. The theoretical part of thesis consists of research on the gasification process, the effects on the gasification process, pollutants in the gas and gas cleaning with a focus on the purification of gas from tar. The experimental part of this thesis is devoted to the gasification itself in a fluidized bed gasification reactor in order to test the effect of the catalyst, which was calcined dolomite, the composition of the gas at variable parameters of water vapor and the temperature inside the laboratory filter.
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Testování náplní bariérového filtru pro čištění plynu / Testing of the barrier filter charge for gas cleaningMuzikářová, Věra January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the issue of pollution of the generated gas during gasification. It consists of two parts. The first part is theoretical, where there is a search describing the course of gasification. There is also an overview of impurities in the generated gas and a description of methods suitable for gas purification. The second part of the work is focused experimentally, where various fillings of the barrier filter are tested during gas cleaning.
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Konstrukční návrh elektrostatického odlučovače pro domovní kotel spalující dřevní paliva / Electrostatic precipitator for wood firing stovesBrázda, Kryštof January 2021 (has links)
The presented diploma thesis deals with the design of an electrostatic precipitator for a domestic automatic wood fuel boiler. The individual chapters describe the products of the combustion process, the principles of charging dust particles, describe existing patents related to electrostatic precipitators, commercial electrostatic precipitators and the last part of the work calculates a mathematical model, according to which previously designed and evaluated separator variants were designed and evaluated. Based on the results, the optimal variant of the electrostatic precipitator designed for a domestic boiler is then selected.
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Čištění energoplynu z biomasy v katalytickém vysokoteplotním filtru / Syngas Cleaning in Hot Catalytic FilterLisý, Martin January 2009 (has links)
Disertation thesis deals with development of hot dolomite filter for the purposes of cleaning of gas polluted by biomass and waste gasification with ash and tar as well as sulphur and chlorine compounds as main pollutants. Gas is then cleaned so that it can be utilized in cogeneration units with combustion engines. This supports advancement of gasification techniques using decentralized power and heat generation especially for design of small scale units. Concrete aims of this thesis are stated in chapter 2. Experimental fluid gasification stend Biofluid 100 has been in operations at Brno University of Technology (BUT) since 2000 and it helps research of biomass and waste gasification. Development of the filter initially utilized needs and experience with the utility during cooperation of BUT and ATEKO Hradec Králové. Water scrubber was used for gas cleaning, however, this method proved to be ineffective. Alternative solutions were considered. Based on literature search, natural catalysts with limestone basis were opted. First part of the thesis presents literature search of this issue. Historic development and description of gasification process are briefly discussed as well as elementary classification of gasification generators. This part is followed by chapters dealing with gas pollutants. Tar – the most significant pollutant – is discussed in a separate chapter which presents tar formation, its classification, characteristics and methods for its removal. Brief summary of requirements on gas properties with respect to its utilization in various applications (especially in cogeneration units) follows. Other part of the literature search part focuses on methods of removal of tar from gas, especially on catalyst methods. Dolomite characteristics, description of dolomite calcination as well as simplified kinetic model of tar cracking using dolomite are presented. Based on literature search, laboratory and verification equipment was designed for the purposes of dolomite properties testing. Equipment description as well as description of experimental stend Biofluid 100 where the experimental tests were carried out can be found in introduction of the experimental part. This is followed by a complete description of pilot equipment design of hot dolomite filter with general description of experimental work process, brief characteristics of the fuel and catalytic material used. Final part of the work comprises of experiment results that were carried out on the pilot equipment. Focus is on efficiency of tar removal in connection with operation temperature, amount of catalytist and material used. Influence of these parameters on gas composition and energy intensity of the whole process under these conditions is mentioned as well. Possibility of autonomous unit operations without electricity heating is briefly outlined. Summary of the most significant results including the potential of future hot dolomite filter development is stated the final part of the thesis.
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Snižování oxidů dusíku z proudu spalin na katalyzátorech při nestandardních podmínkách / Reduction of nitrogen oxides from the flue gas stream on catalysts under non-standard conditionsMinář, Marek January 2021 (has links)
The objective of the presented diploma thesis is reduction of nitrogen oxides from the flue gas stream on catalyst under non-standart conditions. Emphasis is places on the description of selected pollutants in flue gas (especially nitrogen oxides), legislative requirements for air protection and technologies for removal of nitrogen oxides, expecially methods of selective catalytic and non-catalytic reduction. The practical part is devoted to the reduction of nitrogen oxides by selective catalytic reduction on a pilot plant INTEQ II in the laboratory NETME Center. The subject of interest is the determination of the NOx reduction efficiency depend on the temperature for selected catalyst. The end of the practical part pursues with comparison of measurement results and their evaluation.
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Jednotka pro energetické využití kontaminováné biomasy / Unit for utilization of contaminated biomass for energy productionVotava, Jakub January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of the thesis is to create preliminary design calculations to determine dimensions, weights and pressure losses of individual contaminated biomass combustion gas treatment nodes. The first part of the thesis deals with the definition of biomass as a fuel, legislative determination of allowed emissions and their description. Then the systems for combustion gas treatments are discussed given their brief description. The practical part focuses on shape designs, determining base dimensions of each type. Weights and pressure losses of individual versions are computed too. In the last part the individual versions are solved with real values and compared to each other.
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Simulace technologií pro termické zpracování odpadu / Simulation of technologies for thermal treatment of wasteVenhoda, Tomáš January 2013 (has links)
This thesis mainly deals with the thermal treatment of waste - hazardous waste incineration and energy recovery municipal waste incinerators - their descriptions and analysis of legislative conditions. The flue gas cleaning system energy production in different operating modes is assessed by energy and mass balances. Computational models are developed for this purpose. On this basis, productions of energy from thermal treatment of hazardous and communal waste were compared.
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Distribuce těžkých kovů na spalovně odpadů / Distribution of heavy metals in waste incineratorPoláková, Annamária January 2014 (has links)
The main scope of thesis is to describe the pollutant removal techniques with a focus on heavy metals. With that relate chapters describing the formation of pollutants and their effect on human health. The thesis focuses on a detailed description of flue gas cleaning technology and its evaluation. Evaluation is shown in tables comparing emission measurement on waste incineration plant SAKO Brno, a.s. with emission limits. The thesis also briefly describes other options for municipal waste management.
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