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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Expert Discourse On Turkish Climate Policy

Uzelgun, Mehmet Ali 01 February 2003 (has links) (PDF)
This study renders the current frame of global climate change policies as a mirror of a new era, marked by surpass of the once absolute limits to growth towards humanity&rsquo / s management and optimization of natural processes of the planet. A total of 24 interviews were realized with Turkish governmental and non-governmental experts on climate change, after application of a two-staged environmental attitude and policy questionnaire. Critical discourse analysis of interviews was performed to elaborate the results of the attitude and policy tests. Results demonstrate an assigned core value for technology as a means to survive the foreseen ecological crisis besides the given role of technology as a means to economic development. The reign of the discourse of sustainable development in Turkish expert discourse is actualized through frames of technological progress and efficiency. Another dominant discourse is the one of national interests, which is discussed in the context of international politics of North-South conflict. The gap between the environmental attitudes of experts and their choices of policy responses and institutional practices is also discussed.

Critical Evaluation On Conservation Approaches In The Archaeological Site Of Perge

Bakacak, Oya 01 February 2007 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis concentrates on evolving concepts on conservation of cultural heritage with an emphasis on archaeological sites and evaluates the realization of diverse concepts in a particular case. The study is handled in two main sections that cover theoretical study and case study. The initial conceptual section clarifies the circumstances in archaeological sites with a view to historical developments followed by current approaches at international and national level. The following section comprises the case study concerning the archaeological site of Perge studied through historical and urban evolution and investigation of excavations and interventions for evaluation of concerns for its conservation. The thesis is finalized by concluding remarks of the study as a guide for further studies for conservation issues of the ancient city of Perge.

Gendering The Individual And The Population: Patriarchal Production Of Gendered Subjectivities In Political Thought In Early Republican Turkey

Yegenoglu, Metin 01 September 2006 (has links) (PDF)
The main aim in this study is to understand how gendered subjectivities are constructed in political thought in early republican Turkey. In this respect, problematizations on gender, the main themes utilized in these problematizations and the operation of patriarchy in these intellectual activities are analyzed in the study. In doing so, the texts published in eight journals between 1929-1946 are examined employing a post-structuralist feminist theoretical framework, to which clarifications are proposed drawing on the works of Michel Foucault and Hannah Arendt to make it befit the particular aims of the study. It is argued in the study that the political discourses prevalent in early republican era utilized gender in producing utility and docility from individuals and in advancing the population quantitatively and qualitatively. At the heart of the problematizations and discourses on gender differences was the aim of structuring the public and private lives of the individual men and women in such a way that they become politically, socially, economically, culturally and, most importantly, biologically productive. This led to a transformation in the models governing theforms of patriarchal production of and control on gendered individuals and patriarchal power relations began to be modeled after disciplinary power, instead of sovereign power, that is (re)public(an) patriarchy began to become the dominant form, instead of private patriarchy. As a result, new forms of social control and new frameworks for organizing the roles of individual women and men in public, social and private realms emerged.

Evolution Of European Security And Defense Policy And Its Prospects

Mengi, Sezen 01 April 2007 (has links) (PDF)
ABSTRACT EVOLUTION OF EUROPEAN SECURITY AND DEFENSE DIMENSION AND ITS PROSPECTS Mengi, Sezen MS., Department of European Studies Supervisor: Associate Professor Dr. Sevilay Kahraman March 2007, 146 pages. This study has focused on analyzing the evolution of ESDP and developments that took place to this date concerning the European Security and Defense Dimension. Since the end of World War II and beginning of Cold War, the security and defense issue of Europe will be explored in this thesis. Later the developments that took place after the diminishment of Warsaw Pact and end of Cold War will be traced. Also the changing relationship between the US and EU with the changing global international environment will be explored in this thesis.

