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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Policies Of Turkish Radio Television Corporation (trt): The Case Of The Directorate Of Documentary Programs

Ceylan, Tulun Seyhan 01 May 2006 (has links) (PDF)
The objective of this study is to examine historically the policies of theDirectorate of Documentary Programs (DDP) of the Turkish Radio Television Corporation (TRT). Since there is very little research about particular sphere of the public service broadcasting in Turkey it is aimed to contribute to this area of study. In the course of the study, historical conditions, structural factors, broadcasting policies, the conditions of public broadcasting of a country, and the role of individuals and the research methods applied in media studies were taken into consideration. Furthermore, governmental, military, lawful, economic, cultural policies, and policies emerging from the institutional mechanisms, and practices of individuals are illustrated regarding the different time periods. In this study, documentary research, observation, interview, and internet research were used as data gathering methods. Literature analysis, historical analysis and interpretative analysis were employed as methods of analysis. It is mentioned that the role of individuals in the analysis of media studies is not paid much attention, additionally, especially in Turkey, research conducted about media generally ignores the methods of ethnography, field research and interpretative analysis. In analyzing the policies of DDP, it is asserted that except for the structural effects, individuals/actors have also roles in shaping these policies. Furthermore, to examine the media, particularly television policies, it is maintained that there is a need to carry out analysis at the individual level by the help of conducting field research, applying methods of ethnography, and interpretative analysis in Turkey. Finally, it is claimed that to a large extend DDP have been under the effects of public broadcasting notion of Turkey, and there is a need for improving the institutional policies for the DDP to serve the public interest.

Working Street Children In Turkey And Romania: A Comparative Historical Analysis In The Context Of New Poverty

Dikici Bilgin, Hasret 01 July 2006 (has links) (PDF)
This study aims to explore the dynamics behind the emergence and expansion of working street children since 1990s in Turkey and Romania, in the context of New Poverty. Poverty is not a new concept, it is a dynamic process, accommodating to new circumstances, its scope shrinking from time to time, but surviving ages. Children, on the other hand, are among the groups that are first and foremost affected from the course of poverty. Nevertheless, working street children is a new notion different from traditional forms of child labour driven with distinct dynamics. In this study, it is claimed that poverty is transformed in the course of globalization process and neo-liberal paradigm. It is also argued that the way children are affected from poverty changed in this process, leading to emergence of working street children. The main discussion of the study is about the connection between working street children and the concept of New Poverty. Turkey and Romania are countries whose political, economic, social and cultural characteristics involve differences at the expense of similarities / however, working street children have been a common problem that both countries have faced at the same period. Employing comparative historical methodology, the main research question is developed as why working street children emerged in similar time periods in Turkey and Romania, which are two quite different countries. After an introductory chapter, Chapter II aims to provide a theoretical framework in which transformation of poverty in general and transformation of child poverty in relation to this process leading to emergence of working street children will be discussed. The third chapter focuses on Turkey and the fourth chapter is on Romania / in both chapters the dynamics leading to emergence of working street children, the scope and dimension of the issue is explored. The fifth chapter is devoted to the comparison of Turkey and Romania in terms of working street children in the context of New Poverty. The conclusion chapter discusses the findings of the study in both countries and tries to locate them into the theoretical framework.

Unemployment Experience Of Youth In Ankara And Sanliurfa

Celik, Kezban 01 December 2003 (has links) (PDF)
ABSTRACT UNEMPLOYMENT EXPERIENCE OF YOUTH IN ANKARA AND SANLIURFA &Ccedil / elik, Kezban Ph.D., Department of Sociology Supervisor : Assoc. Prof. Sibel Kalaycioglu September 2006, 367 pages This thesis aims to analyse how joblessness is experienced by unemployed youth, which factors are involved in this experience, what are their coping strategies and results. Final objective is to understand the relationship between wage work, adulthood and citizenship for young people who are in the process of learning how to be adult. The study is based on the interviews conducted in Ankara and Sanliurfa with 329 young people, who had registered to iSKUR in the last quarter of 2003 and who were approached after six months of registration, 30 families of the unemployed youth and 21 decision-makers of both provinces. The results of the study represent only the survey group. The study found that &amp / #8216 / family&amp / #8217 / is the most important institution in the experience of unemployed youth due to the scarce welfare state implementation and limited number and low quality of jobs created in the labour market. Therefore, family resources are crucial in the management of unemployment experience. It is not a reason itself for unemployment, but poor resources increase the need for wage work of youth labour. Youth who are heavily dependent on family support cope with unemployment in two ways: early adulthood or postponed adulthood. They try to overcome their unclear stage between childhood and adulthood through finding a job accompanied by other criteria of being adult. The former leads to the reproduction of earlier family patterns and intergenerational transfer of poverty, while the latter means to postpone the exercise of adult rights. With heavy dependence on family, unemployed youth learn to be &amp / #8216 / good family members&amp / #8217 / . This has an eroding effect on their trust and respect towards the state and its institutions as expressed by one interviewee, my State is my father. As a result, their chance to become active, participatory, responsible, entrepreneur individuals as required by new system decrease dramatically. Keywords: Wage work, youth unemployment, experience of unemployment.

