Spelling suggestions: "subject:"deneral biology."" "subject:"deneral ciology.""
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Characterization Of Glutathione S-transferase Activity In Turkish Red Pine (pinus Brutia, Ten.): Variation In Environmentally Cold Stressed SeedlingsBoyoglu, Seyhan 01 January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Plants can not escape from biotic and abiotic stress factors such as, extreme temperatures, high light intensity, drought, UV radiation, heavy metals, and pathogen attack. Plants have versatile defens systems against such stress conditions. In this study, the role of glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) in cold stress conditions were examined. Glutathione S-transferases are the enzymes that detoxify natural and exogenous toxic compounds by conjugation with glutathione. Glutathione, an endogenous tripeptide, is important as reducing agent, nucleophilic scavenger, and alleviate the chemical toxicity in the plants by the reaction of GSTs. Glutathione conjugates can be transported to the vacuoles or apoplast and are generally much less
toxic than the parent compounds. In plants there are four distinct families of the soluble GSTs, namely Phi (F), Type I / Zeta (Z), Type II / Tau (U), Type III / Theta (T), Type IV. By contrast with the mammalian families of GST, relatively little is known about the plant GST families. Up to date, there is not any study on GST isolation and characterization from Turkish red pine, in this respect, this study well play a frontier role the future research dealing with this topic.
In this study, some properties of Turkish red pine GST activity towards CDNB (1-chloro-2,4 dinitrobenzene) were examined. The average specific activity of Turkish red pine GST towards CDNB was found as 200± / 50 (Mean± / SE, n= 18) nmole/min/mg cytosolic protein. GSTs in cytosol prepared from Turkish red pine needles retained its activity without loss for four weeks at -80& / #61616 / C. The rate of conjugation reactions were linear up to 0.8mg of Turkish red pine cytosolic protein and 0.4 mg cytosolic protein was routinely used. The Turkish red pine GST showed its maximum activity at pH 8.0 in 25 mM phosphate buffer and 42 & / #730 / C. The measurements were carried out at room temperature (RT) of 25 & / #61616 / C. Turkish red pine GST seemed to be saturated at 1 mM CDNB and 1 mM GSH concentrations. The Vmax and Km values of Turkish red pine GST for CDNB was 416nmole/min/mg protein and 0,8 mM, respectively, and for GSH 106.4 nmole/min/mg protein and 0.10 mM, respectively. Turkish red pine cytosol was applied on DEAE-Sepharose fast flow column but almost no purification was achieved with respect GST activity. In order to examine the effects of cold stress on Turkish red pine GST activity, the GST activity was determined in 240 seedlings at &ndash / 3& / #61616 / , 0& / #61616 / and 13 & / #61616 / C environmental temperatures. It was observed that GST activity was the highest at -3& / #730 / C and the lowest at 13& / #730 / C in both cold resistant and sensitive families with the exception of Yaylaalan and Ç / ameli.
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Biophysical Investigation Of The Effects Of Antioxidants On Normal And Diabetic Rat Bone Tissues At Molecular LevelBoyar, Handan 01 June 2004 (has links) (PDF)
In the first part of this study, the effect of diabetes mellitus on the long bones (femur and tibia) of the streptozocin induced diabetic rats and the effect of selenium (Se) treatment on these bones are investigated at molecular level by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, light and electron microscopy. In the second part of this study, the effect of selenium and vitamin E deficiency or selenium toxicity on rat bones have been studied by FTIR spectroscopy.
The results of the first part of the present study revealed that the changes observed in the mineral and matrix phases of diabetic bones, briefly, the increase in the mineral crystal size, the decrease in the acid phosphate and carbonate content, the increase in the ratio of pyridinoline [Pyr] cross-links to dihydroxylysinonorleucine [DHLNL] cross-links present in collagen I of the bone tissue as well as the increase in the lipid to protein ratio of the matrix are quite similar to those seen in osteoporotic patients and animal models and confirms the evidence of diabetic osteoporosis. Histologic studies carried out with light and electron microscopy supported these findings. FTIR spectroscopic analysis revealed that sodium selenite treatment had some restoring effects on the deviated properties of the microstructure of diabetic bones.