Consolidation Of Jordanian National Identity: Rethinking Internal Unrest And External Challenges In Shaping Jordanian Identity And Foreign Policy

Koprulu, Nur 01 April 2007 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis analyzes the impact of two external challenges, the Palestinian dimension and the outbreak of al-Aqsa intifada, and the US war in Iraq in transforming the politics of identity in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. The Kingdom of Jordan, created as a part of post-war settlement in 1921, considered as the most &amp / #8216 / artifical&amp / #8217 / among all the states in the Middle East that has been successfully consolidated. Since Jordan was not the ancestral land of Hashemite family, the establishment of the Kingdom of Jordan posited the country at the core of discussions on identity and nation-building. In addition, the identity formation in Jordan offers a case that can easily be found in most parts of the Middle East where multiple sub-state and supra-state identities demarcate and shape the formulation of popular loyalties. Given the historical and political linkage that has closely bound Jordanian and Palestinian entities, Jordanian political history as a separate entity has for the most part coincided with Palestinian national movement. The Palestinian issue has become central to Jordan&amp / #8217 / s politics of identity particularly with Jordan&amp / #8217 / s annexation of the West Bank in 1950 and the incorporation of the Palestinians into Jordanian society. The huge influx of Palestinian community led to the emergence of an &amp / #8216 / ethnic division&amp / #8217 / between the East Bankers (native Jordanians) and the West Bankers (Palestinian origin Jordanians). Since the annexation of the West Bank territories, the Kingdom opted to build a hybrid Jordanian identity to integrate Palestinian descents into Jordan. Jordan has lately caught between two external challenges across its western and eastern borders. The outbreak of the al-Aqsa intifada in 2000 and the US war in Iraq in 2003 have devastatingly transformed Jordan&amp / #8217 / s identity formation. The &amp / #8216 / Jordan First, Arab Second&amp / #8217 / Campaign constitutes regime&amp / #8217 / s primary response to cope with these regional crises. The &amp / #8216 / Jordan First&amp / #8217 / initiative epitomizes a new era in the Kingdom, not only for re-building Jordanian norms and expectations, but also helps to notice the de-liberalizing efforts of the monarchy to contain and demolish any kind of opposition posed by domestic unrest. These two external disturbances will, therefore, help to illustrate that a causal relationship between identity and foreign policy can be drawn in the case of Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

The Populism Of The Village Institutes: A Contradictory Expression Of Kemalist Populism

Aytemur, Nuran 01 March 2007 (has links) (PDF)
ABSTRACT THE POPULISM OF THE VILLAGE INSTITUTES: A CONTRADICTORY EXPRESSION OF KEMALIST POPULISM Aytemur, Nuran Ph.D., Department of Political Science and Public Administration Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Okyayuz March 2007, 217 pages This thesis analyzes the populism of the Village Institutes by comparing it with Kemalist populism. In this context it is worth to say that throughout the thesis populism is defined as government by the people and discussed in relation to democracy. In order to do so &ndash / as a first step - the democratic structure and function(ing) of the Village Institutes are discussed with reference to their fundamental principles, organizational structure, and educational program. Secondly, the contradictory conceptualization of the &ldquo / people&rdquo / and the separation between the &ldquo / intellectual&rdquo / and the &ldquo / people&rdquo / is tried to be analyzed with reference to the writings of ismail Hakki Tongu&ccedil / (who is called as the architect of the Village Institutes), the memoirs of the graduates of the Village Institutes, and indepth interviews made with their graduates. The question hereby is to what extent this understanding of populism involve in itself what can be called the &ldquo / paradoxical elitism&rdquo / of the populist ideology, which arises out of the tensive relation between &ldquo / social-egalitarian&rdquo / and &ldquo / administrative-institutional&rdquo / aspects of populism. It is claimed that despite the similarities with Kemalist populism, the Village Institutes shifted the emphasis from the &ldquo / administrative-institutional&rdquo / to the &ldquo / social-egalitarian&rdquo / aspect of populism and surpassed the boundaries of Kemalist populism by implementing democratic principles like &ldquo / equality&rdquo / and &ldquo / self-government&rdquo / , and encouraging participation and by attempting to create a new kind of intellectual through &ldquo / education within work&rdquo / . Keywords: The Village Institutes, Populism, Elitism, Kemalist Populism, Democracy