Local Reactions To A National Road Project: The Case Of Black Sea Coastal Road Project, Turkey

Karatas, Sibel Esra 01 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
The main purpose of this study is to understand the mobilization dynamics and impacts of the environmental opposition movement against the Black Sea Coastal Road Project in Turkey. The study is original in the sense that for the first time an opposition movement against a national road project was realized in Turkey. The Black Sea Coastal Road Project is one of the main infrastructure investments in Turkey. It covers a large geographical area, Eastern Black Sea Region, and some districts/provinces in the region formed an opposition movement against the project which objected to sea-filling method and destruction of coasts. The fieldwork of the study was conducted in seven districts/provinces of Eastern Black Sea Region. They were investigated in terms of their mobilization dynamics, tactics and the outcomes of the opposition movement. The main analysis is based on an evaluative approach and qualitative research. The fieldwork of the study was conducted in the periods of March 16, 2002 to March 24, 2002 and April 13, 2006 to April 20, 2006. In-depth-interviews and focus groups with local activists are used as data collection techniques. The seven cases-regions displayed some differences in their opposition movement in terms of the mobilization, tactics and the outcome. In the districts, most crucial for mobilization were the political party affiliation and the economic opportunity structures. The project being a part of governmental policy and the perception by the public, living in the region that the road is needed strongly affected dynamics, tactics and outcomes of the movement.

Quality Of Life In Turkey: A Comparative Analysis With The European Union Member States

Kaya, Safak 01 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
This study aims to describe the quality of life of Turkey in comparison with the European Union Member States including the other candidate countries Bulgaria and Romania. The main question in the study is to determine where Turkey stands in terms of quality of life domains in the membership process to the European Union. For this aim, &ldquo / The European Quality of Life Survey&rdquo / that has been launched in 2003 including 28 countries in Europe has been used. The survey consists of eight life domains including different objective and subjective indicators to measure the quality of life in these countries. The findings revealed that although Turkey displays similar patterns with the other candidate countries, it lags behind the European Union Member States in most of these eight quality of life domains.

Social And Economic Resources And Physical Abuse Against Women By Their Husbands

Hacioglu, Nilufer 01 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
This study was undertaken with the objective of analysis of domestic violence against women by their husbands in terms of resource theory and its concepts. Domestic violence against women is a widespread social problem that can be observed in all societies. Studies on domestic violence in the past ten years were an important mechanism for bringing many women&rsquo / s experiences of discrimination and vulnerability to public attention. According to resource theory, major sets of resources like economic variables, prestige, force, and kinship are significant factors to explain domestic violence against women. These resources are indicators of power and the lack of ability of men to reach these resources or women&rsquo / s ability to get these resources can affect power relations in the family and cause conflict.

The Experiences Of British Citizens In Didim A Coastal Town In Turkey: A Case Of Lifestyle Migration

Nudrali, F.ozlem 01 January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this thesis is providing an initial insight into the quite recent Northern European immigration to Coastal Turkey through exploring its causes and consequences within the context of a particular locality, Didim where a single nationality group, the British, comprise the most prominent lifestyle migrant category. In that frame, three aspects of the migratory move namely the causes and the meaning of the move through the migrant narratives / the new social spaces created in terms of everyday practices of the migrants and the interactions with the locals / and the meanings of the changes for the locals have been elaborated. Within a descriptive ethnographic approach, in depth interviews were conducted in Didim with 20 British lifestyle migrants and 20 locals. It is found out that while the migratory move to Didim is a strategy devised by the British migrants to react to the broader social and cultural changes impacting their lives / the meaning of the same move for the locals of Didim is a change impacting their lives which requires devising new strategies for coping and for challenging. The encounters and co-habitation of the two groups of people from countries of different affluence levels and with a significant cultural distance, in the social setting of migration transgressing the boundaries of the already established context of international tourism, shape the daily life in Didim through the new social spaces being constructed and identities being constantly re-negotiated.