The results of the second part of this study revealed that the deficiency of selenium led to increase in the crystal size of the bone minerals, decreases in acid phosphate and labile carbonate content and increase in the Pyr to DHLNL ratio as in the case of diabetic bones. These results can be indicative of the importance of selenium in glucose metabolism.The results of Se excess group are similar to those of Se deficient group except that toxic amount of selenium led to increase in the relative amount of acid phosphate. This can affect the pH of the mineral environment and lead to deformation of the bone tissue. It can be concluded from FTIR spectroscopic and light microscopic findings that both antioxidant deficient and excess diets cause almost similar defects in the mineral matrix phases of rat long bones.
Overall results may reflect the importance of antioxidants for human life and if they are used in proper amounts they can be preventive for the complications of diabetes seen in bones as well as other organs. However, further investigations are necessary for the therapeutic usage of selenium, since the treatment of control group rat femurs with sodium selenite led to some structural defects.
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Optimisation Of Agrobacterium Mediated Gene Transfer And Micrografting Systems In Lentil (lens Culinaris Medik)Kamci, Hamdi 01 September 2004 (has links) (PDF)
In this work Agrobacterium (KYRT1::pTJK136) mediated gene transfer to lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) embriyo apex and regeneration through micro-grafting in lentil was studied.
In micro-grafting two different types root stock stem height and root stock preparations were optimized. According to the results half stem length was found to be more successful then the full. Also lentil root stock was more successful then the chickpea root stock. The types of root stock preparations studied were designated as Z and M. The Z type root stock was superior then the M type, when the micro-grafting, hardening and green-house stages were concerned.
In study of Agrobacterium mediated gene transfer to lentil embryo apex the effect of the following parameters on the transformation efficiency were addressed / type and intensity of injury, type of pre-incubation media for injured explants, effect of evacuation, effect of
L-cysteine during co-cultivation and Agrobacterium incubation duration. According to the results crushing type of injury was superior over the poking and sonication type of injuries. Following the injury Hogland`s solution was used as pre-incubation media prior to infection. The effect of evacuation parameter was found to be insignificant whereas the effect of
L-cysteine during co-cultivation was negative on the transformation efficiency. According to the Agrobacterium incubation duration studies, 240 minutes, followed by 120 minutes of Agrobacterium incubation were the most efficient in terms of transformation efficiency. However, since there was no significant difference among the two 120 minutes chosen to be the optimum bacterial incubation duration.
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Cornea Engineering On Biodegradable PolyestersZorlutuna, Pinar 01 January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Zorlutuna, Pinar
M. Sc., Department of Biotechnology
Supervisor: Prof. Vasif Hasirci
Co-Supervisor: Asst. Prof. AySen Tezcaner
January 2005, 66 pages
Cornea is the outermost layer of the eye and has an important role in vision. Damage of cornea due to injuries or infections could lead to blindness lowering the quality of life of the patient severely. In such cases, transplantation or artificial corneas have been used for treatment but both had drawbacks. The novel approach for corneal replacements is the tissue engineering of the cornea, a promising method which would be free of these drawbacks, if successful.
In this study, carriers for tissue engineering of the cornea were designed and tested in vitro. Blends of biodegradable and biocompatible polyesters of natural (PHBV8) and synthetic (PLLA) origin were used to construct these carriers. For the epithelial layer of the cornea, PLLA-PHBV8 micropatterned films were prepared with solvent casting and seeded with D407 (retinal pigment epithelial) cells. In order to achieve proper cell growth, the films were coated with fibronectin. For the stromal layer of the cornea, highly porous foams of PLLA-PHBV8 were prepared by lyophilization and seeded with 3T3 cells (fibroblasts). A new approach was developed to create a combination of the film and the foam to obtain a surface patterned, 3 dimensional cell carrier. These carriers were seeded with Saos-2 cells (osteosarcoma cells) in the preliminary optimization studies and with D407 and 3T3 cells in further studies. The cell numbers on the carriers were quantified by using MTS assay (non-radioactive cell proliferation assay) and the cell proliferation on polymeric carriers was significantly higher than that of control (Tissue culture polystyrene) by the day 14. Characterization of these cells and the carrier was done using a variety of microscopic methods. The micrographs showed that the foam had a highly porous structure and the pores were interconnected. 3T3 cells were found to be distributed quite homogeneously at the seeding site, but due to the high thickness of the foam, the cells could not sufficiently populate the core (central parts of the foam) during the given incubation time. The micropatterned film allowed multilayer formation of D407 cells. The functionality of the cells seeded on the carriers was examined by immunohistochemistry. These analyses proved that the cells retained their phenotype during culturing. D407 cells formed tight junctions characteristic of epithelial cells, and 3T3 cells deposited collagen type I into the foams. Based on the results, it can be concluded that the 3-D PLLA-PHBV8 construct with surface patterns have a serious potential for use as a tissue engineering carrier for the reconstruction of the cornea.