The National Pedagogy Of The Early Republican Era In Turkey

Tutuncu, Fatma 01 March 2007 (has links) (PDF)
This dissertation examines the relationship between body, subjectivity and modernity in the making of modern Turkey. It explores how the &ldquo / disenchanted&rdquo / world of the people was &ldquo / re-enchanted&rdquo / by the modern, Eurocentric, nationalist and republican program of the republican elite. I call this program as the &ldquo / politico-moral pedagogy&rdquo / and argue that it arrives at its peak in the 1930s, when the republican regime was consolidated enough to colonize the bodies and the intimacies of people. More particularly, this dissertation studies the republican power at the intersection of the contested domains of the public and the private. It explores how the Kemalist elite, through operating a public, republican discourse, exerted a significant amount of energy and resources at the intimate sphere for creating civilized, healthy and virtuous generations. It traces the genealogy of the &ldquo / republican morality&rdquo / as the kernel of the republican &ldquo / corporeal&rdquo / and &ldquo / sentimental&rdquo / education under the program of the national pedagogy in the constructed and performative domains of the intimate, where people become the pedagogical object to be transformed into &ldquo / good, strong and healthy&rdquo / republican citizens.

The Association Between Organizational Culture And Individual Factors On Medical Practice

Sarac, Cakil 01 June 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of the present research was to investigate the relationships between patient safety culture within hospitals and individual factors on medical practice among physicians. A total of 240 physicians from ten different hospitals completed the Medical Practice Questionnaire, Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture, Maslach Burnout Inventory and Eysenck Personality Questionnaire Revised- Abbreviated Form. In order to assess frequency and types of medical errors, Medical Practice Questionnaire was developed by the author. Factor analysis of this Questionnaire demonstrated the existence of four subscales named as Patient Management/Information Delivery Errors, Execution Errors, Procedure Related errors and One Source Errors. ANOVA results revealed that males conduct more Procedure Related Errors than females. In support of the hypothesis, a number of differences observed on patient safety culture between types of institutions that public hospitals received lower scores on most of the safety dimensions. Regression analysis results revealed that personality dimensions and burnout levels were significantly related to types and frequency of errors. Considering significant predictors, while the extravert participants were found to report more Patient Management/Information Delivery, Execution and Procedure Related errors, Neurotics were found to report lower levels of errors on these three dimensions. Regression analysis of burnout levels showed that depersonalization were also associated with these three error dimensions.The level of depersonalization were found to increase the frequency of Patient Management/Information Delivery, Execution and Procedure Related Errors. The research findings however, did not support the assertion in a manner that safety culture dimensions were not found to have main effects on types of errors. The limitations of the current research and implications for further research were discussed.

The Role Of The European Union In The Process Of Democratization In Georgia

Danaci, Munife 01 May 2007 (has links) (PDF)
ABSTRACT The trend of expansion of democracy around the globe has been largely increased in the post-Cold War era due to the domestic struggles and dynamics of international system. Not only international conditions, but also democracy promotion activities of international community have influenced this trend. These activities include assistance, guidance and advice provided by the international players. In this regard, this thesis aims to highlight international dimension of democratization. This thesis analyzes the role of the European Union (EU) in the democratization process of Georgia. The EU has become an international actor, promoting democracy and human rights since the 1990s. The EU&rsquo / s contribution to the consolidation of democracy in Central and Eastern Europe through enlargement policy has been regarded valuable in the literature of democratization. In this context, this thesis chooses Georgia as a case study since Georgia / an ex-Soviet country has successfully managed to consolidate its regime change with the Rose Revolution. Besides, the Revolution has trigged the inclusion of the country and South Caucasus to the new Neighborhood Policy of the EU (ENP). This policy has welcomed in Georgia and has overlapped with the EU&rsquo / s increasing interest in the region and European orientation of Georgia. This study seeks to find out the extent to which EU can contribute democratic consolidation in Georgia within the ENP. The basic conclusion of this thesis is that the success of the ENP will depend on the limitations and deficiencies of the ENP together with the peculiarities of the region and the ability of the EU.

Future Of Regulation Theory: Open-endedness And Post-disciplinarity

Karabiyikoglu, Mert 01 May 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Since the early 1970s, regulation theory have analysed the restructuring of capitalist economies in historical time. As early studies within that political economic research were againt the structural-functionalism explicit in Marxist theories of capitalism at the time on the one hand, and the closed theoretical system of neoclassical economics on the other, regulationists soon resorted to an open-method analysis of stylised facts. Such a method is none other than a middle-range theory. This study touches upon Boyer&rsquo / s and Jessop&rsquo / s arguments on the antithetical consequences of this middle-rangeness for further as well as former theoretical research within regulation theory and their particular scheme of infl&eacute / chissement for that political economic heuristic in institutionalist and integral economic terms.

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