Women Victimization: In The Case Of Family Honor In Turkey

Okyay, Gaye 01 May 2007 (has links) (PDF)
This study is conducted in order to obtain information on the causes and methods of killings grounded by honor, and through which processes and by whom these killings are realized. The rationale behind honor killings is based on a primitive understanding of justice. The relatives of the killed person assume the honor of their family, clan etc. is cleaned, and justice achieved. What may be the reasons of the persistence of such an understanding of justice in present day? In trying to answer this question, the meaning and perception of the concept of honor, the social and historical roots of the honor killings, how these killings come about, the role and impacts of these killings in society are examined.

Located Locally, Disseminated Nationally: A Discursive Analysis Of The Case Of Bergama Movement In Turkey

Ozen, Hayriye 01 June 2007 (has links) (PDF)
This study aims at understanding the 15-year long hegemonic struggle of the Bergama movement. In the pursuit of this aim, it first seeks to develop a conceptual framework through the articulation of the insights of Social Movement approaches within the discourse-theoretical framework of Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe. Analyzing the Bergama movement within this conceptual framework, it then argues that in spite of its emergence in the local Bergama context as a particular response to the operation of a goldmine, the Bergama movement has gone beyond a local protest campaign. It constituted an anti-gold mining discourse that, tying the issue of the operation of the goldmine in Bergama to some wider issues, such as protection of environment, operation of gold mines, operation of foreign companies, rule of law, human rights, and democracy, posed challenges both to the neo-liberal economic structure and to the authoritarian state structure in the Turkish context. The study also argues that despite its initial success in providing a discursive space for the articulation of a number of unfulfilled social demands and thereby mobilizing a number of social groups, the Bergama movement gradually weakened mainly because the challenges that it posed to the hegemonic structures impelled the several forces of the status-quo to the struggle, who did not only win the popular consent to the necessity of the operation of goldmines by means of constructing a pro-mining discourse on the basis of speculations but also antagonized and repressed the protesters on the basis of inevident allegations.

The Experiences Of Urban Poverty Among Recent Immigrants In Ankara: Social Exclusion Or Not?

Taskan, Serpil 01 May 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this study is to find some indications about social exclusion in some neighbourhoods in Ankara. Social exclusion has increasingly gained importance as a concept in contemporary social sciences. To attain this aim, firstly, a theoretical framework, through which theories of the concept of social exclusion, main dynamics and differences of this concept from the concept of poverty were discussed. Secondly, a field work was carried out in some squatter settlements in Ankara known as &ldquo / poor&rdquo / , to see whether there is social exclusion perceived and lived, by analysing recent immigrants&rsquo / daily life experiences of urban poverty and social exclusion. In this study, a qualitative approach formed the basis and in-depth interview were collected. The in-depth interviews were realized with 8 men, as heads of households, and 7 women, as spouses of heads of households, living in squatter settlements in Ankara in February and March 2007. All interviews were recorded and transcribed for the analysis Since De Haan&rsquo / s (1998) theory of social exclusion shaped the theoretical fame, his methodology and operationalization of social exclusion&rsquo / s multi-dimensionality were adapted in an attempt to identify experiences and &ldquo / examples&rdquo / of excluded and processes forming their exclusions. In conclusion, two main indicators&rsquo / , gender and ethnicity, impacts on the respondents&rsquo / experiences and perceptions of social exclusion appeared as follows: Gender has not appeared as a striking indicator that makes women perceive themselves as excluded. The reason for this has to be seen in the fact that do not have had any serious experiences of social exclusion. They did not mention any conditions of exclusion in terms of economic, social, cultural and political participation in the society that would lead to the experience of exclusion or to a perception of themselves as excluded. The recent women migrants interviewed have a very limited social interaction and direct participation in the social and local life. A reason might be seen in the existing patriarchal system still controlling gender roles in general and a lack of trust of the interviewed women migrants towards their social environment. Ethnicity, however, as an indicator has more determining effects on the respondents&rsquo / experiences of exclusion and on their perception of being excluded. Forcibly migrated Kurdish respondents&rsquo / experiences after migration to Ankara indicate that, their ethnic identity is a dynamic factor since: first, it results in exclusion from economic and social domains of life, though it does not make them be the &ldquo / poorest&rdquo / second, it makes them perceive themselves as excluded from these domains. Thus, at the last stage, it leads them into a kind of &ldquo / isolation&rdquo / from society, as response to exclusive attitudes of the society. In reaction they form ethnic based &ldquo / semi-isolated communities&rdquo / which can be described as: strong ethnic and familial/kinship-ties determining their social, cultural, economic life and also their geographical living spaces.

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