Key words: Tissue engineering, cornea, polymeric carrier, biodegradable, polyester.
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Optimization Of Selection Conditions And Agrobacterium Mediated Transformation Of Chickpea (cicer Arietinum L. Cv. Gokce)Oz, M. Tufan 01 January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
The objective of this study was to optimize an efficient selection system and Agrobacterium mediated transformation of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.).
Cotyledonary node explants of Turkish chickpea cultivar Gö / kç / e were used to determine the effects of selective agents, two antibiotics (Kanamycin, Hygromycin) and two herbicides (PPT, Glyphosate) as well as four antibiotics (Augmentin, Carbenicillin, Cefotaxime, Timentin) for eliminating Agrobacterium on multiple shoot and root induction. Selective agents and antibiotics were applied to explants at different concentrations for one month and numbers of regenerated shoots and roots were recorded. Kanamycin at 100 mg/L, Hygromycin at 20 mg/L, PPT at 3 mg/L and Glyphosate at 5 mg/L were found to be appropriate to select chickpea transformants. Lowest concentrations of all selective agents (50 mg/L Kanamycin, 10 mg/L Hygromycin, 3 mg/L PPT, 1 mg/L Glyphosate) totally inhibited rooting of the regenerated shoots.
Among the Agrobacterium-eliminating antibiotics, Cefotaxime and Augmentin each up to 600 mg/L had no adverse effect on shoot induction, whereas Timentin (300 mg/L) significantly increased and Carbenicillin (300 mg/L) significantly decreased shoot induction after four weeks of culture. Augmentin was determined to have no effect on rooting capacities of chickpea shoots. However Cefotaxime at all concentrations significantly decreased root induction. On the other hand only high concentrations of Carbenicillin (300 mg/L) and Timentin (200 mg/L) significantly decreased rooting. Sulbactam in combination with Carbenicillin and Cefotaxime displayed effective inhibition of bacterial growth.
Furthermore, Agrobacterium mediated transformation procedure for cotyledonary node explants of Gö / kç / e, was also optimized by monitoring transient uidA expression on 4th, 9th, and 16th days after transformation. Transformation procedure was improved via mechanical injury of axillary region of explants and application of vacuum infiltration at 200 mmHg for 40 minutes.
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Effects Of Prenatal Alcohol Exposure On Activity, Anxiety And Learning In Young Adult Wistar RatsDursun, Ilknur 01 January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
The objective of the present study was to examine the effects of prenatal exposure
to alcohol on sensorimotor coordination, emotionality, learning and memory in
young adult Wistar rats. Most of the recent reports concerning behavioral effects of
fetal alcohol exposure refer to the juvenile period of life and very few studies
investigated different aspects of behavior simultaneously in the same subjects. In
the current study, alcohol was delivered to the pregnant dams by intragastric
infusions, throughout gestation days (GD) 7-20, at the dose of 6g /kg maternal body
weight /day. This dose resulted in relatively high peak blood alcohol concentration
(340 mg/dl) as assessed on GD 20. A pair-fed isocaloric and untreated control
groups were included. Prenatal alcohol administration retarded dams&rsquo / weight gain
significantly, and had an adverse effect on pups&rsquo / weight at birth but not in
adulthood. No between-group differences were observed in the litter size and in the
pups&rsquo / mortality. The adult brain weight was neither affected. Pups were subjected to
a series of behavioural tests as young adults (at 2.5 months of age). In adulthood,
rats prenatally treated with alcohol were not impaired in sensorimotor coordination
and/or did not show muscle weakness as assessed by rotarod/accelerod tests. Their
behavior in the open field and plus maze suggested alcohol-induced increase in
anxiety level and some decrease in behavioral flexibility, but hyperactivity was not
observed. In cognitive tasks, alcohol treated rats showed slightly slower rate of
initial place learning in the water maze. However, memory retention tested after 1
and 10-day delay, reversal learning, rate of extinction of place preference, as well as
working memory capacity appeared to be the same in alcohol exposed and control
rats. The possible reasons of this negative result are discussed.
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Optmization Of Tissue Culture, Regeneration And Transformation Parameters In Winter Wheat Cultivars (kiziltan-91 And Bezostaja-01)Kavas, Musa 01 September 2005 (has links) (PDF)
The objective of this study was to optimize tissue culture and regeneration
parameters of immature inflorescence culture of Triticum aestivum cv. Bezostaja-
01 and Triticum durum cv. Kiziltan-91. The effects of callus age and vernalisation
time of explants on regeneration success were evaluated. For determination of
optimum vernalisation time of immature inflorescence, plants subjected to 4 ° / C
for 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 weeks, respectively. Tillers containing immature
inflorescences were collected at the same time. Percentage of inflorescence formed
tillers over total explants were reached the highest value, 79 %, at 4 weeks cold
treated Kiziltan cultivar and, 73 %, at 5 weeks cold treated Bezostaja cultivar.
Isolated immature inflorescences were put onto 2mg /L 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic
acid and picloram containing callus induction medium for Kiziltan and Bezostaja
cultures, respectively. Callus induction rate were found to be 100 % for Kiziltan
and Bezostaja. These explants were taken to regeneration after 6, 9, 12 and 15
weeks of dark incubation period. The regeneration capacities of calli were
determined as shooting percentage and data were collected after 4, 8, 12, and 15
week regeneration period. The highest shooting percentage of 69 %, were obtained
from 6 weeks old calli produced from 4 weeks vernalised explants in Kiziltan
cultures at the end of 15 weeks regeneration period. However, shooting percentage
was 57.2 % for 9 weeks old calli while it decreases to 37.6 % in 12 weeks old calli
and 44.2 % in 15 weeks old calli at the end of 15 weeks regeneration period. This
showed that prolonged dark incubation period decreased regeneration capacity of
the callus. However, there was no significant difference in regeneration capacities
of calli produced from Bezostaja immature inflorescence and the highest shooting
percentage was obtained from 9 weeks old calli produced from 5 weeks vernalised
explants, 27.4 %.
Besides regeneration studies, optimization of transformation parameters for winter
wheat cultivars Kiziltan and Bezostaja by using Agrobacterium tumefaciens AGLI
containing binary vector pALl56 was performed. Transformation efficiencies were
determined by monitoring the transient expression of uidA gene via histochemical
GUS assay. Three to four weeks old calli were found to be more responsive to
Agrobacterium-mediated transformation in Kiziltan cultures. However, four to five
weeks old calli were found to be more responsive to Agrobacterium-mediated
transformation in Bezostaja cultures. Different transformation protocols were used.
It was found that MGL based and MMA based protocols could be used for
Bezostaja and Kiziltan transformation, respectively. The highest GUS expression,
84%, was obtained from 28 weeks old calli produced from 5 weeks vernalised
explants in Bezostaja cultures.
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Preliminary Approch For The Determination Of Fish Exuded Kairomone Using Fourier Transform Infrared SpectroscopyKepenek, Ayse Ozge 01 January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Chemical communication in aquatic organisms has been topic of a large number of studies focusing interactions between organisms via info chemicals. Diel Vertical Migration (DVM) is commonly observed among zooplankton and consists of a single daily ascent with minimum depth reached between sunset and sunrise and a descent with maximum depth attained during the day. DVM was absent or reduced when predators were absent and well developed in their presence. Species of the Daphnia are one of the well investigated group in freshwater environments. Variation in DVM of Daphnia in response to fish kairomone is one of the best studied behavioral strategies. Kairomone, as a term, is described interspecific chemical messengers, the adaptive benefit of which falls on the recipient rather than the emitter.
As a result, nature and origin of kairomone is still unclear and needs to be investigated. It was decided that FT-IR technique would be favorable tool for this aim. In this frame, it was conceived that the occurrence of migration adaptation relevant to the seasonal changes in the presence of fish kairomone could be proved and characterized by FT-IR technique. Results of the present study indicate that non-aromatic, secondary amine compound has significant contribution to fish cue. Since other sources other than fish can contribute the natural amine compounds level in fresh water environment, origin and concentration of amines are needed further investigation to determine ecological function of amine.
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Partial Purification And Characterization Of Arylamine N-acetyltransferases From Human Breast Tumor TissuesSu, Yasasin Senem 01 February 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Arylamine N-acetyltransferases (NATs) were partially purified from human breast tumor tissues with complete separation of the isoforms in DEAE-Cellulose ion-exchange step. NAT with activity towards p-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) was isolated and purified from human breast tumor with 77 % yield and a purification factor of 5-fold. NAT with activity towards sulfamethazine (SMZ) was isolated and purified from human breast tumor with 21 % yield and a purification factor of 3-fold. Further purification attempts by Blue Sepharose affinity column chromatography resulted in the complete loss of both enzyme activities. The NAT1 purified from human breast tumor tissues had a molecular weight (Mr) value of about 27600 and an isoelectric point (pI) around 4.8, as confirmed by SDS-PAGE, IEF and Western blotting analysis. With immunohistochemical analysis, level of intensity of NAT1 immunostaining was observed to be going from weak in reduction mammoplasty samples to strongest in malignant breast tissue.
The interindividual variation in the conjugation of p-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) and of sulfamethazine (SMZ) by cytosolic arylamine N-acetyltransferases (NATs) were investigated in 30 human breast tumor and matched samples. The average specific activity against PABA was calculated as 13& / #61617 / 2 pmole/min/mg protein for breast control NATs, and 20& / #61617 / 3 pmole/min/mg protein for breast tumor NATs. The average specific activity against SMZ was calculated as 12& / #61617 / 2 pmole/min/mg protein for breast control NATs, and 34& / #61617 / 6 pmole/min/mg protein for breast tumor NATs. Wilcoxon test revealed that the difference between the control and tumor groups is statistically significant with respect to the NAT1 activities as well as NAT2 activities. In three (3/30, 10%) patients tumor and tumor-free breast tissue NAT1 activity was not detectable. Among control tissues, the percentage of measurable NAT2 activity was 77% (23/30), while in tumor tissues it increased to 91%. Chemotherapy treatment was observed to have a slight inhibitory effect on mean NAT1 and NAT2 activities. There was an indication of a possible negative association with mean NAT1 activity and estrogen receptor status, while mean tumor NAT2 activity was observed to increase among estrogen receptor positive patients. Grade of malignancy seems to be positively associated with NAT1, but no such association could be suggested for NAT2 enzyme. Menopausal state of the patient was suggested to have a significant effect on NAT2 activity.
Genotype determination of NATs revealed that NAT1*4 and NAT2*5A allele being most common among 10 breast cancer patients. NAT1*11 allele was prevalent among postmenopausal women. The putative rapid NAT1 genotypes was found to display lower control and tumor mean NAT1 activities compared to normal NAT1 genotypes. Among slow NAT2 acetylators, mean tumor NAT2 activities was found to be significantly higher than respective controls.
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Affinity chromatographic purification of recombinant human growth hormoneBalci, Oguz 01 February 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of the study is to purify human growth hormone from the fermentation broth by affinity chromatography. For this purpose, human growth hormone specific oligonucleotide aptamers are selected among an aptamer library / selected oligonucleotides were synthesized and used as ligands. Effect of pH on ligand-human growth hormone complex formation was investigated and the highest complex formation was obtained at pH= 7.0. Human growth hormone is separated from the fermentation broth with 99.8% purity and 41% overall yield. The equilibrium data obtained was described by Langmuir type isotherm where saturation constant (q0) and affinity constant (K) are calculated as 0.338 mg hGH/µ / mol aptamer and 0.059 mg hGH/ml, respectively. Further, equilibrium data obtained using aptamer affinity column was described by Langmuir type isotherm where saturation constant (q0) and affinity constant (K) are 0.027 mg hGH/µ / mol aptamer and 1.543 mg hGH/ml, respectively. It is possible that, selected aptamer can be used for purification of bulk amounts of recombinant human growth hormone by using aptamer affinity chromatography.
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